God of Fishing

Chapter 2490: Big brother, I want to see the style of the great emperor

Han Fei was actually a little surprised. He expected that there would be no drama of the Queen of Terror.

After all, he is not familiar with the Queen of Terror. Actually he is not familiar with Wushuang, why did the Queen of Terror help herself to get ahead? This doesn't make sense.

At this moment, another strong emperor of the Celestial Clan walked out of the void. This person stepped out of the void and said lightly: "Lin Qian, if you dare to appear here now, you are not afraid of problems with the people in the capital of terror? Do you think these few people will give you a sneak attack? "

As this person spoke, his gaze swept to some areas, which was where the major families of the Shendu Dynasty were located.

Nowadays, some traitors from various big families, that is, Zhou Run and the others, are in the camp of the capital of terror. Now that the Queen of Terror appears here, they do have an idea.

Anyway, the capital of terror and the king of the gods are facing each other as enemies, and these big clans do dare to sneak attacks on the personnel returning from the capital of terror.

However, the Queen of Terror smiled faintly: "Since you dare to come, you are not afraid of sneak attacks by your spineless clans. Is it possible that you think that my city of horror, except me, is no one? Oh! Come today, it was originally. Those who want to watch the play...but I haven't understood the play yet, so I can only play it in person."

The Queen of Terror is a smart person. She thought she would meet someone from the Phoenix Protoss, but she didn't. He knew Feng Laojiu's strength, but if he was in the Happy Realm, it would be impossible to hide it even without her.

In fact.

At this moment, almost out of the East China Sea Shenzhou, Feng Xingliu was still screaming: "Uncle Jiu, how do I feel like you are running, is someone chasing us? Ask me to say, we should help Han Fei! How would you run if you want him alone? Feng Yu, do you think this is the reason?"

Feng Yu: "Just take care of yourself. You should think about how to draw up a training plan after you go back. As for Han Fei, since he dared to stay, it means he has the confidence to stay. You will stay with him. Having been together for so long, don’t you even understand this? When have you seen him suffer?"

Feng Qingcheng also nodded again and again and said: "Sister's words are very reasonable. Brother Han Fei seems to have not suffered a loss until now. It can almost be said that he has run rampantly in the Shendu Dynasty. I think there must be a very strong one behind Han Fei's dynasty. A powerful force."

When Feng Xingliu heard it, it seemed to be the same. When did Han Fei suffer?

Even the amount of gambling in the finals of the sea-breaking realm was capped and suppressed by this guy's bet. He is someone who makes a profit when he sees a cheap price. Can he suffer a loss?

It's just that Feng Xingliu didn't know how Han Fei would get rid of the chase of those strong men.

Just listen to Jiushu said: "Xingliu. It is not Jiushu that I want to come back in a hurry, but I have to come back. Do you really think the relationship between East China Sea Shenzhou and Nanhai Shenzhou is good? I will take you with Feng Yu, Qingcheng with a smile, this almost brought the next generation of leaders of the Phoenix Protoss. There are many people who want us to die. Do you want to see the Phoenix Protoss desolate?"

Feng Xingliu raised his eyebrows: "Is it so exaggerated? Dare to beat it so blatantly?"

Uncle Jiu: "People from the East China Sea Shenzhou will naturally not take action. But how do you know that the people who appear in the East China Sea Shenzhou will definitely be the people from the East China Sea Shenzhou?"

Feng Yu frowned: "Uncle Jiu, you mean, there was an abnormality on the South China Sea Shenzhou side?"

Uncle Jiu: "Did you leave this time? A new saint appeared in Miracle Forest! It is said that the top killer of the Nandou organization appeared during the coronation ceremony. The saint of Miracle Forest was injured, and the emperor of the clan fell and turned into a star. Seven people fell to Dzogchen. The most terrifying thing is that the killer ran away."


At this moment, Feng Yu and even Feng Xingliu took a breath.

Feng Xingliu said in shock: "The people from Nan Dou have entered the Miracle Forest, can they still run away?"

Uncle Jiu: "I said it was ran away. What is the specific situation? The miracle forest is very tightly sealed, and the news was not revealed. Only a new prophecy appeared, saying that a new miracle is about to be born, and I don’t know what the situation is. . But anyway, our Phoenix Protoss must also be careful, those of Nan Dou, it’s hard to say."

East China Sea Shenzhou, Han Fei's side, the appearance of the Queen of Terror suddenly attracted a large group of strong men.

At this time, all those who came were no longer hiding themselves.

Good guy, in addition to the two emperors of the Celestial Clan, the rest have come to seven emperors in total.

What Han Fei didn't understand was why it was the Seven Great Emperors, and it stands to reason that he only saved six people in the end! There are only six of the Zhou family, the Cao family, the Li family, the Luo family, the Mu family, and the Wu family. There is another emperor, where did he come out?

The Queen of Terror was also slightly surprised, and said in surprise: "If there is no elder, why are you Ghost Strait still involved in this matter?"

Han Fei's heart moved. It turned out that he was from Ghost Strait, so he wouldn't be surprised now.

Just listen to the elder Ruowu said: "Han Fei used to kill many strong men in the Ghost Strait, and even my personal disciples were killed by him. What's wrong with me? It's the queen, it's a bit unreasonable for you to come. , Because Han Fei gave your apprentice a place to start."

Queen of Terror: "Ah! What about it?"

The Queen of Terror is right and confident. If there is no elder, he will have nothing to say. He is just curious, when has the witch been so particular? In order to repay the favor, I did not hesitate to stand up alone and face so many people.

At this moment, I saw the person who came out after the heavenly clan and said lightly: "Lin Qian, you were at the peak of Xiaoyao 20,000 years ago. Then come to ask for advice. After so long, have you realized longevity? If you don't have one, …Ha ha…"

Suddenly, the person who was speaking suddenly exploded with boundless aura. The power between heaven and earth seemed to be pouring into his body. At that moment, Han Fei seemed to see a fairy god, raising his hands and feet, seeming to have a transcendent temperament.

Next to Han Fei, the Queen of Terror's face was slightly dark, and she became serious at the time, saying every word: "Long, life, state?"

Even a few members of the family next door are also horrified, Yi Jian has been promoted to the immortal realm? They didn't know this at all, and they didn't expect Yi Jian to expose it on their own initiative.

At that time, these old-fashioned guys immediately guessed the reason. Yi Jian is not joking, he really wants to hunt the capital of terror. If the Queen of Terror does not advance to the immortal realm, then he will immediately set off and sweep all the contestants in the capital of terror.

The Queen of Terror had an ugly face, and it was also ugly here. The moment the sword showed its strength, she already understood the other party's intentions.

Unexpectedly, I just wanted to blend in with Han Fei's war, but unfortunately he gave Yi Jian a reason to dig out his own strength.

Yi Jianxiao looked at the Queen of Terror: "Three, two..."


Suddenly, in front of Han Fei, the Queen of Horrors rose to the ground, stepping on the void, and the boundless anger suddenly filled the Queen who just seemed harmless to humans and animals.

Han Fei saw that the energies of heaven and earth were gathering, and there seemed to be some in the void pouring into the body of the Queen of Terror.

"Could it be that this is the longevity realm? It can absorb the vitality between the heaven and the earth, the heaven and the earth are immortal, I am immortal, this is what I mean?"

Just listen to Yi Jian grinning: "You really have been promoted to the longevity realm, no wonder you dared to come to the Divine Capital Dynasty in person this time, because you think you have confidence!"

The Queen of Terror said indifferently: "Yi Jian, watch me tear your sword door."


At that moment, Han Fei felt that the power in the entire sea behind him had been taken away by the Queen of Terror. The Queen of Terror and Yi Jian disappeared, and a large circular hole appeared in the sky.

"Nima! It's gone again."

Han Fei glanced at the place where darkness and time meet, and no one seemed to care about him. So he took a look at the heavenly clan and the aristocratic clan, and then said to the void: "Is anyone else coming to save me?"

Seeing no one responded, Han Fei said again: "Okay, let me ask again, is anyone else coming to kill me?"

No one answered yet, Han Fei was not in a hurry to face the emperors, and seemed to want to see if there was anyone left.

After waiting for a while, there was no response.

"Oh! Sure enough! The Temple of Time is still unreliable. Elder Guo! You are here alone, even I can't save it, so why should I enter your Temple of Time?"

Han Fei smashed his mouth, but didn't mean to worry at all.

At the next moment, I saw the Cao Bai from the Cao family. It seemed that he didn't want to waste time. He just listened to him shouting: "If no one comes, we will acquiesce in killing Han Feike."

After that, Cao Bai punched Han Fei. This fist mark was not a magical technique, but it was the power blasted by the emperor. The speed was not fast or slow, but it locked on Han Fei. He could not stop it. Don't want to block.

I only saw that Han Fei stood proudly and motionless, as if he hadn't seen the punch, he couldn't even block it.

At this moment, the blue appeared again, and the corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly raised, knowing that someone was still hiding.

When that fist mark was penetrated by the wheel of time, and thousands of miles away from Han Fei, a middle-aged man had sharp eyes. Instead of seeing Cao Bei, he looked at Han Fei: "Boy, this is a death today. The bureau. Even if there are people around, they won’t save you. Do you want to wait for Nandi? She is indeed watching, but if the Crossing wants to exist at sea, she can’t take action. After all, people don’t have much friendship with you."

Cao Bai and the others narrowed their eyes slightly. Sure enough, only after a trial did they know that there were really strong people in the Temple of Time, and the emperor realm strong who sneaked into the time were really hard to find.

However, this person's attitude towards Han Fei was somewhat surprised.

Han Fei was not in a hurry at this moment, and just listened to him: "So, this senior of the Temple of Time, what do you want to say?"

Middle-aged humanity: "If you want to live, you must completely join the Temple of Time. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Han Fei grinned and said, "I probably know the benefits of joining the Temple of Time, so why do you want me to join?"

Middle-aged man: "Follow me back to the Temple of Time, and the Temple will have a series of arrangements for you. With your talent, it only takes ten thousand years to ensure that you can cultivate to the happy state. Of course, the Temple of Time gives you the opportunity, and you also Know how to be grateful, to find some glory before the ages."

Han Fei knew it in his heart, and simply said that what was eternal glory is nothing more than letting himself go back in time and do something. As for what, you don't say anything, now you are crazy to draw cakes for yourself. Moreover, it sounds like I will be arranged, which is not in line with my own path of practice. Also, if you can save yourself, it depends on whether you agree to join the Temple of Time. If you don't save me, let me add a fart?

Han Fei thought, if you don't care if I agree or not, if you save it first, you can also stand in front of me, right?

Han Fei couldn't help grinning, "What if I don't want to join?"

The middle-aged man said indifferently: "The Temple of Time is just a cherishment of talents, but it does not mean that all talents must be absorbed."

For a time, Cao Bai and others looked at Han Fei one after another. At this time, they knew that if Han Fei joined and chose to join the Temple of Time, this action would probably be intercepted. Unless the Celestial Clan dispatches the strong man at the pinnacle of longevity, forcibly knocks against the Temple of Time.


However, Han Fei suddenly sneered: "No pattern, I thought I was really rare in your time temple."

I saw Han Fei, suddenly raising his head, facing the emperor, above his eyebrows, an ancient rune came out.

Just listen to Han Fei, with a high voice: "Big brother, I want to meet, the style of the emperor..."

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