God of Fishing

Chapter 2573: Fierce Battle of Yuhunzong

The distance between Han Fei and the ordinary late stage transformation of the star, or even Dzogchen, is not a bit different.

The appearance of cracks in the avenue will inevitably attract the attention of these powerful men, and once they enter the road that Han Fei is currently traveling on, they will find that the celestial phenomenon here is so terrible, they will inevitably be afraid. If you are timid, you may go back home directly, and will not continue to pursue it at all.

Therefore, Han Fei turned back and flew toward the road when he came.

In the end, Han Fei left a sentence to Long Wu: "The rise of the human race did not depend on you for such a rise. Look at it! I will teach you what is the orthodox human race and what is the emperor of the human race."

This time, Long Wu didn't accompany him, with a complicated expression looking in the direction of Han Fei's departure. Although he didn't think that Han Fei's merits could be compared to the Lord of Silence, he did not doubt that once Han Fei proclaimed, his character and degree of madness would probably be no less than the Lord of Silence.


Chen Tianya poked his head out of the void and looked at Long Wu, a little sorrowful: "Done the talk?"

Long Wu shook his head slightly, but did not explain anything.

Just listen to Chen Tianya said: "Boss, this man is too cruel and outrageous. One person killed seven. You must know that these people are at least the strong with the lock of a great road? This is really the case. Terran?"

Long Wu: "I don't know if it is a human race, but I know some people are going to be unlucky. If there is no accident, he deliberately walked this road. This road is the grave he set up for Song Yu and others in advance. field."

Chen Tianya raised his eyelids: "What do you mean?"

Long Wu: "Wait and see! I believe the Wuyin mining area is no longer peaceful."

Seeing Long Wu collapsed and left, Chen Tianya, who didn't know why, said: "Hey! Boss, don't you follow me and keep watching?"

Long Wu shook his head: "No, you should know. Sooner or later you will know, just wait for the news."

In other words, after separating from Long Wu, Han Fei directly entered the white hole space, supplemented by the Avenue of Time, ran out of 32 times the speed of light.

More than half an hour later.

On the way to follow Han Fei's action trajectory, nearly 600 Kaitian realm powerhouses advance and retreat together. To put it bluntly, most of these people came to pick up the leaks, and it really made them desperately chasing Han Feisha, and I guess they didn't want any of them.

However, the advantage of acting together is to fish in troubled waters. There will always be someone taking the lead in fighting such things. And the one who took the lead this time was Yang Kun who had been on the road for two days and finally killed him.

When Yang Kun saw such a large group of people chasing Han Fei, he didn't really care. Fish in troubled waters requires capital. In his eyes, even if these people go together and want to take food from their mouths, it is impossible.

At this moment, Yang Kun just passed these groups of people, and their figures disappeared in a flash.

However, before Yang Kun ran out, he saw a lone boat hanging in the air above the sea, and a young man holding a fishing rod was fishing.

Before Yang Kun could speak, Han Fei said in a long voice, "I thought you weren't coming!"

"Are you a slaughter?"

Yang Kun is not the kind of reckless big man. On the contrary, this person is thin and has sharp eyes. I don't know if it is because the power of the soul is too strong. Behind him, there are six swords of the soul, which can be seen. When he stood in the void, if he sprinkled golden light on this servant, it would be like a mighty venerable person, like a Buddha and an immortal.

At this moment, no matter how big Yang Kun's heart was, he did not dare to act rashly. Now this weird scene seems to be deceitful, knowing that he was being chased, and still sitting here fishing, either he is confident or has a brain problem.

After more than ten breaths, Yang Kun couldn't sit still anymore, and he was going to try to attack Han Fei. Because his soul has covered this room as much as possible, but he still didn't notice any abnormality.

And just as Yang Kun was about to make a move, a large group of powerful men appeared in the rear.

Of course these people saw this scene. The first reaction was to brake quickly. At this moment, the scene is a bit weird, as if the two powerhouses are facing each other. It is not a wise move for them to rush upwards now.

Someone sighed: "Yes, this is the man who killed him. How did he stop?"

Some people wondered: "If this is Human Tu, then who owns the previous crack in the Great Dao? It has appeared seven times in a row, which means that at least seven people have fallen into this human Tu's hand."

Someone sneered: "What's so strange about this? I don't know how many pirate regiments were killed by people outside? How many powerful pirate regiments are there? Can't you count them?"

Someone said: "Don't come close, Yang Kun and Rentu are in line, this has to be too close, maybe it will be affected."

Some people disdain to fish and fish, so far away, what kind of fish are they still touching? Besides, when the two big bosses are confronting each other, how can they be familiar with this group of miscellaneous soldiers?

For a time, the crowd was divided into two groups, one wave was far away, ready to watch the show first, depending on the situation. And some people think that being close, there is a chance to fish, so they can get closer.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly. There were too many people here this time, and he looked at Yang Kun proudly and smiled slightly: "I! Although I don't know how others spread it, I hope you can remember my title. I am the emperor of the human race, the emperor of the human race."

Yang Kun sneered: "Bah, people slaughter. You slaughter my Yuhunzong for no reason, seize my treasure house, you and I will never die. Let your seven killers come out! You and I will fight, and there must be a victory or defeat."


Han Fei let out a soft voice, with a long voice: "To deal with you, why do you need seven kills, this emperor is enough."


When Han Fei spoke, he didn't hide it. The army who came to pick up the leaks heard it, this was crazy! one person? Do you know who Yang Kun is? Although the Yuhunzong did not enter the Hundred Alliance, it was because of being squeezed by the Ghost Channel and forcibly ranked outside the Hundred Alliance. Otherwise, with the ability of the Yuhunzong to control the mine demon, you can enter the Hundred Alliance. List.

Normally mixing in the Hundred League City, everyone knows what the major forces are like, and Yang Kun came out this time, it definitely came out with a large army. Even if it is the tactics of leaving the crowd, few are willing to be tough with Yuhunzong, this Tu is facing Yang Kun by himself, how much heart does this have?

Yang Kun snorted coldly: "You are not ashamed, since you are so arrogant, then let my Yuhunzong come to learn, you are the so-called emperor of the human race."


I saw that between Yang Kun waved his hand, an army of ten thousand mine monsters lined up and floated behind him.

Seeing this army formation, many people exclaimed: "Three thousand five poisonous mine monsters, seven thousand six-winged mine bugs, did Yang Kun really take out his family and fight?"

Someone shook his head: "Not necessarily, but so many mine monsters are enough in theory."

The so-called five poison mine demon is a rare poison mine in the Wuyin mining area. Among the mine demon born in the poison mine, there are black mountain centipede, green crystal scorpion, white salt snake, golden toad, green tiger, and five kinds of poison mine demon. The disgusting people of the Yuhunzong are disgusting in this place, although many forces can actually take the Yuhunzong. However, the six-winged mine worm and the five poisonous mine demon are too famous. As a result, under normal circumstances, no one would easily offend Yuhunzong except Ghost Strait.

At this moment, the entire army of ten thousand open sky realm mine monsters, although they are all puppets, is too much for ten thousand.

Just when Yang Kun summoned an army of ten thousand mine monsters, Han Fei suddenly disappeared, and there was a fist mark that attracted the world, but was rapidly changing.


This punch came too fast, too suddenly, and Yang Kun couldn't respond to it for the first time. Because he thought that Han Fei would release the Seven Killers, he never expected that Han Fei had already brewed, intending to punch him. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Although the response was not fast enough, behind Yang Kun, a huge amount of soul power was used in an instant.

In an instant, Yang Kun seemed to have mastered the emperor-level divine soul, and actually placed a pillar of divine soul, and rushed forward.


At that moment, to everyone's expectation, Yang Kun and Han Fei hadn't unlocked the locks of their avenues, and they smashed the void with one blow. With a single blow, a crack appeared between the endless void and reality, and a large void appeared.

Han Fei's heart moved, can the power of the soul be used in this way?

Just listen to Yang Kun's low voice: "Kill!"

Seven thousand six-winged flying insects, like a big mouth that could eat people, flooded towards the place where Han Fei was.

When Yang Kun saw this, he controlled more than two thousand five poisonous mine monsters, ready to go, ready to launch a charge.

Why is there only two thousand, because there are still a thousand puppets, mixed in the ordinary six-winged mine insect swarm.

The large black area obscured everyone's vision. In the eyes of others, the army of Heaven-opening realm like locusts in the sky is not something that can be solved in the late stage of the ordinary Heaven-opening realm. Even if it is the Great Perfection of the Transformation Star, even the powerhouse of multiple road locks may not be able to suppress it.

Seeing that Han Fei was about to be wrapped up by the mine demon army, everyone's ears immediately heard a voice: "Frozen!"

Hundreds of thousands of miles in the void, frozen in an instant, when the extremely cold orb came out, more than 1,200 six-winged flying insects were frozen, and the emperor's divine prestige fell, even if Yang Kun had reacted very quickly, he had already borrowed a lot of the power of the soul. withstand.

However, when he really took on the blow, he still spewed a spit of blood.

"The best artifact?"

Except for Yang Kun, everyone onlookers took a deep breath. Is this person such a rich man? This is just the beginning! It showed such a big move, what about the back?

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