God of Fishing

Chapter 2539: I am the emperor of humans, the power of the world

As soon as the Fengshen Spear Array came out, a hundred thousand miles of void, the terrifying suppressing power showed.

Almost at the moment when the Fengshen Spear Array appeared, the three major transformation stars reached a perfection, and their strength plummeted by at least 30%. Those eight transformation stars were even worse in the late stage, and their strength plummeted by nearly 50%.

This is because they are in the best condition to enter the Conferred Spear Formation. If, like Zhao Qinglong, he played thousands of Star Sea Golden Ants, and then was suppressed, he would have 30% of his strength left, it would be pretty good.

At this moment, I only heard Han Fei burst out: "Old Yuan, kill."

It's too late to say, it's fast, Han Fei's heart moved, and the three major metamorphosis stars have lost their minds and their consciousness has been taken away. The old tortoise exploded with magic power, a claw was snapped out, black clouds shrouded, and the world was pale.

"Puff puff puff puff~"

At that moment, really, I was shocked when I saw it, and there was nothing but admiration and admiration in my heart.

One face to face, Han Fei killed the three major late stage stars in succession, making Zhou Jingjing and the others dumbfounded. Although, this is not the first time they have seen Han Fei kill an Open Heaven Realm powerhouse.

However, no one saw it as real as this time. Right in front of me, a hundred thousand miles away. Han Fei seemed to have drawn his sword, three swords, and the three strongest Open Heaven realm. At first, they didn't know the realm of the three people, but the change of celestial phenomena, the **** color appeared in the sky, made them realize that it was the existence of the late stage of transformation, they can only look up to.

Han Fei even cut the three major stages of the transformation star, the old tortoise was not to be outdone, and tore a claw into the stage of the transformation star stage. At the same time, he spouted a mouthful of magic arrows, but another late stage transformation star had already reacted, and he hurriedly responded with a star orb blow.

It's not that he has no other way to deal with it, it's just that the star bead exploded, faster and safer. Even though his strength plummeted, the star ball would not plummet with one blow, and he was still very strong.

Therefore, the old tortoise's desire to kill the two strong men instantly fell through.

But the old tortoise was not in a hurry, and the black cloud swept across. In this limited space, the enemy could not escape even if he wanted to.

However, just when the old tortoise shot the second man, Han Fei broke out at the fastest speed. Han Fei, who was as fast as 14 times the speed of light, left an afterimage in the eyes of Zhou Jingjing and everyone else. It's too fast, it's almost impossible to see them, most of them who haven't mastered the speed of light.

Under such rapid speed, Han Fei still did not care about the boss of the bloodthirsty sailfish department. Because this person is attacking the Fengshen Spear Formation. It's not that Han Fei underestimated him. Even though this person's strength is still at its peak, let him break his own magical spear formation. There is no time for a few hundred breaths, and it is impossible to break it.

Back then, at the Ten Thousand Years Grand Competition, I trapped so many powerful people for nearly 30 breaths with the Sealed Spear Formation. Could this person easily break it?

The moment the boss tried to break the big formation, it was the second stage of the two major transformation stars that Han Fei pierced again. Another person, with the Soul Suppression artifact, actually blocked Han Fei's first blow.

But immediately afterwards, a fist burst, and the fist of star dying, can it be matched in the same realm?


Even though the person exploded with a blow from the star bead, even the star bead was smashed to pieces by Han Fei, and the road roared between the heaven and the earth. The rain of blood was pouring.

The three major metamorphosis stars of the Bloodthirsty Sailfish Department had reached a perfection, and they were all dumbfounded at this moment. After only three face-to-face skills, there was only one person left in the late eighth stage of the star transformation. The man was still wrapped in black mist, and it seemed that he might not be able to hold on for long.

At this time, the boss also found that something was wrong, and he hit with all his strength, only smashing more than thirty sealing spears. However, the formation of the spear, with as many as ten thousand handles, wants to penetrate this formation, he needs time.

But now, the blood evil spirit, the sixth puppet involved the fourth and fifth, and this mysterious young man in the late stage of the transformation star, the strength is too strong, beyond his imagination. Although his speed is not as good as his own, but his strength is suppressed at this moment, but he cannot be crushed. The opponent is stronger than himself, is this still the late stage of transformation?

Just listen to this person shouting: "Who are you in the end?"

Han Fei didn't respond either, holding a giant hammer in his hand, the avenue was running, and it exploded with all its strength.


The bloodthirsty swordfish boss was shocked and lost his expression: "Emperor? Are you the Emperor?"

With this voice, Zhou Jingjing and Hong Yue were all dumbfounded and shocked by the outside world, Emperor Zun? They knew in their hearts that Han Fei had not yet preached.

However, even though the testers who have gathered cannot see the terrifying battle, their ears are okay.


Someone was shocked: "Sure enough, Lord Renhuang, he has actually preached."

Someone was excited: "Hahaha! I knew that Lord Human Emperor is so strong, if you say kill at the Open Heaven Realm, you must kill him. He must have been promoted to the emperor long ago."

Someone sighed: "Emperor! Some of us are protected by the emperor."

Someone sighed: "Master Whale Whale is really good-sighted! What a wise decision to be able to follow Master Human Sovereign."

At this moment, including Yingyue and others, all looked at Hong Yue. They knew that among all people, only Hong Yue had followed Han Fei the longest and knew Han Fei the best.

Now, the boss of the other party has said that Han Fei is the emperor, is it really?

And Hong Yue calmly said: "Don't look at me, Lord Human Emperor, in the late stage of opening the sea, you can cut the sky. Now that his strength is close to the proof, I will not be surprised at the power of the emperor."

"Cut open the sky in the late stage of opening the sea?"

A group of people slapped their tongues when they listened. In history, although there have been people who have crossed the border to kill the enemy, they have not crossed the border so much. The peak of the sea has not been reached, and they can cut the sky. Ah?

Before they were shocked, the blood of the boss of the bloodthirsty sailfish department burned, the secret method was fully opened, and even the magical technique broke out. Just listen to his roar: "Not only you can explode the power of the emperor, but I can also stop..."

Hearing a loud roar from this person, a golden chain appeared on his body.


I only saw that this chain broke at once. At that moment, Han Fei's pupils shrank, and this person's strength instantly skyrocketed, and his burst of power at the limit of strength helped him break the chain.

The old tortoise seemed to think of something, and suddenly shouted: "Han Fei, this is Dao Lock. It is the Great Perfection of Huaxing who has reached the extreme, and when it is necessary to prove Dao crossing the catastrophe, he put a seal on himself to seal his own power. As soon as the seal was released, in a short period of time, his strength skyrocketed and his peak state was restored. After the incident, he must pass the catastrophe to prove."

"Dao lock? The road lock?"

Han Fei's heart was shocked, and suddenly he thought of what the old Chen in the outskirts camp had said to him, the secret of the Huaxing Great Perfection within and outside the Wuyin mining area.

At that time, when he knew that the secret was the lock of the avenue, he didn't really care, he had known it a long time ago. An Taiping also had the lock of the avenue, but he was easily killed by himself.

Before, he could be sure that the three Huaxing Dzogchens of the Black Wind Pirate Group did not have this lock. Otherwise, if they can increase their strength so frantically, it is absolutely impossible to be killed by themselves so easily.

Now, after the Transformation Star was in great consummation, after unlocking the seal, Han Fei clearly felt that his strength had skyrocketed to the boss. Pure power, under the blessing of the secret method and burning blood, although it was still hit by a hammer, it completely blocked the blow. This means that the opponent's power at the moment may have a million waves.

But this is not the key, the key is that the other party's broken Dao lock turns into a boundless Dao rhyme and stands in front of him.

In a **** color, this person was dyed red, incarnate as a gorefiend, and his vitality and strength were still rising. Han Fei seemed to see a sea of ​​blood and exploded in front of his eyes.

However, Han Fei didn't care either. It happened that he could use this person to test his true strength.

The next moment, Han Fei stretched out his hand and took off his battle shirt. With only a black shirt, the road turned more violently, and the triple power blessing was not enough, so it would be quadrupled.

When Dadao blessed more than four times the strength, Han Fei felt a little trembling in his bones, but he could hold it.

Looking at the sea of ​​blood in front of him, Han Fei gave a backhand punch, the stars died, the flying blood sea was blown away by Han Fei, and the bloodthirsty sailfish boss was blown away with a punch, but Han Fei could feel it. Then, the blood in the sea of ​​blood, like a bone-attached maggot, actually ate away half of his own power in a blink of an eye.

"No, I have completely surpassed him. It stands to reason that he is not my opponent. It is the Dao. His Dao is a bit different. It contains mysterious powers that cannot be removed. Is this the power of the law?"

Han Fei's face changed slightly, and it was different from the law of law enforcement. It was just a basic understanding of the law, more like a direction.

But this law is the mighty power hidden in the heavens and the earth, a mysterious power that is completely controlled by one person. Although he seems to have the upper hand, but his own way of understanding is not as good as this person, so the current strength can not beat him.

On the other side, only the bloodthirsty sailfish boss shouted: "Fourth, fifth, you break this battle for me, and this son will be handed over to me."

When it was over, I just listened to him grinning: "I don't care which clan or force you are the arrogant, if you dare to kill my bloodthirsty swordfish department, you will have to die. The blood surges, and the blood is entangled."


At that moment, Han Fei's body shone brightly, blocking the blood mist that permeated here.

Han Fei's heart is horrified. How terrible is this lock? This person is still in the Conferred Spear Array, and his strength is suppressed by 30%, and he can be so strong. If he is not suppressed, how strong will he be?

It’s a pity that the UU reading www.uukanshu.com battle is fierce. When thinking about this, Han Fei took a deep breath, the road turned, five times the strength, really refreshed, there were some cracks in his body, but it’s not counted. many.

You know, Han Fei's current basic combat power can reach 330,000 waves. Climbing five times, this has caught up with the power of most proving Dao powerhouses, and it is no longer the weakest level of Proving Dao powerhouses.

In this way, his physique was barely able to hold it. One was naturally to thank the Void Refining Technique, and the other was to thank the Human Race Supreme Divine Technique.

These two techniques have made one's physique so strong to the point of heinous.

No, in this **** color, Han Fei stretched out his fingers, and the avenues returned to one sword. Many avenues seemed to tear open a **** mouth on the **** sky.


At that blow, the bloodthirsty swordfish boss, half of his body was cut to pieces, his face was shocked: "Impossible, how can you become stronger? You haven't even arrived at Dzogchen..."

Han Fei snorted: "I am the emperor of the human world. I control the power of the world. How can you match the villains? Kill..."

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