God of Fishing

Chapter 2440: Enlightenment, Wings of the Void

Among the stars, Han Fei and that light spot have been chasing for a long time.

After some thinking, Han Fei also calmed down. He must have missed something. Although this light spot seems to use a similar space avenue to myself, there must be mystery in it.


A brand new chase unfolded again, this time, Han Fei did not use the Avenue of Time. It is simply chasing at eight times the speed of light.

He is not in a hurry, but is observing the power changes in the surrounding space. Even if you haven't encountered this speed inheritance, you still need to study it. Now that you have encountered it, it doesn't make sense to study it!

Moreover, after a round of chasing, Han Fei seemed to have some enlightenment. It seems that both myself and this light spot are accelerating by space gravity and thrust. However, the opponent seems to be able to absorb some inexplicable things while running in this void world. These inexplicable forces are the cause of its faster speed.

"What can we learn from this world?"

"This is the power that exists between the heavens and the earth and the stars, and is not caused by him. The only explanation should be the power of the Dao, but if it involves the absorption of the power of the Dao, I should be able to perceive it. And, the Dao The power should not have the ability to directly accelerate..."

Han Fei was analyzing it in his mind, and he thought, since he doesn't understand, then just learn to do it.

When Han Fei urged the space avenue and was rushing to absorb the power of the avenue, he suddenly felt that in the process of gathering the power of the avenue, he saw some Taoist patterns hidden outside the avenue.


Han Fei took a deep breath at the time, Dao Wen? How can Dao lines appear?

Han Fei's heart shook wildly, and the Dao Marks existed between the heaven and the earth, and he could gather by himself. When studying the Book of Rong Dao, Han Fei had already mastered the lines of Heaven’s Dao, but Han Fei’s method of condensing Dao lines was actually based on his own avenue. Tianrong Tao, Tao Wen Fangcheng.

But in reality, Han Fei has never found a Dao pattern that naturally exists.


Suddenly, Han Fei stopped, fucking, he seemed a bit stupid. There are rules in the heaven and the earth, which can define ten thousand laws, can nurture great roads, and can carry sentient beings. These rules are Tao, which can carry the Tao of sentient beings.

Flowers also have rhizomes and veins, as do plants and trees. All things of all ethnic groups, including stone carvings, dust, sand, and ice crystals, have their structural patterns. If you want to say, it is actually the Dao pattern condensed on the sentient beings.

For example, the structure of ice crystals is symmetrical, with regular hexagonal crystals, and this structure continues indefinitely.

For another example, tortoises and many crustacean creatures are naturally gifted with moire patterns, which now seems to be a kind of Dao pattern.

Therefore, the existence of Dao Wen does not mean that it cannot blend Dao into the sky by itself, but it exists in itself. I just found them using the method of integrating Dao into the sky.

In this rapid, under the torrent of speed, because of the inertia of the speed, it will actually provoke the road markings that are unique to speed. But because the speed was too fast, it was too late to look back and couldn't find the existence of these lines.


"Come again!"

Han Fei suddenly laughed and continued pursuing at full speed. At first, he naturally couldn't catch up. However, when Han Fei's speed surged to eight times the speed of light, those lines of speed and streamline that flowed behind him, lined up by the Space Avenue, gathered and imprinted himself.


It feels as if the car has turned on nitrogen acceleration, and the body has become part of the speed.

Suddenly, Han Fei's speed skyrocketed by more than 30%. Almost instantly, for the first time in his life, Han Fei surpassed ten times the speed of light.

In fact, this is a very simple truth, but most people don't understand it. Even if you understand it, not everyone can absorb Dao Wen anytime and anywhere. Because they couldn't do what they did, Dao Wen took it easy.

Even Han Fei understood it all at once. Many people certainly understand this truth. But those who understand, don't talk about it casually.

He even understood that those heavenly races, the big races, and other major races in the late stage of Transforming Stars, obviously they are not very strong, but the speed is very fast, which can reach eight times the speed of light.

At first, Han Fei thought it was because of their high realm. But in fact, his current realm is not low. In theory, he is only half a step away from the late stage of Huaxing.

But now it seems that it is not. Those people are afraid they have known it a long time ago, right? They may not be able to master all the Dao Marks, but only speed and other special Dao Mark classics should still be available to those big forces.

Han Fei thought, it seemed like Brother Qinglong asked himself when he had a meeting in the Void Temple last time. But at that time, I asked a lot of questions, so Brother Qinglong didn't ask any more.

Thinking about it now, maybe that brother, Qinglong brother wants to tell himself, right?


Han Fei couldn't laugh or cry for a while, but he didn't expect that he would be eight times the speed of light. This is still borrowing from the origin of the world to fully understand some of the profound characteristics of the space avenue.

It turns out that I can actually achieve ten times the speed of light long ago!

At this moment, Han Fei exploded at a terrifying speed of 11 times the speed of light. At that moment, the speed of 11 times the speed of light seemed to distort the space, forming a closed super-light speed space.

This time, Han Fei barely caught up with the light spot, but it was obviously a bit short, and Han Fei felt that it was just a bit short.

However, Han Fei did not choose to wait. Instead, he used the Avenue of Time to bless him. In an instant, Han Fei's speed of light skyrocketed again, sprinting to nearly 14 times the speed of light.


This time, the light spot finally failed to pass, and was caught by Han Fei a little away.

Suddenly, the world around him changed, and Han Fei once again returned to the Palace of Enlightenment. And Han Fei's heart had a big trick.

"Wings of the Void" [Open Heaven Realm God Product]

Introduction: The speed space formed with the blessing of the void pattern and the speed pattern. In this space, you can continuously absorb the void pattern and speed pattern to enhance the speed of the subject. The final formation of the speed space will encounter the super-light barrier, jump over the super-light barrier, and form wings of the void. The wings of the void can provide up to ten times the speed of light blessing, and the maintenance of the wings of the void must be above 18 times the speed of light, otherwise it cannot be maintained.

Deduction: unknown

Deduction consumption: 1 million celestial spirit

Effect: form wings of the void, gain speed bonus

Disadvantages: The formation of the wings of the void requires 18 times the speed of light.

Note 1: 18 times the speed of light is a super light barrier, similar to a sound barrier. Beyond this barrier, a light burst will form.

Note 2: The current deduction limit of the demon pot refining has been reached, and the deduction again will involve the mysterious world and will damage the demon pot refining.


Han Fei's eyelids twitched. This time, he took a trick. Because he has studied the Book of Rong Dao, he can easily gather Dao lines. Otherwise, he didn't know when he would get this Void Wing.

However, it was the first time Han Fei heard of the super-light barrier.

I still remember the first wall I encountered when I entered the Shendu Enlightenment Palace. The "Speed ​​of Light" left on the wall mentioned that the sword technique can reach 18 times the speed of light.

At first, Han Fei was also bluffed. Because it was 18 times the speed of light, he would definitely not be able to catch it.

But now, Han Fei knew that under his limit state, the speed could reach 14 times the speed of light. When he reaches 18 times the speed of light, the meaning of the wings of the void will be great. But at present, this technique is of little use to me, because my fastest speed is only 14 times the speed of light.

At this moment, Han Fei's heart suddenly became clear, and the shortcomings of his lack of speed all the time were gone. I don't need to spend any more time to understand, to pursue the limit of speed.

At least, at present, his speed is no longer what anyone can catch up casually. Even if it is the Great Perfection, the speed may be only about 9 times the speed of light to 10 times the speed of light. Even if it was Zhao Qinglong, Han Fei thought that his limit speed should not exceed his limit speed.

Last time Zhao Qinglong showed over ten times the speed of light, Han Fei was still shocked at the time, and that was why he believed that he was completely lost to Zhao Qinglong at the time.

But now, Han Fei suddenly wanted to run into Zhao Qinglong. I don't know where he can suppress himself now?

Han Fei came back to his senses, the spot of light here has disappeared, but this shouldn't be a one-off. Maybe someone else will be able to meet this light spot in the future, but whether the person can comprehend it depends entirely on it.

And Han Fei didn't know how much time he spent, but he estimated it should be long. Because in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, I chased it several times, plus comprehension and observation, I don’t know how much time I have left. uukanshu.com, but at least the points have not been deducted, which means that I have not been in Shendu Enlightenment Palace for less than three days.

And Han Fei didn't know that at this moment, people like Zhao Qinglong had already appeared in the outside world, and they were all sitting and watching, as if digesting what they had gotten.

Han Fei is now in perfect mood, but he is not in a hurry, because he feels that he has nothing to pursue in a short period of time. In this 10,000-year competition, he has gained too many benefits. I really hope to have a hundred years of free time. So that you can digest and digest well.

Han Fei passed through more than a dozen intersections, ignoring the seven or eight great techniques engraved on the walls of the maze, and was looking for his next chance.

Not to mention, this opportunity came very fast, and it only took about half an hour to get Han's wings of the void.

It's just that the chances are a little different this time. Han Fei saw the phantom of a young man with his back facing him, why he was determined to be a young man, that was a feeling.

Han Fei's eyes lit up, and it seemed that he had another chance. After he approached, he heard the young man say: "Ahead, there is no way!"

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