God of Fishing

Chapter 2513: All dead

After killing someone, the first thing to do is naturally to escape.

In particular, the city of scavengers lost more than 60,000 sea-breaking powerhouses and 15 open-sky realm powerhouses. This kind of thing will be discovered in the first place.

Running is your only choice.

The shock of the people in the sea-breaking realm of the human race has not yet risen, because they only saw the void is frozen with their naked eyes, and they have not seen the others, and then they have an overwhelming vision of the sky and the sky, causing the sky to be **** and thunder. The roar is endless.

In the next moment, they felt a suction, but when they heard Han Fei's words, they naturally did not dare to neglect. This one has already made it clear, no matter how hard they resist, they will have a bad brain.

Because of this, all of them were suddenly included by Han Fei's natal star.

In the end, Han Fei stretched out his hand to grab the Frost Orb, condensed the formation under him, and went straight to the exit of the soldier circle.

As for the puppet Li Dacai, Han Fei hadn't planned to take it from the beginning. Having seen Han Fei in such a great world as the God Capital Dynasty, he naturally knew that Li Dacai's strength was nothing.

The key point is that Li Dacai has been exposed. In case of an accident, the City of Scavengers may be thoroughly investigated, and the two puppets Xue Fei and Feng Tianyi can be found out, making it difficult for him to run the 68 and 80 farms. If it is exposed, it seems a bit outweigh the gains.

Therefore, Han Fei directly penetrated Li Dacai's star beads and threw him into his own destiny. Then, it broke out 14 times the speed of light and ran at full speed.

Only by falling can they be convinced that Li Dacai is not a problem, they are just being calculated.

Except for Li Dacai's blew up, Han Fei was still far away, leaving behind a ray of An Taiping blood. Anyway, An Taiping's body is in his hands.

In this way, Fang said it was foolproof.

This series of operations is like flowing water. It can be said that when Han Fei ran, the city of Scavengers should have just discovered something wrong.

Not out of Han Fei's guess, Zhao Honghuang was the first to react at the moment of the accident in the military world.

At the first moment, Zhao Honghuang only thought that the exploration had begun, so he fell.

However, at the moment when 15 fate monuments of the Open Heaven Realm powerhouse shattered at the same time, Zhao Honghuang suddenly stood up, and his heart was shocked. This was the action of the Sea Opening Realm. How could he fall to the Open Heaven Realm powerhouse first? And it fell 15 places in an instant.

And all the fate monuments of Pihai Realm are under Chen Yan's control.

However, when nearly 65,000 sea-piping realm experts fell all of a sudden, Chen Yan didn't actually find out.

Because in the place where the fate monument is stored, there is a film of time enveloped here. In this time, time is stagnant.

This is naturally Mo Qi's handwriting. To be honest, there are more than 500,000 fate steles here, which actually shocked Mo Qi. But when Mo Qi saw that 65,000 pieces of jade slips were torn apart, the whole person was not good. What method did Han Fei use to kill so many people all at once? Is this guy crazy?

However, since he agreed to Han Fei to help him eliminate the traces, then this matter is a personal sentiment, and it is the basis for the later cooperation. Sooner or later, Han Fei will have to pay it back, so Mo Qi did not hesitate.

In an instant, Mo Qi shattered more than 500,000 fate monuments here. Because the number of Terran Pihai Realm powerhouses is not limited to that Han Fei took away, there are also nearly 30,000 people Pihai who do not know where they are hidden.

And Mo Qi didn't have the ability to know which human races Han Fei took away, so naturally he shattered all the monuments of life.

At the moment when all the life monuments were broken, Mo Qi immediately withdrew from the time film and instantly appeared in her home, and here, time also stopped, without the slightest passing.

If Han Fei saw this scene, he would probably be able to guess Mo Qi's strength. At least the Dzogchen Dzogchen, and it is not the ordinary Dzogchen Dzogchen.

"Master Honghuang."

Hearing a scream, Chen Yan didn't care about his image, so he appeared in Zhao Honghuang's place.

I only heard Chen Yan's voice trembling and said: "Hong...Master Honghuang, they are all broken, and all the monuments of the sea-opening realm are all broken at the same time!"

Zhao Honghuang was immediately stunned, how could this be possible? This is simply impossible.

Yes, in the next second, he was clear and bright, and instantly appeared in the place where the Bihai Realm Fate Stele was collected. However, there was nothing left except the fateful monument that all turned into a fan.

This incident has never appeared in the history of scavengers. These sea-breaking realms seem to have fallen at the same time. What kind of power can make so many strong sea-breaking realms fall at the same time?

When Zhao Honghuang watched this scene, he suddenly felt that Li Dacai's fate was broken. Yes, it's dead too.

His first reaction was that Li Dacai must have suffered some force majeure over there. Even Li Dacai may be wiped out.

But how many people are there? But only 80,000 people, but there are more than 500,000 fate tablets broken here, what's the matter?

"It must be related to the military world."

Recently, the only major event that has occurred is the relics of the military community. Now, Li Dicai and the 15 Open Heaven Realm have all fallen, proving that something went wrong in the Bing Realm.

Although these fate monuments are shattered, it is impossible for all of them to die. Because in some places, people over there can't die. It is even more unlikely that they will die together with those in the military world.

This also means that just now, just before, someone was lurking here, and when they saw the fate monument broken, they suddenly shattered all the fate monuments, in order to hide something.

What is it hiding? What is there to cover up? I can hide here quietly, avoiding Chen Yan's perception and avoiding my own gaze. This kind of role is definitely not a mediocre person, I am afraid that the strength is not weaker than himself.

Such people are counted in the Scavenger City. He thought of someone for the first time, and instantly came to the hut where Mo Qi was.

When Li Dacai left the Scavenger City, the last person he saw was Mo Qi.

He had always suspected that Mo Qi had a problem with his strength, and he had always guessed that Mo Qi was dormant in the Scavenger City not for any experience, but for the secret behind the Chaos Wasteland.

Therefore, Mo Qi became Zhao Honghuang's first goal.


The hut exploded. However, at this time, there was nothing in the hut, and all the messy things like scraps were gone.

Chen Yan followed Zhao Honghuang. After seeing this scene, he was completely dumbfounded: "Run, ran..."

Chen Yan remembered that when Li Dacai left here, it was a spring breeze, but now, Mo Qi ran away. Chen Yan suddenly exclaimed, "Master Honghuang, Li Dacai is in danger."

However, Zhao Honghuang glanced at Chen Yan like an idiot: "It's dead."


Zhao Honghuang glanced towards the depths of the Scavenger City, and disappeared into the Scavenger City at the speed of the light burst.

At the moment when Zhao Honghuang left, beside him, the Great Emperor Wanlin suddenly appeared.

Just listen to him: "Why is it so flustered?"

Zhao Honghuang: "Brother Ning, Mo Qi ran away. There was an accident in the military world. Li Dacai and all the Open Heaven and Sea Realms that he went to should have all fallen."

Zhao Honghuang directly referred to Wanlin Great Emperor Ning Tianlong as Brother Ning. If this name were to be heard by others, he would be shocked immediately.

But Ning Tianlong didn't think he was scorned at all, and he was taken aback for a moment and said, "Mo Qi ran away?"

It can be said that in the city of scavengers, the person Ning Tianlong cares most about is Mo Qi. When did Mo Qi ran away, he didn't even notice it at all?

Just listen to Zhao Honghuang and add: "I don't worry about Li Dacai, so I arranged for Zhou Liheng to follow. Now Zhou Liheng's fate monument has not been broken, if it is fast enough, maybe it can be saved."

When Ning Tianlong heard this, his eyes flashed, and he grabbed Zhao Honghuang: "I will take you for a ride."

In other words, when Zhao Honghuang and Ning Tianlong left the city, Han Fei also happened to leave the military world.

However, when Han Fei had just entered the military world, a sword light slashed towards him.

Han Fei's heart stunned, came so quickly? its not right! If it is at the emperor's level, the power of the sword is much greater than this.

Han Fei just thought, that sword light disappeared out of thin air. Zhou Liheng's heart was shocked, what about his own attacks?

And the next moment, Han Fei stepped into the void, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com and cut the sky with a knife, and shouted, "Come out."

Zhou Liheng felt Han Fei's attack, although it was strong, but he hadn't reached the Great Perfection of Huaxing, which made him immediately relieved.

He was in charge of monitoring Li Dacai, and the reason he didn't go in to do so was because Li Dacai had just entered, and it made little sense for him to enter now.

But Han Fei's appearance made him full of doubts. This person is very strong, but he is not a person from the Scavenger City, so of course he can intercept it.

At this moment, Zhou Liheng saw that Han Fei was strong, but he seemed to be a bit worse than himself, so he naturally stepped forward and prepared to take Han Fei.

However, at the moment he appeared, he lost his Qingming mentality.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly. It turned out that it was this guy. His son had clamored to himself before. It seemed that the luck of the father and son was not very good!

Han Fei slashed Zhou Liheng's eyebrows, losing his mind in the late stage of Transforming Star, but let him slaughter him.



With a smash of the star orb, the sky above the avenue roared, Han Fei grabbed Zhou Liheng's corpse and threw it into his own natal star.

The next moment, the corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly raised, stepping to the edge of the speed of light, and the next moment, stepping into the white hole and disappearing.

On the other side, Wanlin Great Emperor Ning Tianlong, with Zhao Honghuang running wildly, also quickly shuttled through the white hole.

It's not that they didn't want to use the teleportation array, but that the teleportation array was actually destroyed, and the power of the star core supporting the teleportation array was stolen by which tortoise son.

Even so, Ning Tianlong and the others are not slow.

Unfortunately, they only set out for about five breaths, only to hear Zhao Honghuang's expression once again, and he said coldly: "Zhou Liheng, dead."

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