God of Fishing

Chapter 2529: Information purchase

"Fresh faces?"

The members of the Black Wind Pirate Group are now inexplicably uncomfortable when they hear the words "faces", and they subconsciously suspect that these people are related to the fallen strong men of their Black Wind Pirate Group.

Many of them have fallen, close to a quarter of the masters of the Black Wind Pirates.

"Old Chen, which direction did they come from?"

The old man said indifferently: "I said that if you came from the direction you came from, you wouldn't be murderous, right? People are just a late stage transformation and a powerful person who has just transformed into a star. They can kill you. Chen Tang and the others?"

The leader of the Sea Breeze Pirate Group grinned: "Old Chen, do you really do not understand or pretend to be stupid? Walking here, who will easily appear outside? I don't know how many people are hidden in the origin sea of ​​the late stage of the transformation. Now that he has reached his strength and is behind us, it may be related to Chen Tang's death. Hey, whether it is or not, grab it first."

Han Fei rushed here at full speed. Zhang Daqian's avatar was much faster than his own trip. It is estimated that he may have reached the Wuyin mining area by now, and he may even have seen Zhang Beihai.

And the reason why I followed, part of the purpose is to get rid of Zhang Beihai, so that the city of scavengers and the original city will lose all the resource supply and assistance on this side of the boundless mining area.

At this moment, he was very sure that the members of the Black Wind Pirates were in this camp. Not only were they present, they did not hide, and put their little brothers here to rest and carry out various resource exchange activities.

After paying a certain amount of camp overnight expenses, Han Fei felt the three senses sweep him before he walked in.

He didn't care, pretending to be ignorant. Instead, he stuffed some resources for the guards and said, "Boy, who is the manager of our camp? I have something to visit."

There are managers in each camp, and they generally don't participate in any hunting activities. Because the camp itself is more profitable than hunting, and it is not dangerous.

Therefore, their identities have never been a secret. When asked by outsiders, people who generally know will tell them.

The guard of the sea-opening realm, laughed at you, and said: "Uncle Xiong is in the Hero Tavern. His old man likes to drink, so he regards it as his base camp."

Han Fei didn't care about checking his own perception, and went straight to the Hero Bar!

There are a lot of people here, the sound is boiling, and there is only one corner of the bar, surrounded by arrays, and there will be no sound interference.

When Han Fei looked past, the latter's eyes happened to look over.

Han Fei smiled slightly, strode over, and entered the restricted area. Many people cast scrutiny gazes at Han Fei.

Someone shook his head slightly: "I can't see through, I have an idea."

Someone nodded: "Forget it, don't do business anymore, the Black Wind Pirates is here, where is our business? As for this person, I don't think he can leave."

A group of people continue to drink and continue to blow fish.

On the other hand, Han Fei arbitrarily placed a chair in front of the bar. At this moment, the old man had already handed over twice the blue, white-smoke wine.


Han Fei picked up the wine glass and drank it all, "Are you Uncle Xiong?"

The old man smiled slightly and said: "Uncle Xiong is called by those young people. You are not weak. You are already in the late stage of transforming into a star. Just call me Lao Chen."

Han Fei nodded: "Yes, Lao Chen. Then I'm straight to the point. People who can set up camps here must have something extraordinary. At least, in the beginning, many people have acquiesced, which proves that You have a lot of skills. I'm here to buy information, I'll talk about things, and you will raise the price."


The old man couldn't help but became interested. He thought that Han Fei was going to ask, it might have something to do with the Black Wind Pirates. Because Han Fei came too accidentally.

However, they didn't care about this at all, but directly indicated that they had bought intelligence from themselves.

The old man couldn't help saying: "You can talk about it."

Han Fei: "First, I want a map of the outer and inner sea areas of the Boundless Mining Area, as well as a regional division of the major forces. Of course, if there is a rough estimate of the number and strength of the strong, it would be even better. ."

This kind of thing looks simple, but it's not simple at all. In the Wuyin mining area, there are a few people who can go to the major forces to survey, and finally clarify the identity and strength of the other party. This is definitely a dangerous thing.

The old man couldn't help but glanced at Han Fei in surprise: "Hey! Are you not a member of one of the forces? If so, the various forces have been here for a long time, and you can summarize them slowly."

Han Fei smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this, just say if there is one."

The old man nodded: "The map is okay, but it is impossible to estimate the number and strength of the opponent's strong. No matter which faction, this information will not be disclosed, otherwise it will be death."

Han Fei smiled and said: "That's okay, you can have a picture. Second, I want a copy of basic information about all the pirates in the periphery of the endless mining area. If there is something permanent, it would be best. Well, I said. It’s all."

The old man frowned slightly: "Sorry, I can't provide this information. Otherwise, if you leak it, what will happen to you? Needless to say, you should be able to guess."

Han Feixun didn't care: "There is no business that cannot be done in the world. If you don't do it, Lao Chen, I can naturally find someone else to do it. Why don't you ask for a price first?"

The old man frowned slightly: "This fellow Daoist, pirates are also divided into strong and weak, strong, which may be beyond your imagination."

Han Fei grinned and said, "No matter how strong the pirate group is, it won't be too outrageous, right?"

Old man: "The periphery always lives in the boundless mining area. In this way, I can give you an overview of the distribution of the pirate group in the periphery. No matter how much, please forgive me that the old man really can't give it. It's not a question of money. "

Han Fei nodded slightly, OK, there is a basic distribution, and that's okay.

So I replied: "Okay, third, your camp is very close to the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons. I want to know some information about the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons. Any information is fine. You can always ask for the price based on the value. "

The old man glanced at Han Fei in surprise. He could understand the information of the pirate group. What does this person want to do when he buys the information of the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons?

But, who can't make ends meet with money?

The old man said: "If this is the case, do those guesses and rumors count?"

"Yes, of course."

Han Fei said categorically, let him study the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons by himself, how could he have that time? The fastest source of information is to buy.

Han Fei said, "On these three things, you should always make a price!"

The old man pondered for a moment and said: "The price can be exchanged for resources, weapons, treasures, great arts, intelligence, etc., and even refining stars, star cores and the like can be exchanged. I don't know what you have more friends?"

Han Fei grinned: "I have a little bit of everything."

Old man: "..."

Old man Chen said, "I have never seen such a tiger, you have everything, and you are afraid that others will not know that you are a fat fish?"

Han Fei grinned: "You always ask for a price?"

Seeing Han Fei's wealth and wealth, the old man was not polite. He felt that he could have a small meal. He just listened to him: "Three questions, count them one by one! The first sea map and division of forces in and outside the boundless mining area. The structure, although this is not something ordinary people can get, but if you want to figure it out, it is not very difficult. After all, there are many forces that have existed here for so long. Calculate your 500,000 li resources, or three inferior artifacts, or a refinement. It takes at least 250,000 miles to transform the stars."

Seeing Han Fei nodded, the old man's heart moved slightly. He was indeed a rich lord, so he continued to say: "Secondly, I need to take a certain risk. No other things. Don’t be too expensive for what the old man wants. If you go to other camps, people may not dare to promise you at all."

Han Fei said: "As long as the natal stars? Do you want to transform the stars?"

Old man: "The grade of transforming stars is different. One natal star can be changed to two transforming stars of the same grade."

Han Fei nodded: "Okay! The third price."

Old man: "This information! To be honest, the price can be high or low. But if you are willing to pay for a 250,000 li refining star, the old man can even help you actively search for information about the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, free of charge."

Han Fei grinned: "Old Chen, what's the price for refining stars of 250,000 li and above?"

The old man's heart moved: "This is not the case. If it happens to be the natal star of the 250,000 li transformation star, the price should be worth two natal stars less than 360,000 li, which is not a 250,000 li transformation star. If it is exactly the natal star of the 360,000 li transformation star. Stars are worth as much as three refining stars of 250,000 li. It can also be worth two refining stars of more than 360,000 li and less than 490,000 li."

Han Fei nodded: "Yes. But Old Chen, let me ask, what is the value of the 490,000 li Huaxing refining star?"

The old man let out a laugh: "That may not be something I can afford. This grade of refining stars will only appear once in the eight camps outside the Wuyin mining area. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is normal. They are all through the auction route, which can be described as priceless. To put it bluntly, in the most exaggerated case, it is an exchangeable top-quality artifact. Of course, generally no one will trade the top-quality artifact, but they are willing to use the top-quality artifact. Then there are a lot of people."

Han Fei grinned. It seems that the demand for refining stars in the Wuyin mining area is very high!

Looking at it this way, maybe I can still make money with this.

The stronger Han Fei feels, the more he can get ahead. Why did you come to Wuyin Mining? It's a murderer, and it's not difficult to refine the natal star.

And he has a way to find other people's natal stars, which means that as long as he kills enough people, he can get a huge amount of wealth.

However, since the refining star is regarded as an expensive trading product here, this means that there must be a way to find the natal star of the strong star in the boundless mining area.

Otherwise, you don't even know where the stars are, how can you refine them? However, Han Fei was not prepared to buy this information, which allowed the old man to see his own strength in vain.

It just so happens that the Black Wind Pirate Group has three transformation stars and great perfection powerhouses here. They should know how to refining, then it will be a matter of time before they know it.

Just listen to Han Fei with a faint smile: "Okay, Lao Chen, you have something ready, I'll come to pick it up in two days."

The old man saw that Han Fei was about to leave, his heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help but reminded: "Friends, it looks like you have an enmity with the pirate group. Then you have to be careful. There may be danger in the camp right now."

Han Fei grinned, and threw out a set of artifact suits between his hands, and threw it on the counter: "This is a deposit. Haha, the Black Wind Pirates, I'm here for them..."

The **** who likes fishing, please collect it: () The **** of fishing girl classmate net has the fastest update speed.

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