God of Fishing

Chapter 2558: Devil Tree

Chapter 2558 Demon Tree

"Who? Senior Fu Demon Tree, is that you?"

Han Fei was horrified, and the only one who could find himself in his dark mist body should be the Volunteer Tree.

After all, as early as the beginning, he had been discovered by the unconscious roots of the Demon Tree.

The voice was silent for a long time, as if recalling the name Fumoshu. After a while, it responded: "Who are you? Why do you know the existence of Fumoshu?"

Han Fei immediately said: "My...I am, Yuan Huang's best friend, do you know Yuan Huang! Uh..."

Han Fei asked the old tortoise in the natal star as he dealt with it: "Lao Yuan Lao Yuan, come on, tell me what your real name is? I met Fumoshu, and he is asking who I am, how can I answer this? ? You quickly report your name."

The old tortoise said in shock: "Where is the Volunteer Tree?"

Han Fei: "What are you talking nonsense, what's your real name?"

Old Tortoise: "Yuan, Yuan Biao! Would you like to let me go out, let me tell him?"

However, Han Fei was silent.

Outside, Han Fei said: "Senior Fumoshu, you and Yuan Huang, that is, Yuan Biao had met in the past. Old Yuan once said that he was friends with Emperor Xuanwu in the past, do you know this?"

Han Feixin said, in this kind of thing, the old tortoise can't deceive people, right? After all, when he came, there was speculation that the Devil Tree might still be there. Moreover, Lao Yuan had said that he and Fu Mo Shu had met before, so anyway, he was an old man in the past, so he wouldn't be able to fight.

However, he heard the Fumoshu response: "I don't know it."


Han Fei was dumbfounded, and said that this **** old Yuan was really blowing fish. This is a terrible thing. Are you blowing fish with me?

But the next moment, I listened to the Demon Tree: "Although I am the Demon Tree, I am no longer the one that followed the Emperor Xuanwu in the past. To be precise, I am the great-grandchild of the Demon Tree. ."


Han Fei was stunned for a moment, and his eyes rolled: "Why? Old Yuan said that Senior Fumo can live to the present! Moreover, he used to be in charge of Puppet City, how could he leave? Then why are you staying? Puppet city?"

When Han Fei uttered the three words "Puppet City", the Demon Tree that had been prepared to take action suddenly put away its murderous intentions. He didn't expect that in this era, someone could even mention the name Puppet City.

Since the visitors knew that this was the Puppet City, they also knew that the Puppet City was controlled by the Demon Tree, and they knew that the Demon Tree had followed the Emperor Xuanwu in the past. Just rushing to this point is enough to stop the offensive by yourself.

Of course, Fu Moshu was not sure whether Han Fei was an enemy or a friend.

Moreover, what Yuan Biao, he had never heard the name. Moreover, that person didn't come at all!

Just listen to the Demon Tree: "Human, when did you come to Puppet City after a million years and mention your deceased? Come on, what is your purpose?"

Han Fei: "Senior, you really don’t know Yuan Biao? He used to be a close friend and relative of Xuanwu Avenue! Now, I am here naturally because of an accident with Old Yuan. But in the past, Old Yuan was in Puppet City and stayed behind. Some rear players are now here to survive. Senior Fumo, can you let me in and talk? Old Yuan is in my natal star, I can let him come out and tell you in person. But outside the barrier , If I show up, I will lead a big battle, and I hope that seniors will learn from it."

"Here is that person?"

Fu Mo Shu was skeptical, but quickly said: "How can I trust you, and how can I trust that person?"

Han Fei immediately said: "How difficult is this? Lao Yuan is a brother to Emperor Xuanwu. Emperor Xuanwu dreamed of laying eggs and giving birth to many little Xuanwu. He believed that there is always Xuanwu who can become gods. This is enough. Is it secret? I'm telling you, if you didn't mix with Emperor Xuanwu very hard, how could you know such secrets?"


Fumoshu didn't believe it, but Emperor Xuanwu did lay a lot of eggs. To this day, there are still some that have not yet hatched.

But Fu Moshu still asked: "What else?"

In the natal star, the old turtle said: "Also, there is also the fact that Emperor Xuanwu is a woman. Very few people know about this, it can be said that very few people. It just so happens that the old Volunteer Tree knows. Han Fei, this can't be done. Spread it casually!"


Han Fei rolled his eyes directly: "Old Yuan! After becoming a Yang Soul, your thinking must have been slower. You all said that Emperor Xuanwu likes laying eggs the most. If you are a male, how can you lay eggs?"

The old tortoise said: "Puff! What do you think? Do you think this laying eggs is really laying eggs? When you reach the level of the emperor, you will only choose to leave the seeds. Laying eggs is just a statement. No one thinks that they can lay eggs, it must be. Mother. It’s just that the way the tortoise family maintains the inheritance is to leave the turtle eggs. One day in the future, the tortoise eggs should be transported and broken when it’s time for them to be broken.”

"Oh oh oh! The turtle circle is really messy..."

Han Fei didn't feel that this so-called secret could fool the Demon Tree.

Therefore, Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth, and said to Fumoshu with some difficulty: "Old Yuan said that Emperor Xuanwu is a woman."


Unexpectedly, Han Fei saw that the barrier trembles suddenly, and only saw hundreds of turquoise branches sticking out of it.

After that, a message came from Han Fei's ear: "Come in and talk."


Does Han Feixin say this is something to be surprised at? The thinking of tortoises is different from that of humans. Regardless of the race, those who can give birth are mothers. Isn't that a matter of course? What's so shocking about this?

But Han Fei is not stupid. Since he has successfully fooled the Devil Tree, he can now enter the Puppet City. Wouldn't it be stupid not to enter?

The abnormal movement of the Fu Demon Tree shocked the nearby Blood Hand Mine Demon, thinking that he was going to deal with them. They all want to start avoiding.

As a result, the change lasted for a short period of less than two breaths, and it was over. Everything was calm again, as if nothing had happened.

These blood hand mine demons did not know that they had not been able to enter the enchantment for millions of years, but just now, an outsider entered it.


Han Fei, who entered the enchantment, was also full of astonishment and shock, so did he come in?

When Han Fei entered the enchantment, he saw an ancient tree when he looked up, and he couldn't help but think of Shui Mutian's Cloud Sea God Tree.

Although this ancient tree was not as big as the Cloud Sea God Tree, it looked like a reduced version of the Cloud Sea God Tree, estimated to be one-hundredth the size of the Cloud Sea God Tree.

Even so, the tree canopy stretches, and the coverage area is about 5,000 miles.

But there is one thing. The enchantment area under Mine Demon Stream is only about a thousand miles away, and the area covered by the Demon Tree here is so large, the internal and external spaces are clearly inconsistent!

At this moment, Han Fei saw that the branches and leaves of the Vulture Demon stretched out from the void to an unknown place. Han Fei could feel the power flowing from those branches and leaves.

Except for the Devil Tree, Han Fei's vision is full of various buildings covering a large area. Extending to under a city wall.

And at the gate of the city, there were three big characters hanging high, which were exactly the three characters for Puppet City. When Han Fei scanned the three characters, he felt a moment of fascination, as if being rejected by inexplicable power.

Just listen to the Demon Tree: "If the emperor has left you, you can't force it to peep."

Fu Demon Tree spoke, Han Fei immediately said, "Junior Human Race Han Fei, I have seen Senior Fu Demon Tree."

Fumoshu's voice was long: "Where is the person you mentioned who met the Fumoshu and the Great Emperor Xuanwu in the past?"

Han Fei's heart moved, the phantom of the mountains and rivers appeared, and the old tortoise stepped out of the natal stars in one step. When the old tortoise appeared, he looked around and couldn't help but sighed: "People go to the building! The outer city of the puppet city in the past, but one of the most lively places in the endless mining area, here is the terraces for traffic, the strong and the countless people stay here. . It’s a pity that it’s almost decayed so far. But the Demon Tree is still there, which makes this turtle sigh."

Only saw a tree man, not far away in front of Han Fei and the others. It was in the shape of an ordinary tree, with a branch slanted above his head, and his body seemed to be rotten wood skin.

I saw the tree man looking up and down the old tortoise: "Turtle clan, only Yangshen is left...Senior, are you the one who served the Emperor Xuanwu with my ancestor?"

Just listen to the old tortoise and say with a smile: "You don’t need to test the old man. The Great Emperor Xuanwu has never liked being served by others, so no one has ever served him. The Demon Tree in the past was not specifically designed to serve him, but to help him guard the tortoise. Eggs. And I, Yuan Biao, and Guisheng had adventures with Emperor Xuanwu when they were young, and we supported each other until the sea level. Later, our two concepts did not agree, and we parted ways. So, even the old strain Fu Demon Tree, and I am not very familiar, just have a few sides."

Han Fei was a little surprised. The old tortoise had a little arrogance when he spoke. Could it be that this fellow had really practiced with Emperor Xuanwu in the first place? So why do people become the emperor, but you are mixed up like this?


Suddenly, Han Fei's heart was shocked. Wait, what did the old tortoise become? Is the old tortoise weak?

Not necessarily? If the old tortoise is weak, can it be suppressed in the sea of ​​gods and demons, where can it be held with countless chains? If it is weak, can he really live for a million years as he said? If you are weak, can you practice together with the Great Emperor Xuanwu and reach the Pihai Realm together?

Just now, Old Tortoise said that he and Emperor Xuanwu had disagreements. So the old tortoise must have embarked on the path of extreme balance, which is the so-called magic path from the outside world. If Old Tortoise's talent is similar to that of Emperor Xuanwu, where did he go?

At this moment, the old turtle said: "Little Fumo, although I am not as strong as you now, I know a lot about the past. Even if I haven't had a close relationship with your ancestors, I also know some of the past. Come, I'll give you a break. …"

?? Second update... These few days are too busy, can't make three changes, ashamed, only have the opportunity to do more in the future



(End of this chapter)

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