God of Fishing

Chapter 2523: Kill the enemy, seize the treasure, become stronger

Periphery of the gods and demons sea area.

A big ship hurried to the edge of the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons. On this ship, there are 1 late stage transformation star, 5 late stage transformation stage, 12 strong stars and early stage opening stage powerhouses.

Chen Tang was sitting and practicing. Suddenly, he suddenly opened his eyes. When he turned his hand and grabbed it, he grabbed five broken fate monuments.

"His! Not good!"

They have heard that recently, there may be people from Chaos Wasteland who go to the Boundless Mining Area, and it is very likely that they will leave the outskirts of the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons.

In fact, during these days, Chen Tang did see some traces of big stars shining. But he thought that the other party was not very strong, and Lao Liu should be able to do it alone.

But now, how long did Lao Liu wait for him to leave? But one hour, at this moment all fell. What does this mean, the opponent is very strong, and it is very likely that there will be a strong person with the Great Perfection of the Transformation Star.

I saw Chen Tang suddenly got up and hurriedly shouted: "Quickly retreat, retreat, evacuate, everyone, enter the sea of ​​my origin, put the ship away."

In fact, the current pirate groups generally do not use ships. The reason why the people on board and the advance team are not together is because they underestimated Han Fei and his party from the beginning.

Moreover, the few people in the advance team clearly saw Zhou Jingjing and their weak strength, so they thought about taking the initiative and winning directly. But I didn't expect that behind Zhou Jingjing and the others, there was a figure like Han Fei.

For a while, everyone on the ship panicked a little. Generally, Captain Chen Tang would react this way only when encountering a strong enemy. And looking at the reaction, this enemy seems very strong.

So they entered the origin sea of ​​Chen Tang for the first time. If something goes wrong, you have to run. In this horrible place of the Boundless Mining Area, you can be reckless when you should be reckless. Don’t be reckless when you shouldn’t be reckless, or your life will be lost in vain.

After Chen Tang received the crowd and the big ship, he directly took out a flying shuttle and walked away.

While running, Chen Tang was afraid. Fortunately, it was only a small group of advance teams to check, otherwise they might be wiped out.

Sure enough, even if they are not in the Boundless Mine, the people near the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons cannot be underestimated! But most of the opponent should not be able to catch up, after all, he ran very fast.

For this kind of enemy, you still have to find the boss. The opponent has a small number of people. If you can snipe it off, you might get a lot of rewards.

After more than three hours.


In the void, a piercing shuttle came out of the void. Chen Tang breathed a long sigh of relief. After running for more than three hours in one breath, he consumed a lot of fairy qi. Even the gods could not find themselves at such a long distance.

Convinced that he was safe now, Chen Tang flew to the Black Wind Pirates by himself. This time they were a bit far away. It may take him two days to return to the Sea Breeze Pirates.

"Yeah! I will tell the boss at that time, we have met the powerful person of the Huaxing Dzogchen, which is really invincible. Alas, old Liu! Don't blame me, brother, you guys died too fast, brothers, I dare not stay. There!"


Chen Tang suddenly felt a numb scalp, even if he had subconsciously reacted, the next second, a blade of blade passed by, and he saw one of his arms, which was directly crushed into powder.


At that moment, Chen Tang yelled, and a set of low-grade magical battle clothes appeared on his body, and a long sword appeared in his hand.


Chen Tang felt as if he had been hit by a big star and flew backwards at faster than light speed.

In mid-air, Chen Tang threw a jade slip, where his peak blow was hidden.

After he returned to his senses, he saw a young man who had crushed the sword light of his peak blow with one hand, handed out a sword with his backhand, and slashed towards him.

Chen Tang's heart moved. Although this person was powerful, he was not likely to kill himself all at once.

He felt that he had just been attacked, and as long as he took this blow, he would no longer be passive.

At that moment, his eyebrows flashed, and the star beads came out, a beam of light directed at Han Fei and chopped off.

I only saw that Han Fei squeezed his fist marks and blasted a dazzling fist light, and the world was eclipsed by it. He actually shook his star orb with a full blow.

"How can it be?"

Chen Tang was shocked, and the full blow of his star orb had definitely reached the level of the Great Perfection of the Transforming Star.

I saw the waves raging, and the waves rushed through the sky. There was a long voice in the void: "You Black Wind Pirates, provocation first, I'm looking for you, isn't it too much?"

Han Fei stood in the void, his eyes squinting: "Let your people come out! Your people win, I will let you go."

When it was over, a phantom appeared beside Han Fei, and Hong Yue, Zhou Jingjing and others appeared behind him.

Chen Tang took a look, what the **** is this? What is this person doing? What about my training? The strongest one has just turned into a star realm, that's it?

However, no matter what the others are doing, he knows that Han Fei is very strong and outrageous. Therefore, Chen Tang coughed out a mouthful of old blood and admitted: "This fellow Taoist, there is still room for conversion in this matter, and my Black Wind Pirate Group is willing to make compensation."

Han Fei snorted: "Did you not understand me?"

I'm telling you, let you release people. If you win over there, I will let you go.

Chen Tang's expression changed drastically: "Really?"

Han Fei: "Really."

Chen Tang is not sure if what Han Fei said is true or false, but he has no choice now. His internal organs were tumbling in the fight just now, and his strength was small, so he had to delay for a while.

Just listen to Chen Tang said: "Okay! As you wish."


When Chen Tang releases the people, there will be a group of strong people who open up the sky and a large group of strong people who open up the sea.

Just listen to Chen Tang said: "You guys, discuss one or two with these daoists on the opposite side."

These people looked dumbfounded and didn't know what happened. But they knew that this might have something to do with Chen Tang's escape. At this time, they didn't dare to neglect, they just took a closer look, the opposite is so weak!

As for Zhou Jingjing and others, they took a breath at this moment, knowing that it was time to prove their worth.

Just listen to the people from Hongyue: "Don't forget, you have a variety of great skills, which others can't even think of. Don't underestimate your own strength, even if you die, don't retire."

Anyway, Hong Yue was once the lord of the mad corpse sky, and he really wanted to face a deadly battle. He was not counseled. What he is afraid of is to fight meaninglessly.

Chen Tangxin said that this person seemed to want to use them as a sharpening stone. It's just that this man's knife is not good, what should I do if I accidentally sharpen it?

Just listen to him: "Friend of Daoist, since you have the Top Ten Open Heavens, why don't the few Transfiguration Stages on my side stop going up?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Don't! You're wrong, it's 11."

At this time, beside Han Fei, the old turtle's Yang God appeared. However, even Hong Yue was surprised. This person had never seen him before. Where did Han Fei find this person?

When Chen Tang saw this, his face changed slightly, and he exclaimed, "Yang Shen?"

Just listen to Han Fei grinning: "I forgot to tell you, you yourself are also going to participate in the war."

This was the old tortoise initiative, because he didn't know the specific limit of his current combat power. It is estimated to be very strong, so he needs someone to try it out.

As for those who opened up the sea, Han Fei was not ready to do it now. These people are all trophies. Doesn’t the giant whale fortress and the Terran sea-breaking realm need experience? Then take these people to experience!

Suddenly, Han Fei remembered that there seemed to be more than a hundred sea-piping powerhouses in the origin sea of ​​Antaiping. But those people are really strong. It is estimated that five dozen to one, or ten to one will work on the side of the giant whale fortress. Otherwise, it is estimated that the person on his side will die.

The old tortoise appeared, smiled, pointed at Chen Tang and the five metamorphosis stars and said: "You six, let's go together!"

Chen Tang's secret path is not good, and the one who cultivated the Yang God, but not weak, represents that the power of the other party's spirit is particularly strong. The only thing I can do now is to delay time and to wait for the head of the regiment to come to rescue.

If you have to be a whetstone yourself, then be it. As long as you can last for two days, someone will come to save yourself and others.

Here, the war is on the verge of breaking out.

However, he saw that Hong Yue took the lead, and saw Tianhuo add himself, Hong Yue became the flame war god, this is a magical skill bestowed by Han Fei, the body of Tianhuo, and Hong Yue himself had mastered many combat skills.

A few face each other, with a flame condensing a strand of sword yuan in between, and a strong person in the early stage of the Open Heaven realm was just a meeting. Hong Yue's half body was penetrated, but the opponent's person was filled with a sword yuan in his body. , Burst open. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Hong Yue couldn't see through the mark of the enemy's soul. He could only use the corpse energy to corrode the void and block the opponent's soul.

A seemingly simple battle, in fact, at that moment, it was shocking. If it weren't for Hong Yue's physique a lot stronger than that person, it is not yet known who will die.

Han Fei watched, his heart moved, Hong Yue's own combat power was good, and if he taught "The Puppet of the Living Dead" to him, his combat power would be greatly improved.

On the other hand, Zhou Jingjing is already talented, and Han Fei has given her a lot of great skills. At this moment, he is fighting fiercely with a transforming star powerhouse. The other party seems to know that war is also dead, and if you don’t fight, you must die. The whale pads its back.

As a result, the other party turned his soul into a stab, Zhou Jingjing was shocked, the other party had a mortal heart. She knew that if she was counseled, she would most likely be penetrated by the other party.


For a moment, it seemed that a whale sound rang in his ears, and Zhou Jingjing instantly spurted a **** arrow, with a strong spiritual power, and slammed away.


The two lost almost both. Zhou Jingjing was a little better, as if there was a layer of willpower surrounding the whole body, and the man on the other side, his soul had collapsed and became a living dead.

On the contrary, Yingyue and others actually had better fighting conditions than Zhou Jingjing. They are one of the strongest in the city of scavengers. They can survive the oppression of the Ten Thousand Scales tribe, and they have come out of countless trials.

Therefore, contrary to Han Fei's expectation, Yingyue and the others, even the weakest Chu Lingyu, broke out with Kaitian Jianpu when Yingyue and the others made a move, and cut off the opponent unscathed.

The other people were like this, Xu was stimulated by Han Fei. This time, they finally showed their strength.

With the advantage of Innocent Profound Body, plus the many magical skills bestowed by Han Fei, it is strange to lose.

The **** who likes fishing, please collect it: () The **** of fishing girl classmate net has the fastest update speed.

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