God of Fishing

Chapter 2528: Camp encounter


However, when Xu Meng and others saw this batch of resources, they took a deep breath. The resources in the hands of Lord Human Sovereign are too much, right? There are 130,000 spiritual fruits per person, so how can there be more than 6 million spiritual fruits in total?

Also, one piece of the best Dinghai Bizarre Treasure for one person, this thing is not available to many Open Heaven Realm powerhouses, so it was given to them as a resource for the triumph. There was also the Conferred Spirit Spear full of Dao patterns at that moment, which was not a common product at first glance. And the formation is even more difficult to obtain, the formation master, it is not easy to seal the big formation...

Suddenly, Xu Meng and the others were thinking, if they couldn't open the sky even this, then they deserved to die.

How about Xinghai? With so many resources and treasures, can't they all add up to the 30% danger?

Han Fei took these people away, and the old tortoise was amazed that Han Fei was finally about to develop his own power. From the time he knew Han Fei until now, this guy has basically been a single-handed master, even when he was in control of Thirty-Six Xuantian, he was not considered to have his own power. It is equivalent to being the leader of one party, a symbol.

And this time, Han Fei has to face too many enemies, and he needs to consider the future of the human race. After all, a person's power is limited.

Above the sea of ​​stars, waiting for Xu Meng and others to refine the best Dinghai Bizarre Treasure.

Suddenly, there was coercion swept across the world, and there was thunder in the sky.

Han Fei's eyes flashed: "Everyone is scattered, the distance between them must be three million miles."

Heavenly Tribulation will only get harder and harder. The initial calamity, even the 49th calamity at the peak of law enforcement, was just to prove whether you have the qualifications to practice upward. The nine layers of heavenly tribulation and the nine layers of tribulation transformed into the sea-level realm represent the test of heaven.

After the test, you are a great practitioner, but if you fail, you will go against the sky and be killed.

And the robbery of the Open Heaven Realm is going against the heavens completely.


Gradually, these people began to cross the catastrophe.


Two ways.

Three ways.

After all, some of these people still underestimated the danger of crossing the tribulation in the sea of ​​stars.

Someone possessed the liquid divine brilliance in the sixth heavenly calamity, and could not withstand the power of the thunder and thunder to kill at that moment, and fell into it.

This person should be the weakest of these people. Because he was the first to use Panlong formation.

In the seventh thunder, three of them finally died and fell under the bombardment of thunder. And in the seventh thunder, 12 people used the dragon formation.

Seeing this scene, Han Fei couldn't help sighing. These twelve people can survive until now, which is actually pretty good. In the eighth day of the catastrophe, most of them may have fallen.

As expected by Han Fei, no matter how much resources you give, not everyone is talented. Of the 12 people just now, 8 people fell in the eighth calamity.

At this moment, a total of 12 people have fallen.

However, the ninth calamity is the real key.

With so many resources from Han Fei, most of these people still made it to the ninth stage.

At this moment, all those who still have resources on their bodies are on display, the dragon formation is fully opened, the spirit fruits are all shattered, and the sacred spear rises to the sky...

In the Eighth Tribulation, both the Coiling Dragon Formation and the Conferred Spear were used. In the Ninth Tribulation, the secret method was fully opened. With the courage to live toward death in my heart, the last one, if not successful, becomes benevolence. To survive and survive is their only belief.



The tribulation cloud in the four directions began to dissipate, but the fact is that the effect of the tribulation this time was not much better than Han Fei had expected.

In the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation, there were 11 people who disappeared directly, with no bones left, and dissipated between the world and the earth.

This time, 23 people fell and 26 succeeded.

Although Han Fei's face is not pretty, but if this news is made known to many people in the wilderness, I am afraid that it will be unbelievable. This success rate has already caught up with the success rate of medium and large forces. If you let them know that Han Fei gave so many resources for this time to cross the catastrophe, I am afraid they would be shocked and shocked. This is particularly good, the welfare is also too good.

"Swipe it~"

After a series of apocalyptic magic techniques were left behind, these 26 people were recovering quickly, and changes were taking place in their bodies. Han Fei directly brought them into the stars of their fate, stimulating the aura and energy of the fairy spirit, enveloping them, and helping them quickly stabilize their realm.

When everyone had stabilized their cultivation bases, they were emotionally upset for a while and couldn't help themselves. I saw Xu Meng knelt toward Han Fei on one knee: "Lord Renhuang, Xu Meng is fighting for the rise of the human race."

After that, everyone, including the humanoids at the giant whale fortress, also promised this: "My lord, I am willing to fight for the rise of the human race."

Han Fei was in a complicated mood at this moment.

To be honest, Hong Yue cannot be counted as his own private army, neither can Zhou Jingjing and the others. Only those who were rescued from the city of scavengers, Yingyue and others, and Xu Meng, were the forces cultivated on their own.

When Han Fei took Xu Meng and the others back to the sea world, the breakthrough frenzy here had subsided. Although Han Fei hadn't seen it, from the atmosphere here, we can see that countless people were overjoyed. Sweeping the perception, almost half of the people had a qualitative leap in strength.

When Han Fei and the others appeared, everyone's eyes gathered. When they saw that there were only 26 people left behind Han Fei, many people took a breath.

Those who have fallen, they certainly sigh. However, the open day survival rate of more than 50% was enough to amaze them.

In particular, with the strong people who have just opened the sea, the number has exceeded 36,000. These people are not idiots, how many experts in the Open Heaven realm have they seen in their daily lives? And what does a half success rate mean? It means that they have at least a 50% chance to survive the catastrophe.

At that moment, these sea-piping realm powerhouses were all moved.

Especially on the side of the Giant Whale Fortress, Han Fei's addition not only brought them nearly 20,000 sea-breaking realm powerhouses and seven or eight open-day realm powerhouses.

Now, the number of Open Heaven Realm powerhouses has skyrocketed by 26 people. If this is going through some battles, and if it breaks through another fifty people, it is almost a certainty.

Unlike the people at the Giant Whale Fortress, they all saw hope on the Terran side. In the city of scavengers, no human race can enter the open world.

And the appearance of Han Fei changed this pattern. Many people are actually only one step away from Kaitian. Without the jurisdiction of the city of scavengers, their Dao Hearts all began to become clear.

And Han Fei also faintly felt that some people actually showed signs of instability.

"Fuck! I can't break through anymore now, I will be poor if I break through again."

No matter how much resources Han Fei possesses, it is impossible to provide more than a hundred thousand people for cultivation and growth.

At this moment, there are only two Chengdu resources left in his body that can be used to overcome the catastrophe. If this continues, don't be afraid that you will become a pauper without walking to the endless mining area.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Everyone, I know you are very happy now, happy and proud of your own strength growth. However, becoming stronger and growing is not just eating resources. We need more resources. We need more resources. More battles, we need more weapons. One hundred years of cultivation, only one battle, all return to their thrones, conquest with the emperor, and sweep the Black Wind pirate group."

"I am willing to charge for the battle for the emperor."

"Sweep the Black Wind Pirates."

The crowd rushed to gather while shouting slogans. They have never experienced such a crazy experience of becoming stronger. They also know that there is no pie in the world. The Emperor can help for a while, but cannot help the whole life. They need to become stronger and cannot count on the Emperor for everything.

For this battle, they prepared for more than three hundred years.

At this moment, he is ready to go, ready to take down the enemy with one blow.

Only the old tortoise whispered in Han Fei's ear: "Who can hit at their level? All together, they are not enough for the opponent to kill in the late stage of the transformation. Hong Yue and Yingyue are all forced to be piled up by resources. To the edge of the star."

Han Fei grinned: "So they need to fight now, the transformation of the stars is perfect, the later stage, the later stage, leave it to me, you will take care of their battle."

Seven days later.

Has been out of the area along the sea of ​​gods and demons.

In fact, when Han Fei killed Chen Tang and the others, the Black Wind Pirate Group was already here to support them.

It's a pity that Chen Tang and the others died too fast, they couldn't wait for the reinforcements to arrive.

Later, the Black Wind Pirate Group wandered around and other things, and didn't turn around to go to the Wuyin mining area until half a year ago.

The pirates here are different from the top ten pirate groups at the time of the riots.

At that time, everyone still used boats, but there is no such thing as a boat here. Boats are used for rest and are equivalent to tents set up during travel. Once something goes wrong, it must be because he is running fast and hurriedly rushing out.

And the existence of the super-light speed shuttle, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is a special weapon for a few powerful people to search for prey.

A flying shuttle is equivalent to an artifact, and an ordinary pirate group can afford at most three or five flying shuttles.

The Black Wind Pirate Group belongs to the general pirate group.

Because they also need to conduct reconnaissance and hunt for prey along the way, their speed is not fast.

Today, it is close to a wilderness camp outside the Wuyin mining area. The crew of the Black Wind is stopping here to rest.

The wilderness camp is a symbol of the safe area in the wilderness. Who dares to make a shot at the wilderness camp inexplicably, that is, at all casual cultivators. Eventually, it will spread and hunt among the various wilderness camps until the invaders of the wilderness camps fall.

At this moment, in this camp, in a luxurious tavern. Three people were drinking, and in front of them was a gray-haired elder who turned into a great perfection.

Just listen to one of them: "Old Chen, are there any new faces in the camp recently?"

Old man: "You have asked this several times, and you have asked me three times in two months. There are some faces, but they are all trialists in the early days of opening the sky and the sea-breaking realm. If nothing happens, it is chaos. People from the wasteland have passed by dozens of waves. I advise you not to make this idea. Whether it is Zhang Beihai, An Kongsu, or Long Wu, it is not easy to provoke."


The person who listened only to this question shouted: "If it weren't an accident, it would be one of the three families that had killed me in the Black Wind Pirates. I can't forget Lao Tzu's entire boat. Lao Tzu can't forget it. Lao Tzu Chen, if you have any news, let me know immediately."

At this moment, the old man's heart suddenly moved, and he was slightly puzzled: "It's a coincidence that there is a strong man in the late stage of the transformation star, who has a new face."

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