God of Fishing

Chapter 2451: Crazy points game rules

second round.

The most exciting battle was the battle between the popular player named Huang Quan and Bai Ranran.

And this time, it can be said that it was a battle that surprised countless people.

Huang Quan's speed is comparable to that of An Tufu, and his body can attack separately. For example, his head can fly down alone and walk a path alone. His arms can be taken off, and he can walk alone with strength. His legs are comparable to the wings of a cicada, and his body is repaired by the sand of immortality.

Bai Ranran's first companion spirit, Bailong possessed, possessed the power of the dragon clan, but in the various roads of speed, body refining, divine soul, and sand fog, it was still difficult to defeat after all.

As a last resort, Bai Ranran broke out the second companion spirit, copied the sea pen, copied the speed of Huang Quan, and copied Huang Quan's sand of immortality.

In this battle, fighting for half an hour, Bai Ranran was finally defeated because of lack of mental state.

However, this also makes people appreciate the horror of Bai Ranran. Moreover, although Bai Ranran was defeated, he would definitely return to the resurrection match.

The competition for hegemony in the finals of Pihai Realm can be described as these Pihai Tianjiao, the time when all kinds of hole cards are thrown out, its viewing is much better than the second round of Open Heaven Realm which is still slowly and slowly.

With the end of the three elimination rounds, a basic ranking will be obtained based on the basic points of the previous elimination rounds and the ranking of the qualification orders.

The free challenge from the second half to the first half of the ranking is determined by the contestants, and the challenged has no right to refute.

However, in order to avoid the emergence of wheel warfare, a single challenged person is challenged up to three times. And every time you need to be in the peak state, you can be challenged.

Some of these big guys are not challenged at all. For example, the few guys in the hot list, such as Zhang Daqian, Huang Quan, Jiatian, and Zhang Xuanyu, no one will look at them at all. pass.

Among the others, Ne Zha was challenged twice, Feng Qingcheng was challenged twice, and Bai Ranran was challenged once. An Butcher erupted with Divine Drop Technique and Sky Cicada's Wings and barely counterattacked. The rest of them fought back and forth anyway, contributing to a battle, and it was mesmerized by the spectators.

Among them, Han Fei had borrowed the opportunity of gambling and made several heavy bets, earning 2 million li in resources. Then the rules of the casino were changed. It was said that it was a single bet with a maximum of 100,000 miles of resources. It appealed to everyone to play rationally and never addicted to gambling.

Seeing that there is no money to bet, and the difference in odds between these strong players is not too great, Han Fei has no intention of betting anymore.

However, Zhang Xuanyu told Han Fei that as long as he plays, he must bet for him. Han Fei is not short of resources, but he is very short. This Han Fei did not refuse. He knew that it was actually difficult to obtain resources, and Zhang Xuanyu had never asked him. He knew that the strong were never fed by other people's resources, but by themselves.

For example, gambling is a rare benefit for them, which is equivalent to losing money from the sky. Of course, they have to seize the opportunity.

It took less than two months from the elimination rounds to the final of the top 32.

The top 32 is the points match, and the points match will take a long time. Almost everyone has to fight with 31 other people. If there are similar scorers later, the same scorers will be compared again, and they must be listed one after the other.

In this format, the rules are relatively more complicated.

First, the points match is not random, but one person will play 31 games before the next person's turn.

Second, there are a total of 10 days in the points tournament. Everyone has to play three games every day. In theory, they have to play four games on the last day. If you can't tell the outcome, then keep playing, and continue to accumulate the three games the next day. In other words, if you only played one game on the first day, you would have to play five games on the second day, and so on.

Anyway, a person only has 10 days of fighting time. Therefore, a reasonable surrender may be a good choice.

Because in theory, as long as you play three games a day and finish as soon as possible, you can get some rest.

Wu, the most important thing is that in the game, if you are injured badly or something, as long as you are not dead, no one will care. So, whenever you suffer a serious injury any day, you have to consider losing the next two games, ending the day's game, and then going to recuperate and heal your injury.

Winning in a row counts as a bonus point. Win three games in a row and add one point. Winning six games in a row is one point plus two points, for a total of three points. By analogy at three times the speed. If you win 30 games in a row, you can add 55 points in total. Of course, once the winning streak is broken, the number of winning streaks will have to be accumulated again.

Fourth, one point can be added to the end of the game one day early. Two days in advance, one point plus two points, adding three points in total. And so on. If 31 battles can be completed in one day, a total of 45 points can be added.

In other words, the final score of the finals of the Ten Thousand Years Competition is 31 points plus 55 points plus 45 points, for a total of 131 points.

This competition system can be said to be abnormal.

When the referee announced the competition system, everyone thought the Ten Thousand Years Tournament was crazy. Who could get this total score of 131 points?

This requires that the contestants need to win 31 games in one day with a record of complete victories.

The audience included the top 32 advancers, and they were also bewildered to hear this format. This is the top thirty-two, let alone six consecutive victories, three consecutive victories may be difficult to achieve.

Of course, they do not doubt that some people can achieve ten consecutive victories or even more consecutive victories.

And, to be fair, 31 games will be played again for every person in their turn. It won't be because of who you have fought before, and then you won't fight. Otherwise, when it's the last person's turn, he has already passively played against other people, and he will not be able to play this mechanism for three consecutive games a day.

But even so, it's still a bit unfair, because it's very likely that when you play, your hole cards are exposed in the early stage, and you will be targeted when you use them again later.

But there is no other way. The competition system is like this. The competition system itself seems very unreasonable. What if you add a little unreasonable? Anyway, no one will make trouble. Most people just watch the show. There are only 32 people who play the game. Even if it makes trouble, how much splash can be produced.

At this moment, after advancing to the top 32, the order of appearances has come out. An unpopular player named Xiang Qian was the first to appear. Among the top ten shots, only one is the top ten hottest player. That is Jia Tian, ​​the sixth appearance. Then, there were 11 appearances, Shui Dongze among the top ten hottest players, and then 16th, to Nezha, and then An Butcher, Hua Lingyue, and Feng Qingcheng ranked 17th and 18th in a row. , 19 people. The avatar Zhang Daqian made the 26th appearance, and Zhang Xuanyu made the 28th appearance.

When this ranking came out, to be honest, others didn't think so much, it seemed like nothing.

However, only the contestants can feel the difference.

At this moment, Nezha avatar and Zhang Xuanyu are chatting.

Just listen to Zhang Xuanyu said: "There must be an inside story in this final points match. You think, the more you go to the middle row, the most advantageous. These people are actually the same in strength, except for Jia Tian, ​​they can't have many consecutive victories. However, they can test out the hole cards of many people. You think that when these hole cards appear, it is easy to be grasped by the people in the middle position and find the time to crack. The most disadvantaged is that I and Ye Fengliu. That position shot. Basically, I have fought with the top ten hottest players, so the chances of winning streaks are not great. The winning streak is broken. According to this point system, it will only become harder and harder to fight. Moreover, the strong players are behind. , The lower the probability of maintaining a winning streak..."

Han Fei's eyes flickered: "There is a problem, but the problem should not be the rule itself, but the ranking."

Zhang Xuanyu frowned slightly: "How do you say?"

Han Fei: "The rule itself is to encourage the contestants to fight quickly and efficiently and win more victories. It seems that they are squeezing all the strength of the contestants crazily. The rule makers don't care who comes first and who Those who played later would all come out anyway. But if someone masters the rankings, and if they have enough strength, they can indeed make many unexpected changes in the points match. The Shui Dongze is the second top ten favorite to appear. The strong, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is quite high. This person has always been low-key before, but now it seems that his identity is not ordinary?"

Zhang Xuanyu said in surprise: "Do you suspect him?"

Han Fei; "Under relative conditions, whoever has the most advantage is the most doubtful. And, do you think people care about our suspicion? If it is me, I don’t care, I only need to get what I should get Just reward. You guess I cheated, I cheated! What can you do with me?"

Zhang Xuanyu's eyes widened: "This is fine too?"

Han Fei remembered that Zhou Run, they directly bought into their team and assigned them to the same team. Is this Hongguoguo's cheating? No one is against it?

Therefore, Han Fei felt that 100% of this incident was done by that Shui Dongze, and they didn't care about being discovered by others.

The point is, you have no evidence.

Han Fei: "Heh! Although I don't care about this, I have to see, who is this person?"

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