God of Fishing

Chapter 2532: Loser, kill without mercy

Once upon a time, the Transformation of the Stars reached a perfection, it was a terrifying existence that was beyond expectation. A Dzogchen can build a mobile castle in the wilderness.

Now, Han Fei turned his hands, and slaughtered the three Stars of the Great Perfection. As for the late stage of Huaxing, it is no longer Han Fei's enemy at all.

After a while, Han Fei came to the location of the old tortoise and saw a remnant body. He only heard the old tortoise say: "They ran away separately, the emperor can only chase one."

Han Fei casually included the man in his natal star: "It's okay, I ran away, but only two later stages of Transforming Star. What I want is the entire Black Wind Pirate Group."

Outskirts camp.

This time, with Mo Xuan out to hunt Han Fei, only their three transformation stars and the later stages of transformation. The others are still staying at sea.

At this moment, of course, they had discovered the abnormal changes in the celestial phenomena a long time ago. It's just that, because the fallen elephants appear too densely, it's not easy for them to judge who has fallen.

According to the logic of the whole person, they firmly did not believe that the three captains of their family and a group of powerful late-stage transformation stars had fallen.

This is an almost impossible thing. In this place, even if it encounters other powerful pirate groups, or even some big men in the boundless mining area, it is impossible to kill their Black Wind pirate group so easily.

However, this astronomical phenomenon is clearly beyond their expectations. Most people are thinking, Han Fei and the group of people, is there something hidden? In fact, whose natal stars hide a large number of open-sky realm powerhouses?

Countless people in the outskirts camp were eagerly waiting to see what happened.


I saw a smashing shuttle arriving in an instant, but it was full of blood and energy. I saw a burly man with a hand-held warhammer. He was not the third Tiehan of the Black Wind Underworld, but who could it be?

Just listen to this "Tiehan" yelling: "The Black Wind Pirate Group opens the heavens, all of them have it, come with me. Open the sea, get ready to go, leave the camp, ready to clean the battlefield at any time..."

Han Fei speaks crisply and neatly, and the fierceness revealed in his words, in the ears of these people in the Black Wind Pirates, there is no sense of disobedience.

No, when they saw Tie Han, although they didn't know what happened, they knew that they must have won.

From the words, the current situation of the battle actually seems to be a little anxious, and it needs to be added by the strong of the Open Heaven Realm.

All of a sudden, a group of figures straddled the sky, chasing the "Tie Han" figure, and rushed away.

In this scene, even Old Man Chen was a little confused, and he murmured, "Tie Han is not dead?"

After a while, when a group of people left the camp for a certain distance, they finally realized something was wrong. Because if Tie Han wants to take them to war, it is impossible for them to fly by and follow.

The best way is naturally to enter Tie Han's natal star.

But after five breaths, Master Tie Han in front of him didn't even let them enter their natal stars. And the open-sky realm experts also have speeds and slows, and the speed of the late stage transformation is not the same as that of the primary stage and those who have not transformed.

The closest to Han Fei are the 17 late stage transformation stars.

"Master Tie Han, are we going to fly all the way so fast?"

When this person said this, Han Fei knew that he couldn't deceive. He didn't plan to deceive for long. As long as he left the outskirts camp for a certain distance, it was fine.

Only seeing that Han Fei stopped suddenly, turned his hands, fisted against the sea, first the big stars shone, and then the stars were dim, hundreds of thousands of miles empty, and dying. A desperate counterattack, like the light in the darkness, instantly shrouded in the rear.

In front of Star Boxing, the number of enemies does not make much sense. They face the same fist intent, and that kind of nirvana penetrates into their bones and makes their souls begin to tremble.

There was no time to react. This punch unfolded, and the 17 people behind Han Fei directly smashed 13 people.

Four others, possessing some sort of death-replacement technique, escaped for a short while.

However, in the face of absolute strength, there is no meaning at all to replace death. Surviving is nothing more than being killed one more time.

At this moment, the four people were frightened, as if they had seen a demon god, and their hearts were full of despair.

But just when they thought they were dead, Han Fei instantly turned into a light and shadow, disappeared in place, and went behind them.

Of course, it wasn't that Han Fei let them go, because at the moment Han Fei left, a body of the sun soul appeared in their field of vision, but who was the old tortoise?

"Hey, surrender, or die, you choose yourself."

Of course the old turtle knew what Han Fei left these people to do, training soldiers, apart from training soldiers, there is no second possibility. Han Fei has feelings for the human race, but for other races, it can be described as cruel and cruel.

No, the old tortoise only asked symbolically. He also hoped that these people could resist one or two. Who would have guessed that these four guys surrendered at the same time and hurriedly said, "My lord, I'll wait for you to surrender. "

Old tortoise: "..."

On the other side, there are 38 ordinary open-sky realm powerhouses, of which 9 have been transformed into stars, and the rest are not transformed into stars. These people, to Han Fei, are like leeks, where can they go?

But seeing that the magic gun "swipe the brush" attacked one after another, the group of people lay flat, and there was no room for resistance.

But seeing Han Fei's heart moved, Hong Yue, Zhou Jingjing, Yingyue and others all appeared. When they saw 38 Open Heaven Realm powerhouses inserted here, the whole person was no longer good. How long did they say they entered Han Fei's natal star? That’s it for the Black Wind Pirates?

The key is that at this moment, the blood is torrential, the sky is above the sky, the wind is whistling, the rain is sobbing, and there is still a sense of solitude between the world and the earth, making their eyes look at Han Fei a little frightened.

At this moment, Old Tortoise returned with four captives from the late stage of transformation, and his face was very ugly and said: "Han Fei, they surrendered too simply. Now that they can surrender to you like this, they can surrender to others in the future. I think it's still Kill it?"

The four people immediately looked terrified, and only heard one of them quickly said: "My lord, we are determined not to betray, and we are willing to sacrifice our souls and blood."

In fact, these people, their souls and blood were originally in the hands of the three evil spirits, but the three evil spirits were immediately given a second, so theoretically, they are now better than they were when the black wind pirates group. Safety. However, this Yang God is going to destroy them, so how can they still be able to sit still?

Compared to his own small fate, what are the souls and essence of blood?

Just listen to Han Fei indifferently: "I don't care if they rebellious or not."

Just listen to Han Fei speaking to these people and the guys who were inserted into the Conferred Spear: "You don't need to care who I am, you only need to know that Mo Xuan, Qingtuo, and Tie Han are yours. The three chiefs of the Great Perfection of Transformation have all been wiped out in my hand. If you consciously can beat them, then you will betray and betray boldly. However, even if you do not betray, it does not mean that you can survive. Behind me , There is a group of strong men who have just been promoted to the Open Heaven Realm. I give you a chance. Those who can beat them will live. Those who can't beat them will die."


These people shuddered in their hearts, but then they all saw hope. If they had just been promoted to the Open Heaven realm, then they would dare to fight and be able to fight.

It now appears that Han Fei seems to be training soldiers, deliberately leaving them as a training partner, as a sharpening stone.

However, at this time, who cares if he is treated as a whetstone? At this time, usefulness is their capital for survival.

If they don't even have the qualifications to act as a whetstone, then there is only a dead end.

Han Fei said indifferently: "If you can win, in 300 years, you can win three times in a row, you can live. Otherwise, I don't need to repeat the end."

And behind Han Fei, Hong Yue and the others are all dumbfounded, killing the three major transformation stars, Dzogchen?

These years of fusion with the Giant Whale Fortress, they have learned too much about various things in practice. What is the concept of Transforming Star Dzogchen, which is equivalent to the top ten lord level, that is the super power on the edge of the sermon.

This kind of powerhouse, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, died as soon as he died. This powerhouse of the human race and the giant whale fortress, watching Han Fei’s eyes, is truly like an emperor on earth.

Someone even said: "Let's just say it! Lord Renhuang, must be the strength of the emperor, but it has not been exposed. Hahaha, my human race is really going to rise!"

Only Hong Yue was shocked, he was more than everyone else. He knows what Han Fei's strength was at the beginning, how many years have passed since he was able to slaughter and transform the stars into great perfection?

He couldn't help but think of Gu Tingnan who left the riotous sea 100,000 years ago. It took tens of thousands of years for Gu Tingnan to build the City of Wanderers. It took Han Fei hundreds of years to get to the edge of the sermon.

Sure enough, is this the true leader of Human Race? Those who can be emperors are by no means laymen, they can all become heroes of a generation.

After speaking, Han Fei looked at the old turtle and said: "Old Yuan, fight now, you come and watch the battle. This group of people, the losers, will kill you without mercy."

The old tortoise grinned, "Wrap it on me."

When it was over, Han Fei looked at Hong Yue and said, "Old Hong, you come with me."

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