God of Fishing

Chapter 2581: 0 League Meeting

Han Fei also felt that his path of preaching was quite difficult.

If you want to preach, you must first save the human race. If you want to save the human race, you must first solve the city of scavengers. If you want to solve the city of scavengers, you can only figure it out slowly.

Before you have fully grown up, you can cut off the largest source of external economic resources in Scavenger City, that is, the supply of the boundless mining area.

Only when this first step is completed, can the city of Scavengers be greatly injured and the city of Scavengers can be chaotic. There is a saying called winning in chaos, so chaos is very important.

After talking with Wushuang, the twins of Han Fei joined together and walked on the streets of Baimeng City. His target is all the other intelligence centers in Hundred League City.

Baimeng City, as the only comprehensive city in the Wuyin mining area, is the center of news in the Wuyin mining area, so there are more information centers here.

Han Fei doesn't need to promote it at all. As long as he talks from house to house, I know where the bloodhand great inheritance lies, and the price is only ten refining stars of 36 million li stars.

Han Fei is not afraid that these big powers will not buy it. He only said that other people have already bought it, but yours did not buy it. Then, the inheritance of this great emperor has someone else's share, not yours.

Someone once asked: "What if I don't buy it?"

Han Fei raised the map in his hand and said, "If you don’t buy it, you can find a way to follow the people you have bought to the place of inheritance, as long as others are willing to take you. But if you don’t buy now, then I will not be able to buy it now. I'll sell it to you again. Or, if you don't care about the inheritance of the Great, then treat it as if I didn't say anything."

In the end, Han Fei sold a total of 960 refining stars of 360,000 miles, but four of them did not buy them.

There are only so many intelligence agencies in Baimeng City. Even though other forces have eyeliners in Hundred League City, they can't afford the price. And when all the forces outside the Hundred Leagues add up, can they be stronger than the one with the Hundred Leagues?

Therefore, after Han Fei made a wave of quick money, all the senior leaders of the Hundred League City knew about the inheritance of the Bloodhand Great Emperor. Moreover, at the beginning, Xiangxiang spent 600 pieces of information bought back by the refining stars, others only spent ten to buy it. For this reason, Xiangxiang is still a little depressed.

Xin said that since you want to cooperate with me in the capital of horror, can you bring a little sincerity? In the end, you did well. Not only did you take 600 refining stars from me, but you also suffered a "fracture" in a blink of an eye.

In the face of all the people who bought information, Han Fei also made it clear that it was very dangerous, and there was a blood hand mine demon. Anyway, it's what I should take care of. You can buy my information as much as you like.

After Wushuang heard of Han Fei's behavior, he had to admire: "Unexpectedly, he used this method to publish the information, which not only achieved the goal, but also earned resources. He is really a smart and dexterous master in his heart."

In fact, when Han Fei sold the information, the top leaders of Baimeng City immediately began to convene the permanent correspondents of the Baimeng Intelligence Center for a meeting.

No, before the meeting started, Hundred League City was already crazy.

After all, Han Fei runs too many intelligence centers, and it is almost impossible to keep secrets and not spread them out. And once things like the Great Emperor’s inheritance reach the ears of ordinary people, the first thing to do is to share, discuss, and discuss. Because ordinary people have never thought that one day they can still encounter this kind of good thing falling from the sky.

And once the news is spread, how can the news be kept in a place as big as Hundred League City? In just one day, all the people stationed in Baimeng City knew the news on the streets and alleys.

Moreover, the speed of the news spread is quite terrifying, at most ten and a half months, most people in Hundred League City should know this information. Even the eight camps on the periphery of the Wuyin Mining Area will be able to get news of Bloodhand Great’s inheritance within a month at most.

Of course, the information that ordinary people got was only to discover the inheritance of Bloodhand Great. But only those who have bought Han Fei's intelligence know the specific location.

Therefore, at the Hundred Leagues Conference at this moment, there are four companies with a dumbfounded look, because they did not buy it at all, and they even think this kind of thing is very absurd.

Inheritance of the great emperor, ten refining stars can be bought, isn't this nonsense?

However, at the moment at the Hundred League Conference, the capital of terror is dominant.

Just listen to Xiangxiang said: "I think everyone should have been slaughtered. This person sold a copy of the Bloodhand Great Inheritance of the Age of Gods. I don't know what you think about this matter?"

I only heard someone say: "Xiangxiang, this thing is a bit absurd. The Great Emperor inherited it and was sold at such a low price. I had to buy it. But what if this is the trick of the man?"

Just listen to Xiangxiang: "Why? Why would he do this?"

Someone agreed: "I don't think this matter is necessarily false. First of all, this man Tu must be familiar with the northern mining area. Otherwise, he can swallow Yang Kun and his tens of thousands of mine monsters? I thought , This bloodhanded emperor's inheritance may be true."

Gu </span> Someone questioned: "If it is true, he hasn't gotten the inheritance himself? Why does he want to come and sell us so many people?"

Someone said: "If the blood hand inheritance is easy to obtain, he won't call us together. Therefore, if this inheritance is true, then this inheritance must be very dangerous and needs to be filled by many lives. At least others will kill and his subordinates. It’s impossible for the Seven Killers to eat this inheritance."

Someone patted the table and said, "What should I do? It's hard to tell whether it's true or false. I heard that the man Tu had visited the City of Terror when he first came to Hundred League City. Mention this? I don't know what Xiangxiang girl thinks about this issue?"

Xiangxiang frowned slightly and said: "That time, this person did mention it, but what he meant was that I wanted to lend him the capital of terror. At that time, maybe he didn't even know the so-called inheritance and bloodhanded emperor. Relevant. In the past few months that he disappeared, I guess he should investigate this place of inheritance."

Someone said, "That's it. He wants to pass on it, but he can't get it at all, so he wants to ask others to help him. But at this level, who else is a fool? It's better to help him than to help himself."

Someone agreed: "That is, if you want me to say, since we have everything in the Hundred Leagues, then we will simply slaughter this person in Hundred Leagues City. Didn't he say that there is a blood hand inheritance? Then let him follow. Let's go together. With so many of us, countless strong people, can't we still kill him alone?"

Someone agreed: "In order to agree, this person is cruel, for the endless mining area, and keeping it is also a curse. Let's take it directly for him in Hundred League City, so that at least a bit of protection will be added. In case this person slaughters There are so many lies, let's not be played with by this guy."

At this time, someone said: "No, since the establishment of Hundred League City, there has never been a person captured or taken prisoner in Hundred League City, let alone being exterminated. Once a precedent is set, you know what the consequences are. Huh? Baimeng City has no prestige anymore. In this boundless mining area and outside, we will not believe in the resolutions of our Baimeng."

Xiangxiang nodded: "Yes, in Hundred League City, it is absolutely impossible to do it. I have a suggestion..."

Seeing everyone cast their curious eyes, Xiang Xiang smiled: "Since this person has given us a specific position, why not go to see and see in person? Each of our Hundred Leagues will send out a powerful late-stage transforming star, and go to where they are. Let’s find out. If we confirm that it’s extraordinary, we may make another decision."

Someone said: "What if the bloodhanded emperor's inheritance is false?"

Xiangxiang smiled and said: "If it is fake, then this person is playing our Hundred Leagues' happiness, and then we will have a reason and an excuse to directly suppress it."

Just listen to the old man from the Shendu Dynasty: "If so, is this inheritance true?"

Xiangxiang: "If it is true, even if we explore this heritage, he will need to go there in person. At that time, we seem to be walking together, but we are actually being jealous. If something really goes wrong, he will not be able to escape. He It should have been a little earlier, we will definitely take him there, so he sold this information unscrupulously."

Someone immediately made a decision: "I agree with Miss Xiangxiang's suggestion. First, let's get a Hundred Leagues joint expedition team. UU read www.uukanshu.com to find out. After the inspection returns, it will not be too late to negotiate. But here it is. During this period, people are not allowed to leave Hundred League City. This is our bottom line. What do you think?"




When everyone seconded, that's what happened. The seemingly absurd farce, but it really involves such a big movement, and the efficiency is amazing.

When this matter was over, I heard someone suddenly ask: "Hey! Xiangxiang girl, I heard that Wushuang girl came to the Wuyin mining area to prove it. I don't know if I will have the honor to take a look?"


For a while, many people looked at this man. This man belonged to the Cangbird tribe of the East China Sea, and had a close relationship with the Shendu Dynasty. He had a ruthless personality, and he spoke crazy.

When everyone turned their eyes to Xiangxiang, the latter laughed and said: "Where the Wushuang girl wants to come, where she wants to go, this is her freedom. I think outsiders don't have to worry about the internal affairs of our capital of terror. You need to know. , Xiangxiang is good at talking, but unparalleled, but not necessarily good at talking."

After a round of simple verbal confrontation, the Hundred Leagues Conference ended, but the last words of the Associate Clan's reporter reminded everyone. Witch Wushuang, here comes...

No, the speaker in Primitive City, as soon as he returned, he expressed his attitude and said: "Don't guess, this inheritance should not be false. Many people know it well, otherwise Witch Wushuang will not be far away. From the capital of horror to the boundless mining area. This point, we all want to go wrong."

On the other hand, the few people who didn’t buy Han Fei’s information asked someone to ask each other and said, “Lao Zhou, you know I didn’t buy the broken information, or you can give me a copy of the map. ?"

The person being asked was immediately happy: "Okay! Twenty refining stars of three hundred and sixty thousand miles away."

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