God of Fishing

Chapter 2540: Halfway

Han Fei arrogantly scolded, but his heart was a little horrified, this guy's bloodline was so strong? In his current state, he couldn't even cut him with a single sword.

Moreover, a chain of locks appeared on this person's body, which had been cracked.

Upon seeing this, Han Fei didn't waste time either. He couldn't kill the boss, but the fourth and fifth were not so strong, so kill them first.

In a thought, Dao Gui Yi Sword cut out again, and the sword-drawing technique transformed by endless water slashed at another person.

However, at the moment Han Fei started his hands, his heart was shocked. But the answer was that the boss of the bloodthirsty sailfish department saw this, and arrived quickly, the whole person turned into a blood knife, and slashed Han Fei.

At that moment, he showed a touch of decisiveness. At the moment he let the fourth and fifth shots against the battle, he was ready to sacrifice the fourth and fifth and take the opportunity to perform this blow.

It's too late to say, it's fast, the invincible will burst out and turned into an invincible golden body.

"Puff, puff~"

Under Han Fei's ultimate fighting state, no one of the fourth and fifth could hold it, and they were almost killed at the same time.

Of course, the other party also used various secret magic techniques together. Only the old fifth was chopped up with a star orb. The fourth child barely blocked the blow, but the star ball was dim and dull, even if he touched it again, he would die.

However, Han Fei couldn't take care of them now.

With only a "clang" sound, Han Fei held it on the spot. It's just that the invincible golden body was corroded by that **** color, and it turned into a **** body in a blink of an eye.

Even though the rosary of the gods was shining, it could not be completely eliminated. Even, the blood color has touched Han Fei's body a little bit.

Han Fei was thinking of using the Apocalypse Divine Art to try, but suddenly, he felt that among the stars of his life, he could only passively explore the Jasper Stone Bridge. Suddenly, a road appeared. It was the muddy road. The scorching land that Han Fei couldn't handle.

There seemed to be a ray of warm sun shining from there, and it was reflected in the outside world. It was the inside of the body of the invincible golden body. Suddenly a small flame appeared, bursting with hot light.


The **** color that should have touched Han Fei's flesh and blood was swept away by the light and turned into nothingness. Looking at it again, the golden body remained the same, the golden light was shining, and the boss of the bloodthirsty sailfish department was actually burned all over.


This person erupted with a stern roar, and the blood of his whole body was extinguished at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Han Fei saw this, he couldn't help being a little dazed. Did the Jasper Stone Bridge move? The scorching light on that road is so terrifying? With just a ray of light, has this super power on the edge of the Dao burned like this?

Yes, Han Fei doesn't need to fight anymore, because the boss of the Bloodthirsty Sailfish Department, his essence and blood are no longer burned, his vitality is also burned out, his strength is greatly damaged, and three or four achievements are left.

Han Fei has no mercy, this is fighting, so many people are watching. He is the human emperor, the belief of the human race, and the belief of the giant whale fort. He wants to show them what is powerful.

"Puff chuff~"

There were many dreams in the night, and Han Fei pierced the person's star orb with a sword, and Han Fei even buckled it up with a needless thread, sucking in a wave of spirit and vitality.

As for the fourth child, his strength was much weaker than that of the boss, so Han Fei didn't have the slightest fear. He didn't kill him at the first time, but searched for his soul.

After this soul search, Han Fei was surprised. It turned out that this bloodthirsty sailfish department also has a second and third child, who is also the Great Perfection of Huaxing.

It's just that the two of them went out hunting with five late stage transformation stars and a group of experts in the Open Heaven realm of other realms.

Today, in the bloodthirsty swordfish tribe, the strongest ones left are the two lingering old stage transformation stars, and some strong ones in the later stage of transformation and the early stage of opening the sky.

After a while, Han Fei cut off the person, threw his remnant body into the star of his life, watched the pouring red and **** rain, stepped on the void, and looked at hundreds of thousands of people and said: "Below the sea, stay here. , Try to feel the resources of the great rainwater. Anyone who has a sea level or above will fight with the king..."

"War! War! War!"

For a time, the roar was thunderous, and the momentum was soaring.

In such a short time, the three major transformation stars were perfected, and the eight major transformation stars were wiped out in the late stage. This is the emperor in their eyes, extremely powerful. At this moment, countless people have shaken and firmly believe that Han Fei is the emperor, the emperor of the human race.

The powers of the human race, each qi and blood surging, their eyes are fiery, and they are proud.

Han Fei glanced at the old tortoise: "Lao Yuan, you stay, so that people under the sea can feel as much as possible under the **** rain of the avenue. I will lead the sea army and attack the bloodthirsty sailfish base camp."

Only then did Lao Yuan recover from the **** fog, his heart still trembled. Too strong, Han Fei's partner is really getting more and more perverted.

The combat power just now made him feel as if there was an emperor who was taking action.

Although Han Fei may still be inferior on the avenue, Han Fei in a completely explosive state in terms of comprehensive combat power definitely reached the standard of the weakest emperor.

The key is that Han Fei is only now in the late stage of Stars!

Old tortoise: "Okay! Then you pay attention. By the way, finish the fight quickly, I have something to tell you."

Han Fei was taken aback for a moment, nodded, the world phantom descended, and all the sea-piping realm powerhouses and Hongyue were included in their natal stars. After a while, at an absolute speed of 14 times the speed of light, he headed towards the base camp of the Bloodthirsty Sailfish Department.

In other words, there were a few people on the base camp of the Bloodthirsty Sailfish Club who knew that the four bosses went out one after another, but they didn't care too much. The reason why the Bloodthirsty Sailfish Club was able to run away so many people was thanks to the six bosses. It was the six of them who killed countless powerful men. The strength is beyond doubt.

Because they are the bosses, the fate of the boss is generally not left at home. It is the famous brand of the late stage of Huaxing, which will stay at home.

Fate Tablet Hall, when an old man of the bloodthirsty swordfish department, named Zhou Jie, found that the fate monuments of the late Eight Great Stars were broken one after another, he suddenly got up.

His first reaction was not to inform all the people of the tribe to escape, but to contact Yang Qi, another late stage Huaxing Great from the Bloodthirsty Sailfish Department for the first time.

After Yang Qi came, he was dumbfounded when he saw a piece of fate monument.

"This! Who did it?"

Zhou Jie said, "It doesn't matter who did it. However, there is one thing that is undeniable. We may be besieged again. Who can kill the Eight Great Stars in such a short period of time in the presence of the three leaders? Moreover, I suspect that the reason why the three chiefs went out together was because the six chiefs had an accident. Because the Tuesday in charge of the trial field, they also died."

Yang Qi said: "Quickly, take some seeds away, but don't get too far away from home. What if the first boss and the other two leaders win?"

Zhou Jie shook his head: "Okay, you will find some blood seeds immediately. I need to make arrangements for the formation, and inform the second and third leaders."

Yang Qi was surprised: "So far apart, can you tell me?"

Zhou Jie said: "Otherwise, why do you think the master let me guard the Ming Tablet Hall?"

Yang Qi nodded: "Okay, it's not a short distance from the trial field, one hour, we still have another hour."

After Yang Qi left. Some disappointment appeared in Zhou Jie's eyes, and he secretly said: "Is really an idiot, who can instantly kill the eight major transformation stars under the eyelids of the three leaders, definitely a number of transformation stars have come. Now in the clan The strong are all out, only you and me are left, you just want to take away some seeds that continue your bloodline?"

With a heart move, Zhou Jie set up a formation, turned around, and quietly teleported from the fate stele hall into the treasure house of the clan.

Just listen to Zhou Jie said: "Don't blame me for giving up everyone. If you don't stay to attract attention, how can I escape? With the treasure house, I will step into the Great Perfection of the Transformation Star. Prove. By then, I will definitely avenge you, for sure."

While thinking in his heart, Zhou Jie stuffed all the resources in the treasury into his own destiny.

In just a few short breaths, the entire treasure house is empty.

When it was over, Zhou Jie quietly returned to the Mingbei Hall, where he had been here for many years.

I saw him twist a fate monument, and then a teleportation formation appeared.

About half an hour later. Yang Qi secretly took away more than 800 bloodthirsty swordfish's Tianjiao-class seeds, and came to the Mingbei Hall.

However, where are there any figures in the Mingbei Hall at this moment?

After three breaths, Yang Qi rushed into the family's treasure house for the first time. The treasure house is also divided into important and unimportant, not everyone can enter.

Yang Qi couldn't enter the most important part of the treasure house either.

However, when he saw that the treasury he was in had been swept away, he was immediately furious.

"Zhou Jie, I am going to kill you."

At this moment, Yang Qi was very angry, but anger was useless. However, Yang Qi is not stupid, and Zhou Jie flees with Bao. If the three major leaders come back, he will commit a felony. If the three major leaders can't come back, it will be even more terrifying, and they will have to die.

And yourself, do you want to flee with these hundreds of thousands of people in the clan?

The answer is obviously no good, so many people, what to eat and drink? How to practice?

The point is, if the enemy does come, and no one is found here, he will definitely take the initiative to find his own trail immediately.

Therefore, he also guessed that this is why Zhou Jie ran away. He wanted to stay, attract firepower, and give him a chance to escape.

At this moment, I am afraid I have to follow this strategy. The treasure house cannot be unique to Zhou Jie. The question is, among the three camps around, which one will he go?

The nearest one?

Yang Qi shook his head: "No, if the three major leaders come back, they will catch Zhou Jie immediately. He doesn't dare to bet. The other is to the outskirts of the endless mining area. If you use that camp as a springboard and leave the boundless mining area, you will never find Zhou Jie."

Of course, there is another way for UU reading www.uukanshu.com to go to one of the eight camps outside the Wuyin mining area. Zhou Jie has so many treasures, will he go to the Wuyin mining area? Obviously not. Isn't it also to look for opportunities to go to the Wuyin mining area?

Therefore, Yang Qi seemed to have a clear understanding, and immediately flew to the camp on the outskirts of the Wuyin mining area. As for the clan, give up. The six leaders can't keep it, so why do they keep it?

And just as Yang Qi flew outside the Boundless Mine, on the way to the Bada camp, Zhou Jie sneered: "Neither Yang Qi nor the three leaders would have thought that I would go to the mine. Run. Oh, don’t you know, as long as I reach Hundred League City, with my resources, I will be able to advance to Dzogchen in Hundred League City. By then, I will use other camps as a springboard and then leave the Boundless Mine. This is the most wonderful way!"

However, just as Zhou Jie was complacent, suddenly, a water jet spear, at a speed of more than ten times the speed of light, scrolled endless lines, and fell.


In an instant, Zhou Jie only felt his mind empty, and then he was pierced and nailed to the bottom of the sea, unable to move.

At this moment, a young man walked from a distance step by step, with a smile on his mouth: "This fellow Daoist, what are you running?"

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