God of Fishing

Chapter 2515: Locked in the Void Palace

So far, Han Fei is not afraid of betrayal.

However, this does not mean that Han Fei will really rest assured everyone here. For the next period of time, Han Fei will see one person every day.

In fact, Han Fei hypnotized each of them and learned of their id. Human race is the most united race, but where there are also people, there are struggles. It doesn't matter if you fight, the main thing is, no betrayal, no spies or the like can be tolerated here.

In the end, Han Fei really found out 37 people with problems. Among them, 26 people were taken away by the Primitive City. Eleven people were taken away by the frogmen and the blade clan.

Han Fei did not shy away from these 37 people and handed them to Yingyue and Xu Meng. In the end, these people were beaten to death. Yes, tens of thousands of people were beaten to them. Han Fei never asked.

In the past six months, the place where these human races are located is at ten times the speed. Even Zhang Xuanyu and the others need to spend hundreds of years to suppress their own cultivation base, Yingyue and others also suppressed for hundreds of years before they were able to open the sky. These people, open the sky now, it doesn't make much sense, and it's a waste to open the sky.

And Han Fei needs to build a team that is full of elites, and now it is impossible to let any one of them open the sky.

Therefore, during this period of time, they practiced hard day by day, and said bluntly, it would take at least several decades to recover from physical damage and to practice new exercises and great techniques, so Han Fei didn't worry that they would have nothing to do.

And Han Fei himself, the main thing in the past six months was to recompress his star core. His star core has now become the same size as it was when it was just formed, but its density has increased by a thousand times.

And now, a final ten-fold compression is required. With more than 10,000 people, they are constantly absorbing the energy that they have escaped to practice. In half a year, Han Fei can barely reach the half-step stage of Star Transformation.

Thinking that he had to go back and pick up Hong Yue, Han Fei didn't spend much time in his natal star.

No, when he came out half a year later and was about to return to Farm No. 68, his heart suddenly moved: "Who, come out."

I saw a voice in the void: "I have helped you a lot, forcing me to leave the city of scavengers. Are you going to turn your face and deny it?"

Mo Qi walked out of the void, seemingly a little proud, no one else could find Han Fei, but she could, who would let her go back in time?

Han Fei saw that it was Mo Qi, but he was relieved and smiled faintly: "Although I look down on your Temple of Time, one thing is one thing. This time, I owe you personal love and will pay you back. Since we don’t have to pretend now, and I’m not going to hide it, it’s not the time for me to take action. Neither me nor you should be able to uncover the fog of the chaotic wasteland independently. You and me both need time. ."

Mo Qi squinted: "You want to save time to wait for yourself to grow, right? But as I said before, even if you grow to the Great Perfection of Transforming Stars. If you don't use the power of the Void Temple, how can you destroy it? The Scavenger City and the Primitive City, why should they explore the secrets behind the Chaos Wasteland?"

Han Fei grinned and said, "I ask you something, how long has it been since the City of Wanderers appeared?"

Mo Qi: "What do you mean?"

Han Fei: "If the City of Scavengers and Primitive City can be freed up, the City of Wanderers will be gone. So, no matter what the secret behind this is, it will lead to the city of Scavengers and Primitive City. Don’t do it. Then you and I have enough time to investigate. I, you have stayed in the Chaos Wasteland for so long, what happened?"

Suddenly, Mo Qi waved his hand again and again: "No, what are you talking about? Do you think I am looking for the secrets behind the city of scavengers and primitive city?"

Han Fei was puzzled: "Isn't it?"

Mo Qi chuckled: "Of course not. Why did I pursue that? Maybe this secret is not small, and it may involve the emperor or even the emperor level. But that is not something I can participate in. What I have been tracking for so many years is the origin of tidal waves. "


Han Fei was immediately embarrassed, and after co-authoring for a long time, the two were completely off the line.

Just listen to Mo Qi said: "The Temple of Time has no interest in these secrets. There are so many secrets in this world. Everyone should look for it. Isn't that sick? The ultimate goal of the Temple of Time has always been only ominous. This is what I am in chaos. The reason the wasteland is so long."

Han Fei suddenly said: "Then have you ever thought that the secret behind the Scavenger City may also be related to ominousness?"

Mo Qi shook his head: "No. In the past few years, I have used tidal waves to travel through ominous origins countless times. However, every time I returned without success. In the end I found a hidden in the ominous and locked in the void. The palace. It’s just that after failing to break into it many times, there is no way to investigate. This is the favor I want you to pay back."

"Locked in a void palace?"

Han Fei's heart stunned, Mo Qi has been investigating this for so many years?

He couldn't help asking: "Since you have found it, why don't you call the seniors of the Temple of Time?"

Mo Qi couldn't help crying or laughing: "Are you really unaware or fake?"

Han Fei: "What?"

Mo Qi: "This is my real trial. This is my path to the Dao. Otherwise, why do you think I should help you? Why do you want to pull you into the Temple of Time?"

Han Fei couldn't help being stunned, it turned out to be like this? No wonder Mo Qi has been waiting here for tens of thousands of years. Co-authoring this is her way of proving the Dao, which is no wonder.

However, Han Fei still felt that tens of thousands of years was still too long, and it seemed that Mo Qi's aptitude was not as good as he thought.

At least, the qualifications of anyone in the Void Temple are better than her.

Han Fei: "The source of the ominous power of the entire Chaos Wasteland, relying on you to solve it with the Great Perfection?"

"Huh! Have you seen my strength?"

Han Fei smiled and said: "Does this need to be seen? You all said you want to prove the Tao. Moreover, the city of scavengers can smash those fate monuments, but no one can do it."

Mo Qi curled his lips: "Okay! It may not be solved by Dzogchen Dzogchen, but that place is related to my Temple of Time. I have a natural advantage, and don't underestimate a Dzogchen Dzogchen. The children of the Temple of Time, not necessarily worse than your Void Temple. Besides, I said something needs to be found out, but I didn’t say that the source of the ominous source should be destroyed. These are two different things."

Han Fei smiled and said, "In that case, how about waiting for me to break through to the Great Perfection?"

Mo Qi: "I think you are very strong right now, and can independently kill the strongest of the gods. Do you want to be equal to the Huaxing Great Perfection with your strength?"

Han Fei was not fooled: "You said that the palace locked in the void is unusual? I killed Zhao Qinglong, it was all my best to be able to kill. Moreover, although Zhao Qinglong is on the list of gods, he has a longevity. If you are under thirty thousand years old, you really have to face those old monsters who have lived for one hundred thousand years or more. It’s not necessarily who can beat who. Remember the thousand-year agreement between us? Now? There hasn’t even been a hundred years in the past. But at least you have to believe that I am definitely going back to the Chaos Wasteland."

Mo Qi said in surprise: "You are leaving again? Didn't you just come back?"

Han Fei: "You have the secrets you are investigating, and I also have the secrets that I need to investigate. Your goal is at the source of ominousness, my goal is the secret behind the Scavenger City, and the liberation of the entire human race. Do you think I will one Can you go back or not?"

Mo Qi: "Where are you going?"

Han Fei: "Guess"

Mo Qi snorted: "I think your aura is slightly turbulent now, it seems that you may break through to the late stage of transformation at any time, right?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "Yeah! When I come back, I will walk with you to the palace locked in the void. But, not now."

Mo Qi didn't seem to be too anxious, and said calmly: "That's OK, then I will go to the City of Wanderers to live for a while, and remember to find me when I come back."

Han Fei: "Definitely."

Han Fei had different views on Mo Qi's trial path.

If it's him, what kind of trial the elder brother asks him to complete, maybe this trial is difficult, but he will find a way to do it with his own strength first.

But at present, it seems that Mo Qi alone can't accomplish this trial on his own. That's why she called herself.

Therefore, Han Fei thought that even if Mo Qi completed this trial, he might be able to prove Dao, but he should not complete this trial independently and achieve even higher achievements.

But what is it about me? When he turns into a star to reach the Great Perfection, the emperor will have to fight, and he is afraid to complete a trial with her?

After parting with Mo Qi, Han Fei only took three days to return to Farm No. 68. UU Reading www. uukahnshu.com and Hong Yue has already been waiting here.

Seeing Han Fei, Hong Yue hurriedly saluted: "Sir Renhuang, everyone is now in the sea of ​​my origin. Here is the lowest spiritual channel level, which is also the seventh-level spiritual channel. Tenth-level spiritual channels account for 10% of them. 50%, almost 40% of the eighth-level spiritual veins."

Han Fei's heart moved, this potential is a bit strong! If this is the case, it is not difficult for all members to advance to the Heavenly Vessel by practicing the technique of Devouring Blood Vessels.

Han Fei pondered for a moment and said: "Old Hong, you have worked hard, and you will take them into my origin sea. I have saved more than 10,000 human races who are strong in the sea. It is up to you to give them special training and give them Inherit the art of swallowing blood."


Hong Yue was shocked and said: "Sir, absolutely must not, how can the magical arts be passed on at will? In case they fall into the hands of the enemy in the future, the magical arts are likely to fall by the side. Moreover, these people's aptitudes are here, more violent than ours. Canghai has come out so much better. They have no big problems in advancing to Kaitian. Whenever they need the blood-swallowing magic technique, you may have already preached by then, saying that you may not be able to improve a first version or something. For them, this is already a rare opportunity for them."

However, Han Fei shook his head: "Old Hong, his eyesight is short. In the sea world, there are actually not many people who have the art of swallowing blood. Otherwise, you think that those big clans, super powers, and a random person at home, it is heaven. Pulse? Are you kidding me?"

The corner of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "When my human race rises, when it is desperate, I am strong, human race is strong, human race is strong, then I am strong..."

Hearing this, Hong Yue took a deep breath. He couldn't help but remember how Han Fei was when he pushed the rioting sea horizontally. He always felt that Han Fei at that moment was back again.

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