God of Fishing

Chapter 2531: destruction

Mo Xuan seemed to be crazy, smashing his own person with a single blow, and Han Fei just took the man without any further effort.

"Boss, it's us!"

The late transformation star who had just escaped from Han Fei used a space transformation technique to **** the person who had just been detonated, but he didn’t know that this person had been controlled by Han Fei. .

Therefore, the moment he came into contact with this person, this person's star orb exploded, with a full blow, at close range, without obstacles, directly piercing through this person's body.

Han Fei exploded ten times faster than the speed of light. On his hands, he caught the God-killing gloves, and a series of golden fist marks roared. The man's spirit suddenly fell into a struggle, as if he had seen the way.

However, in the eyes of others, it was too scary, because Han Fei's methods were too weird. Not to mention killing Tie Han in an instant, the two face-to-face skills with Mo Xuan made Mo Xuan crazy with his backhand, and smoothly eliminated the two great metamorphosis stars, and even controlled two metamorphosis metaphases.

The peak combat power of the Black Wind Pirate Group, at this moment, was directly destroyed by nearly half. The second green camel, now fighting with the old tortoise until evenly divided.

Seeing this, he immediately broke out the secret method, avoided the old tortoise like crazy, and grabbed it towards Mo Xuan. Others can die, but if Mo Xuan is finished, the Black Wind Pirate Group will be gone.

The black wind pirate group, the strongest one, is this Mo Xuan. Han Fei seemed to have discovered it too, but he was not in a hurry. The distortion of the cause and effect is not over yet, and the result has not come out. Han Fei calmly killed two late stage transformation stars.

As for the remaining Three Huaxing Stars, they began to feel horrified at this moment. They didn't dare to approach Mo Xuan, nor did they dare to attack Han Fei, and the three turned around and ran away.

This time they have encountered a hard stubble, they are not stupid, the boss must have something wrong. Coupled with the speed of Han Fina Town in the late stage of killing and transforming the stars, they couldn't tolerate them not to escape.

Han Fei drank: "Old Yuan!"

The old tortoise walked away: "The emperor is going to kill them."

Although the old tortoise is strong, the power of the sun **** alone is not enough to kill the green camel. If he was present and his strength doubled, this green camel would not be the opponent of the old tortoise at all.

However, when Qing Camel was about to leave with Mo Xuan, he saw Mo Xuan spray a **** arrow at Qing Camel.

But when the green camel saw the blood arrow, his expression changed drastically, and he said in amazement: "Are you crazy? Are you using the blood **** arrow on me?"

The green camel pulled out a huge shield and stood in front of him.

Seeing this, Han Fei was very happy at the time. At the moment when the Blood God Arrow was about to touch the giant shield, the giant shield in front of Qing Tuo "swiped" and disappeared. I don’t know when it appeared in Han Fei’s. Hands.

Green Camel: "???"


The green camel was pierced, and his whole body was melting. He struggled hard to escape most of the spirits, but was cut away with a sword by Han Fei's two fingers.

Just listen to the green camel roaring: "What the **** did you do?"

Han Fei shrugged: "You may not believe it, I don't know it myself."

Han Fei was actually quite sighing, given a cause and a result! When Qing Tuo was suppressed by Han Fei, Mo Xuan finally regained consciousness.

Han Fei was a little surprised, this causal killing technique is still a bit problematic, so it was listed as the best emperor. Han Fei wanted to make Mo Xuan backlash, and finally bear the fruit of his own fall. But he didn't expect him to cut the green camel. Although it could not be completely cut off, the body of the green camel was destroyed, and the soul was severely damaged, almost as if it had fallen.

Mo Xuan awakened from the backlash and watched Han Fei's hand gather a drop of water with a strand of remnant soul wrapped in it. Isn't that a green camel?

Looking around, the group of members of the Black Wind Pirate Group is only one person left. Seeing the blood rain in the sky, it made him feel a little bit.

At this time, Mo Xuan's idea was not to chase Han Fei, but to run, run quickly.

Meet Han Fei, the third child is gone. He just felt that he was eroded by a drop of essence and blood, and then he felt like he was fighting indiscriminately.

Under this circumstance, no matter how stupid Mo Xuan was, he knew that he had been calculated, and this person would definitely not be the late stage transformation of the star. This level of strength, even among the powerful Huaxing Great Perfection, is a top-level existence.

He even thought that Han Fei's strength, even if he broke into the boundless mining area, could take the mountain as king. Why is this kind of character here?

When Mo Xuan saw this, there were two "clang" bangs in his body, which seemed to be the eruption of some kind of secret method, and unexpectedly broke out nearly 14 times the speed of light.


Han Fei's heart moved, what secret method did this guy use, why is he so strong?

When a piece of blue light enveloped, Han Fei also broke out 14 times the speed of light, Mo Xuan was shocked, this is one of his trump cards, self-breaking bones, can burst out such a terrible speed, but how did Han Fei achieve it? Is his eight times the speed of light pretending?

Is this guy really the strong ones in the Boundless Mine?


When Han Fei felt something shattered in Mo Xuan's body again, his heart moved, could this person speed up? This is too much an exaggeration. You must know that Zhao Qinglong didn't have such a fast speed at the beginning, and Feng Yu seemed to have grasped the light burst early.

Therefore, Han Fei no longer hesitated, and as his heart moved, Mo Xuan flew out. His comprehension of speed disappeared in an instant, and he flew out.

And Han Fei suddenly realized that it was Dao Bone, this guy actually broke the Dao Bone and gained the blessing of speed.

"Fortunately, his understanding of Dao Bone has not been completely completed, otherwise I am afraid that he will not be able to catch up."

Han Fei shouted: "I heard that you are good at boxing, swords, and arrows. It just so happens that I also have boxing skills and haven't mastered advanced usage. I hope you can catch it."

Star boxing, he is brave and can handle the starburst fist. But there is no meaning of nirvana, and there is no fist of nirvana, let alone the fist of extinguishing the world.

However, punching ten thousand times, the fist will eventually show up, and it does not have to be in a specific environment to comprehend the death. It is not necessary to comprehend the death by yourself, perhaps others feel it.

When Mo Xuan realized that he couldn't run away, even though he looked shocked, he was agitated.

"Since you are not forgiving, then die with me! Divine Art, Black Sand Storm."

Being able to take charge of the Black Wind Pirate Group, looting in the waters outside the boundless mining area for many years, Mo Xuan is unique. It turned out that his trump card was actually a magical skill.

When a piece of black profound sand forms a storm, sweeping through the world for hundreds of thousands of miles, opening a hole in the void. This technique connects the endless void, and Mo Xuan can use this technique to exile the enemy, and it can also use this technique to arouse the energy of the endless void.

"Scoped magic?"

Han Fei's heart moved, but he didn't care very much. If it was before, his first reaction was how to run out. Connecting the endless void, instantly creating hundreds of thousands of void passages, and rotating at a terrible speed, how terrible this is, only through experience will you know.

However, Han Fei bloomed the Avenue of Time, twisting space with time, and Star Boxing still traveled through the void.

The terrifying starburst fist, even though it was a void channel, couldn't inhale it. Before the starburst fist came to the front, the void channel was shattered.

Just listen to Han Fei laughed out: "Divine art, also divided into grades! Honestly take my punch."

When the Black Sand Storm was cracked, Mo Xuan's heart was filled with despair, and he was sure that this person was definitely not an unusual little character passing by, let alone a late stage transformation of the star.

However, he has no time to regret. Especially, when he saw the fist mark that looked like a shining star, he felt that his soul was trembling.

It's not that he can't receive such a fist mark, he can receive it. But the problem is that if he picks it up, he can't run away.

However, he couldn't escape, so he had to pick it up.

"Boom! Boom..."

Like a beam of light, UU reading www.uukanshu.com instantly traversed hundreds of thousands of miles, the ripples of the explosion, solidly hit the punch, most of his flesh and blood was beaten to evaporate, only the brilliant bones. , Full of cracks.

The black sand storm was broken instantly, and another starburst fist appeared in front of his eyes.

At that moment, Han Fei seemed to see despair in Mo Xuan's eyes.


At that moment, Han Fei stole Mo Xuan's despair back.

Mo Xuan, who was no longer desperate, wanted to start to fight back. He was covered with fish bones and began to burn, with stars on his brows gushing, trying to defeat Han Fei's punch.

But Han Fei felt the impact of a variety of emotions such as dying, unwillingness, anger, and struggle.

At that moment, Han Fei's fist marks changed, and the blazing sun-like heat and violent converges and silences. Guanghua is closed in order to explode more intensely.

At that moment, Han Fei understood that the Fist of Annihilation was born for a stronger eruption.


"Crack, click~"

The sound of fractured bones, one after another, the entire world, was devastated by a frenzied violent force that seemed to be venting.

Star Orb erupts, how can it compete with the self-destructing sun?

With this punch, Han Fei only had time to grab back a piece of the skeleton, and Mo Xuan was blasted to death, leaving no bones left.


In the sky, the blood is pouring down.

Han Fei took another look and was crushed by himself one step earlier, but there were still some lingering green camels, and the thread of nothingness was pulled out.

Just listen to Han Fei's faint smile and see how much information you can tell me.

At the same time, in the outskirts camp, the old man surnamed Chen looked up at the sky, and his heart was shocked. Who is that young man?

The **** who likes fishing, please collect it: () The **** of fishing has the fastest update speed.

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