God of Fishing

Chapter 2516: A new journey

Three years later.

It has been eight and a half years since Han Fei returned to the Chaos Wasteland.

And this day is the day when Zhang Daqian, as a clone of Zhang Daqian, left the city of scavengers and went secretly to the boundless mining area.

If you leave it before, going to the Wuyin mining area is actually a kind of gilding. Those who came back after the experience in the Wuyin Mining Area were also stronger than those of the same realm.

Originally, there should be many people who wanted to go with Zhang Daqian. However, in the first battle three years ago, the city of scavengers could be said to have suffered heavy losses. That almost caused the law enforcement camps and scavengers in the Scavenger City to be empty.

After three years, Chen Yancai successively brought back a group of sea-breakers, about 20,000 people, from hidden places where they did not know where.

Therefore, Zhang Daqian's avatar, in fact, only took a hundred people team, and went secretly to the Wuyin Mine.

This team of hundreds is considered a private soldier. After all, Zhang Daqian's avatar has already stepped into Kaitian, and his strength is also quite tyrannical. Because the City of Scavengers has suffered heavy losses in recent years, it is a good treatment to equip Han Fei with these private soldiers.

After all, how many of the lords in the Scavenger City have hundreds of seamen?

Moreover, Zhang Daqian's avatar was not the first to go to the external mining area, because Bai Ranran had already set off a year ago.

Han Fei vaguely knew that there were some people who set out in secret, probably because of the incident three years ago, the City of Scavengers did not dare to move on a large scale.

And at the moment Zhang Daqian came out of the city, the corner of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "It's time, it's time to go."


After half a month.

Above the wilderness border, the giant whale fortress is slowly walking along the border.

Every day, countless humans in the sea-breaking realm enter and exit the giant whale fortress.

Among these people, there are sea-opening realms, there are noble realms, and there are countless people below noble realms.

In fact, for people below the Venerable Realm, they can't leave the giant whale fortress with a radius of 300,000 miles at all. No matter how safe the border is, it is very dangerous for them.

An ordinary snail, sea urchin, big fish, shellfish, sea prawn, etc. randomly here may cause them to die.

Therefore, in the past eight years, under the baptism of sufficient resources, in the Whale Fortress, people below the venerable level, including children, add up to no more than 30%, while the venerable level accounts for approximately 30% of the total. About 50% of the number of people. The remaining 20% ​​have reached the state of opening up the sea.

Over the past eight years alone, more than 14,000 people have opened the sea, and nearly 12,000 have successfully opened the sea.

Of course, this is based on sufficient resources to play this way. For a normal mobile fortress, it is actually very difficult to cultivate so many sea-opening realms at once.

At this moment, within 300,000 miles of the Giant Whale Fortress, there are probably more than 20,000 battlefields and a few large-scale joint battlefields.

One of the large-scale joint battlefields is a group of 20-person Explorers peak powerhouses hunting a lobster in the realm of Intermediate Venerable.

At this moment, the fighting has heated up. Almost all of these 20 people were injured. The only thing I was fortunate was that none of them were caught by this big lobster, otherwise they would die.

I only heard a clear voice shouting: "The first group, the second group, contain its double-ao and double-beard. The third group attacked his tail, and the fourth group attacked his lower abdomen..."

It stands to reason that for such a little explorer, it is extremely difficult to win an Intermediate Venerable. However, among these twenty people, there are more than a dozen of them, and their vitality is unstable.

In the sky, all kinds of great arts and laws are spilled out all over the sky.

At this moment, one of them shouted: "I'm going to break through, help me out."

On this person, the aura is rolling, and the aura from all directions is gathering and covering the whole body. That person was overjoyed in his eyes, and only felt that as long as three breaths time, he would be able to return to the fighting state, and a breakthrough in the battle was the best opportunity to sharpen him.


Suddenly, the lobster ejected its tail for an instant, stabbing it, and rushing straight to the front. Two of them fought with shields, trying to block the big lobster, leaving enough time for the one behind them to break through.

However, for the explorer, the shrimp thorn is like a weapon of magic weapon, extremely sharp.

Just listen to two "puff puffs", the two big shields exploded in a blast, and at this moment, the big lobster's double ao was unfolded, pretending to drink back from the person who contained it, and his body turned to make him faster.

Zhang Ning gave a violent shout, trying to compare time with this big lobster.

Beside, someone shouted: "Quit! Zhang Ning, do you want to die?"

Someone scolded, "Zhang Ning, Xie succeeded. What you have is an opportunity to break your respect. Don't fight for this moment."

Although everyone is telling Zhang Ning to retire, he knows that this is the moment of life and death, and only in this way can he explode with infinite potential.


Zhang Ning shouted violently, wanting to bet on luck and bet that he would break his respect.


At that moment, Zhang Ning's internal strength was violent, and his blood boiled. At this moment, he broke through. He knew that he was about to suffer a head-on collision, but he should not be able to die.

However, there was a loud shout around him, and Zhang Ning turned his head to see that a shrimp claw had already been pinched towards him at some point. The next moment, he might be crushed directly.

It was the moment when everyone was caught off guard at this critical moment. Suddenly, the big lobster stopped moving suddenly. Turning his head and looking at it, when everyone took a closer look, they found that a person was standing on the shell of this big lobster at some unknown time. This person, it seems, is so familiar.


"It's Human Sovereign, it's Human Sovereign Lord..."

The next moment, Zhang Ning also looked at Han Fei's figure in shock. Probably more than eight years ago, they suddenly had resources. Master Whale said that the strong human race sheltered everyone. In addition, a statue was erected for this strong human race for admiration and to be called the emperor.

The total population of the Giant Whale Fortress is less than 150,000. To be precise, it is only more than 130,000. Because of the large amount of resources and the opening of a full-scale practice mode, there are actually a lot of fallen people. Currently, there are not even 130,000. Therefore, they really admire Han Fei. Because it is this person who has brought them a rapid and continuous growth, and there are also some great skills taught. It can be said that the overall strength of the entire Giant Whale Fortress has directly increased to a level in the past few years.

At this moment, Han Fei appeared, an invisible suppression that instantly enveloped everyone here. In fact, Han Fei did not release the pressure in particular, but showed a little majesty. Suddenly, the big lobster on his body trembled, and the team of 20 people around him seemed to be caught in boundless fear.

It took almost a few breaths, everyone's complexion was flushed, breathing was short of breath, and the body couldn't stop trembling.

Just listen to Han Fei lightly saying: "Hold your breath and keep running the exercises."

The next moment, something sounded in their ears, as if it was the Lord Human Sovereign who was talking, but they couldn't hear clearly. But no matter whether they could hear clearly, they felt that the operation of the exercises suddenly became extremely smooth, and dozens of spiritual energy storms were set off all at once.

At this time, Zhou Jingjing and the others realized the abnormality here.

When they saw Han Fei, they were first overjoyed, and they immediately came to Han Fei’s side, but did not dare to speak out, because they were shocked and found that they could not understand what Han Fei said. The voice was mysterious and mysterious, like a great road. Voice. And these explorers are all making breakthroughs. Yes, seeing that all of them must be promoted to the Venerable Realm.

Zhou Jingjing, Li Tong, and Wang Xu, as experts in the Open Heaven Realm, naturally knew that Han Fei was preaching, a kind of unpredictable preaching. Even they all felt a little puzzled in their hearts, and suddenly became clear.

The three of them looked at each other and were shocked. Is this the Han Fei they knew back then?

Some sea-piping realm experts also noticed this, but did not dare to come over.

It wasn't until hundreds of breaths later that these people had all broken through the realm of the venerable before Han Fei put away those Xu's majesty. And these 20 people, all sitting cross-legged, absorbing the storm of spiritual energy, are completing the consolidation of the realm.

At this time, Han Fei's heart moved, and Hong Yue, Yingyue, Jiang Ya and others appeared.

Except for Han Fei, there are seven Open Heaven Realm powerhouses in a row, plus Zhou Jingjing and the three of them, plus Han Fei, at this moment, the Giant Whale Fortress is equivalent to having eleven Open Heaven realms at once.

Then, a shadow of the world descended, and 14,562 human powers appeared. Except for the 802 people Hong Yue found, they were all sea-penetrating realm powers.

At this moment, seeing Zhou Jingjing and Wang Xu, they couldn't help taking a breath.

They can see ~www.readwn.com~ to know that these 10,000 people are not as simple as the ordinary sea-opening realm. They have reached the peak of sea-opening power by 50%. What is this concept?

This means that if it is deliberately cultivated, given enough opportunities, coupled with Han Fei's sermons, and some great arts gifts, there may be a group of at least ten people in the Open Heaven realm in the short term.

With this strength, in the wilderness, it is already extremely valuable, even if it is not Han Fei, it is a powerful mobile fortress.

At this time, these people brought by Han Fei had already been reminded by Han Fei that they had come to the outside world at this moment.

Outside of the Chaos Wasteland, it is novel to them. But not everyone is looking around, these years of practice has made them increasingly admire and admire Han Fei.

At this time, of course, he couldn't embarrass Han Fei, so they looked serious and stood behind Hong Yue in the form of a military formation.

Just listen to Han Fei's introduction: "Lao Hong, this is Zhou Jingjing, a star-transforming powerhouse, and a follower of my human race. Go back and have a good exchange."

Hong Yue bowed immediately: "Yes, Lord Ren Huang."

Then, Han Fei looked at Zhou Jingjing and said: "This is Hong Yue, a strong man of my human race. They have never left the Chaos Wasteland and know nothing about the wilderness. Giant Whale Fortress, To survive in the wilderness, the knowledge of the wilderness is much higher than that of them. Therefore, for a while, they will temporarily hand it over to you."

Zhou Jingjing was shocked, and immediately took a deep breath: "Master, I must let them understand everything in the sea world in the shortest possible time."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Well! Call everyone back! Since you choose to follow me, let's give them a sermon!"

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