God of Fishing

Chapter 2557: Who is coming?



Three years later.

The Seven Killers had disappeared for three years, and no one could detect the slightest news about them, and some even felt that Han Fei had secretly left the boundless mining area.

And outside the Mine Demon Stream, more than 20,000 battlefields were underway at this time.

In the mine demon stream, there are nearly two hundred open sky battlefields.

At this moment, somewhere on the battlefield that has calmed down, several sea-breaking peak powerhouses are sitting on the ground panting. They are not cultivating, but chattering.

This cross-leg rest is a rare break in their day, so they enjoy it extraordinarily.

I only listened to one of them, "It has been three years, how many times has Master Renhuang explored that mine demon stream? Even Master Renhuang needs to explore so many times, how dangerous is it?"

Someone sneered, "What do you think? You don’t even have the qualifications to enter the Mine Demon Stream unless you are in the Open Heaven Realm. I can hear the Open Heaven Realm powerhouse say that most of them can only be in the depths of the Mine Demon Stream about two hundred miles. Activities, it is said that there are many open-sky realm mine demon there. But, it seems that the mine demon stream is more than three thousand li deep, that is where the emperor goes."

Someone sighed, "No matter what the secret is, Master Renhuang can go there many times, and it will not stop Master Renhuang after all. It is the periphery of the mine monster stream, there are too many mine monsters to kill at all! Let me tell you , Shall we go through the catastrophe directly?"

"Heh! Crossing the Tribulation! You forgot what the Lord Renhuang said. If you are not physically strong enough, you are not allowed to cross the Tribulation at will. I heard that Hong Dae has spoken, saying that it is for everyone who wants to cross the Tribulation. One criterion. First, those who haven’t stayed at the pinnacle of the sea for five hundred years are not allowed to cross the calamity. Second, there is no small achievement in the Wushou Xuan body, and they are not allowed to cross the calamity. It's not allowed to cross the catastrophe...heh, so in the past three years, including the time in the original sea of ​​Lord Renhuang, there have not been more than one person who crossed the catastrophe."

Everyone sighed, "This is too difficult. Even if the breakthrough has been suppressed, the number of strong people in the sea-opening realm is still more than one. It will be another ten years. I really doubt that all members will be promoted to the sea-breaking realm. No problem."

Someone smiled and responded, "Then you think that entering the sea is not the key. I heard that the first goal of Lord Ren Huang is to advance to the top of the sea. Even Lord Ren Huang does not dare to expect everyone to overcome the calamity now, so How can this matter be so simple? But when I am waiting for the peak of the sea, after meeting the conditions in the future, the success rate of crossing the catastrophe is said to be as high as 70%, or even successful."

Someone laughed. "When you say that, I will immediately have motivation. Let's go and fight the mine monster for another 30,000 rounds."

"Go together!"



Inside and outside the mine monster stream, when the battle is in full swing.

At the bottom of the mine demon stream, a body of black mist was sneaking under the water. The place where he was close was a single blood hand mine demon.

Suddenly, a mirror suddenly appeared, and he saw the blood hand mine demon and the flash lizard, disappearing at the same time.

In the Mirror of Infinity, Han Fei immediately performed the apocalyptic magic. Shenhui repeated and overlapped countless times through the mirror, and landed on the blood hand mine demon.

In an instant, the magic power on this blood hand mine demon was cleansed by the countless divine brilliance.

The blood hand mine demon was about to show off his might, but suddenly the demon's might was purified, and he was a little dazed. It was the flash lizard, trying to control the Blood Hand Mine Demon, but in the next moment, it was chopped by countless swordsmans. Even the blood hand mine demon was also chopped off.

At the moment when the blood hand mine demon fell, Han Fei had a voice in his mind. He only heard the emperor said, "This ominous power and demon energy is wasted, it is a pity."

Han Fei, "The thing about the blood hand mine magic is that we can't always see the problem on the surface. What is a blood hand mine monster? After three years of exploration, the number of blood hand mine monsters we have discovered is no less than 10,000. Only. In addition to the Blood Hand Mine Demon, there should also be the Demon Tree that the old tortoise said. The Blood Hand Mine Demon is easy to hide, but the Demon Tree is difficult to avoid. This time, it is the closest we are to the target. Lost big."

The Emperor hummed twice without denying it.

Yes, during the past three years, Han Fei went down to the mine demon stream no less than a hundred times. At first, he was really shocked by the number of blood hand mine demon. But later, Han Fei discovered that what was more difficult to deal with than the Blood Hand Mine Demon was a water-shaped vine, which could transform into water veins and drift along with the waves. If you were not careful, even the body of the black mist would be discovered by this thing.

This is also why Han Fei now has a thorough understanding of the mine monster stream, so this time he has been hiding until now, otherwise, it is estimated that he is still hovering near the entrance.

During this trip, Han Fei had been lurking in for seven days, and he had gone deep into the mine demon stream for millions of miles, and finally felt some water pulsations similar to breathing.

Why are there so many Blood Hand Mine Demon under the Mine Demon Stream, and the Demon Tree that was supposed to be a follower of Emperor Xuanwu, what the situation is now, these are still unknown.

Old Turtle once said that Han Fei must see Fumoshu, because he and Fumoshu knew each other. When the time comes, the Demon Tree will be his own, which is why Han Fei dared to risk being discovered by the roots of the Demon Tree and move forward.

He hadn't considered that there was a problem with the Devil Tree. But at least for now, the vines of the Demon Tree are all scattered vines that are unconscious, just instinctively attacking outsiders.

Therefore, everything has to be seen before the Volunteer Tree.

Another day later.

When Han Fei avoided hundreds of blood hand mine devils and the vines of the Volcanic Devil Tree, he finally came to the place where the water veins were undulating.

When Han Fei saw that thousands of blood hand mineral demons were surrounding a **** spring, the spring water was undulating, as if breathing.

The blood hand mine demon surrounding the spring water leaned forward and backward near the spring water, seeming to be absorbing the power of the spring water. Even after Han Fei saw the spring water, he couldn't help but be moved.

Because the spring water seemed to have magical powers, and he couldn't help but want to get closer.

In the center of the blood spring, there seemed to be a giant blood hand. After seeing the thing, Han Fei suddenly became sober.


Han Fei is awe-inspiring, there is a problem with this blood spring. Reminiscent of Bloodhand Great's ominous pollution, he immediately guessed something. If my guess is correct, this blood spring should be the blood of the blood hand great emperor, mixed with ominous power, for unknown reasons, spilled on the mine monster stream, thus breeding so many blood hand mine monsters.

At this moment, the giant **** hand in the middle of the spring, lying on it, was a formal lizard demon, not a flash lizard.

Han Fei was secretly surprised, is this the emperor so awesome? Just a pool of essence and blood can create so many seventh-level mine devils? Can also transform the flash lizard?

Han Fei had an urge to purify this spring of blood. However, this idea only appeared for a very short moment before it was rejected. Not to mention how much this vitality is needed to purify the ominous power in this blood spring, just because these thousands of blood hand mine demons are here. As long as you dare to make a move, you may be chased by these blood-handed mine demons to the dark ground in the next moment.

Therefore, Han Fei has been thinking about it again and again, even if he wants to make a move, it is not now. He hadn't seen the Puppet City, hadn't seen the Devil Tree, and couldn't distinguish between enemy and friend.

His purpose is not this blood pool, but a puppet city. It is one thing to help the old tortoise find the resources to reshape the body. I also want to see if there are any treasures left in the age of the gods.

After all, it was a city that no one had been to for millions of years.

Without disturbing these blood hand mine demons, Han Fei quietly walked around.

In this half a day, he suddenly discovered that the invisible water veins had increased, that is, the roots of the Volcano Tree had increased. With past experience, Han Fei himself is drifting with the flow like flowing water, trying not to arouse the awareness of these roots.

God knows how cautious Han Fei is. You must know what the old turtle said, the strength of the Demon Tree is not low, it should be the emperor's strong.

Finally, after half a day, Han Fei felt some strong energy fluctuations.

"Huh! How come you can't feel such a strong energy fluctuation when you are outside?"

When Han Fei approached, he suddenly discovered that some blood hand mine demons were attacking a light green enchantment barrier. These blood hand mine demons, there are not a thousand, there are a hundred, they occasionally launch attacks on this enchantment, the reason is unknown.

However, this attack is intermittent. Moreover, Han Fei saw a blood-handed mine demon. After the killing fist bombarded the barrier, only 30% of the power escaped. The other 70% of the power did not enter the barrier and disappeared without a trace. .

And after the bombardment of the blood hand mine demon, a turquoise branch visible to the naked eye came out of the enchantment, and it pierced the blood hand mine demon in an instant, together with the flash lizard attached to them. Jab to death.

After that, Han Fei saw a purifying power burst out of the blood hand mine demon, which was different from the purifying divine brilliance of the Apocalypse Divine Art, which was a special purifying power with vitality. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Enchantment, Fu Demon Tree, is this the Puppet City?"

Han Fei is very sure, this is definitely the Volcano Tree. Han Fei has a deep understanding of how strong the defensive power of the Blood Hand Mine Demon is. If it's pure heads-up, the Blood Hand Mine Demon can probably fight with himself for three hundred rounds without a problem.

As a result, the blood hand mine demon was easily pierced by the branch and purified away. It can be seen how strong the branch is?

At this moment, the barrier blocked Han Fei's vision, causing him to lose sight of what it was inside. All I know is that this front is quite big, and the area blocked by the enchantment barrier reaches thousands of miles.

Just when Han Fei didn't know how to cross this barrier, or how to communicate with the Demon Tree, a voice suddenly appeared in his ear, "Who is here?"





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