God of Fishing

Chapter 2584: Tongue Fight 0 League


   Finally someone couldn't help it. It was really Han Fei's attitude that was extremely arrogant. If it weren't for the rule that Hundred League City cannot kill people, it is estimated that this group of people would have torn Han Fei to pieces by now.

   Among the top ten forces in Hundred League City, some people yelled: "Ren Tu, this is Hundred League Conference. Whether you are a member of Hundred Leagues in the future, at least you are not today, then you can stop being arrogant."

   Someone agreed, with an indifferent voice: "Human Tu, right? Maybe you are not weak, but are you sure you want to face the strong of the Hundred Leagues with this attitude? Are you afraid that there will be no way to survive in the future?"

   Han Fei's eyes were cold: "Are you threatening me? Which one are you from?"

   This person was not afraid at all, and responded indifferently: "Zhonghai Shenzhou, Chaotian Palace, Duan Heng."

   Han Fei nodded: "I remember this name, no matter how others deal with me, but he will die when he meets people from Chaotian Palace in the future."

  Duanheng: "..."

   At this time, Wushuang snorted coldly: "Well, this kind of meaningless quarrel ends here. Human Emperor, you'd better settle down a little too, too arrogant, it's not good for you."

Someone responded: "Okay, the Ming people don't talk secretly, everyone is going out for the Great Emperor's inheritance. This time the Hundred League meeting, half of the things changed, it makes no sense to show off the power and prestige. Since even the Warriors Witch It's all here, so I won't be here to provoke me? What happened to the Joint Exploration Team?"

   At this moment, everyone is silent, and no one cares about Han Fei anymore, and is too lazy to argue with him.

And in the joint expedition team, it is called Han Fei, who said: "In the lower gods of the Yinmen Liuwu, the reason why Shi Cai was impulsive was because of the incomplete information provided by the people, which caused the joint expedition team to fall a large number of strong people. I will wait if it’s not. Fortunately, I couldn't survive at all."

"Incomplete information?"

   Suddenly, someone looked at Han Fei directly: "Rentu, you sell the information, and you provide the information. What can you say now?"

   Someone said: "Incomplete information is tantamount to cheating me and waiting. I propose that he can be sanctioned directly."

  As soon as the voice of the person who said sanctions fell, Han Fei shouted back: "Sanction the emperor? Believe it or not that the emperor turned around and destroyed you?"


   "Speak up without shame."


   Amidst the noise, Wushuang folded the fan in his hand and slapped it directly on the table, which calmed the messy venue.

   I only heard Wushuang: "Do you have any thoughts to express, wait until the cause and effect of the matter are clarified, it is such a mess, is this the so-called Baimeng City in the Wuyin mining area?"

   In certain places, occasions, and under certain interests, the Open Heaven Realm powerhouse is actually no different from an ordinary fisherman. It is a mess and mess.

   I just heard Han Fei chuckle: "You said that the emperor said that the information is incomplete. Let me tell you, what is the incomplete information?"

Just listen to Liu Wu's anger and said: "We will join the exploratory team and go according to the address you provided. However, there are many mine demon creatures that can almost reach the speed of light burst along the way, so that we have not yet reached the heritage site. Nearly 20 people fell. Can you say that?"

Go and listen to Han Fei sneer: "Nonsense, does this emperor need to tell you? Don't you know the dangers of the northern mining area? The information I gave is the emperor's inheritance. As for the way, what creature do you encounter, this creature? How strong is it, what is it to do with the emperor? Is it possible that you fell to death on foot and rely on the emperor? Moreover, when the emperor sold information, he told everyone that this place is dangerous. This is also the information passed on by the great emperor. The reason for selling ten refining stars. What's the matter, at such a cheap price, do you still want me to pass the inheritance to your hands?"

   Liu Wu was furious, but when he saw Baimeng's words, everyone didn't say anything, and he shook his heart, knowing that no one cares about it. Yes, these people care about the inheritance of the emperor, not what you encounter on the road. When they set off to the destination, they may be mentally prepared.

Liu Wu immediately changed his tune: "We arrived at that place, which is a cracked gorge on the ground, stretching thousands of miles away. Outside, it is a very extensive and livable place, a trial ground. There is everything from the explorer realm to the sea-breaking peak mine demon. "


   At this point, many people have their eyes on it. The livable places in the boundless mining area are not that there are, and every place is extremely rare.

   Liu Wu continued: "Under the cracked gorge, three thousand miles down, there is universe inside,..."

As he said, Liu Wu looked at Han Fei with red eyes: "Please tell the newspaper that there are mostly metamorphosis, late, and Dzogchen level mine monsters. In fact, it is not the case. Except for some basic mine monsters on the surface, they are all metamorphosis monsters. Consummation level blood hand mine monsters are all. All blood hand mine monsters have no strength below Dzogchen. Its speed can reach the speed of light burst, and its power cannot be explored in the later stages of our time. Only one round In the initial confrontation, I was only slaughtered by eight blood hand mine monsters and 32 people. Has this information been mentioned in your intelligence?"

Han Fei shrugged: "The emperor said that it is dangerous there. The emperor even said that the number of blood hand mine monsters there may reach more than 30,000, and the strength is mostly great. Is this wrong? Who knows that Baimeng will send A group of you are going to explore in the late stage. But having said that, it’s normal to send you there. It’s common in the late stage of transformation, but Dzogchen is rare. If you die in a late stage, you can replenish it anywhere. If you die a Dzogchen, tsk tsk, that’s okay. Does it hurt some people?"


   "Her words, you really didn't talk about the specific situation there."

Han Fei’s voice was long: "You have a family, count as a family, did I tell you that there are a large number of powerful people in the star? Although there is no specific mention of the strength of the blood hand mine demon, I think you are always a little bit brainy. , You should know that this mine demon is contaminated by the blood of the bloodhand emperor, can he be weak? Therefore, the problem lies with you and not me. You should send a team of 100 people to explore, and it will be fine. Are you kidding?"

   Liu Wu was a little stunned by what Han Fei said. Could it be that he and others were really used as cannon fodder to participate in this exploratory operation? But he and the others are also obviously strong in the late stage of the transformation star! Is there only such a little value?

   Liu Wu looked at the people who talked about Baimeng with a plain expression, but occasionally said something to Han Feiyan. Is this the end? That is what we found out with our lives! As long as Han Fei said before, the blood hand mine monsters there are all at the Dzogchen level, so let's not be so passive!

   The fact is that they paid a great price in order to explore some known information. Who should I talk to about this kind of loss?

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Now, at least your joint exploration team has proved the existence of the Blood Hand Mine Demon. Its combat power is the Great Perfection of the Transformation Star, and its number, I will not hide it. As a result, there are probably 30,000. You, just the power of the blood since the emperor of the blood hand can create so many blood hand mine monsters of the Dzogchen level, how strong is this heritage? No need for me Did you say it?"

   Everyone was lost in thought, and more than 30,000 transformed stars had reached the perfection. How could this power be won?

Just listen to Han Fei's added oil and jealous: "Yes, everyone. A few days ago, I spent 60 refining stars of 360,000 li at the Shendu Dynasty Information Center to buy a piece of information about the Bloodhand Great. There is an interesting place in the intelligence. In the age of the gods, it is said that there were gods who stepped into the magic way and called themselves the devil god. At that time, the demon **** once played the blood hand **** fist, which is the exclusive boxing of the blood hand emperor. This means What, I don't think I need to say it?"



   Many of the people present had a big change, and most of the forces did not have this information. Those who possess this information are very few.

   Now that Han Fei made this information public, didn’t he just stun many people at once?

  According to Han Fei's meaning, isn't the Blood Hand Great becoming a Demon God? So if the Bloodhand Great becomes the Demon God, does that mean that the inheritance that Han Fei is talking about should actually be regarded as the inheritance of the gods?

   The inheritance of the Great Emperor is certainly cherished, but if compared with the inheritance of the gods, it is another matter.

   Suddenly, everyone turned their eyes to the old man of the Shendu Dynasty. The old man glanced at Han Fei deeply, and said in a leisurely voice: "It seems that the information has been sold at a loss."


   There was an uproar in the audience, the old man actually admitted, which means that what Han Fei said is most likely true.

   And Wushuang also brightened his eyes. This is a good trick, and it is very likely that the source of the matter, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, will lead to the Kingdom of God. If something happens by then, the dynasty of the gods will not be able to get out of it. Without this gimmick of the inheritance of the gods, maybe these people can barely resist the temptation, but now, I am afraid they all have given up resisting, the inheritance of the gods is bound to fight.

  At this time, many people quietly looked at Xiang Wushuang, and they seemed to know a little bit in their hearts. At the beginning, Han Fei was the first to find the information center in the capital of terror. Maybe he had passed on the bloodhand emperor's inheritance at that time.

   And the capital of terror is located in the Wuyin mining area, and he must know this information, so even if Wushuang is about to prove the truth, he still comes.

   For a while, Baimeng's talker seems to have forgotten that there are 37 late stage transformation stars present.

   Someone asked directly: "Rentu, what else do you have not said, let's say it all at once!"

Han Fei rolled his eyes: "I want to know more, I'll come to you to start the Northern Expedition? The emperor himself took the gods to pass on his fragrance? What's the matter with you? As for now, you're welcome, if it's true It will require the Northern Expedition, and in the end there will be countless casualties. Even if it is inherited by the Great Emperor, it is only a few people can enter. Therefore, the real significance of the Northern Expedition is to help us open up passages."

   Someone said: "You are not afraid that we will kill you then?"


  I just heard Han Fei laugh: "If the emperor doesn't have a back hand, can he come to Hundred League City to spur the Northern Expedition? Without the key, can you inherit it?"

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