God of Fishing

Chapter 2491: The Azure Dragon is here, the great emperor is glorious

"Swipe it~"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Han Fei, big brother? The emperor?

At that time, they were speechless, and they were all a little nervous. Is there really any hidden background in this son? But, the emperor! So it's an existence at the same level as Emperor Tobu!

Although the same great emperor has strengths and weaknesses, the great emperor is the great emperor, and that is the insurmountable gap between happiness and longevity.

The middle-aged man in the Temple of Time also frowned at this moment. Did you call the Great Emperor when you said it? The great emperor of the sea world has come here. And those who are not in the sea world, I’m afraid they don’t know how deep in the sea of ​​stars, you are the emperor when you speak.

However, behind Han Fei, he was suddenly covered by a white mist, and after the white mist dissipated, a huge bronze gate of a thousand feet high appeared.

When he saw this bronze door, the middle-aged man in the Temple of Light at that time had his eyes stagnated for a moment, revealing an extremely surprised look.

He secretly clenched a fist, and had a bad guess in his heart.

At that moment, the fight between Guo Lao and Heilong suddenly stopped and he looked here.

The battle between Yi Jian and Queen of Terror also stopped one after another, looking at this place from a distance.

"Squeak~ Rumble~"

The bronze door slowly opened, and the door was shrouded in a white mist, exuding radiance. In the mist, a figure stood there quietly.

The person did not move, the momentum rushed into the sky, the figure in the door raised his foot, half of his foot was just revealed, between the sky and the earth, the black cloud collapsed, the void closed, a clear breath, as the foot stepped out, swept a million miles of the sky , Shovel out all the filth.


At that moment, someone wanted to retire. Yes, the emperor on the side of the aristocratic family didn't want to see who came, because they knew that they would definitely not be able to beat it.

Someone thought, it's over, there is a great emperor behind this servant.

Some people are astonished, before they show up, they have the power to suppress the sky, and they are really about to appear. Will they be silenced when they see his face?

Some people were shocked, this is the power of the emperor? Was it tens of thousands of years ago since the last time the emperor made a shot? And most people have never seen it.

They don't know what the great emperor is, but at this moment, they feel the fear from the soul at the same time.


Even Han Fei himself swallowed at this moment, and the big brother personally appeared on the stage. This posture, this coercion, and this way of playing was a bunker.

However, just when those people wanted to retreat, they suddenly discovered that the avenue here is not controlled, the void here cannot be crossed, and even the time here is closed.

Just heard a crisp and capable voice with a slight dignity: "My junior brother said, I want to see the style of the emperor. Before I see it, are you eligible to go?"


After hearing the words, everyone felt that their scalp was numb, and they felt like a wave in their hearts. It was over, this time was over. Unexpectedly, he would give up his life because of calculating a junior.

The next moment, I saw a figure leaping out, dressed in a blue robe, tall and straight, his forehead was clear, and his eyebrows were stained with ink. His eyes are with innate majesty. His lips were slightly dark, with an air of anger. The towering bridge of the nose, thin cheeks, and proud expression made Han Fei a little confused.

However, Han Fei saw at first glance, where is this big brother? This is definitely not Senior Brother, this is clearly the Fourth Senior Brother, that is, Senior Brother Qinglong.

The entire Void Temple, there is only one that fits this temperament. Senior Sister Kagura is a senior sister, and the undead seniors certainly don't look like this. Tianhuangye always looks like a sloppy ghost. The ranks six or seven or eight below are all senior sisters. The old nine is a Zerg, and the old ten Leiheng is a domineering and unparalleled type.

With such a majestic temperament, Han Fei can turn his head off as he said that this is not the fourth brother.

At that moment, Han Fei was stunned. He thought that in the Void Temple, the emperor-level powerhouses might only be senior brothers and senior sisters Kagura. Because other people treat them respectfully.

But now, Han Fei discovered that it was a big mistake. It turned out that Senior Brother Qinglong was also the emperor.

Han Fei's heart was turbulent, and he didn't know what to say for a while, I dropped a beloved, the entire sea world, the four great emperors of east, west, north and south, suppressed the world. Is this strong enough?

But my face of the void, one of the four great emperors, to say bluntly, this combat power, this powerful, is the pattern of the temple of time comparable to that of the small family?

Han Fei hurriedly saluted: "I have seen Brother Si, Senior Brother Si is much more handsome than I thought."

Han Fei is not deceiving. Such a look is indeed very handsome. The appearance of the four brothers is not a young man in his early twenties and he is not middle-aged. He is about 30 years old, and he is both young and middle-aged. Style.

The first sight given to people is that in addition to majesty, it is arrogance, and there is also a kind of extraordinary and high spirits, which completely conforms to the description of the so-called young talent and extraordinary appearance.

The Fourth Senior Brother glanced at Han Fei, with a slight smile on his face. It was a kind of intimacy like "this is my junior".

Just listen to Senior Brother Qinglong said: "Where does the senior brother come forward for such a small matter? If it is not for the younger brother, you have to see the demeanor of the great emperor, and let the old ten come, perhaps more deterrent."


Han Fei was a little stunned. There are already enemies of the longevity realm on my side. Let Brother Lei Heng come? This...Is the senior brothers of my Void Temple so strong?

But I saw that at the Temple of Time, the middle-aged man looked solemn and said every word: "Void, emptiness, god, temple?"

Senior Brother Qinglong glanced at the middle-aged man. He didn't see Han Fei's kind attitude at all. He just snorted, "The Temple of Time, there is really no pattern. Since you want to help, then help and be decent. The powerhouse of the point. What are you? Do you dare to arrange for my junior brother?"

While talking, Senior Brother Qinglong turned towards the middle-aged man in the Temple of Light at that time, with one hand clasped, between the heaven and the earth, energy surged, Han Fei only felt, hundreds of thousands of miles of the sky, the energy gathered, forming a claw.

This claw was extremely huge, to be honest, it was bigger than an ordinary star, and the claw mark seemed to be slow and fast. At that time, the middle-aged man in the Temple of Light, his complexion changed drastically, and a large wave of time emerged behind him. Pat the star with a big hand.

However, this was not enough. This middle-aged man, with his hands together, from the long river of time, Fei shot out a chain of time in an attempt to buckle this claw of the star.

However, with a claw out, the wave of time disappeared, and the chain of time, only barely resisting for a second, all "bang, bang, bang," all shattered.


With one claw down, the middle-aged man was really hard to resist, and his body was directly grabbed.

At that moment, Han Fei was stupid, the family members were stupid, and the two powerhouses of the heavenly clan were shocked.

When the words Void Temple appeared in their minds, it was already like a bolt from the blue.

How long has the Void Temple been unearthed? When was it the last time it appeared in this world?

Wu, it is Lei Heng. Lei Heng was born one hundred thousand years ago and suppressed the invincible hand of the sea world. That was the last time a strong man was born in the Void Temple.

Later, I heard that Lei Heng broke into the depths of the sea of ​​stars, an eternal thunder prison, which has not yet appeared in this world.

Now, does another new disciple of the Void Temple appear? No wonder, it's no wonder that Han Fei is lawless, not strong enough in the late stage of Transforming Star, but Zhao Qinglong, a strongman who played the gods list, couldn't hold his head up.

It turned out that Han Fei was actually a disciple of the Void Temple. If this had been known a long time ago, how could the elites of the aristocratic family dare to be an enemy of Han Fei?

On the other side of the Celestial Clan, the two powerhouses were frightened. The longevity realm powerhouse in the Temple of Time, can't even catch a claw?

You know, this middle-aged person dares to protect Han Fei here. UU reading www.uukanshu.com shows that he is very strong, even strong enough to take away Han Fei among so many emperors.

However, it is such a strong person, even this fourth brother...Yes, it is not that big brother, who can't even take a claw of others, are they these people, give food?


The Queen of Horrors, her pupils contracted at this moment, and the reason why she shot was because Nandi couldn't do it. She felt that Nandi was so optimistic about Han Fei, there must be a reason, maybe God of War or something, maybe they want to return.

Yes, she only thought of God of War, but he never expected that Han Fei was actually a junior junior in the Void Temple. Fortunately, I wanted to absorb Han Fei into the capital of horror before, so how could this family look good?

The Queen of Terror couldn't help but feel annoyed. It was simply too hateful. At that time, she wanted to protect Han Fei, but was cut off by the Temple of Time.

I had known that Han Fei had this background, and he was so close to his face that he had to owe him two more favors to Han Fei!

It's all right now, Han Fei repaid the favor in a blink of an eye. What is still owed is the Nandi's side. Today, after the event, this favor is not one dollar and two dollars.

For a time, the hearts of the people floated, and Han Fei's eyes were full of the power of the claws of Senior Brother Qinglong. It was simply too terrifying to match, and his heart was weak.

I just listened to Senior Brother Qinglong saying indifferently: "Okay, don't pretend. I hit you because you forced my junior brother. This is because your time temple itself has no pattern. I shot it to make you remember and do things next time. , Don’t pick and pick soso, it’s a big deal, just want to return..."

After all, this middle-aged man from the Temple of Time was reborn in a period of time, but his face was pale at this moment, and he did not refute the words of Senior Brother Qinglong.

Mainly, he dare not...

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