God of Fishing

Chapter 2522: Bandit


These people who were killed suddenly thought that they would be able to win Zhou Jingjing by a single encounter. But who knows the strength of the whales and whales this week is barely okay.

It's also that they are a little careless, otherwise if they try their best in the first place, there may not be so much trouble.

This powerful late-stage transforming star stared at the blood evil puppet for a moment, and then smiled coldly: "A puppet, even if it has the realm of Transforming Star Dzogchen before his death, it will not be able to play a real Transforming Dzogchen battle after all. Power. Now, give you a chance to surrender all the resources in your body, hand over the sea monster fortress, and take out your spirits and blood, announce to join my Black Wind Pirate Group, and I will let you live."

Just listen to Hong Yue coldly snorted: "Joke, what are you? You dare to make me loyal, for fear that you think your life is not long enough."

The expert in the late stage of the transformation star grinned and sneered: "Oh? A guy who doesn't have a transformation star, dare to be crazy with Laozi? You don't even ask, what a fierce name I am, the Black Wind Pirate Group."

After finishing speaking, only listen to Huaxing later shouting: "Brothers, I will contain this puppet! You leave this woman and this man, and kill all the others."

"Boom boom boom~"

"Boom boom boom~"

I only saw that the powerful late-stage transformation star really dared to intercept the blood evil spirits alone. Holding a double axe, he was full of blood, and even cut away the river of evil spirits.

On the other side, the Four Great Stars' late stage powerhouses frequently shot, and they saw that this time, including Zhou Jingjing, were flying across the ground.

The murderous aura on these people was so heavy that both Hong Yue and Yingyue were stagnated. It was just a face-to-face. On the side of the strong human race, three people were penetrated, and Hong Yue was almost scrapped.

When Hong Yue and the others were shocked and shocked, in fact, the other people were also shocked. Because they found that the physique of these people is beyond imagination.

Imagine that when I had just opened the sky, I was afraid that my physique was not equal to 50% of these people.

It is also true that at the moment they attacked, they did not cause anyone to fall.

The late Star Huaxing powerhouse thought that it would be a matter of time for him to win here, and it would only take a moment at most.

But who knows, only a breath of time passed, at the moment when Yingyue was almost killed by someone, a figure suddenly appeared here, blocking Yingyue's body. I saw this person, with his physical body, forcibly blocked this blow.

Once again, just looking at Han Fei's finger, the head of the strong man in the late transformation stage burst, the star ball collapsed, and there was no room for resistance.

At the moment when Han Fei appeared, the members of the Black Wind Pirate Group were about to retreat immediately, preparing to flee.

Astonished, the powerful late-stage transforming star was directly locked by a terrifying fist print before he even started running.

As the late stage of the star transformation, he is not afraid to fight, but he has never seen such a terrible fist mark. The power, as if he suffered a big star that detonated, his hands were intended to resist, and he was directly hit by a punch. Ablation of both arms. Together with the flesh and blood on his body, under this punch, they all exploded.

At that moment, in order to survive, the star bead in the center of the eyebrow exploded with a full blow. That was all the power that could be used in his natal star.

With this blow, this powerful late-stage transforming star barely resisted a star fist from Han Fei.

When this person came back to his senses, he found that the other three people had already lay flat, and they had been killed by Exterminating Soul.

The late stage of the transformation star was shocked, I knocked Nima, isn't it just an ordinary sea monster fortress? How could there be such a terrifying powerhouse in this ghost place?

The battle turned around in an instant, which made Zhou Jingjing, Hong Yue and others realize that there is an insurmountable gap between themselves and others now and Han Fei.

In their opinion, an extremely powerful existence, in the hands of Han Fei, there was no power to fight back, almost achieving the terrible level of five kills in an instant.

Especially the punch that Han Fei hit just now, the ultimate explosive power, really seemed like a star burst, making them fearful. Xin said, where is such a terrible big technique in this world?

At this moment, I saw Han Fei with his hands on his back and his expression calmly said: "You are the first person who dares to kill me. Now, you give me a reason not to kill you."

After speaking, Han Fei stared at this person.

This person was still in a skeleton state, and his flesh and blood had been annihilated by Han Fei's punch just now, and even the soul was severely injured.

While regaining his flesh and blood, this man held his fist and saluted Han Fei as a puppet: "My lord, please look at the name of the Black Wind Pirate Group, spare my life. I would like to give a set of middle-grade artifacts, An inferior artifact, 300,000 li resources, as a reward."

The words are also hard to speak, and the bandit is very strong. It seems that if you lose, you lose. If you lose, you will spend money to get back to yourself. Of course, he still has some expectations in his heart.


Han Fei couldn't help showing an unexpected look. Is the Huaxing Dzogchen such a rich man here? The main thing is not the 300,000 li resources. The main thing is that this guy actually has two artifacts on his body.

This is just a random encounter with a pirate team, what if it is the entire pirate team?

Han Fei glanced at the shuttle-like thing that looked like a flying boat again. The thing seemed not bad. After reading the information, Han Fei realized that the thing could explode at a terrifying speed of ten times the speed of light.

You know, this speed is not something that can be achieved at any later stage of the Star Transformation. To put it bluntly, the value of the shuttle is comparable to a middle-grade artifact, or even better.

Moreover, with this thing, it can be driven by the energy of the fairy spirit, which is very convenient.

Han Fei grinned suddenly, and just listened to him: "Thank you very much for the information you provided. But since your brothers have already gone one step ahead of you, you should follow along!"

The person suddenly raised his head: "Kill me, I'm afraid you can't bear the consequences."


Han Fei sneered and grabbed Void with one hand. The late stage of the transformation star was directly deprived of consciousness by Han Fei.

When Han Fei appeared next to him, he buckled it out with a thread of nothingness. Directly offered two battle axes and a battle suit. This is the divine tool he was talking about. Han Fei can cut the connection between the divine tool and this person by simply moving his thoughts.

Han Fei looked around, and finally his gaze fell behind the whale and whale of that week. Li Tong said on his body: "Li Tong, you use an axe here. This pair of medium-grade artifacts are given to you. I will watch you. Recently, the strength has tended to stop. I think it is time to advance. It is best to open up the Origin Sea as soon as possible and prepare to transform the star. I will get you a star core by then."

Li Tong is a flattered, middle-grade artifact! And it's still a set, he didn't expect to fall into his own hands.

At that moment, the excitement and excitement in Li Tong's heart made him tremble only when he heard his voice: "Thank you, Lord Renhuang, Li Tongding lives up to the high expectations of Lord Renhuang. The subordinates actually want to raise the bloodline level and transform the stars. For more than ten years at most, the subordinates will inevitably turn into stars."

Han Fei's heart moved: "Huh? So, it's okay. When you turn around, you come to my natal star."

After that, Han Fei looked around and said, "Everyone, you are my first followers, and I will not hide some things from you. The Avenue of Time is also one of my avenues. Those who need time to accelerate, you can mention it to me. , Into the sea of ​​my origin, I can provide you with a hundredfold acceleration at the highest."

Han Fei wants to quickly build a super power of his own, so he can't take the usual path. Otherwise, the cultivation of a strong person will always be calculated for thousands of years.

Even the children of the big clan, with enough resources to pile up, it will take hundreds of years to pile up a strong one.

However, if it is a hundred times faster, what a terrible thing will this be? Anyway, Zhou Jingjing and Yingyue were dumbfounded.

Hong Yue suddenly realized that why Han Fei had risen so quickly might have something to do with the Avenue of Time.

After that, Han Fei took away the low-grade artifact suit, and said lightly: "You don't need this stuff."

Just listen to Han Fei continuing: "From now on, we have encountered pirates from the Boundless Mine. I saw the battle just now, and I believe you also felt it. Zhou Jingjing, what do you think?"

Zhou Jingjing was asked, and immediately took a breath: "Very strong."

Han Fei: "Where is the strong?"

Zhou Jingjing wanted to say that it was a realm, but at the moment of the confrontation, he clearly felt that the opponent's desire to fight was strong, fierce, and murderous. At that time, he suppressed himself and didn't know how to use many major techniques.

Zhou Jingjing frowned: "It's fighting spirit."

Han Fei snorted softly: "It's the momentum, you are hunters in the wilderness, you should be like this. And Yingyue, you are the strong men who stood out from the countless people and smashed a **** path from the city of scavengers. .Why, in the face of such a few pirates, I was suppressed and confused. What about the great art I gave you? Has it been used? Whenever you use it, you can be confronted by your physique. Is this hurt? Although I have never been to the Wuyin mining area, but since I know the general situation there. The people in the Wuyin mining area are probably better than the strong in the Tiankeng world. Just one sentence, people dare to kill their lives, UU reading www. Do you dare to play uukanshu.com?"

Hong Yue, Yingyue, Zhou Jingjing and others were blushing with Han Fei's words. In the last sentence, the few people who said they were all awe-inspiring. They knew that the word "Shen Dao" was very far away, but who did not want to prove Dao when they cultivated to the Open Heaven Realm?

Yingyue and the others were ashamed. Those few people were indeed strong just now, but in fact, Hong Yue and Zhou Jingjing performed well. But they were indeed the first battle in the Open Heaven Realm. At that moment, they suddenly encountered each other and it was indeed messed up.

As Han Fei said, they are not without the power of a battle.

At this moment, I just listen to Han Fei said: "This trip to the endless mining area, I can guarantee you enough resources to help you solve any unfair and irresistible opponents. However, this does not mean that you can survive. At least, in your current state, I don't think you have the possibility of surviving."

As the saying goes, with a stick in one hand and a candy in one hand, after teaching a few people, Han Fei said coldly: "Now, I will give you another chance...From this person’s memory, I found a stronghold of the Black Wind Pirates. They have a transformation star. 1 in the late stage, 5 in the late stage of the transformation, a total of 12 in the early stage of the transformation and the early stage of the transformation, 83 people in the sea boundary, and 102 people in the other sea boundary. This should be an exploratory team of the Black Wind Pirate Group, specializing in this relative In remote places, hunt down some passers-by who are alone, trying to sneak into the boundless mining area. These people, except for the late stage of transformation, will be handed over to you."

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