God of Fishing

Chapter 2556: Emperor Xuanwu



Those big **** hands, each only tens of meters in size, are suspended on the bottom of the sea, absorbing the power of the mineral spirits gathered from all sides.

After Han Fei and the others arrived, the nearest **** hand shook slightly, the fingers bent, and the direction was reversed.

And when this **** hand turned around, the flashing lizard lying on it, or the flashing lizard that was undergoing a mutation, suddenly opened his eyes.

Just listen to the emperor bird said, "I feel some ominous aura from this **** hand."


Both Han Fei and Old Turtle were a little surprised. Han Fei even lost his voice. The ominousness has already reached the sea?

Han Fei "What's the matter with the Bloodhand Great? What is the relationship between this Bloodhand and him? Why is this flashing lizard lying on it?"

"Old Tortoise" Bloodhand Great was also a great emperor here in the Boundless Mine. He walked a special way to temper a pair of blood hands. Rumor has it that this hand once shook the gods. But there are flashing lizards and blood hands. What's the relationship, I really don't know! Seeing that this flash lizard seems to be changing, this should be the origin of the lizard demon."

Emperor Sparrow "It seems that the blood-handed emperor was planted! Just why are there so many hands here?"

At this moment, the nearest **** hand opened its palm, and grabbed Han Fei as if it had eyes.

No way, one is a bird, standing on Han Fei's shoulder, and the other is a soul, standing beside Han Fei is not obvious. Only Han Fei is the most obvious, who does not arrest him?

When the blood hand got up, Han Fei had already grabbed the old tortoise and retreated, but the speed with the blood hand was so fast that he seemed familiar.

"His! The speed of the flash lizard? No, it is faster than the normal flash lizard, and it is close to the speed of the light burst."

Han Fei suddenly felt as if he had understood something, his hands didn't have eyes, but this flash lizard did. When the two work together, it is equivalent to having eyes in your hands.


Han Fei had experience with the lizard demon, and immediately set up a time slowing barrier, and at the same time ran the avenue, took out the blood-drinking knife, and was ready to fight at any time.

At this moment, the five fingers of the **** hand easily penetrated the time barrier under Han Fei's cloth. Han Fei launched it with one hand, and the endless hydration seal gun shot up.

At the same time, in Han Fei’s eyes, there is information emerging

Name Blood Hand Mine Demon

Introducing the blood of the great emperor, contaminated with ominous power, blended with the concentrate here, and with the slight recovery of bloodline consciousness, the blood hand mine demon was born. Therefore, the essence and blood is accompanied by a lot of ominous power, so it turns into a demon. The Blood Hand Mine Demon possesses a trace of the negative consciousness of the Blood Hand Great Emperor, and fights brutally. They tried to use the power of the flash lizard to combine with themselves to break through the stream of mine monsters and reach the outside world.


Quality Seven Mine Demon

Realm of Stars Dzogchen

Fighting skills, **** claws, killing fists, master the universe

Can collect seven-level concentrate


Remarks Destroying the flash lizards on them can greatly reduce the power of the blood hand mine magic.


Han Fei was not good at that time, he thought that the lizard demon was already very strong. As a sixth-level mine demon, the body of the lizard demon felt not much worse than his own.

How long has passed now, I actually saw the seventh-level mine demon. The tokens created by the sixth-level concentrate can create their own forces in the Wuyin mining area. The seven-level concentrate token has already possessed the strength of the top 100 in the endless mining area.

However, Han Fei didn't think about the 7th-level concentrate token for the first time. He was stunned to see that the sacred spear transformed by endless water was originally intended to suppress this blood hand. But the opponent mastered it into a punch at the last moment, and broke out that killing punch.


Fengshen spear and fist seal collided. Just like a shocking explosion, under the demon stream of this mine, it caused a riot, and the power swept more than ten thousand miles in an instant.

"No! Go away."

Han Fei's face changed drastically, holding the old tortoise in one hand, he rushed to the top of the mine monster stream.

As he walked, Han Fei said, "Although this **** hand doesn't have much consciousness, he knows to wake up other **** hands. What's more, one has already reached the level of a seventh-level mine demon. If there are dozens of them, it means Maybe we can tear up the three of us."

Emperor Sparrow "has come, be careful."


When the **** hands jumped and came, Han Fei's whole person was not good, because this was the ability of the flash lizard. Although these flash lizards have not yet become lizard demon, their abilities have been strengthened by the blood hand mine demon, so they suddenly jumped in front of them.

At that moment, the Fist of Slaughter, the Great Palm of the Universe, and the Bloody Claw attacked as many as seven times in an instant, killing Han Fei one after another.

"The son of a tortoise, it's good to be a bully when I'm an old man?"

"Roar, Fist of Annihilation."


"Boom boom~"



During the melee, Han Fei spewed out old blood, and his whole body flew across the mine monster stream. Beside him, the old tortoise was in a panic, a devilish qi blocking the **** claws of a **** hand. But the emperor did not panic, the eye of cholera had been activated, and the three **** hands seemed to have fallen into a frenzy at this moment.

The Emperor Sparrow had disappeared and appeared near the three **** hands, and saw it spread its wings and stood in the violent turbulence, with its mouth open, as if it was devouring some kind of power.

Han Fei Dekong glanced, and the corners of his mouth twitched. At this moment, this guy ran over and swallowed the ominous power of this **** hand?

The old tortoise exclaimed, "This **** hand seems to be contaminated with the opportunity of the **** hand, and it can shake my Yang God."

Han Fei instantly deprived the consciousness of the three flash lizards, and the three blood hand mine demons immediately lost their way. When Han Fei saw this, he glanced at the depths of the demon stream in the mine, and then he had time to say, "Go, it's not time to eat, wait a few days."

When the Emperor heard it, it was a pity, but it also felt that some **** hands jumped and flashed, and it suddenly turned into a light and plunged into Han Fei's body unwillingly. At this time, Han Fei stepped into the long river of time and saw seven **** hands popping up to follow up the long river of time.

It was too late to say that it was fast, but fortunately the Mine Demon Stream was only three thousand miles deep, so Han Fei escaped in a blink of an eye.

But those **** hands were not slow at all, almost one step away from Han Fei.

Han Fei felt that even if he escaped from the mine monster stream, he still had to keep running. But when he stepped out of the east side of Mine Demon Stream, suddenly, a huge turtle shell phantom appeared between the sky and the earth.

Han Fei, who had not had time to run, just listened to the old tortoise shouting next to him, "It's Emperor Xuanwu, Emperor Xuanwu has suppressed the mine monster stream, we don't have to run."


Han Fei looked dumbfounded, but when he looked back, he saw the follower's own seven **** hands. Because the speed was too fast, they couldn't stop, a flash, and they jumped directly to the tortoise shell seal.



I only saw the bright mysterious light burst out from the Xuanwu Emperor Armor, which was a bit similar to the divine brilliance of the Apocalypse Divine Art. But the light of Emperor Xuanwu armor was green, and the light flashed one after another, and all the seven **** hands were cracked and shattered. Only the flash lizard, which had not yet fully evolved, rushed out of the mine monster stream.


Han Fei was surprised when he saw this scene.

"They can't get out of the Mine Demon Stream. This Xuanwu Emperor Armor is specifically aimed at this blood hand. But the flash lizard is not within the scope of being suppressed, so the flash lizard can come out."

Immediately, Han Fei understood why there were lizards in the outside world. Because the blood hand mine demon was sealed to suppress or kill, and could not come out, but the lizard demon could.

It was too late to say, it was fast, and the flash lizard was not strong, so Han Fei killed him immediately. I only saw Han Fei quickly grabbing the fishing rod. The seven blood hand mine demons were already dead, and the level 7 concentrate on their bodies could not be wasted. This thing was extremely valuable outside. If you don't blow up, you can't black out, these few seven-level concentrates may be exchanged for dozens of refining stars in Hundred League City.

In the end, Han Fei caught a piece of Grade 7 concentrate and a piece of Grade 6 concentrate. The other concentrates did not know where they were jumped, and they were no longer found.


Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and after a while, he recovered calm and called out the Emperor Sparrow again.

The Emperor Sparrow was a little puzzled, "Don't you run away so soon?"

Han Fei pointed to the Xuanwu Emperor Jiadao that hadn't disappeared in the sky, "The Great Seal will suppress them in Mine Demon Stream, but there is no need to worry about them appearing outside."

The Emperor bird looked around and suddenly said, "Is the crack in this tortoise shell normal?"


Han Fei and Old Turtle looked at Xuanwu Emperor Jia again. But I saw some incomprehensible cracks and lines on the Emperor Armor. But among them, some cracks are particularly obvious, and they seem to be incompatible with the tortoise shell pattern given by the heaven.

I saw the old tortoise's face changed, "It's not good, those cracks are not nail patterns, it should have been too long, the Great Emperor's seal has loosened."

Han Fei just let go of his heart and raised it again, "It's loose? Doesn't it mean that it may collapse at any time?"

The old tortoise studied for a while and said, "That's not enough. Let me study it. The main moiré patterns are okay. The power of the past may have been annihilated by about 50%, but it will be no problem to suppress it for another 100,000 years."


Han Fei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. "It can last for hundreds of thousands of years. That's really okay. Okay, the mine monster stream is a bit too dangerous. God knows how many blood hand mine monsters are underneath. We are going down now. Fortunately, I didn’t go deep this time, otherwise I don’t know how to run.

Emperor Sparrow "I need the ominous power and devilish energy in them."

Han Fei "Slowly figure it out, let's stay here for the time being, and search nearby to see if there is any lizard demon. When the outside lizard demon are wiped out, we will consider the mine demon stream."

Emperor Bird nodded slightly, this is also a good way. After all, when he came, Han Fei did not deliberately look for the lizard demon.

The old tortoise was a little anxious, "Then what should I do with this mine monster stream? If you can't beat the mine monster stream, you will progress to the puppet city. If you can't enter the puppet city, you will definitely not find a way to restore my physical body."

Han Fei, "What are you afraid of? Don't worry about the body of the Yang God? Don't worry, we are few people, and we can't fight through this mine demon stream, but it doesn't mean that you will never be able to fight through. Let me train and try while I am here. The picture is right."





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