God of Fishing

Chapter 2582: Wherever you go, there are local tyrants


The joint meeting in Baimeng City was successfully completed. The condition was that although Han Fei could not be touched, it was necessary to restrict Han Fei's stay in a short period of time.

In this regard, the capital of terror has made a guarantee. In view of the prestige of the capital of terror, naturally everyone has not refuted it.

And just seven days after that, the joint exploration team of Hundred League City was already in place. And on the eighth day, he entered the northern mining area directly according to the address given by Han Fei.

The establishment and actions of the Hundred League Exploration Team, of course, can't be hidden from the interested people. In the Wuyin mining area, this kind of information is transmitted extremely quickly, so many people already know it before the Hundred League Exploration Team has officially assembled.

Even, I didn't know how someone outside the Wuyin Mine was getting the news so quickly. With the addition of the major forces in the Wuyin Mine, Baimeng City suddenly became lively.

Reminiscent of the news of the Northern Expedition circulated in Hundred League City a few days ago, although no one has confirmed this matter, the recent turmoil has given the powerhouses in the endless mining area an opportunity.

Once Han Fei's inheritance of the Bloodhand Great Emperor is true, and once the Northern Expedition really begins, it will require manpower, a large amount of manpower.

Moreover, those who were able to participate in the Northern Expedition would not have the existence of the Sea Boundary Realm, and even the existence under the Huaxing Realm would not necessarily be eligible to participate.

At this moment.

Han Fei, incarnate as a passerby, was chatting with a guest in a forging shop.

And this guest is Longwu, who lives in the Boundless Mining District, the City of Wanderers. And it was Han Fei who was meeting with him at this moment.

After meeting with Han Fei last time, and then there was news that the Yuhunzong army was annihilated, Long Wu knew that something major would happen, so he did not leave Hundred League City.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Have you and Gu Tingnan asked for instructions?"

Long Wu: "I have been in touch, Lord of Silence asked me to obey your instructions. However, the premise is that I can’t inexplicably sacrifice the powerhouses of my Wanderer City. Although many of them are not human races, they are all strong people who follow my human race. By."

Han Fei chuckled, "I don't need your manpower yet, but there is one thing you can help."


Han Fei: "Find a way to provide me with enough energy crystals, the more the better."

"Energy crystallization?"

Long Wu wondered, since Han Fei knew about the chaotic wasteland, he would definitely know the specific role of energy crystallization. It's not good to use too much that stuff.

Seeing Long Wu's doubts, Han Fei said: "Of course the emperor will not use energy crystals for cultivation, if they are otherwise useful. In addition, do you know the specific strengths of Zhang Beihai and An Qingzhi, how many doctrines are there?"

Hearing this, Long Wu said directly: "The locks of the four avenues are currently shown by them. They are four. However, Zhang Beihai and An Qingzhi have taken shots for a long time. Even if they have taken them, they may not be able to exert their full strength. So. It’s hard to say whether they have hidden strength or not.


Han Fei sneered. He was really naive. You said so, so you can't treat them as powerful four-way locks.

In the city of scavengers, apart from the fake Emperor Wanlin, there was only Zhao Honghuang alone. Zhao Honghuang also never showed his strength, so it is difficult to say how strong this person is.

Even, the City of Scavengers rumored that Zhao Honghuang had an external incarnation, and no one knew where he was. Han Fei guessed that this might be Zhao Honghuang's means to break through the emperor.

Therefore, no matter what, Zhao Honghuang should not be regarded as an ordinary Huaxing Dzogchen. Anyone who is in doubt shall be treated according to the five principles.

Han Fei looked sideways at Long Wu: "How many road locks do you have?"

Long Wu: "..."

Long Wu did not speak, and Han Fei smiled faintly: "If you expect it to be good, you can only have the fourth or already own the fourth. Otherwise, you will not be able to sit in the Wuyin mining area, let alone withstand the scavengers. City and Primitive City. You are like this. Can Zhang Beihai and the others be worse?"

Long Wu asked in return: "Is this directly related to your plan? If you need manpower and need a strong person, my city of the wanderers will give some support. But if you feel that the Lord of Silence asks me to obey your instructions, you You can be unscrupulous and do whatever you want, and that would be a big mistake."

Han Fei snorted: "Oh, you are still angry. You know, Gu Tingnan asked you to obey my orders, that is to give you a chance. If it weren't because you are a human race, you would not have this opportunity. I Let you get me energy crystals, but what I can give you is ten times those energy crystals. So, I give you a chance to send the most powerful cadres under your team. Don’t use the ones below the stage of transformation, preferably big ones. Those who reach the level of Consummation, follow me in the Northern Expedition when the time comes."

The reason why you don't want Longwu to go with him in person is naturally because Longwu can't go away. Otherwise, once the news is known to the City of Scavengers and Primitive City, they will launch an offensive against the City of Wanderers 100%.

Although Long Wu didn't quite believe in Han Fei in his heart, the Lord of Silence believed it, so he didn't hesitate, just nodded and said okay.

And Long Wu finally raised his doubts: "The Northern Expedition will definitely begin?"

Han Fei: "Definitely. Moreover, after the Northern Expedition, the power of the Wuyin mining area might have a brand new reshuffle."

Long Wu's spirit was shocked, and he knew about it, and he had suffered countless deaths and injuries during the Northern Expeditions. However, there are actually many strong players in the Wuyin mining area. It is an exaggeration to say that it will reshuffle the cards in the Wuyin mining area.

But Long Wu didn't refute, but said: "I just want to remind you. Once the Northern Expedition begins, some hidden powerhouses, ascetics, Tianjiao, and even the line of sacred beasts in the boundless mining area may be dispatched."

Han Fei's heart moved. He didn't know this. During the time he entered the Wuyin mining area, he had only spent a few days in the Hundred League City. He didn't know anything about the strong in the Wuyin mining area.

Moreover, in Hundred League City, he rarely saw creatures such as divine beasts and fierce beasts, otherwise, he should have noticed.

Han Fei: "Mythical beasts will accompany you? Why are they not common in Hundred Leagues?"

Long Wu: "Mythical beasts and fierce beasts have the ability to transform people, and it is generally difficult to find them without deliberately exposing them. Moreover, no matter whether they are mythical beasts or fierce beasts, they have their own territory, and they generally don’t come here. A mixed-race Hundred League City."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Well! Okay, let's stop here today! Remember that the more energy crystals the better, just let the person you arrange to bring it to me."

Han Fei has not been idle these days when the joint exploration team left. Because there are thousands of refining stars in their hands, if this is provided to Hong Yue and the others for cultivation, although they can improve their strength, it is still difficult to directly improve by leaps and bounds. Even if they had spent hundreds of years, Hong Yue and the others would have to spend time even if they got the chance.

Therefore, he used the refining of the stars in exchange for a large number of weapons and equipment, spiritual fruits, spiritual veins, great tactics and so on.

He thought that once he led the human race out of the predicament in the future, he would need too many resources. Therefore, these days, he has become the biggest, most moat and craziest buyer in Hundred League City.

At this moment, Han Fei, who holds a huge amount of money in his hand, is pointing at the refining device street in the Primitive City, holding his head high and yelling.

"The waste of the city of Scavengers in Te Niang, why do you not sell me so many weapons? Is it because the emperor can’t afford to pay? Or is it because the emperor cuts down your waste? Today, you don’t Sell ​​things to me. Tomorrow, from the city of scavengers, the emperor will see one and kill one..."

This is not the first time that such a situation has happened. This is already the seventh time that Han Fei scolds the street.

The reason is simple. Before that, the companies that Han Fei had killed had a deep malice towards Han Fei. Their own Dao Lock-level powerhouse was cut off, this is the resource can not be exchanged.

Let me ask, how many resources can train a Dao Lock-level powerhouse?

But Han Fei is rich, hey! When he came up, a refining star hit someone's face, and he said, "Pack your store for me."

Who can stand this?

Because after spending a few days in the City of Hundred Leagues, Han Fei's previous cold and unrestrained posture disappeared. At this moment, Han Fei felt like a bandit.

Yes, he is just a bandit, relying on his own hands to have a large number of refining stars, shopping everywhere. According to the guessing person. The weapons and other resources that Han Fei currently buys are enough to start from scratch and cultivate a 100,000-strong army of the pinnacle of the sea.

Even if using this resource to forcibly pile up, Han Fei might be able to pile up nearly hundreds of Open Heaven Realm powerhouses.

I have seen anyone who blatantly expand their power, but I have never seen such a blatant one. Even the pirate group needs to rob one by one, right? Han Fei is good, UU reading www.uukahnshu. Com came up to buy, buy and buy, without concealing the purpose of growing power.

The key is that everyone is not guilty, and you are guilty of it. With so many resources with you, are you really afraid of being robbed?

Someone sneered: "Let him be mad now, once the inheritance of the emperor is true, if this guy goes together, there will be no return."

A big guy shook his head: "It's really amazing every year, especially this year. Using refining stars to buy basic materials, this is the brain hit by the mine demon."

Even Wushuang secretly approached Han Fei and implicitly suggested: "Or, you can resell those refining stars to me, I will give you a high price."

However, Han Fei didn't care about this at all, and he finally had a sense of presence in Hundred League City, how could this opportunity be lost in vain.

On the eighteenth day of the joint exploratory team's departure, Han Fei weighed the level 7 concentrate in his hands and wandered around the city of Hundred Leagues.

Yes, his refining stars have been sold out.

After all, Hundred League City is so big, with more than a thousand refining stars, it is impossible to really buy Hundred League City. Even if he took out another 10,000 refining stars, Hundred League City would still eat them.

No, without Refining Star, Han Fei will start selling Level 7 concentrate. And it has been sold for several hundred yuan, and countless people are stunned. How rich is this guy?

As for the guys who looked at him, he was so tempted that he could not wait for Han Fei to leave the city now, so they would rob Han Fei immediately.

However, this day, Han Feikai hadn't opened yet. Suddenly, there were thirty-seven Huaxing Great Perfection powerhouses who returned from the outside world in anger.

One of them shouted: "Where are the people slaughtering the thief?"

?? The second one... Ask for votes...



(End of this chapter)

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