God of Fishing

Chapter 2450: The Tournament of Kings (Part 2)

The artifact itself is not extremely shocking. What is shocking is that it is very difficult for a sea-piping realm to recognize the master, even if it is a low-grade artifact.

All this requires opportunity, without enough energy and blood, without enough conditions, just recognizing the master, a divine weapon may **** you, a sea-penetrating realm powerhouse, to death.

Of course, what shocked the audience was not just Zhang Xuanyu who possessed an artifact. Rather, what he has is a gun. Moreover, the gun in Zhang Xuanyu's hand had a weird head.

If Zhang Xuanyu just broke through Jiatian's shield armor with the best Dinghai Bizarre Treasure, then such a sharp spear, can Jiatian be able to stop it when it explodes?

At this moment, Jia Tian shook his head and said: "Forget it, wait until the top 32 wheels fight with you! You win this game."

Jia Tianma slid up and moved his muscles and bones, as if nothing happened.

And Zhang Xuanyu carried the gun and said: "It's not that I win, I can win. You may still have tricks, but I can also fight, and you can be stronger. If you want to see the top 32, then pray that you don't It's been brushed!"

Jia Tian smiled softly, did not respond, and left on his own.

Just listen to the referee shouting: "Zhang Xuanyusheng..."


Countless people started wailing.

Someone cried and said, "I made a bet! Can you not be so casual?"

Someone sighed: "My money! I have pressured a lot."

Someone sneered: "How much can you suppress, how much do you have? Okay, this is between five and five. Who can tell?"

On Han Fei's side, Feng Xingliu's face turned green, and he snarled angrily: "What is it, he said he won't fight if he doesn't? Even the special skin is not broken. I want to report it. This is a fake match. Also. My money is..."

Han Fei didn't want this guy to do something embarrassing, and immediately grabbed Feng Xingliu: "Ah, oh! You stop, don't I make a fortune? I'll give you some points."

Cao Mengde also said: "Brother Xingliu, it's okay, it's okay, I have earned some, and I will share your points."

Wu Bufan: "My own brother, your resources are a mere 100,000 li, so I am embarrassed to go to other people's casinos. I will give you points too..."

Feng Xingliu was speechless: "No, you all bought it?"

"Boom! Phoo~"

I saw Wu Bufan smoking a big pipe and said: "Look at what you said, Brother Fei is suppressed, we must follow! Don't worry, we will earn it back in the next game."

Feng Xingliu: "..."

Feng Qingcheng looked at Feng Xingliu contemptuously and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter how many resources you win. What's important is that this is Zhang Xuanyu's ultimate move. You also use a gun. You can learn something."

Suddenly, Feng Xingliu exploded: "I will learn from him in the late stage of my dignified transformation? Does he look as good as me?"

Everyone: "..."

Seeing Feng Xingliu's incompetence and furious, Han Fei shrugged and was speechless. He didn't expect that this servant would be more handsome than him. You are so bad, you have to be more handsome, really... I never compare. Otherwise, in the future, waiting for you to see the men who are rioting at Canghaihaimutian, I am afraid they will be able to compare their tears.

However, Han Fei was a little curious, and Zhang Xuanyu also had an artifact. It seems that he has indeed experienced a lot during this period. Otherwise, even if it is a low-grade artifact, it is not something that can be obtained by casual cultivators.

You know, even Feng Qingcheng only had one artifact beside him, and later he gave another one.

Does the Phoenix Protoss have no artifacts? Of course it is impossible, but the artifact, which seriously affects one's true combat power. Therefore, if you really want to fight, you still have to be the best Dinghai Bizarre Treasure, in order to fully display and demonstrate your combat power.

Here, as soon as Zhang Xuanyu stepped into the ring, he heard Nezha's clone speak: "Come on! I'll give you a superb Dinghai Bizarre Treasure."

Zhang Xuanyu was not afraid of being heard, anyway, he was communicating with Nezha, and no one knew that he was communicating with Han Fei.

Zhang Xuanyu responded: "Look at you, stingy? Just a superb Dinghai Bizarre Treasure?"

Han Fei: "Then two handles, how many handles do you expect you to break?"

But in fact, it is of course impossible for Han Fei to give Zhang Xuanyu only two top-quality treasures of the sea. Now that I have seen it, my brother, since childhood, how can I care about such a thing?

Through Nezha's hand, Han Fei gave Zhang Xuanyu a soul-suppressing artifact. The reason for this is because this thing only serves as a patron saint soul. Although Zhang Xuanyu's soul sea is not weak, having a soul-suppressing artifact in his hand is also a guarantee.

As for other artifacts, Han Fei won't give it to him for the time being. If there is another chance to meet, I will talk about it then. But it is estimated that Zhang Xuanyu should be able to get it by virtue of his own ability at that time.

On the same day, it was finally Zhang Daqian's turn to compete. This was the first round of elimination. Zhang Daqian's clone was ranked at the end. The opponent was not a popular player, but a murloc that was said to be a Lei tribe.

This Lei Clan murloc is extremely powerful, and they don’t look good. I heard that the belly can be used as a drum to hammer and hammer the belly to magnify their soul power. This is the innate magical power of the Thunder Clan Murloc.

However, in this battle, no one is optimistic about this Lei murloc. It's because I haven't seen the power of Divine Soul before. But encountering this Fengliu, it is useless at all.

Even, many people speculated that Ye Fengliu was because of the soul-suppressing artifact. But only Han Fei knows that Zhang Daqian's clone has a super high level of magic resistance and physical resistance. Even at the pinnacle of Pihai, if the opponent's burst of power or spirit attack cannot reach more than twice that of Zhang Daqian's clone, he will be Zhang Daqian. The Great Thousand clone swallowed and transformed into its own power.

It seemed that Zhang Daqian's attributes were declining, because he used to resist 90% of the attacks and all the spirit powers within the tenth level. But at the peak of Pihai, this span is too large and the evaluation is also decreasing.

However, this is actually easy to handle, as long as Zhang Daqian's body can die once, as long as Nirvana once, his all-round attributes and comprehensive strength will be directly doubled.

Up to now, because Zhang Daqian's potential is extremely high, he has not died once, which makes Han Fei feel quite a pity.

No, the voice of the mermaid named Lei Hao said: "There is no one who loses without a fight in the Lei Clan. The road is thundering."


I only saw that Lei Hao slapped his belly frantically, surrounded by thunder, and the avenue manifested. Amidst the thunder, there seemed to be a ghost, like a god.

In an instant, a deafening thunder erupted in the ring barrier. It's a pity that outside the barrier can't be heard by outsiders, they can only see sound waves and ripples, like raging storms, sweeping through Han Fei's body.

Outsiders can't feel it, but Han Fei can feel that Lei Hao's soul power is about 30% stronger than himself.

This means that if ordinary people are to be put on hold, just this roaring sound can shock others to death.

But Han Fei's body, the sound waves that came, transformed into the power of the soul, twisted on the body surface, and then dissipated. And the knife in Han Fei's hand also gathers the power of the soul, as usual, draw the knife...


"Puff chuff~"

Under the knife, in that scene, I felt that everything had become two halves, and the surging sound waves, tides, and sound waves were cut into two at the same time.

Lei Hao didn't have time to explode a stronger trick, and was directly slashed by a knife.

For a time, exclaimed everywhere.

Someone was surprised: "How many times has this been? It seems that since this guy has drawn his sword, no one can stop him? Is it possible that even the strong in the finals can't stop him. Power?"

But Zhang Xuanyu suddenly narrowed his eyes, wait, why is this so like drawing a sword?

Oh no, in other words, this is a sword drawing technique, but it is a sword drawing technique of another realm. The will, true understanding, power, and the sword drawing technique used by Han Fei before are very similar. Big difference.

However, Zhang Xuanyu hasn't seen many people who use a knife like this so far.

Zhang Xuanyu couldn't help but ask Nezha: "Hey! Does it look like? This person is quite vigorous. He has an absolute will and sword intent, and he fully demonstrates the domineering and invincible power of the sword. It is a terrible one. Opponent!"


Nezha clone just gave a "um" sound.

Zhang Xuanyu couldn't help but said: "What are you, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, what I said is the truth, people are better than you."

Zhang Xuanyu was not afraid of people hearing anything, but thought he was chatting with Nezha, and did not involve any secrets. But there are some things that only they know, so they are ambiguous, but everyone knows.

Han Fei hesitated, "He is from the city of scavengers."

"Then what's wrong? The city of scavengers is not allowed to have a sword-powerful?"

Zhang Xuanyu didn't think about Han Fei's external avatar, because he felt that Nezha was his external avatar! Han Fei never said that he still has Zhang Daqian.

The first round of knockouts ended soon.

Among them, Shui Dongze's Water God Road, controlled by Hua Lingyue, performed amazingly.

Only one of the characters in the Hot List of Pihai Realm was defeated by Zhang Xuanyu, but then the wild card came back. And it's extraordinarily easy, the opponent doesn't even have the qualifications to let his defense open a gap.

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