God of Fishing

Chapter 2492: The Fall of the 1st Generation Tianjiao

Here, Shizhao was beaten by Senior Brother Qinglong with a claw, so he didn't say anything.

Over there, he saw a black light that suddenly burst out of incomparable terrifying power. He broke free of the shackles of time and space, penetrated the endless void, and tried to get in.

However, Senior Brother Qinglong sneered and pointed his finger: "Heaven and earth are in harmony."

Good guy, seeing the black light is about to rush into the endless void, the power of the world here turns into an invisible barrier, directly locking the endless void.

In the next instant, the entrance to the endless void was closed.

Han Fei also knew that when Senior Brother Qinglong came, Heilong would have no way to survive. That's it, Senior Brother Qinglong has been talking about it several times, and Senior Brother Qinglong will be talking about it every time in a meeting.

Now, the Black Dragon is right in front of him, and if Senior Brother Qinglong can let him run away, it would be a horror of the world.

The black dragon was shocked, transformed into a dragon, and roared: "Ao Qing, I didn't expect that your dignified contemporary dragon emperor would be a disciple of the Void Temple. Are you worthy of the dragon clan?"

Han Fei suddenly looked at Brother Qinglong, and everyone else also looked at Brother Qinglong.

"Dragon Emperor?"

Han Fei sighed, it sounded awesome, Dragon Emperor or something, it sounded like a human emperor. Han Fei has reason to suspect that Senior Brother Qinglong, who controls the Dragon Clan, is at the level of the leader of the Dragon Clan, the leader of the clan.

At this moment, Han Fei made his choice even more firm. Sure enough, the most awesome thing is my Void Temple, any senior, that is the Dragon Emperor, who is all face when going out.

Looking at the Temple of Time, Han Fei was even more disgusted. Originally thinking, if the Temple of Time could really make a move, it would not be impossible for him to mix his identity in the Temple of Time.

It just so happened that there was still something to do when he looked back, and he had to go back in time, which was one of the reasons why he came into contact with the Temple of Time. But who knows, he has no pattern in the Temple of Time!

Brother Qinglong said indifferently: "Hei Xuan, you have seven sins. You are afraid of fighting, fleeing, conspiring to seize the treasures of the dragon clan, colluding with foreigners, cruelly harming the same clan, inducing ominous bodies, slaughtering innocent people... I judge you in the name of the emperor Return to Hualongchi."


As soon as these words came out, the black dragon seemed to be ready to fight for his life. At that moment, there was a faint tendency to contend with Senior Brother Qinglong.

This made Han Fei suddenly realize that this black dragon might not necessarily be a longevity realm, right? He was severely injured, and he was able to break free from the shackles of Senior Brother Qinglong just now, which means that his current strength may be as strong as the longevity state.

What if this black dragon is at its peak? Isn't it possible that he is also a great emperor-level powerhouse?

No, the black dragon roared, and the power blockade here was about to be broken. This guy seemed to be frenzied, and a mouthful of black dragon flame spewed towards the blue dragon.

Because Han Fei was still behind Qinglong, Qinglong could not retreat. I saw Senior Brother Qinglong stretched out his hand and grabbed a spear with bright silver light.

It's hard to say what level of baby this gun is. But at that moment, this gun instantly twitched the power between heaven and earth, and several energy locks gathered on the tip of the gun.

At that moment, the heavens and the earth had faded, as if the most shining point in the world was on the tip of the long spear in the hands of Senior Brother Qinglong.

Han Fei could tell that Senior Brother Qinglong did this deliberately. He slowed down his movements just to allow him to see clearly.

When he saw the gun, Han Fei seemed to see a certain connection between reality and the endless void, and there was energy in the endless void converging on the tip of the gun.

"No, not energy."

Han Fei's expression suddenly shook, no matter how fast the energy was used, but in the ever-changing battlefield, it was still slow.

If those weird chain-like things were not energy, what would it be?

"It's the law, the law between heaven and earth."

Senior Brother Qinglong's words suddenly appeared in Han Fei's mind.

Han Fei suddenly enlightened, yes, it was the law. Because Han Fei didn't feel the crazy convergence of Dao Yun, but the law was an external manifestation of the Dao between Heaven and Earth.

All, this gun, Senior Brother Qinglong, was using the law of heaven and earth as a weapon to kill the black dragon.

Only seeing that black dragon flame, under this spear light, was purified from head to tail, until three black dragon scales appeared, he could barely take the shot of Senior Brother Qinglong.

At this moment, Senior Brother Qinglong continued to say to Han Fei: "Little Junior Brother, the realm of the emperor, the tactics are changeable. But more is the perception and control of the laws between heaven and earth. The great emperor, you can think that they themselves are A piece of heaven and earth, I am heaven and earth, I dominate the universe..."

Brother Qinglong was talking to Han Fei while fighting the Black Dragon. The two clash, and the void is broken. Obviously he was holding a gun, but he seemed to be holding a piece of heaven and earth in his hand.

The black dragon is equally good. Although every time he touches, his flesh and blood fly and his scales are broken, but he can block the attack of the emperor, which has shown his power and fear.

And the other onlookers, except for Yi Jian and Queen of Horrors, who are in the Happy Realm, and even two of the aristocratic families are just emperors of the Dao Realm. All these people saw their bodies trembling, some people didn't understand it at all, and some people understood it, and they became more scared and horrified.

In fact, today’s news is too strong.

Han Fei is the descendant of the Void Temple.

The dragon emperor is now alive.

The battle of the emperor broke out.


Only when fighting against Lily, the black dragon was beaten all over, and the dragon soul of thousands of miles was cut into several pieces. Not to mention, he was almost completely shattered with scales.

In the end, the black dragon spit out a bead, and Han Fei thought it was an inner alchemy. However, Senior Brother Qinglong suddenly shook his whole body, and the nine dragon souls came up against the bead.

The beads seemed to contain terrifying power, and when they met each other, they almost crashed two dragon souls.

However, Nine Dragons came out, Nine Dragons Fuzhu, that piece of space was torn to pieces in a blink of an eye.

The black dragon was shocked, looking at the picture of the Nine Dragons playing beads, and shouted: "Impossible, that is the Dragon God Orb, it is the Dragon God Orb!"

Just listen to Senior Brother Qinglong snorting coldly: "Stupid. Do you think that by placing all your hopes on the old things, you can create a new world and let you step into the position of the gods? You don't know anything at all."


This time, Senior Brother Qinglong took out his claws again, this is, this claw is different from the previous one. This claw seemed to have the heart to win. As soon as this claw came out, although Han Fei couldn't understand it, he knew that Senior Brother Qinglong had won.

It was an absolute confidence, a victory that didn't require doubt at all.

Sure enough, the soul of the black dragon seemed to be pierced all at once, and the black dragon that had been incomparable just now disappeared in a flash.

When Brother Qinglong regained his claws, a dragon soul was captured by him, and he sucked it back into a turquoise teapot.

The black dragon was sealed, but he shouldn't die.

At this time, the nine dragon souls returned, and all of them fell into Senior Brother Qinglong's body. The treasure that was said to be the Dragon God Orb flew straight towards Senior Brother Qinglong, and then fell in front of Senior Brother Qinglong.

At this moment, as long as it is an individual, it should be able to understand one thing. That is, this orb should be the treasure of the dragon gods in the past.

In other words, it was something of a god, a treasure that surpassed the emperor's level.

Han Fei finally understood why Senior Brother Qinglong was thinking about the Black Dragon, and why the Black Dragon had to hide in Zhao Qinglong's body. All of this probably originated from this Dragon God Orb.

However, looking at the excitement of Heilong just now, it seemed that Senior Brother Qinglong was able to suppress the Dragon God Orb and was very surprised.

Han Fei wondered, why should he be surprised, why is he so surprised? Could it be said that the previous Senior Brother Qinglong could not suppress this Dragon God Orb, could it be said that Senior Brother Qinglong's strength had become stronger again?

Han Fei didn't bother to guess, anyway, Senior Brother Qinglong became stronger, he was a great emperor-level powerhouse. In the era of the fall of the gods, the emperor was the strongest group of existences. Whether it is the sea world or the Xinghai, they are absolutely strong standing proudly at the top of the ten thousand races.

Here, the black dragon was sealed, the Dragon God Orb was subdued, and Zhao Qinglong's body was already riddled with holes because it could not carry the power of the black dragon.

At this moment, Zhao Qinglong has been ruined.

Brother Qinglong just took a look, then slightly shook his head and said: "His potential is too much overdrawn. He should be tempted by the black dragon. If there was a chance to step into the emperor, now it is commendable. It’s impossible. If you want to go in again, it’s impossible."

Zhao Qinglong seemed to know that he was out of his way, all thoughts were lost, only anger was still there, so he looked at Han Fei angrily, and shouted: "Han Fei, dare you take my last blow?"

Han Fei said lightly: "Why don't you dare? I said that after you lose to me once, it is impossible to win again."

Brother Qinglong, with great interest, does not seem to be anxious at all.

Han Feixin said that it must be Brother Qinglong who dealt with Emperor Zun. But to deal with Zhao Qinglong, and then let the seniors take action, isn't that a slap in the face?

Therefore, Han Fei stepped a thousand miles in one step and said lightly: "Come on."

Zhao Qinglong seemed to be brewing a blow. It had been a long time, only to see him exploded with flesh and blood. After that, his soul was annihilated, and his spirit and will, even, with a trace of luck, all shattered and gathered on a knife.

Brother Qinglong saw this scene and couldn't help frowning. In fact, this blow was very unfair. Zhao Qinglong was determined to die and wanted to make the last cut in an attempt to break Han Fei's invincible road.

For this knife, he gave everything. Therefore, this knife surpassed all his previous attack methods. This knife cut out the power of the emperor ~www.readwn.com~ This knife proved Zhao Qinglong's brilliant life.

And Han Fei also took out a knife, but this knife was different from the one he used before.

This is a kitchen knife, a top-grade artifact. Lost to Zhao Qinglong's best artifact dual swords.

However, Han Fei was blessed by six times his strength, the law of heaven and earth burst out, and the god-killing glove was in his hand. In his mind, he recalled the power of the shot that Senior Brother Qinglong just now, and the law of heaven and earth was placed on one shot.

I used to create the Dadao Guiyi Sword before, which was the same way of thinking, but I have always stayed at the basic state of Dadao Guiyi Sword, and I have not strengthened the deduction later.

Now, in the same way, Han Fei also drew a knife.

This knife, many avenues, instantly condensed in the body of the knife.

That's not enough. Although he Han Fei doesn't feel the laws of heaven and earth now, he can condense the words of heaven and earth at will.

Visualizing the shot of Senior Brother Qinglong before, his absolute self-confidence and belief in victory are intertwined for a time.

I only saw Han Fei's kitchen knife with a pattern of heaven and earth, which instantly covered the body of the knife, and a kind of infinite knife appeared.


Brother Qinglong couldn't help grinning, the younger brother is very savvy.

Originally, Han Fei was doing his best, and this blow broke out again, only to see two sword lights colliding in the void. I thought there would be an argument, but it was beyond everyone's expectations. With this knife, Han Fei actually pressed Zhao Qinglong's knife and cut it forward inch by inch.

Han Fei yelled: "I am invincible. Even if you prove the truth, you are invincible."


The kitchen knife in Han Fei's hand was blown up, and at the same time, Zhao Qinglong's full blow was also broken one after another.

A generation of gods list the arrogant, fall.

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