God of Fishing

Chapter 2488: Time vs. Dragon (Part 1)

When Han Fei saw Zhao Qinglong's horrible blow, he knew he couldn't stop it.

This is no longer the power of the Open Heaven Realm. According to Jiu Shu, this power has already surpassed billions of waves. If converted into a new power system, it is a terrifying power exceeding the power of 100 stars. This is the category of the emperor. .

However, no matter what power it was, Han Fei knew that this was a powerful blow that Zhao Qinglong had sacrificed something in exchange for.

Otherwise, Zhao Qinglong wouldn't win against himself with invincibility, and his path would also fall apart.

Therefore, in the face of this blow, Han Fei did not take a step back. After retreating, his road of invincibility collapsed, so he could not retreat.

Only saw Han Fei clenched his fists, the magic star fist, as if grabbing two big stars in his hand, detonating on the spot.


Although Shenshu is strong, Han Fei currently only masters the first level of Star Boxing, that is, the Starburst Realm. Although it cannot be said to be weak, but at the limit state, it is only 80% of the weakest emperor's blow. strength.

It's a pity, just look at the detonated star, the blood knife that was sprayed out by Zhao Qinglong's mouth, and it went straight by.

In the void, the emperor sighed slightly: "Unfortunately, Han Fei's time to acquire Star Boxing is too short to comprehend the essence of Star Boxing, thinking that Star Boxing is an explosion. Otherwise, if he truly understands the Fist of Silence, it might be I can stop it."

Someone nodded: "It's a mere few years, and there is still a one-hundred-thousand-year comparison. There really is not much time to study the star boxing. After all, this son is going to die, and it is still not to be underestimated."

At that moment, the Heavenly Clan powerhouse snorted coldly, seeming to think that Han Fei's death in Zhao Qinglong's hands was a bargain to him.

But when the blood knife cut through the star boxing and fell on Han Fei, the dazzling golden light enveloped thousands of miles. At that moment, there was indeed a roar of avenues in the sky, but there was only a roar, not the avenue.

Also at the moment when the avenue was roaring, many emperors' eyes widened.

On the Celestial Clan side, the emperor exclaimed: "How is it possible, how can he take this blow?"

There is a big clan powerhouse with a stunned expression: "Dharma body double exemption, he is now in a state of Dharma body double exemption. What is this? Is this also a phenomenon of Invincible Road?"

Someone shockedly said, "Invincible Road is really invincible?"

In Zhao Qinglong's body, the black dragon was also shocked: "Impossible, Invincible Road is just a statement, how can there be a truly invincible state?"

For a while, everyone saw that in the dazzling golden light, Han Fei was all right, and even a layer of skin was not broken on his body.

Zhao Qinglong's power passed by Han Fei.

However, these people didn't know that at that moment, Han Fei had already spent his life. This is the power of the life-changing avenue. Yi Qianxing can change skins indefinitely, but the road is obviously wrong. You don't need to change indefinitely, just change once and save your life.


Even though Zhao Qinglong has become a blood man at this moment, his heart is still overwhelmed. Just as Qinglong said, Invincible Road is just a saying, a kind of spiritual will. How could this thing appear to be truly invincible, the law and body are free, and it may even be invaded by all poisons and immortal at this moment. This road is too exaggerated.

Zhao Qinglong suddenly felt that this is the deeper state of Invincible Road?


At this moment, Han Fei moved, completely exploding 14 times the speed of light. At this time, there is no need to hide and tuck, Zhao Qinglong's invincible road, he is definitely going to grab it.


At that moment, Han Fei held a sledgehammer in his hand, "Boom Boom Boom" blasted out more than three thousand hammers in an instant, and each hammer was a collection of all Han Fei's strength in that moment.

The Hammer of Limits, Han Fei has never used it until now in the Shendu Enlightenment Palace. Today, Han Fei also needs a domineering force to suppress and crush Zhao Qinglong's will.

Only by crushing can Zhao Qinglong's invincible road collapse.

"What, is the hammer of the limit?"

The look of a big clan powerhouse changed drastically: "Isn't this the hammering method of Jidao Body Refining Flow? Han Fei actually embarked on Jidao?"

Someone sneered: "Well, well, there are people who are so afraid of death and have to pursue the ultimate way. Those who are the ultimate way, be punishable."

However, some people looked moved and said, "No, if Han Fei walks the extreme body refining stream, then what is going on with his Yang God? Where does the extreme body refining stream come from?"

In this question, many people who asked were also confused, yes, where is the Yang God from the Extreme Body Refining Flow? Moreover, Han Fei's Yang Shen is still very strong, which is verified by facts.

However, some people said: "This is the most important thing? Master the hammer of the limit, even if he is not a practitioner of the extreme path, he is still sitting right now."

"Boom boom boom~"

Zhao Qinglong broke out with a super strong blow, thinking that he could directly penetrate Han Fei. Who could have guessed that Han Fei could not be hurt at all.

On the contrary, at this moment, Zhao Qinglong, who was in a severely injured state, was bombarded beyond recognition after only suffering from Han Fei's less than a hundred hammers.


Zhao Qinglong broke out an unwilling roar at this moment, but it was too late. He was defeated and defeated completely. The invincible road in his heart collapsed instantly at this moment.

And Han Fei felt that a golden light road appeared from Zhao Qinglong's body. This road turned into golden light and went crazy into his body.

Is this the avenue swallowed?

But at this moment when Han Fei swallowed the avenue, suddenly, a "dragon chant" exploded and appeared in Han Fei's ears. Fortunately, Han Fei was still in a state of invincibility with three breaths at this moment. Therefore, even with this dragon chant, a terrifying soul attack, it did not sway Han Fei.

At this moment, Han Fei retreated, because Zhao Qinglong was no longer Zhao Qinglong. The black dragon temporarily controlled his body, and Zhao Qinglong at this time became a real emperor-level powerhouse in a short period of time.

At the moment when Han Feibo withdrew, the golden ripples on his body surface gradually disappeared. This means that the invincible effect brought by his life-changing avenue has lost its effect at this moment.

Zhao Qinglong looks at Han Fei at this moment, oh no, it should be said that Heilong looks at Han Fei at this moment, with a fierce look: "Invincible Road is not a good road. It doesn't matter if it breaks, it doesn't break or stand. It's you, **** it."

Zhao Qinglong's physical injury seemed to be forcibly repaired by some kind of force at once. This made some emperors who had been prepared to take a shot at this moment, and there was a secret in Zhao Qinglong's body, and this secret was finally activated.

The emperor's fighting power erupted by the black dragon appeared in front of Han Fei in an instant. With the speed and strength that Han Fei could not resist, he slapped Han Fei down. All of this happened in Han Fei. In his eyes, Han Fei was almost overwhelmed.

At this moment, a blue light and shadow appeared in front of Han Fei's eyes. The black dragon's terrifying palm power was pressed on the blue light and shadow, as if pressed in the cotton, the power disappeared out of thin air.

"Temple of Time?"

Only one voice rang out slowly: "Human Han Fei, although it is just an ordinary deacon in the Temple of Time, but it is not anyone who says take it or kills it."

While speaking, the protector of Han Fei, the owner of the prophecy room of the Kingdom of God, appeared silently beside Han Fei.

Guo Lao glanced at Han Fei and said, "What, what do you think now? If you are willing to join my Temple of Time completely, today the old man will keep you safe and sound."

Han Fei smiled slightly: "Guo Lao, which level of emperor are you? Xiaoyao, or longevity?"

Guo Lao froze for a moment: "How about Xiaoyao? Look down on Xiaoyao?"

Han Fei said lightly: "Then Guo Lao knows the opposite person, what realm is UU reading www.uukanshu.com?"

Han Fei was thinking that Brother Qinglong ranked fourth in the Void Temple. What level the big brother is, it goes without saying, the Void Temple can be classified as one of the three temples, and the big brother is definitely a great emperor, and even a half-step **** is possible.

Senior Sister Kagura has always been listening to the class on the body of the senior brother, and even sometimes, Han Fei felt that Senior Sister Kagura had a unique decision-making power in the Void Temple. Therefore, he guessed that Senior Sister Kagura was also a great emperor.

As for Senior Brother Undead and Senior Brother Qinglong, one is kind but never reveals extraordinary, the other is majestic and arrogant, maybe these two realms are almost the same.

Therefore, Han Fei thought that Brother Undead and Senior Brother Qinglong might both be in the longevity realm. Why is it determined to be the longevity stage, because since the fifth brother Tianhuangye is old, his personality looks a little lower.

And if Senior Brother Qinglong is a longevity realm, then Senior Brother Qinglong mentioned the black dragon several times, and it seems to be very important, then what level is the black dragon?

Therefore, if there is only this old man in the Temple of Time, and he is not an immortal state, how can he protect himself from death?

In the next moment, I only heard the black dragon's fierce voice: "It's only the Temple of Time. Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid. If you dare to threaten to protect him from death, who gives you the confidence?"

The black dragon shot, millions of miles in the sky, black clouds shrouded. Above the nine heavens, there seemed to be a dragon, and then I looked at the black cloud and turned into a black dragon for thousands of miles.

Han Fei clearly felt that Guo Lao around him changed his expression.

Guo Lao, with a surprised look: "Are you, a pure blood dragon?"

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