God of Fishing

Chapter 2533: Incorporate the Sea Breeze Pirates

Hong Yue was flattered, what did he tell him at this time?

Now, Hong Yue knew that he was nothing but the old man who came out of the riots with Han Fei. Therefore, he also wants to participate in the war, sharpen himself and make himself stronger.

In the future, he thought that if he wanted to stay with Han Fei, he didn't have any strength, and he probably didn't have the qualifications.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Old Hong! You are the only one of these people who came out of the riots with me. I know that you go with a puppet, and you need a puppet to become stronger. How can I treat you badly? Let's see... "

I only saw that Han Fei exploded with apocalyptic magic, condensing 13 blood beads from the void. This was the 13 late-stage transforming stars who had just been blasted by Han Fei's punch.

At this moment, Han Fei threw a large amount of resources casually, but seeing these blood beads, he immediately reunited in his flesh, and his aura in the late stage of the transformation did not change in the slightest.

"Ah this~"

Hong Yue couldn't help being moved at this moment. Is this a back door? Han Fei is still nostalgic!

At this moment, Rao Hong Yue had been in control of the Crazy Corpse Sky for 100,000 years, and could not help tears in his eyes.

Just listen to him sipping: "Master Renhuang treats me like this, I will live forever, and I will live up to Master Renhuang."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly. He was right. Hong Yue was indeed the only one who came out of the riot and followed him. He will never make people feel chilling.

Moreover, the position of steward is left to others casually, and it is not at ease. Even if others are worthy of trust, after all, they do not have a sense of identity with the riots.

In the future, the sea of ​​riots will definitely reappear the sea world, so Hong Yue cannot be weak. This big steward, he must be proper and strong.

I saw Han Fei patted Hong Yue on the shoulder: "Look, Lao Hong, you are still polite to me. Come, I'm going to the East China Sea Shenzhou, there is a trustee to find the puppet exercises, but you didn't have the strength before, so just I didn't give it to you. Now, you are on the edge of transforming a star, and you can transform it at any time. It's also time for me to give you this technique."

Hong Yue was shocked: "Here, Lord Ren Huang asked someone to find me the exercises?"

Han Fei grinned and said, "Don't rush to thank me. This is just the middle-grade technique of the Open Heaven Realm. It's not good. The people I entrusted, if you look for it, you may be able to get a higher level of gong in the future. Fa. It is not impossible even at the emperor level. But the premise is that Lao Hong can walk down all the way."


"Emperor level?"

In this life, Hong Yue had never thought that he could still be exposed to the emperor's level of exercises. It felt like a dream. The happiness came so suddenly that it made him feel a little unbelievable for a while.

Han Fei: "Old Hong, I don’t want you to swear to me or anything. You have to remember that you are a human race, I am a human race. Our human race must rise, we must work together and unite. In the future, people in riots , If they are all here, who do you think I can trust? They have not experienced the turbulent era, will they really treat the human race like me?"

Hong Yue took a deep breath and hurriedly said, "My lord, don’t worry, if the riots in the ocean really enter the sea in the future, I will do my best to help them grow, teach them great skills, and teach them knowledge... But, Han Master Xuan is smart and talented, and is countless times better than me. By then, you will still have to count on Master Han Xuan and you to be the leader."

Han Fei smiled slightly, did not speak, this is a wise man. Hong Yue dare not hold power. Han Fei gave him the right, but it was not his own. But Han Xuan is different. It is Han Fei's uncle. By then, the rise of this one will be unstoppable. And he was telling the truth. According to Han Xuan's mind, if he hadn't helped Han Fei sit in the riot, he might have already turned into a star at this moment.

I didn't care about this, Han Fei was a little bit empty, and taught "The Puppet of the Living Dead" to Hong Yue.

The way of puppets, puppets are combat power. In the late stage of these 13 stars, although Han Fei can't stop Han Fei's punch, how many people are there such as Han Fei, and how many people are capable of magic arts? How many of them pushed the magic arts to the second level?

Therefore, they are actually very strong, but they accidentally encountered Han Fei.

And Hong Yue's control of these puppets can make their strength skyrocket, and in the short term, they may have the strength to confront the late stage of Huaxing.

Of course, Hong Yue hasn't transformed into a star yet, he may not be able to eat these 13 late stage transformed puppets at once. But it doesn't matter, this time I have gained quite a lot, and my own strength will advance greatly, and it will be a matter of time before they become stars.


When Han Fei and Hong Yue came back, the fighting here was only half of the time.

So far, there have been a total of 12 battles, of which the Black Wind Pirates have won 10 battles. Only two battles have been defeated, losing to Ling Ran and Xu Meng.

Among them, Xu Meng suffered heavy losses and was almost overwhelmed.

Han Fei is not surprised that Ling Ran can win. Xu Meng's victory was beyond Han Fei's expectation. With Han Fei's apocalypse magic technique, Xu Meng's injury recovered at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye.

Xu Meng hurriedly saluted Han Fei: "Thank you Lord Renhuang."

Han Fei: "In front of outsiders, just say it's an adult, don't carry the word "Human Sovereign"."

Xu Meng, Yingyue and the others all remembered this in their hearts. Yes, the human race is still accumulating, and the human emperor alone is hard to support, and it is impossible to sweep the entire chaotic wasteland.

Therefore, the emperor will save them, lay down a large amount of resources, and must train them to rise. For this high hope, they dare not live up to it.

I don't know if it was Han Fei's coming. The Terran side fought **** battles one by one. In the end, there were 38 battles in total, and the Terran side won 11 games.

Of course, Han Fei was very trustworthy of the 11 people who lost, so they all became Hong Yue's puppets.

Outskirts of the camp outside.

The sea-breaking army of the Black Wind Pirate Group has long been waiting, waiting for the strong to come back at any time to pick them up and clean the battlefield.

Although I don't know how the battle is going, the sky is stained with blood. According to the scene where Master "Tiehan" came to call people just now, maybe it was damage?

Someone said: "Don't think about it. Since Master Tie Han has time to come back and call people, we are probably stronger. Calling people may only be due to the large number of opponents and we need some additional staff."

Someone agrees: "Yes, when we go to the open world war, we are going to die, so we only have to clean the battlefield. The strong war, even if the battlefield is cleaned, will not necessarily be able to retreat, so we should still be prepared and ready at any time. Clean the battlefield."

The Black Wind Pirate Group has some blind confidence in its own strength. Most of them feel that they are not in the endless mining area, who can destroy their own pirate group?

However, they didn't know that under their blind self-confidence, the more impossible things would happen, the more likely they would happen.

In the wilderness, no place is safe, and no power is absolutely powerful.

When a group of people appeared in the sky above the sea-opening fleets of the Black Wind Pirate Group, the people of the Black Wind Pirate Group were in an uproar.

"Huh! Many of these people are very strange!"

"I saw the adults of the Sea Breeze Pirates, it seems we have won."

"Wait, no, what about the three masters of the captain? How come none of the adults in the late stage of Transforming Star have come back? And those who don't know each other, they all seem to be in the Open Heaven Realm."


I only saw a figure in the distance, walking on the emptiness. Someone was shocked, knowing that the captain left the camp just to stop this person. Why does this person return now? That means, the captain and others...


Some people have bad feelings.

The next moment, I only listened to the void, and the echo vibrated: "From now on, there will be no black wind pirate group in this world. The former head of the sea breeze pirate group, Mo Xuan, Qingtuo, and Tie Han, all three have fallen. The powerhouses of the late stage and the late stage of the star transformation were annihilated. From now on, the rest of the original Black Wind Pirate Group will be recruited by the Terran Army. You and others will open the sea and follow the Black Wind Pirate Group to do evil, harm one side, and slaughter countless people. You must sharpen your character and change your course. If you repent, you can let it go. If you don’t repent, you should be punishable."

On the Black Wind Pirate Group, there are more than 2,000 strong sea-breakers. Among them, the peak number of Pihai reached more than 1,800 people. It's not that there are few under the peak of Pihai, but those who are below the peak of Pihai. Basically they are dead, and it is difficult to find them.

Those who can live have potential and hope to open up the sky.

Therefore, these people are actually not weak. More than two thousand people, enough for the human army and the giant whale fortress, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has been fighting for decades.


The sea-breaking realm powerhouses of the Black Wind Pirate Group are dumbfounded, and the three major transformation stars are so successful, just so dead?

It's not just them, but there are a few strong people in the outskirts camp peeping at them, and when Han Fei looks at them from the air, they are all terrified, and they immediately disband their perceptions.

And the old man Chen in the outskirts camp was equally shocked, who did the Black Wind Pirates recruit?

Also, what is the origin of the young man? Strong, with a big tone, the Black Wind Pirate Group is not a small pirate group. If you say it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. It seems that the Boundless Mine is about to usher in a new boss! Such a person can never be offended.

Han Fei just confessed and said lightly: "Lao Hong, these people will be handed over to you for the time being. If you are disobedient, kill them. I will stay in seclusion for one day."

"Yes, Lord Renhuang."

When it was over, Han Fei returned to his natal star. He had to go to Mo Xuan and the others' small vault to find some refining stars. He could buy a lot of information in the outskirts camp.

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