God of Fishing

Chapter 2585: Northern Expedition Plan

   When everyone heard the words, their hearts sank at first, but then they were relieved.

   If any one person is in the role of Han Fei, he may not do better than him. One person will promote the Northern Expedition.

  Han Fei’s goal is of course to let countless strong people in the Wuyin mining area open the way for himself. But in the same way, this inheritance is exposed to everyone's vision, and it may not necessarily be obtained by him.

   So, since Han Fei did this, it means that he is sure to get the inheritance of the emperor, at least he has a better chance than others.

   Therefore, everyone thinks that Han Fei is definitely more than just having a key, and there may be more useful things.

   However, at this time, they couldn't force Han Fei to hand it over, and it was impossible for Han Fei to hand it over. Therefore, the first step at present is to be able to enter the land of inheritance. Then Han Fei was forced to hand over more useful information.

   Someone was radical, and felt that although Han Fei took advantage of this time, the bloodhand emperor’s inheritance should not be gone.

   Otherwise, the Joint Exploration Team, why is it so wasteful. Moreover, they also accurately described a basic situation of the Blood Hand Mine Demon.

   Of course there are some people who are conservative. They think this is all Han Fei's strategy. Inheritance of the Great Emperor, or the Inheritance of Gods, how could Han Fei surrender his hands? Han Fei is obviously cheating people, so even if they really do, they will be relatively conservative.

  The matter was put on the bright side, so the behavior of the Northern Expedition was naturally put on the agenda.

   For the ordinary late stage transformation of the star and even the great perfection of the star, even if it has not obtained the inheritance of the emperor, if it can get a few 7-level concentrates, it will be very valuable.

   You know, the seventh-level concentrate represents an artifact.

   And below the mine demon stream, there are all blood hand mine demon of Huaxing Dzogchen, that means there are countless seven-level concentrates. Moreover, the seventh-level concentrate is always accompanied by a lot of sixth-level concentrates, and this alone is enough to attract countless people.

   Judging from Han Fei's recent shopping spree in Hundred League City, there is no doubt that the blood hand mine demon gave birth to a seven-level concentrate.

   Therefore, the Northern Expedition is unlikely to be rejected.

   In the old days, the eight northern expeditions were actually for the concentrate. To the west is the world of fierce beasts, to the south is a line of sacred beasts, and to the north is an important source of high-level concentrates for Hundred League City.

   It's just that the northern expedition was just for the concentrate, and the probability of falling is high. Naturally, everyone is unwilling to sacrifice such a large amount.

   But this time, ore concentrate is one thing, and the inheritance of the emperor is another. Even, the inheritance of the emperor may become the inheritance of the gods, and the temptation is too great.

   Judging from the act of charging Wushuang to the Wuyin mining area, I know that the capital of terror attaches great importance to the Bloodhand Great. If it is not for inheritance, Wushuang is a strong man who can prove the truth, why take this risk and go to the Wuyin mining area?

   It's a pity, now everyone wants to inform their respective sects, it is obviously already a bit late. Otherwise, East China Sea Shenzhou, and even Zhonghai Shenzhou, there will be strong people rushing there. When these people come, their chances of inheritance will be even smaller.

   However, this does not prevent the major forces from immediately reporting the new situation in the Wubian mining area to their families after this meeting. Those who should come will still come, but they will be later.

   Even when Han Fei went door-to-door to promote the inheritance of the Bloodhand Great, someone had already sensed the opportunity and notified the family in advance. Unfortunately, the time is too short for them to rush to the Wuyin mining area.

   Someone said: "Anyway, this joint exploratory team has contributed a lot. I propose to give them certain resource rewards."


   "I think it can."

   Liu Wu and the others were dumbfounded, no one cared about their sufferings. After returning from nine deaths, what they said could not reach the ears of the big guys.

   At this time, they finally realized that they were indeed the cannon fodder nominated by each family. These people, maybe they have already planned their entire army to be wiped out.

They came back, in fact, just to prove one thing, that is the existence of the mine monster stream, the location information is correct, there is indeed a blood hand mine monster there, the blood hand mine monster there is indeed a Dzogchen level, there is indeed a lot of seven. Grade concentrate.

   Yes, this is what they do. So no one cares how many people they die. Anyway, the family only dispatched a later stage of Transforming Star, which was completely within their range.

Sure enough, in the next moment, his own Baimeng talks to the person, and only picks up the voice transmission himself: "This is the end of the entanglement with people and massacres. You can withdraw for the time being. This time, you will be rewarded with a low-grade artifact, which will refine the stars. One..."

   To be honest, this reward is not bad, after all, they just investigated. In the subsequent Northern Expedition, if they are willing to participate, most of them will be agreed, and more people will join this Northern Expedition in the future. This is the reality.

   Han Fei had already seen the faces of these people, so he didn't worry that the Northern Expedition would not happen. As long as there is enough temptation, the Northern Expedition is imperative.

  Sure enough, the anger of Liu Wu and others could only be held in their hearts, while Han Fei sat in the conference hall unharmed.

  Following, the place where Han Fei was located was temporarily blocked because the people of Baimeng needed to discuss, and Han Fei did not have any comments on this. Discussion, anyway, no matter how you discuss, the final result is the same.

   Sure enough, after about half an hour passed, Wushuang announced the results of the discussion.

Just listen to Wushuang said: "The emperor, it was decided through consultation with my allies. This Northern Expedition can be carried out. However, as the initiator of the whole thing, you must be among them and go with the army. The Northern Expedition is a big deal. Once it is discovered that a large number of powerful people have fallen due to your information concealment and other actions. Even if our Hundred Alliance army abandons this Northern Expedition, it will kill you in the northern mining area as soon as possible. Can you object?"

Just listen to Han Fei chuckled: "The emperor was going to go, to put it bluntly, even if you don’t carry out this Northern Expedition, the emperor will not give up. To put it bluntly, use each other. I need strength to get through that and enter the land of inheritance. The way. And you need me to provide the location, keys, and dangers of your Great Emperor's inheritance. As for entering the land of inheritance, everyone depends on their ability."

Wushuang: "In this case, the Ninth Northern Expedition Plan of Baimeng City was formally proposed. The members of Baimeng City will have three days to raise their own staff or discuss whether to participate in this plan. But it must be reminded that for the sake of fairness, single Forces, up to a hundred strong people from the late stage of Huaxing and above can be dispatched. Moreover, for non-Baiwan powers, if they want to join the Northern Expedition, the minimum requirement is the late stage of Huaxing, and the combined number must not exceed 10,000. Finally, casual repair If you want to join the Northern Expedition, the minimum requirement is the later stage of the Huaxing Great Stage, with a total number of up to 10,000 people, and you can't assume any leadership position."

Wushuang: "Summary, the maximum number of people in this Northern Expedition plan is 30,000. They are the Hundred League forces, other non-Hundred League forces, and the three major groups. The lowest strength, the late stage of the transformation of the stars. Whoever joins, must be Uniformly accept the leadership of Baimeng City."

   Han Fei was shocked when he heard that Wushuang suddenly wanted to organize an army of 30,000 Huaxing Stage and above. Foggy grass, is the Northern Expedition so powerful?

   He originally thought that the Wuyin mining area would be able to come up with a large-scale army of the late stage of 10,000 Huaxing and above, and targeted shots, might also be able to get through the mine monster stream. After all, the Blood Hand Mine Demon has no wisdom.

   But now, there is an army of 30,000, can it afford so many people? Or is it that I underestimated the power of the Boundless Mining Area?


   In the next three days, the Northern Expedition was officially launched and Baimeng City recruited troops from outside. When the qualifications for admission above the stage of Huaxing University came out, countless people's jaws were directly shocked.

   "What? This is crazy, right? The minimum entry qualification is turned out to be the late stage of transformation, is there so many late stage of transformation in the Wuyin mining area?"

   "It's crazy, it's absolutely crazy. The first eight Northern Expeditions seemed to be able to join in the Open Heaven Realm. Why are the specifications so high this time? Are you going to kill the northern mining area directly this time?"

   Some people wondered: "No! Even if these 30,000 people are all in the late stage of the transformation, they can't kill the northern mining area, right?"

Someone sneered: "It's impossible to recruit to the late stage of 30,000 Huaxing. Such a force can be used for the Northern Expedition? Your brain is broken! It seems that it is very simple to cultivate to the late stage of Huaxing. UU reading www.uukanshu. com"

   As soon as the Northern Expedition plan came out, it was questioned in all directions.

   However, there are really many people who come to participate in the real post-transition star powerhouse. There is no other reason, because they heard that the inheritance of the Great Emperor may become the inheritance of the gods.

   At this moment, Han Feizheng and Wushuang met in secret.

  Han Fei’s first sentence is: "There are so many strong people above the stage of the star in the Wuyin mining area?"

   Wushuang: "Of course there is. But don't really expect 30,000 people to come from this Northern Expedition. It would be nice to have this half."

  Han Fei was puzzled: "Which one did you do?"

Wushuang: "Anyway, the momentum is going to be bigger. In fact, the 30,000 army is just a gimmick, and some forces may not come out alone. However, as long as some forces think it is worthwhile, what do you think? Anyway, we are terrifying. Du, 30 people will be dispatched in the late stage of the Huaxing Dzogchen, and 70 people in the Huaxing Dzogchen will be dispatched. This look must be done."

   Han Fei squinted his eyes: "If it is less than 30,000, it is indeed quite reluctant. If there are really 30,000, I am afraid I can really penetrate the mine monster stream."

Wushuang: "The City of Hundred Leagues may not be able to produce so many people, but don’t forget, the Boundless Mining Area is more than our Hundred Leagues. There are sacred beasts in the south, and fierce beasts in the west. How can such a big operation of the Northern Expedition be without the participation of these two? So, in the end, I estimate that the total number of the Northern Expedition will definitely exceed 20,000."

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