God of Fishing

Chapter 2591: Debate for Pure Stone

Chapter 2591


  Han Fei is not counseling anyway, and the showdown doesn't matter. Anyway, it's all here, so I'll ask you if your heart beats. If you are not moved, then leave by yourself.


   But, in fact, even if someone wants to leave now, if there are fewer people leaving, they may not be able to return to Hundred League City.


   Pushed across this road, the movement was too loud, and countless mine monsters were killed along the way, which would inevitably cause many mine monsters to grab food or something. Therefore, the way back is not necessarily safe. And a small number of people can't achieve the effect of pushing the army horizontally.


   So, at this time, Han Fei won’t pretend. Let’s have a showdown. It is said that the Blood Hand Mine Demon is contaminated with ominousness.


   He expected that these people would not pick up trouble, because this time they are all strong people from the late stage of the transformation star and above, although many people have not dealt with the ominous. But there are strong men in the line of mythical beasts! Also, to deal with the ominous power, don’t there be a city of scavengers and a city of primitives? With such a comprehensive manpower dispatched this time, they must be dispatched at the necessary moment, right?


   So, someone immediately looked at the leader of the Primitive City and said: "Anshanbei, I heard that you have been dealing with ominous things all year round. You should have a way to deal with ominous things, right?"


Someone echoed: "The Northern Expedition Army is one body. Didn't it mean that there are more than 30,000 blood hand mine monsters below? That is a powerhouse at the level of 30,000 Huaxing Dzogchen. If there is no guarantee, why should I take my life to help you fight? How about killing so many blood hand mine monsters?"


However, Anshanbei first glanced at the man in Scavenger City, and then said: "First of all, we didn't know that this blood hand mine monster was accompanied by ominous power. Otherwise, we would arrange to send it to the Chaos Wasteland. Come to purify the materials of the ominous power. But now, how much can we have only by reserve? If we rely solely on our reserve materials, we will certainly not be able to destroy so many blood hand mine monsters. I just don’t know the city of scavengers and the wanderings. How many reserves are there in the City of Zheers."


   Everyone looked at Luo Chen. He is the leader of the Scavenger City this time. I am worried about this special Jingshi before I get hot?


However, Luo Chen is not a fuel-efficient lamp, just listen to him: "You don’t have much reserves in your primitive city, how many reserves can we have? The key is, that’s a mine demon at the level of Dzogchen, let’s be a pure stone. It can't be destroyed. If it is simply killed with a pure stone, a hundred thousand pieces may not be enough to kill a thousand blood hand mine monsters."


There is no need for others to ask Chen Tianya, just listen to Chen Tianya saying: "We have a total of ten people in the city of wanderers. It's useless for you to see me. My boss didn't come, even if my boss came, he didn't have that many pure stones. Ah! Jingshi is something that can only be used in the Chaos Wasteland. Under normal circumstances, who would bring a huge amount of Jingshi to the Wuyin Mining Area?"


Luo Chen: "Yes! But I remember that there is a long-term transaction between the City of Terror and our Chaos Wasteland. Some of the pure stones of our Chaos Wasteland will be sent to the City of Terror through the endless mining area as a transit. A while ago, we seem to have just sold a batch! I wonder if the Wushuang girl has it with me?"


Wushuang said with a calm expression: "Sorry, I have not been in the Chaos Wasteland for the first time, but I have not yet come into contact with this matter. But I can ask my men, maybe they should carry some with them. After all, there are several of them. It is dedicated to transporting pure stones."


   For a time, the four forces including Primitive City resolutely refused to admit how many pure stones they had. Nonsense, at this point, even the ominous power has exploded, and a few of them are not stupid, how can they report their families?


   The four major forces bucked each other on the issue of stone cleaning.


However, Wushuang saw Wushuang's eyes swept toward her home. After a while, she only listened to her saying: "Everyone, wait a minute. Someone from us can temporarily go back to Hundred League City through Xinghai and get some pure stones first. However, the front is the original city. The pure stones traded in the City of Scavengers have been transported away in batches, and I am not sure how many are left."


After   , after Wushuang's eye gestured, he saw that there was someone returning to their fate in the capital of horror.


After the person left, he only listened to Wushuangdao: "Jingshi is a must-have for the Chaos Wasteland. I don't believe that there is nothing on them. Both of them are powerful men with four chains, in their respective forces. It's second only to the existence of the principal, and they manage almost half of their respective forces. Even if the two say that there are not many pure stones on their bodies, those hundreds of millions of stones should be able to be obtained?"


   Just listen to Wang Xiaojiu: "Wei, how many are you two? Let me know. When is this, I can't even make this contribution? Believe it or not, this cat will kill you now?"


   Mo Jiu also said: "You people are too deep in your mind. Now is the crucial time to find the place of inheritance. If you lose the chain because of the two of you, don't blame my fierce beasts."


   This time, the line of sacred beasts did not compete with the line of fierce beasts, because what Mo Jiu said was also the truth. If it is because of these few people, it prevents the two thousand people from laying down the demon stream of the mine. Even though their sacred beasts claim to be righteous, they can't help but move this primitive city and the city of scavengers.


   For a while, Luo Chen and An Shanbei were constipated. The two were really disgusted, but they looked at Chen Tianya at the same time, saying that we were unlucky and you should not think about it.


However, I only heard Chen Tianya say: "I only have a total of 100 million pure stones. If you don’t believe me, you can let people enter my natal star to investigate, I will let go of all the restrictions on the natal star. Really, I Don't mind."


When it was over, Chen Tianya sighed: "We Wanderers support is a force that comes from behind. In terms of background and strength, it must be incomparable to the Primitive City and the City of Wanderers. I dare to open my life star, two dare. Could it be said that the two of them have many pure stones, but they are not willing to contribute to everyone?"


   Chen Tianyaxin said, my pure stones are all on this man's body, but who knows? Anyway, there are only ten people in my city of wanderers, and each of them has a little bit in case they don't need it from time to time. Even if I use all of my 100 million to make contributions, there is no problem.


   Being such a general by Chen Tianya, Luo Chen and An Shan Beixin are already scolding their mothers. This time they have made sufficient preparations, and the number of pure stones they carry with them has exceeded one billion.


   At this moment, Wushuang's people have not come back, but if Luo Chen and An Shanbei don't give an explanation at this moment, I am afraid it will immediately arouse everyone's hostility.


  Of course, they will not be as bachelor as Chen Tianya. Fortunately, the natal star is the place where practitioners most need to be kept secret. Under normal circumstances, no one will allow anyone to privately investigate their own natal star.


   This time there will be no exception. I only heard from Anshan North Road: "I can produce 300 million pieces in my original city. Everyone, if I say it is in front, there will be no more. Even if I go back home, I will have none."


   Luo Chen's face is black, this special mother is forcing herself to take out at least 300 million pure stones!


Sure enough, Luo Chen's face was hard to see: "Excuse me, I can only provide 300 million pieces. After all, this pure stone is worthless, and it was returned by fighting with countless ominous creatures. Therefore, the provision of 300 million pure stones means The fall of 300 million ominous creatures."


He only listened to Wushuang’s continuous remark: “In view of the rarity of the pure stone, only the chaotic wasteland is produced, so we do not take the pure stone in your hands for nothing. After this operation is over, we naturally take out a part of the vested resources and return it to You guys. Or buy at the original price, it won’t hurt you anyway."


   But Wang Xiaojiu was curious: "300 million plus 300 million, that is 600 million."


   but heard Chen Tianya interrupt: "I can put out 80 million here, and ten of us will leave 20 million. I don't think everyone has any opinions."


   Wang Xiaojiu tilted his head and glanced at Chen Tianya, then said: "680 million pieces, a lot! Isn't this amount enough to purify some blood hand mine monsters?"


Just listen to Chen Tianya said: "It’s hard to say that our Pure Stones have all levels, as well as explorer levels. For the blood hand mine demon at the level of the Great Perfection of the Star, it is estimated that it is equivalent to being an ant. It's as simple as taking a bite. Therefore, even if the supply of the Terror City is added, even if the number of pure stones exceeds one billion, it may not be enough to kill tens of thousands of Blood Hand Mine Monsters."


  Wang Xiaojiu just wanted to vomit, so he heard Chen Tianya continue to say: "However, if Guo Jingshi is not used to deal with the blood hand mine monster, but to purify ourselves, then one billion pieces are definitely enough."


  Anshanbei and Luo Chen echoed at the same time: "Yes, this is the truth."


   Finally, someone nodded: "So now it seems that the ominous crisis has been lifted?"


   Wushuang shook his head: "Not necessarily! The premise is not to be severely invaded by the ominous body, otherwise even the pure stone may not be able to be completely purified."


   Someone said: "Of course, if everything is settled by this stone, then why are we here for so many people to eat?"


  Han Fei smiled and said: "If you want to reduce the number of dead people, it is better to divide this pure stone into one point, each of which is tens of thousands of yuan, maybe it will be really effective."


   Someone looked at him: "What do you mean? You mean this is not enough?"


Han Fei shrugged: "I didn't say that. You found the only weakness of the Blood Hand Mine Demon. You should be thankful. I just remind you that that thing is really strong, and you can't completely rely on this stone. ."


   At this moment, UU reading www.uukanshu.com saw a figure appearing out of thin air. It was the person who had just entered the natal star in the capital of terror.


   As soon as the person appeared, he nodded to Wushuang.


   Just listen to Wushuang said: "Five hundred million pieces, and it happens that there is a final batch of 500 million pieces in stock, and there is no time to send them away."


  ?? The first one...please ask for a ticket...






   (End of this chapter)



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