God of Fishing

Chapter 2572: Destroy a Royal Soul Sect first, make a name for it!

The one who fell first was the manipulator. This person was careless and tried to block Han Fei with Demon Zhi, but Han Fei slashed out, reaching the speed of light burst in an instant.

No matter how fast this person reacted, half of his body was cut off, but the next moment this person was completely blown apart and disappeared without a trace. The most terrifying method for a manipulator is to be transformed into a demon plant, which is very difficult to find.

However, Han Fei didn't care too much. He squeezed the Chilling Orb with his backhand, and immediately blocked hundreds of thousands of miles around by the terrifying power of the Freedom Realm. Not only this manipulator, everyone else was recruited.

They never thought that Han Fei could burst out such a terrifying power.

However, it was too late to regret. He only saw Han Fei's punch and exploded a flower bone, and only heard the sound of "rumble" in the sky, and another Transfiguration Great Perfection fell.

But this is just the beginning, the closest to Han Fei, and the guy who uses the formation. At this moment, the formation laid by this person was broken, and before he had time to run, he was frozen by the Frost Orb.

Only saw Han Fei's bright shot, pierced his soul sea and shattered his star beads.


The avenue roared one after another, and the others were shocked. How did the situation become like this? After a face-to-face, the two Great Perfection powerhouses of the Transformation Star fell like this?

Yes, these two people are not weak, they were killed by Han Fei before they had time to display their true strength.

At this moment, they realized that Han Fei's words, the lock of the avenue was reluctant to be opened, wouldn't it be tantamount to looking for death?

Han Fei's current combat power can only be achieved by unlocking the locks of at least the three avenues.

Originally, the eight strong men surrounded Han Fei, but now they have gone to the third, and there are still five people left, almost unlocking the locks of the avenue at the same time.

"Boom boom boom~"

The lock of the avenue emerges in the sky. They had to fight because the Frost Orb temporarily blocked their way of retreat. At this time, whose avenue's lock was disconnected a bit slower, it might be obliterated by Han Fei directly.

In fact, Han Fei did. One of them hesitated for a moment, as if he hesitated between escaping and breaking the lock of the avenue.

As a result, the next moment, his soul-suppressing artifact, inexplicably separated from his body, hardly blocked Han Fei's Void Thieves. But Han Fei's Dadao Guiyi sword is also not slow, passing through the body at the moment when this person hesitates. Accompanied by the line of nothingness buckled down. This person has become Han Fei's puppet.

The other four people hadn't noticed yet. One of them saw that this person was penetrated by Han Fei and fled to himself. He wanted to respond. As a result, as soon as Lien Gen approached, Han Fei manipulated this person to use the sword to kill him. With a single sword, he chopped off hundreds of thousands of miles of life from the opponent.

The strong man in Primitive City, named Antai, upon seeing this, immediately shouted: "Don't fight, go fast."

He relied on being a member of the Tianchan family, so he ran very fast. As for fighting Han Fei, he hadn't thought about it, because they knew too little about this man Tu, and the other party's methods were endless. God knows what weird fighting technique he will use in the next moment.

Moreover, the strength of this person is even stronger than they guessed. The point is that they weren't ready to take the shot right away, and he didn't come here to **** the resources from Han Fei. He is purely performing tasks, wanting to kill this guy who claims to be a human race.

It's alright now, the protagonist of the Yuhunzong hasn't appeared yet. Those of them who were originally prepared to watch the show, but were not prepared to take action, were almost killed and injured. Isn't this an innocent disaster?

Therefore, after Antai retreated, the other two people seemed to be the same, and they were also running wildly. Just kidding, none of the eight people were able to stop Han Fei. Now there are only two of them left. How can you fight this?

But at the moment when the two of them were about to escape, they saw Han Fei's mouth opened slightly, and said lightly: "Pirate..."


Antai ran very fast and didn't dare to stop at all.

But while he was escaping, he saw "Boom Boom Boom" several consecutive road cracks highlighting in the sky.


Antai is horrified, all dead? Judging by the number of cracks in the avenue, in the Great Perfection of Transforming Stars who were chasing down today, all but themselves were dead. If it weren’t for the fast speed, if it’s not on the ice layer of the Chaos Wasteland, it’s also ice-cold, and I have a temporary way to deal with it. I’m afraid I can’t get rid of this ice-cold power in time, and there’s no way to kill this person. Escape in the hand.

Thinking about it this way, Antai only feels that luck adds to his body, this is the heavens that don't let himself die!

At this time, he even felt a little sympathetic to Yang Kun. If Han Fei had such strength, what if Yang Kun had brought the peak combat power of the Yuhunzong?

Unless Yang Kun took out tens of thousands of six-winged mine worms to kill the man slaughter, otherwise he really didn't know that a soul guarding sect could be the opponent of this man slaughter.

On the battlefield where Han Fei was, he reunited the remains of these people unhurriedly, and then reunited them in his own destiny.

Then, I listened to Han Fei: "Friends, should you come out? You have seen who you should see. You haven't left yet, it seems that you are a little different from them!"

After Han Fei said this, he looked in a certain direction. After ten breaths, a middle-aged man walked out of the void. This person was hiding well, and Han Fei almost didn't notice the spatial fluctuations there.

After seeing this person, Han Fei couldn't help being shocked. This popularity field was extremely strong, and Fang Shenhun seemed to be extremely powerful. This should be the reason why he could not easily find him just now.

As far as the ability to hide the soul is, Han Fei thinks that the other party has at least three major road locks. Why is it certain that the other party has the lock of the avenue, Han Fei naturally has his own self-confidence. Without the lock of the avenue, he is invincible at the same level. It doesn't matter who this person is, it doesn't matter whether he is the first in the gods' list, Feng Yu, or some messy disciple of the gods.

If there is no such confidence, how can Han Fei control the road of invincibility?

Therefore, after seeing this person, Han Fei already showed a posture of superiority, slightly raised his head, carrying his hands on his back: "Who is coming?"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly: "Unexpectedly, the orthodox Human Race has such a powerful Dao Fellow, whose body, soul, strength, and magic are all in one, which is really embarrassing. In Xia Longwu, from the chaotic wasteland, the city of wanderers. The emperor of my family is also orthodox human, and the emperor of the contemporary..."


Just listen to Han Fei forcibly interrupting and snorting coldly: "Gu Tingnan has spent 100,000 years and has not been able to save the human race. With me, he also deliberately wants to be the king of the master? ."


Suddenly, Long Wu's spirit was shaken, and he looked at Han Fei in shock: "Do you know my lord? Huh, the Lord of Silence created the city of wanderers. Over the past 100,000 years, the city of wanderers has been built to be compatible with the city of scavengers. How can it be compared to the Primordial City's battle?"

Long Wu originally came to Han Feixu to describe the human emotions. It is best to find out about the forces behind Han Fei, and if he has the opportunity, he can cooperate with him. Use their power to help the city of wanderers to get out of the current predicament of the triad.

But who knows that this person not only uttered the name Gu Tingnan, but also seemed to know them very well. The most important thing is that this guy is going to compete with his owner for the throne. Isn't this an antagonistic relationship?

Long Wu didn't know what to say for a while, but he heard Han Fei say coldly: "I understand the situation in the Chaos Wasteland. Don't ask who I am. You have the opportunity to find out with Gu Tingnan. You Right when I am from another human race, if you want, you can cooperate with me to smooth out the power of the original city and the city of scavengers in the boundless mining area in the future. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Of course, you are the most Good to ask Gu Tingnan for instructions, because to cooperate with me, to a certain extent, you have to completely obey me."

Long Wu: "..."

In other words, Long Wu was dumbfounded for a while.

This person has such a big tone, he will wipe out the original city and the city of scavengers as soon as he comes up. Isn't this a joke? One ranks 10th and the other ranks 32. There are many strong people. If you say sweep, you will sweep, if you say kill, you will kill. Who are you?

However, he witnessed Han Fei's horrific combat power in killing the Seventh Avenue Locker in the First World War. With this, the slaughter in front of him was enough to enter one of the Hundred Leagues and become a new tycoon.

But no matter what Han Fei said, he would not believe that he could wipe out the power of the Primitive City and the Scavenger City with a single blow. Therefore, Han Fei asked him to ask Gu Tingnan for instructions. Needless to say, he must ask for instructions.

In the Wuyin mining area, such a terrifying orthodox human power suddenly appeared, how could he not ask?

Long Wu's mind also turned quickly. Although this person was not an emperor, his tone was quite loud. Moreover, it seems that there is some unknown relationship with the Lord of Silence, and perhaps he can respond to this person's proposal.

If Han Fei can really win the Primitive City and the City of Wanderers, what is it for him to fight? He is willing to let him clean up.

Long Wu: "What are you going to do next? The Yuhunzong will be here soon, and there are many strong people behind. Although the celestial phenomena appearing here are terrible, they are relatively far away, and the human body behind them is not big. So, you will not be facing one or two people at that time. With the character of the Yuhunzong, at least there are more than ten thousand open-sky mine demon, who will launch an encirclement and suppression against you."

Han Fei grinned: "Really! It just happens that my human race should also be born, so let's destroy the Royal Soul Sect first and make a name for it!"

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