God of Fishing

Chapter 2489: Time vs. Dragon (Part 2)

Heilong didn't respond to Guo Lao's words, but a mouthful of dragon flame, sprayed directly.

In front of Guo Lao, time was distorted, and Long Yan was divided in the distorted time, and his final lethality was almost non-existent.

But the black dragon stuck out a claw, and layers of time barriers, time warping, time slowing and other forces were directly torn through, which made Han Fei a shock.

For the first time, he had a new definition of speed and power. It was clear that he had grasped the claw, and he was clearly visible, but the next moment, he saw that a long river of time was penetrated, and that claw had passed time. Trying to shred Guo Lao.

And this Guo Lao has been rolling up a river for a long time, like a swell slap, three times before it doused this claw.

However, Guo Lao's expression changed drastically: "Eternal Life Realm?"


Han Fei's heart was stunned at the time, this should be the black dragon in this special situation now, he should have been severely injured, hiding in Zhao Qinglong's body.

That's it, this black dragon has a longevity state, what if it is in a complete state?

If it wasn't for Zhao Qinglong's body's restriction on it, wouldn't it have to go to the level of the emperor?

Not only Han Fei was shocked, but those emperors in secret, which one was not shocked?

At the beginning of the practice, isn't the biggest purpose for longevity? However, the four realms of the emperor, the realm of longevity, also represent that the road of practice has reached a theoretical limit.

The existence of the emperor needs to break the limit. But just so casually, a terrifying emperor with an immortal realm appeared. Who can stay still?

At that moment, some of the onlookers secretly contacted the strong and spread the matter out.

The existence of an immortal state is very important, and this news is very important.

Han Fei frowned slightly. During the last few days of the Divine Capital Dynasty, he lay in the courtyard and waited for the old Guo Lao from the Temple of Time.

From the very beginning, he couldn't see through the strength of this person, so he naturally guessed boldly, thinking that this person was an emperor-level powerhouse.

Facts have proved that this is a terrifying powerhouse at the peak of Emperor Xiaoyao. However, at that time Guo Lao asked him if he wanted to join the Temple of Time, and Han Fei said that if the Temple of Time could keep him safe, he could consider joining.

The reason for saying this is that he wanted to see the strength of the Temple of Time and see if he could protect himself. Because when Han Fei knew that the black dragon was hidden in Zhao Qinglong's body, he could guess the power of the black dragon.

It's just that Han Fei didn't have an accurate understanding of the realm of the emperor at that time, and he didn't even know the four realms of the emperor, so he couldn't judge.

Now, it was at this moment, when Old Guo and Heilong were facing each other, Han Fei realized that this old man was at the peak level of the Freedom Realm. So, will Guo Lao be better than Senior Brother Qinglong?

Han Fei didn't believe that, Senior Brother Qinglong ranked fourth in the Void Temple, and it was absolutely impossible to be weak. However, Senior Brother Qinglong mentioned the black dragon several times, indicating that he valued the black dragon very much, so Han Fei felt that even though the old man was very strong, he might not necessarily be better than the black dragon.

Of course, there must be a reason why the black dragon hid in Zhao Qinglong's body. Therefore, his strength should not be at the peak. Looking at it this way, it is hard to say who is the winner.

But the black dragon is restricted by someone, but what about the others?

From the beginning, Han Fei was just to avoid the whereabouts of some people. When wandering, he just found a passerby to follow, and then kept a certain distance. Finally, after that person left the dynasty of the gods, he performed the twin magic, let Most people lost his whereabouts.

However, this can only prevent most of the tracking, and it is hard to say whether the Celestial Clan and these aristocratic families can catch up.

Han Fei originally thought, if the aristocratic clan could be avoided, only the heavenly clan would be left. Now, he didn't know who was watching in secret.

However, it now seems that if this old man can beat the Black Dragon, he still has to write a question mark. After all, one is the peak of Xiaoyao, and the other is the injured longevity. It's really hard to say which one is strong and weak.

After just one move, the two of them blinked and plunged into a void where time and black clouds intertwined.

Han Fei hurriedly shouted: "Oh! Guo Lao, you won't come here alone, are you?"

However, after Han Fei shouted, there was no movement for a long time.

At that time, Han Fei's whole person was not good, but he also probably guessed some reasons, that is, this person may be calculating whether or not to be an enemy of the dragon clan.

Because the dragon clan has not been born for a long time, even the Void Temple rarely mentions the dragon clan. This may be a very powerful race, so powerful that the Three Temples need to be jealous.

Now, although Guo Lao blocked the black dragon, he was silent. Don’t you know that there are many people around you staring at me? I have already felt it, can you not feel it, a strong man at the top of the free?

Han Fei's expression sank at the time, and he was still unreliable! I thought that a Happy Realm would be invincible, you see, a black dragon was dragged by you.

It was also the moment when Guo Lao and Heilong were clashing. On the Celestial Clan's side, there was a strong person who exchanged glances.

Just listen to one person: "I think it can be killed! Just now the old Guo said, Han Fei is just an ordinary deacon of the Temple of Time, right? That is also personally passed on from the Temple of Time, which is very different. Now, even the dragons are mixed in. Now, it’s heaven for Han Fei to die."

There are a few big clans, and some strong eyes are indifferent: "This son kills my grandson Cao not abandon, and seizes my grandson’s superb artifact. It should be punishable. Everyone, the Temple of Time has always ignored secular disputes. Han Fei is a cruel and violent son. If he is there, he will provoke a lot of shocks. I will wait for the shot, of course."

Someone laughed and said: "Cao defeated, I also think Han Fei should be killed, but your grandson was killed by him, so the chance of killing Han Fei is still given to you."

Some people want to continue watching the show and wait to see if Han Fei is behind the scenes. I mainly want to see if this shot will touch the Temple of Time.

And Cao Bai snorted: "Mu Liancheng, don't be yin and yang, your Mu family's Chaos Yuanshui has been robbed, why don't you try it. Let me say, everyone of the Celestial Clan, it's you who should do it, right? On the basis, on the strength, on the strong, you all know a lot better than our big clan. Others may be afraid of the Temple of Time, but you shouldn't be afraid of the Celestial Clan! Is it possible that the Temple of Time can come and annihilate your Celestial Clan? Not to mention the consequences, just for the sake of a Han Fei, how can they be so inspiring?"

On the side of the Celestial Clan, two emperors came originally this time, and the reason they were two was because they expected the possibility of clashing with the Temple of Time, and they also prevented the powerhouse of the Wind Phoenix God Clan from sheltering Han Fei.

Therefore, one of these two people is also a strong person in the free and unfettered state.

At this moment, after listening to Cao Bai's words, both of the Celestial Clan snorted coldly. However, they also knew that they couldn't give the Temple of Time too much time to react. At present, Guo Lao is entangled by the black dragon. At this time, it is the best time to win Han Fei.

I saw the clan powerhouse that day suddenly stepped out of the void, and he didn't hide it. For a Han Fei, it was not worth his sneaking.

It just so happened that he also wanted to see, in this case, who would stand up to stop his Celestial Clan.

When Han Fei saw the emperor of the day, although he didn't know who he was, he knew that he was here to kill himself, or to arrest him.

As soon as this person came out, there was a terrible coercion, and he tried to directly suppress Han Fei.

However, at this moment, Han Fei had just swallowed Zhao Qinglong's invincible road, the third eye, and the eyes, golden light, an unparalleled invincible will, plus his body.


Han Fei's muscles burst out, and his knees were slightly bent. After all, there is too much difference from this realm of strength, and he is a bit unable to hold it.

However, Han Fei yelled and said: "Which family are you from? Tell me if you have the kind, I will kill your house when I turn around, and your house will be turned upside down."

Han Fei doesn’t know if this person belongs to the Celestial Clan or the family. It's not wrong to call it that way anyway.

Hearing the words, the strong celestial clan hummed softly: "Noisy."

That soft snort entered Han Fei's ears, like a thunderstorm, and the whole person's spirit was stagnant, and he was about to use the Void Mark immediately. The Temple of Time was really unreliable, and there were no other players, and it was the right choice to not join them.

Here, Han Feigang touched the Mark of the Void, and before he could activate it, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. Seeing that graceful posture, the manner of dark wind, Han Fei was also taken aback, Queen of Terror?

Han Fei didn't expect this. Could it be that this man came to pay back his favor because he gave Wushuang an initial place?

Han Fei thinks that only this is possible. After all, although I wanted her to take in Zhou Run and several people, I also benefited. If she didn't leave the third place to Wushuang, she would definitely not get it.

Just listen to the Queen of Horror smile: "Yo! Who do I say, Yi Wulang? Bullying a junior, you can really do it, is the Celestial clan now so unlicensed? How about your young family, both Dead?"

Yi Wulang's expression was cold: "Witch Lin Qian, are you going to get involved in this matter?"

The Queen of Terror chuckled and said: "We are the enemy originally, I will help whoever you kill. Besides, Han Fei can get close to our capital of terror. In the future! In case of proving, maybe we can help. We lay down your heavenly race."

The Queen of Terror is waiting for Yi Wulang to respond. However, I heard Han Fei suddenly say: "My Lady Queen, I've decided on this matter. I will step on the feet of the Celestial Clan in the future, and please drink tea."

The **** who likes fishing, please collect it: () The **** of fishing has the fastest update speed.

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