God of Fishing

Chapter 2493: Blue Dragon 1 Fury

Although Han Fei's high-grade divine weapon kitchen knife was broken, his body was full of cracks, and blood was seen spilling out. But with this blow, he won.

Perhaps this is related to the demonstration by Brother Qinglong just now. Han Fei didn't know if others could see clearly, but he could see clearly, that kind of spear shot was the strongest one Han Fei had ever seen in his life.

The moment when he saw that shot appeared, Han Fei knew he had won, which was unreasonably strong.

At this moment, Han Fei received a blow comparable to the emperor's realm. At this moment, Han Fei was a little weak, a little weak, his meridians swelling and painful, and he was full of flesh and blood, and even showed signs of collapse.

Han Fei quickly stuffed himself with a group of healing Shenhui, then grabbed Zhao Qinglong's two black gold long swords, and then grabbed the void, a large number of Shenhui bloomed, and Zhao Qinglong's body was reunited again. .

Even if Zhao Qinglong has fallen, but his natal star is still there, the natal star of a strong man on the list of gods, if it is gone, it will be a great waste.

Han Fei completed this very logically. Over there, Guo Lao, who originally wanted to come and help, sighed slightly in his heart. In fact, he had long reminded that Han Fei's temperament is domineering, he is not a hard-working person. However, the visitors to the Temple of Time were still too proud, and felt that it was an honor for Han Fei to be able to enter the Temple of Time.

Now, the worst thing happened, that is, Han Fei joined the Void Temple.

The people in the three major temples are very clear.

The Void Temple has the fewest people, but it is also the strongest. There is absolutely no problem with its potential to join the Void Temple. It is even said that the disciples of the Void Temple are far better than the disciples of other temples.

And Han Fei has already proved his potential and revealed the avenue of time. It stands to reason that if everything pretends not to know, Han Fei will be rescued this time. Although Han Fei will resist going directly to the Temple of Time headquarters, he may not care about joining the Temple of Time and become a member of the Temple of Time.

In fact, the Temple of Time is not disgusted with this matter. As long as you have the ability, even if you have joined the Three Temples, and the three Temples have your identity, what about it?

But the problem is that Han Fei has not come into contact with the true transcendent existence of the Temple of Time, and being compared by Qinglong, it is obvious that he is underestimating the Temple of Time. It is difficult for Han Fei to join.

At this moment, Qinglong's body was standing upright, and his spear was erected in front of him.

I saw Qinglong's gaze sweeping across the crowd, and finally fell on Yi Jian and Yi Wulang, and said lightly: "In the past, many forces wanted to kill them before the children of the Void Temple did not grow up. In the old days, when my Void Temple fought against Xinghai, some people did succeed. This is also the custom of my Void Temple to protect shortcomings. You hit my little brother? Okay, then my brother is coming... Celestial, right? The old folks When the three gods stood side by side, it was not enough for my teacher to fight alone. Now, there are many ideas."

Han Fei couldn't help looking at Qinglong in surprise, a disciple of the Void Temple, who had been assassinated?

However, Qinglong glanced at Han Fei, and then the voice of Senior Brother Qinglong appeared in Han Fei's mind: "In the old days, it was before the end of the law, before the fall of the gods, the powers of the Void Temple, across the sea of ​​stars, are in the deep sky. However, it is here. At that time, someone actually shot the back of the Void Temple, causing the younger generation of the Void Temple to almost die..."

Han Fei couldn't help being moved. Of course he knew how difficult it was for the Void Temple to recruit disciples. Suddenly, he thought of Void Fishing. This great technique is the result of the joint efforts of the nine kings.

Forcibly to create the realm of the sea, deduced to the realm of the emperor, it can be seen how terrifying the disciples of the Void Temple in the past are. However, it is such a group of people who were assassinated?

You know, the Void Temple was fighting at that time. No matter what the battle is, whether the battle is ominous, but it is also a battle for the ten thousand races. As a result, someone demolished the bridge before crossing the river. Who can bear it?

Han Fei couldn't help feeling angry, but Senior Brother Qinglong calmed down and said, "Don't worry, my Void Temple is so easy to bully? Later, the big brother returned, and one person pushed the top ten gods, the emperor one hundred and eighty-seven, and the emperor. Thirty thousand, the sea world that killed was trembling, and the time temple and the undead temple that killed did not dare to appear in this world."


Han Fei was dumbfounded, how many Emperor Tu? How many years ago did that come, before the end of the law, before the fall of the gods? Wouldn't it be at least a hundred thousand years ago?

Han Fei couldn't help being shocked, big brother is so strong! He couldn't help but imagine the original scene, perhaps the entire sea world was covered with blood.

The stronger Han Fei was, the more he felt his blood boiled and hell, as expected, my Void Temple was the most dangling. Looking back at the Temple of Time, hehe, rubbish.

However, Senior Brother Qinglong said with a serious expression: "But Junior Brother, Senior Brother and Senior Sister, I can’t help you move forward. We all have our own path and our own hurdles. To tell you this, I am telling you that my Void Temple is very short-sighted, who If you dare to bully the weak and move my void successor, you will weigh and weigh the people of your own race, whether it is enough to kill, and how much blood can be shed."

Han Fei was awe-inspiring, nodding his head, he understood what Senior Brother Qinglong meant. He revealed this incident to warn these people that he is a disciple of the Void Temple. You didn't know before, so forget it. But if you know it today, if you dare to bully the small with the big in the future, then you have to weigh up whether you are qualified enough.

At this moment, Yi Jian and Yi Wulang felt that their backs were cold, and their bodies were already soaked. A look in Qinglong's eyes seemed to bloom with divine power, imprinted on their hearts.

The emperor is too strong, so powerful that it suffocates them.

Those of the other aristocratic families all felt that their mouths were dry and they really wanted to immediately escape from this ghost place. It was too terrifying. Being watched by a great emperor, he felt that his life was gone immediately.

However, the Emperor of the Zhou family quickly said: "Long Emperor, we know that we are wrong. However, a few of us were not prepared to kill Han Fei. We only wanted to ask Han Fei something. I will guarantee. , I will definitely not be an enemy of Han Fei in the future."

"Yes, right, right, from now on, Han Fei will be the guest of honor to the big clan like me."

"Yes, Lord Longdi, please calm down your anger."

People from aristocratic families are very sleek, mainly shameless. From childhood to adulthood, there are many scenes of meeting. You bite the bullet in this kind of thing, that is, playing lanterns in the pit and looking for shit.

The people on the Ghost Strait also responded quickly: "Lord Dragon, our Ghost Strait and Han Fei are just small conflicts between our disciples, I'm actually just passing by."

The people of several aristocratic families are all speechless, God is passing by, have you passed by like this?

On Yi Jian's side, even though he was angry, he still bowed his head: "Long Emperor, the relationship between my Celestial Clan and Han Fei has been wiped out from today. There will be no such thing as today."


With a cold snort, everyone's hearts were chilled. I just listened to Senior Brother Qinglong: "There are a few clans and there is a Celestial Clan. I really thought that the disciples of the Void Temple would be afraid? Do you think I came to you to sell your face? Since I am already an enemy, then I am an enemy. Since it is. Enemy, do whatever you should do. However, this does not mean that you can violate the rules and deal with my little brother. My little brother has not turned into a star, and came to the longevity realm and so many unfettered realms. It’s called a violation of the rules. Therefore, there should be no less punishment."

After finishing speaking, Brother Qinglong suddenly disappeared from Han Fei a few years ago. The next moment, the power of heaven and earth formed a giant tail, and those big clan powerhouses were slapped by this tail. hide.

Because they could tell from this blow, Qinglong didn't want to kill them. Since they didn't kill, they just punish them for violating the rules, then it would be fine to be beaten. Rebellion or something doesn't exist. You resisted in front of a great emperor, isn't this sick?

No, the six great emperors of the big clan, including the ghost strait, were all exploded by a tail, and at the same time, they were also severely injured. There was no trauma that could not be repaired for a thousand years.

But for the emperor, what counts as a thousand years? Retreat for a while, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is just a flick of his fingers, this is indeed just a small punishment and a big commandment.

On the Celestial Clan's side, Yi Jian and Yi Wulang didn't dare to stop them, but they couldn't stop them either.

Like others, Yi Wulang can recover after a thousand years. Na Yi Jian was shot through his body and soul, and his soul seemed to have been severely damaged, and it would not be healed without ten thousand years.

Just listen to Qinglong said: "Do you know why you are being taken seriously? Because you are serious about killing, and in front of the emperor, you still dare to kill intent. You don't look at what you are. Don't say you are in the longevity realm. Promoted to the emperor, this emperor can also teach you what is meant by convergence."

The few members of the aristocratic family did not dare to say anything, but they were contemptuous in their hearts. They said that they had broken through a longevity state, and they were crazy. In this case, they still dared to have killing intent. How did their brains grow?

No, Yi Jian, who reshaped his body, was blushing, but he didn't dare to refute, and he didn't have a murderous heart in his heart. He was afraid that if he came again, he would die.

No one dared to say anything, Senior Brother Qinglong glanced at the Queen of Horror lightly, nodded slightly, and said indifferently: "Blindly restraining the shackles is not a solution, this is no way."


The Queen of Terror was shocked, and then bowed respectfully to Senior Brother Qinglong: "Thank you, Dragon Emperor, for your guidance."

The Queen of Horrors sighed slightly. She knew that this favor had not been sold, and she was returned by the Dragon Emperor in a blink of an eye. However, the information that came back was more meaningful than the fact that he helped Han Fei shoot.

Therefore, she felt as if she owed some favor.

Brother Qinglong turned his head to look at Han Fei and smiled slightly: "Little Brother, let's go."

"Huh? Go, where?"

Brother Qinglong: "The Celestial Clan."

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