God of Fishing

Chapter 2590: Binglin Mine Demon Stream

One person's combat effectiveness is of course different from the combat effectiveness of ten thousand individuals. Even now, letting Han Fei play 10,000 late stage games alone would be a foolish dream.

In the late stage of Ten Thousand Transformation Stars, the road to the Northern Expedition was rampant, which can be regarded as a horizontal push. There are no mine demon creatures that can severely damage such a team.

Of course, it was normal for a few small accidents. For example, the Northern Expedition army accidentally encountered a group of eight lizards. Just like Han Fei back then, when he met a group of lizards, he really fought anxiously.

Although this 10,000-strong army is powerful, a small-scale offensive may not be able to be carried out. Moreover, most of the lizard demon possess the speed of light burst, and the power is also extremely powerful. One face, eight lizards killed eight people.

In the end, the Northern Expedition army paid a total of 42 people to completely kill these eight lizards.

At this time, people from all major forces looked at Han Fei: "What kind of mine demon is this, why hasn't it been mentioned?"

Han Fei: "Oh! This is a kind of mine demon called Lizard. Because the conditions are very difficult to form, it is very small and difficult to meet. It seems that I was lucky on this trip, and I encountered Lizard directly."

Someone asked, "Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Han Fei swept his eyes coldly: "I said you will die, do you believe it? Do you want to leave directly and go back to the Hundred League City?"

The man was about to get angry, but he listened to the voice of others: "Don't be familiar with him for the time being. When you get to the place and find the place of inheritance, someone will naturally take care of him. How long do you really think he can live?"

After hearing this, the man gave up.

Wushuang saw all this in her eyes, and she didn't know what Han Fei had for the Northern Expedition. The only thing she knew was that Han Fei wanted to kill the people in Primitive City and Scavenger City.

Regardless of what the Northern Expedition will have, one thing is certain: it is impossible for anyone from these two families to survive.

Moreover, Han Fei once stated that the Northern Expedition will inevitably result in heavy casualties. So, most of the people who participated in the Northern Expedition were not all Han Fei's enemies. Does Han Fei also use the lives of these people to accomplish his own things?

If it was only a small number of people, she wouldn't care, but it was more than 10,000 people, and there was a line of divine beasts and fierce beasts. This means that once Han Fei fails to deal with this matter, for example, he pits these people and is escaped by some of them, then Han Fei will face endless pursuits by all the forces in the endless mining area and the forces behind them. .

Therefore, so far, Wushuang's content in the theater is far greater than his curiosity about this Northern Expedition.

As for Han Fei, Wang Xiaojiu curiously said: "Oh, humans, you are very tugged. But I am very curious. It seems that everyone else has their own hands. Why do you look like you are alone?"

Han Fei: "The emperor is a man of thousands of troops."

Wang Xiaojiu tilted the cat's head: "Human, you are really tugging, and you can blow fish very well. But there are people like you in our line of fierce beasts. At first, it was a terrifying beast named Emperor Sparrow. , He was also very dragged. In the past, he was stupefied to rule the entire line of wild beasts. But then it was because of his madness that he was killed by an unknown strong. But having said that, it’s a bit stronger to be a man. Okay. Look at my cat family, there are only three or two kittens left, and I am the pillar of the cat family. Who is strong if I am not strong? Hey, it really makes the cat sad!"

Han Fei rolled his eyes: "You are worried about the wool, you just chatted with me all the time."

Han Fei couldn't help turning his gaze to Mad Eagle Mo Jiu, Mo Jiu clearly felt Han Fei's gaze, but he pretended not to see it, and tweeted, he rushed out to kill the enemy.

Han Fei is speechless, co-authored Wang Xiaojiu is not very popular in the line of fierce beasts!

When traveling in a large army, the speed will certainly not be as fast as when traveling alone. So the Northern Expedition army should have finished the journey in three days, but the Northern Expedition army just took 12 days.

On the way, the northern expedition army almost all smiled, it was so cool, it was really so cool. There are floods of mine monsters in the northern mining area, so almost all of them are fighting along the way. The total number of mine monsters killed is probably more than 200,000.

Even if the ones killed were all level 4 mine monsters, it was equivalent to an average of ten level 4 concentrates per person. Such a cool thing, many people feel that they can kill in the northern mining area for decades.

This kind of crazy harvesting passion climbed to the extreme the moment it reached the mine monster stream.

On this road, 12 days' journey, it can not be said that there was no fall, and the Northern Expedition army fell 1042 people. Compared with the mine demon killed by them, if the Northern Expedition only came here, it can be said to be a great success.

However, the scenery of the journey is always to be seen.

On this day, the Northern Expedition army rushed to the outside of the Mine Demon Stream. When everyone felt the masses of ordinary mine demon, from the explorer realm to the sea-opening realm, there are too many, it is simply a natural training ground, a fairy place!

Someone exclaimed: "The power of the concentrates around is so strong. I am afraid there are no less than ten big mines nearby. If you send someone to dig it, it may be enough to dig for tens of thousands of years, right?"

Someone sighed: "If I had such a natural trial field in the early years, the growth rate would have been several times faster than it is now. Unfortunately, there are too few places like this, and I am afraid it is unique in the Wuyin mining area."

Some strong eyes widened. They are already considering whether the northern mining area is worth entering. If it weren't for too many creatures such as flash lizards on this road, too many dangers, they would fight for this place.

Even now, they feel that there can be a fight here, even if it is for the mineral deposits here, they have to try?

Some people actually have doubts when they see the mine monster stream. How does this place feel like the mine monster stream in the legendary books of the endless mining area?

What is the difference between Gu and the ordinary late stage transformation of the star? The top powerhouse among the front ranks of the Hundred Leagues has not known how long they have been in the Wuyin Mining District, and they have known a lot of secrets before.

For example, Mine Demon Stream was mentioned in the information related to Emperor Xuanwu, which is not a big secret. But how can ordinary people have access to such a wealth of intelligence resources? So most of them don't know.

The powerhouses on both sides of the Primitive City and Scavenger City were all moved at this moment. Sure enough, Wushuang didn't lie to them, it was indeed Mine Demon Stream. It was exactly the same as the mine demon stream recorded in historical books, except that the entrance of the mine demon stream was relatively small, and even the four chaotic and unmarked turbulence in the entrance were exactly the same as in the record.

So far, the line of fierce beasts and the line of divine beasts have also gathered with the Northern Expedition army. The two parties may be a bit reckless, but they are not fools. Of course they knew that everything before this was just drizzle. The real danger and the real opportunity are here.

Just listen to Wushuangdao: "All the leaders of the forces please come over, the periphery of the place of the Great Emperor's inheritance has arrived, and then we must prepare for the difficult battle. There are still some things that need to be discussed and discussed by everyone."

In this Northern Expedition, if it wasn't for the succession of the Great Emperor to attract everyone, they would all want to take the Northern Expedition army to sweep the northern mining area.

But they know that this is not the deep part of the northern mining area. The danger will only increase exponentially in the depths of the endless mining area in any direction.

So, when I got here, everyone knew that the easy hunting time had passed, if this mine is really like the description of the joint exploration team.

I only heard someone say: "As the original planner of this Northern Expedition, Ren Tu, you need to provide a reasonable opinion on how to get rid of the Great Rift Gorge."

Someone echoed: "Yes, here only you have walked to the place where the inheritance is. The joint exploration team can't go deep, so you hope you don't play tricks. Once the loss exceeds expectations, I will naturally not let you go."

Han Fei sneered, "You threatened me? I said bluntly, the following is very dangerous, you should know how many people die. If you don't even have this mental preparation, what Northern Expedition are you participating in?"

The white tiger from the line of the sacred beast said: "I heard that there are many blood hand mine monsters below. Is there anything that needs attention. What are the weaknesses of these blood hands?"

Mo Jiu from the line of fierce beasts said: "Just say, how can you win in a fight."

But I heard Han Fei said: "Then I'll just say that all blood hand mine monsters are at least level seven mine monsters. I don't need to talk about their defensive power? We have a formation method to deal with this. Secondly, the flash lizard will stick to it. On the blood hand mine demon, it acts as their eyes, and the blood hand mine demon also has the flashing ability of a flash lizard. The flashing speed is as fast as the light burst, but it is only the speed of the light burst, not faster. So, think If you want to go down, you must form a battle in the late stage of the transformation. If you really want to go down and then form a battle, it will be over. I can't say that the whole army will be annihilated in the later stage.

But Mo Jiu sighed: "This is a bit powerful. Fortunately, 80% of my fierce beasts come from Dzogchen."

White Tiger snorted coldly: "My line of sacred beasts has excellent talents. If it's just the speed of light burst and strong defense, it will not be a big problem."

Seeing the fierce beast line and the sacred beast line talk directly, Han Fei didn't have any particular reaction. The sacred beasts and fierce beasts living in the boundless mining area can occupy one side. It should be strong. Unlike the Hundred League City, the forces are complicated and the strength is also uneven.

As for Baimeng City, someone asked, "How to deal with it most effectively?"

Just listen to Han Fei's long voice: "The blood hand mine monsters are all contaminated with unknown air, so using pure purification power is the best way to deal with them."


"What? What are you kidding?"

"Asshole, Ren Tu, what do you mean, are you talking about this kind of thing now?"

Someone sneered: "Do you know what it means to be ominous? Are you crazy?"

Mo Jiu frowned: "Ominous power? This is really not a good job. Although my fierce beast has the power to counter the ominous, but if the ominous power is too strong, I still can't hold it."

Bai Hu stared at Han Fei fiercely: "The ominous invasion of the sea, do you still dare to find the inheritance? So you tell us this information to the line of sacred beasts, is it for us to purify the ominous?"

All of a sudden, UU reading www.uukanshu.com these leader-level powerhouses were all fried. Only the two in Primitive City and Scavenger City, as well as Chen Tianya in Wanderer City, didn't react much, because they had known about this a long time ago.

Especially both the Primitive City and the Scavenger City both took a deep breath. Unexpectedly, the chaotic wasteland has been fighting ominously all the year round, but now it has become their advantage.

At the same time, they were also amazed by the unparalleled methods, but relying on the leadership of the Hundred League City, they easily used intelligence to obtain a large amount of pure stone from them. If nothing else, the biggest winner this time may be a few of them.

The only thing that is not beautiful is that the three major forces in the Chaos Wasteland are all present.

The only consolation is that only ten people came to the city of wanderers.

However, they also understand that the City of Wanderers ranks more than a hundred, and it is a late-Jin force, and without their background, it is impossible to call so many powerful people.

Amidst the anger, Han Fei's voice was long: "What is it? There must be difficulty, otherwise the inheritance of the emperor won't be delivered to you?"

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