God of Fishing

Chapter 2530: The end of the black wind pirates

From the very beginning when I saw Han Fei, this old man felt a strange feeling. It was a very special aura. He was only seen once or twice in those super-power peerless Tianjiao.

And when Han Fei unabashedly said that he was here for the Black Wind Pirates, Old Man Chen's expression became serious, which is equivalent to admitting that he had killed a brigade of the Black Wind Pirates!

Moreover, isn't this suit of Chen Tang? Han Fei just threw it out blatantly. Was this because he was afraid that the Black Wind Pirates didn't know that he was the one who killed him?

Here, Han Fei left the tavern as soon as he finished talking about business. He wasn't afraid that the people from the Black Wind Pirates would not come. When he took out the suit, those people should have known it.

Han Fei stayed in the camp for two days, during which time Hong Yue and Zhou Jingjing were released and asked them to go to the camp on their own to learn some stories about the Wuyin mining area and precautions.

At the same time, inadvertently, express that they are going to trade some resources or something. By the way, I also specifically inquired about the Black Wind Pirates, which is exaggerated. Inquiring about people in front of them, what is the difference between this and stepping on their faces?

Zhou Jingjing: "My lord, the Black Wind Pirate Group is deliberately revealing some information to us, so I'll pick something useful to say. The Black Wind Pirate Group was established by the three great transformation stars, known as the Three Demons of the Black Wind. My own people say that the boss is not here for the time being, so I went to explore the ruins, and took away most of the backbone."

Han Fei nodded: "The three of them did go out, and they did take away a large number of powerful men. They just went to explore the ruins and they were nonsense. I guess they are waiting for us! After all, they left two stars here to watch. Our whereabouts. Tell me what is special about them?"

Zhou Jingjing: "I only know that the boss is called Mo Xuan. He is a strong man from a primitive tribe near the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons. He is a talented artifact, Shark Tooth Mad Saber. The second child is named Qingluo, who is a strong man who specializes in Spirit Attack. The third oldest, Tie Han, is the most fierce.

Han Fei grinned and said, "Others, maybe you haven't heard anything, right?"

Zhou Jingjing nodded: "Others can only buy information. After buying the information, I know that they have 7 strong late stage transformation stars, 17 late stage transformation stars, and 38 other strong open sky realms. My lord, it looks like. , This black wind pirate group is very strong."

Zhou Jingjing knows that Han Fei is very strong, but no matter how strong he is, he has not reached the level of emperor. The opponent has three great transformation stars and seven late transformation stars. No matter how strong Han Fei is, can he block these ten people alone?

Even if the old tortoise is added, it might be difficult to win such a group of powerful enemies, right? You know, if Han Fei and Old Tortoise don't make a move, the other party may destroy all of them if they choose to transform into a star.

Even if the number of their newly promoted to heaven reaches 26 people, what will happen? Compared with the later stage of Huaxing, this is completely two concepts. Even if it is a suicide rush, there is no strong person in the early stage of the five hundred open heavens, it would not be possible to consume a life in the late stage of the star transformation.

Even Han Fei had not entered the Open Heaven Realm at first, and had to run in the late stage of Transforming Star. Therefore, Zhou Jingjing didn't know how Han Fei would deal with this battle.

Han Fei said lightly: "So, if you are the Black Wind pirate group, would you think that you can definitely eat us?"

Zhou Jingjing nodded, as long as he is a normal person, he will have this confidence. With so many powerful people here, it is impossible for them to feel that they will lose. They don't even need to cover up. As soon as Han Fei leaves the camp, he will die.

Han Fei smiled faintly: "Then, let everyone gather. Since they are blocking us, then give them this opportunity."

Zhou Jingjing: "My lord..."

Han Fei raised his hand: "Some battles do not require you to take action, and it is not your turn to take action."

Black Wind Pirates.

A big ship ran across the sea.

A strong urn carrying a warhammer said: "Boss, we just wait like this? That kid can't run, right? Old man Chen is an eye-opener for money, and he will definitely sell our information."

The head of Mo Xuan calmed down: "The third child, don't be so irritable. They will come out sooner or later. Old man Chen is not stupid. Otherwise, we surrounded the camp, who would dare to come?"

Suddenly, the gloomy man who had not spoken said: "Come out, the direction is southwest, the direction is north, the speed is very fast, eight times the speed of light, it seems that we have guessed that we might be hunting."


Mo Xuan grinned: "Go! Eight times the speed of light, that's pretty good. What a pity, where is this? This is the boundless mining area. Go, everyone will attack."


Five shuttles in a row passed through.

Although Mo Xuan was mad, he was not stupid. Han Fei's strength is not weak, and he can kill the two major metamorphosis stars in a row, which is probably unusual. Coupled with the one person hiding on his natal star, only if all the staff attacked, can you be sure of nothing.

After a hundred breaths.

Mo Xuan deliberately slowed down the speed of everyone, and asked Han Fei and the others to run for a while first.

Finally, after confirming that the camp was far away and the surrounding area was not close, Mo Xuan shouted: "Go forward at full speed and surround him."

It was too late, it was fast. Ten times the speed of light wanted to chase eight times the speed of light. It was too easy.

At that moment, the old third Tiehan eagerly swept out, and the sledgehammer swept through the air, and the shadow of the hammer shattered the void barrier in an instant, creating a scene of destruction by the rolling mountains.

Han Fei pretended to be shocked and tried to accelerate. But immediately felt a ray of spirit power, trying to disturb his mind.

Han Fei pretended to be stagnant and was overtaken by Tie Han. I saw that Han Fei suddenly turned around, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth. At that moment, Tie Han's eyes were lost and he fell into a deep sleep. Han Fei's breath soared instantly, and a hot fist in his backhand burst out ten times the speed of light in an instant, hitting Tie Han's eyebrows directly.


Hundreds of thousands of miles, it burst out loudly, setting off waves and ripples, and blasting through the sky of the sea.

Han Fei felt that he was indeed very strong now. Although from the late stage of the transformation to the Great Consummation of the Huaxing, the strength may have doubled growth, but he has turned too much.

In terms of strength, he is now thoroughly regarded as a veteran Huaxing Dzogchen.

Even so, a Transformation Star Great Perfection, in fact, would not fall so easily. However, in the next second, the body of the old tortoise sun **** suddenly appeared, transforming the giant tortoise armor, and smashing Tie Han's soul body to pieces.


In the rear, Mo Xuan and Qing Tuo were horrified, too fast. At the moment they were about to shoot, Tie Han's blood was spilled in the sky. They wanted to support, but it was too late.

I saw Han Fei punching through Tie Han's soul-suppressing artifact, directly piercing Tie Han's soul sea, and digging out his star orb.


The roar sounded again, but this time, what appeared was the roar of the avenue, with blood dripping down, indicating the fall of a generation of strong men.


Mo Xuan roared: "Second brother, you intercept that Sun Soul. Other people, cooperate with me to kill this officer."

At the moment Tie Han fell, Mo Xuan had already taken a shot, a spear that had been pierced into Han Fei's flesh and blood, but could not penetrate it. Han Fei was nailed by a spear and flew for fifty thousand miles. There were three concurrent phases in the late stage of the three major transformation stars, gravitational tumbling, firepower burning, and divine and soul interference, trying to win Mo Xuan a chance.

However, two of these three fell into deep sleep. With a thought to Han Fei, the spear in front of him disappeared, and the body of one of them was penetrated in the next second.

Another drop of water intruded into the mouth of another guy who was deprived of consciousness. In the blink of an eye, the sword gas overflowed, and the whole person was cut into pieces. What is this not endless water?

There was another person, who majored in Divine Soul together, and perhaps had some strange treasure. At that moment, a gem shattered, and his figure appeared in the distance, his face full of shock and confusion.

The moment he appeared, he shouted directly: "Boss, his spirit is extremely powerful."

This person didn't know that Han Fei had deprived him of his consciousness, so he couldn't understand Void Thieves, and could only give such an ambiguous answer.

"Boom boom~ boom boom~"

Han Fei, whose strength is comparable to that of Dzogchen, ran wildly, killing two more in a blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, he couldn't attack the third person anymore. Because Mo Xuan had a knife in one hand, he had already cut it on Han Fei's shoulder.


Mo Xuan was astonished as if a golden stone burst. He made a full blow and failed to cut his shoulders apart. Is this the late stage of Transforming Star? Are you kidding me?

At this moment, Mo Xuan and Han Fei are facing each other. Mo Xuan only saw Han Fei's mouth open, a trace of golden blood blooming between his lips and teeth.

Mo Xuan seemed to realize something and wanted to retreat. But the next moment, he felt like he wanted to fall into deep sleep for a while. Fortunately, he had a Horcrux, a soul-suppressing clock, and the bell rang in his mind, which made him regain consciousness.

However, the moment he was sober, he saw a sword light with many great avenues piercing into his body.


This person suddenly turned into two or three phantoms, and burst out.

Between the sparks and the fire, Han Fei suddenly lit a drop of blood and sank into this person's body.


Han Fei's eyes dazzled. He could understand the soul-suppressing artifact, but he blocked his avenue to return to the sword with great art. This man's great art seemed quite not weak!


However, Han Fei grinned suddenly, snapped his fingers at the void, and said lightly: "Backlash."


Mo Xuan suddenly spurted blood from the seven orifices, and the blood penetrated from the skin. His eyes were flooded with red light. Suddenly he shot a backhand. A powerful late stage star who came to help was unguarded. He slashed.

"Hi! It's pretty awesome."

It was the first time that Han Fei performed the great art of twisting cause and effect. Just now, that person injected a drop of the essence of a beast and gave verbal guidance, predicting that he would go back. This is the cause. However, Han Fei is not quite sure what will be the result.

The **** who likes fishing, please collect it: () The **** of fishing has the fastest update speed.

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