God of Fishing

Chapter 2512: Closing the net·slaughter

Five days later.

A total of 80,000 sea-level experts have gathered in the military world.

Yes, this is so far the city of Scavengers has been dispatched the most in a single time. In the past, Han Fei had always felt that the city of scavengers had less than 20,000 people living in Pihai Realm. In addition, the number of people who tried out was only 30,000 at most. But now it seems that when something big happens, there can be so many sea-opening realms that converge at once.

Han Fei has reason to suspect that this is not the true number of sea-breaking experts in the city of scavengers. Because Li Dacai was only allowed to convene so many.

It is possible that those who have not been summoned are the real elites.

Even after these people were called up, they themselves were very surprised. These sea-piping realm powerhouses have sound transmissions secretly from time to time.

Someone was surprised: "How come there are so many sea-piping realm powerhouses? Most of them are unknown to us. What's the situation?"

Someone sighed: "How do I know what happened? But obviously, our city of scavengers seems to have a lot of power in the dark."

Some people wondered: "Why are so many people called today?"

Someone said: "I heard that there is a large ruin in the military world. It is very dangerous and the rate of fall is very high."

Someone scolded: "Bullshit, Lord No. 18 just said that he will control the death rate to less than 20%."

Some people are curious: "What kind of secret is this that needs so many people to explore together?"

At this moment, the puppet Li Dicai, 15 experts in the Open Heaven Realm, and more than 79,800 experts in the Sea Realm. Among them, there are only 15,000 people in the human race, 15,000 in the frogmen, 9,000 in the blade clan, and more than 40,000 in the Wanlin clan.

There shouldn't be so many people on Terran's side. Xu Meng was obviously a little stunned, because he saw a lot of human experts who were said to have fallen and reappeared.

At this moment, everyone is looking forward to it, ready to enter the ruins to take a look.

Even the Open Heaven Realm powerhouses behind Li Dacai wanted to go in and make a fortune.

At the moment they gathered here, in the so-called ruins, Han Fei was slowly walking in the mist, walking out of the mist.

The purpose of his layout for so long is not to really allow these people to explore the ruins.

He just needs an excuse to bring all the human races together.

Just listen, Li Dacai said: "Listen to my command, the strong human race, all go out."

For a time, many people felt that something was wrong. With so many people, why should the Human Race come out first?

However, there is no doubt about the opening of the heavens. When everyone thought that Li Dacai would let them go to clear the way, to lead the way, to be cannon fodder.

However, at this time, only a few human figures appeared in the mist, one of which seemed to have penetrated the mist all at once and appeared right in front of the human camp.

When everyone looked intently, it was a young man who was playing with a water-blue bead in his hand, and the bead exuded a breathtaking chill.


Those who are strong in the Open Heaven Realm changed their expressions at this moment, showing shocked expressions, and then looked at Li Dacai, and said in their hearts that this person knew Li Dacai?

However, at this time Li Dacai had already retreated to Han Fei's side.

It just so happened that at this moment, other people also walked out of the fog. Everyone looked intently, and several of them were indeed members of the team that had previously been with Xu Meng.

There are still a few people, some of the human race Pihai actually knows, many people exclaimed: "This is, Yingyue?"

"Huh? Sister Yingyue, Sister Jiang Ya..."

"It's Chu Lingyu and Ling Ran, why are they here?"

"Hey! It's Wen Ruqing, wasn't she going there by Xue Fei?"

For a while, the Human Race was all dumbfounded, expressing puzzlement. These people who shouldn't have appeared, have appeared. Also, who is this young man in front of me? The invisible coercion on him is so strong.

At this time, these Open Heaven Realm powerhouses also clearly noticed something wrong. Li Dacai, who had always been a leader before, suddenly fell silent. It seemed that he had no doubts about these people who had just appeared.

"No! There seems to be a problem with Big Choi."

Some people spread the word, but among them, the strength of the few people who originally came with Li Dacai is not very bad, and the strength of four of them has reached the Star Transformation Realm. And among the original guards here, there is also a late stage transforming star and two transforming star experts.

Therefore, they didn't even think about running, mainly because they didn't think of it, and they felt that their strength was not weak.

Among them, the powerful late-stage Huaxing star shouted: "Li Dacai, what do you mean? Who are they?"

"Jie Jie Jie~"

At this time, Han Fei suddenly smiled, and saw him grinning open the corners of his mouth while playing with the extremely cold orb in his hand: "In the last moments of your lives, I think I should tell you the truth. I am, the emperor of the human race, the one of the human race. The emperor, the Ten Thousand Scales have enslaved the Humans for 100,000 years. This hatred will be counted from today. You are just appetizers."


The emperors of the Wanlin clan didn't have any special reactions, they were just confused and puzzled, and there was not much shock.

However, most of the people on the human camp took a breath, the emperor of the human race? When did the human race appear an emperor?

and many more…

Some people understand the difference in this sentence. Han Fei is talking about the human emperor, which is different from the human emperor, and is more like a leader.

For a moment, the bewildered Human Race crowd turned their eyes to Yingyue and the others.

Just listen to Yingyue shouting: "One hundred thousand years ago, the human race lived in the chaotic wasteland and was suppressed for one hundred thousand years. Now, the opportunity of the human race has come, the human emperor, will bring the human race to fight against the ten thousand scales and destroy the scavengers. The Human Sovereign appears in this world, and the Human Race is in full swing."


While everyone was dumbfounded and shocked, Xu Meng shouted: "Clan people, we are all the pawns and cannon fodder of the Ten Thousand Scales all our lives. Everyone can open the sky, but my human race can't. In the city of scavengers, In this territory, we have spent one hundred thousand years like ants and dying for one hundred thousand years. Today, Lord Renhuang, design the layout to bring us together in one place, in order to promote the prosperity of the human race and destroy the power of ten thousand scales."


The strong man in the late stage of the transformation star moved his heart and shouted violently: "It is not ashamed, a guy who does not have the late stage of the transformation, is also worthy of mentioning the rise of the human race. Watch me kill you, let you appreciate what is real opening sky."

When speaking, the powerful late-stage transforming star burst out with a horrible spear light. If Han Fei avoided it, countless people would be wiped out by this spear.

The situation is changing too fast. These 10,000 strong human races are excited, worried, fearful, expectant, and complex emotions, turning into countless gazes, looking at that spear light.

However, Han Fei lifted his hand with one hand, and the spear light instantly disappeared from everyone's sight. After that, only the strong man in the late stage of the star transformation was seen, his body bowed like dried shrimps, and a spear light came out through his body.

At this time, all the talents were shocked to discover, when did Han Fei have appeared in front of that person?

In this battle, Han Fei won too fast and too suddenly, so that none of the other Open Heaven Realm powerhouses could react.

What finally appeared in their eyes was a through-body spear light and a huge golden fist mark.

That punch, like a star burst, the powerful impact light technique instantly severely wounded the two powerhouses around him who had transformed into a star.

You know, these human race powerhouses still don't even know what the realm of the Great Perfection of the Transforming Star is. In their knowledge, there is only the Open Heaven Realm, and no one has told them of the small realms.

At this moment, even though they couldn't understand how strong Han Fei was, the punches blinded their eyes. Countless people tried to stare at the light forcibly, but their eyes burst open.

When they opened their eyes again, they saw Han Fei slashing three powerhouses in the Open Heaven Realm who looked extremely powerful in their eyes. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

It's too late, it's fast, most of the Open Heaven Realm powerhouses here, except for the late stage of Transforming Star, none of them can take over Han Fei's blow.

Just to demonstrate his strength, Han Fei completed a quadruple kill in an instant, without even a single breath. The four Open Heaven realm powerhouses have already fallen, their flesh and blood are still hanging in the sky, and they haven't fallen yet.

In an instant, everyone who was left was shocked. Where does he come from? It's just a face-to-face, four kills in an instant, isn't it really a joke?

I don’t know who yelled it out, but only listened to the person yelling: "Escape, escape..."

But at this moment, Han Fei stepped on the void, and the extremely cold orb in his hand was thrown out. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of miles in the void were completely frozen, the avenue was crushed, and the void was left with only the strongest way.

Those who were on the run, the farthest one, only ran less than 100,000 miles. As a result, the blood was stagnant, the body was stiff, the flesh and blood was frozen, and the ice road circulated in the body.

As for those who are strong in the sea-breaking realm of the Ten Thousand Scales, Frogmen, and Blade Clan. These people had some secret discussions about what happened just now.

However, all became ice sculptures at this moment. Moreover, this is not an ordinary ice sculpture, it is an ice sculpture that has been frozen to pieces.

After a breath of effort, Han Fei beheaded 15 of Kaitian and nearly 65,000 people opened up the sea.


The world here is roaring constantly, and the blood rain is coming. It is really an instant, and there are too many deaths. This is not the sea world.

Before these Terran sea-piping powerhouses came back to their senses, they just listened to Han Fei shouting: "Everyone, let go of my happiness and enter my original sea..."

The **** who likes fishing, please collect it: () The **** of fishing has the fastest update speed.

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