God of Fishing

Chapter 2592: The first prospecting demon stream

Chapter 2592 the first prospecting demon stream


The number of    Jingshi exceeded one billion pieces, and everyone was relieved.


   As for Wushuang, they provide pure stone, naturally, they are not free. This requires a return of resources, only a specific return, because the mine has not yet explored the demon stream, so everyone can't give the exact demand.


   After the distribution of the pure stone is completed, the next one is naturally going to enter the demon stream.


  Han Fei's expression is calm, no one knows what he is thinking, but most people guess that Han Fei must be holding back now.


  Actually, Han Fei was wondering whether the Fumoshu had changed his mind. It stands to reason that Lao Yuan should have come out long ago. With the spirit of Lao Yuan, a tortoise egg is the master, not to mention that it is the egg of the Emperor Xuanwu, even if it is the egg of the gods, it would have been fixed long ago.


   But, up to now, there is no old Yuan information, and his clone disappeared without returning. This means that up to now, Lao Yuan has not left the Puppet City.


   This has to make Han Fei be hostile to Fu Mo Shu, no matter what the specific reason is, it is a fact that Lao Yuan did not come out anyway. Therefore, during this trip, Han Fei made up the excuse for the place of inheritance. On the one hand, it was for the place of Mine Demon Stream, and on the other hand, it was to save people.


   If the Volcano Tree doesn't make friends, then expose the Puppet City. A group of Transforming Stars may not be able to take the Puppet City, but once the Puppet City is exposed, the emperor must come.


   Here, the leaders of the major forces returned one after another and began to greet everyone, forming a formation in the outside world, preparing to go down to the demon stream.


  Even, some people have secretly prepared some different kinds of power. After all, they don't trust Han Fei, so it is impossible to completely listen to Han Fei's words and just rush down.


  Of course, most people think that, anyway, there are a lot of people who will be with me. Even if there is a problem, some people will be the bottom, and it will not be me who will die.


   There are too many people who have this idea, so this time the first prospecting demon stream did not arouse public criticism.


   I just listened to the leaders of the major forces shouting one after another: "Finalize and enter the land of inheritance. Everyone must be vigilant and must not be taken lightly. At this time, if you are not careful, you will be overwhelmed."


   Someone shouted: "Always be ready to activate the secret method and prepare to burn your blood. Once an accident occurs, this is your biggest cost of escape."


   In addition to the major forces, there are not many people in the casual cultivator group. Compared with these major forces, the biggest feature of the casual cultivator is unity.


Someone shouted: "Everyone, we don't have such a shelter from the strong, and we don't have too many skills to save lives. However, we are crowded, and in times of crisis, we have to help each other. It is not just to help the members of our own team, We all need help for any casual repair members who are in trouble. This is the foundation of our casual repairs and the boundless mining area."


   Someone smiled and said: "Of course, we are really incomparable to our life experience, but we are better than unity, and we really don't persuade those big forces. Only by helping each other can we go further and further."




   Compared to the Baimeng side, the line of the sacred beast and the line of the fierce beast are much simpler and rude.


Just listen to Mo Jiu shouting: "Everyone has listened to me. Once you find that you can't beat it, it's right to run to the strong. Although those things are all about the perfection, the speed can reach the speed of light burst. But don’t panic, we are fierce beasts, let’s fight against it. Also, if we find that we are really lost, we will die, and we will explode directly. Whichever explodes, the nearby Dzogchen kills it, we must ensure that our compatriots are still alive."


   The words of the sacred beasts are similar to those of the fierce beasts, but they also divided their hands into small forces, and three or five sacred beasts gathered together.




"Set off."






   I saw more than 20,000 strong men rushing into the mine monster stream like dumplings. All of them are like facing the enemy, so they are nervous, have maintained their peak combat power, and can burst out the strongest blow at any time.


   More than two hundred miles under the mine monster stream, here are only the normalization star late and later stage mine monsters, these are actually nothing, there are all kinds of them.


  Because I haven't seen the Blood Hand Mine Demon, I encountered a group of silverhead sharks, a group of phosphorescent hairtail, a group of mineral spirit crabs and other species.


   Originally, this group of mine monsters just wanted to come and see who was coming, but they came across with mysterious lights and heavy hammers.


   "Puff puff puff~"


   "Boom boom boom~"




   It's too late, it's fast, the combat power of the Northern Expedition army is quite terrifying, and all ordinary mine monster creatures are almost annihilated. And the leftover concentrate and the like were taken out in the blink of an eye.


  The mine monster stream is after all mine monsters that have accumulated hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore, these people have not yet reached the bottom of the mine monster stream, and there are countless mine monsters rushing towards them.


   I only heard Han Fei shout: "That's what I said, here is not only the blood hand mine demon, there are also a large number of other mine demon in the late stage of the star and the later stage. The number is very large, I am afraid it exceeds 50,000."


   However, someone laughed: "Fifty thousand, that means there are fifty thousand resources, kill."


   Someone sneered: "Now we are in the Northern Expedition, the last thing we lack is the strong. There are 50,000 mine monsters, and they can be killed in a blink of an eye."


   I only heard someone exclaiming: "Haha! Five-level concentrate, there are three pieces."


   Someone shouted: "This group of sea scorpions are all late stage, they have level 5 concentrate on their heads, kill!"


   Someone was shocked: "A lot of mine monsters, sent them, this time."


   Han Fei listened to these people cheering silently. The mine monster stream is small and can accommodate so many battles at once, and it is not a good thing that various forces collide and impact each other.


   Moreover, they are immersed in excitement at the moment, because they haven't found the Blood Hand Mine Demon yet, they have gotten one after another with high-quality concentrate.


   This is going to be normal, how can I get so many concentrates so easily?


   However, this excitement did not last long. Soon, someone yelled: "Who is making a random move, can you watch?"


   Someone was furious: "Asshole, the defensive formation I laid down was broken by your strength, why don't you stop?"




   Someone was still fighting at the moment, but suddenly the body was pierced by a stream of water, and even the soul was extinguished.


   Seeing this man fall, many people were shocked, they haven't seen anything yet! Who is shooting this man?


   However, such things are still happening.


   "One, two, three..."


   Finally, someone noticed something was wrong: "Pay attention to part of the water flow here. It seems to be the tentacles of a certain creature, turning into a water flow."


   It's just that it's too late at this time. The roots of the Volcano Tree are unconscious bodies, and they instinctively launch attacks on all foreign invaders.


   Of course, there are not many of them, and a single root can launch an attack. It is possible to evade and resist under the conscious prevention of everyone.


   However, because of the roots of the Demon Tree, many formations were broken. In the case of incomplete formation, he was faced with the crazy impact of tens of thousands of mine monsters.


   The Northern Expedition, which was originally an orderly army, was immediately disrupted and the scene was chaotic. Because 20,000 powerful people gather in this narrow passage, it is not normal if it is not chaotic.


   "Puff puff puff~"




   "Help me~"




   For a time, the Northern Expeditionary Army was rushed to pieces. The fallen strong rose straight up.


   On the other side, I don't know if it is because the positional perception of the fierce beasts and the **** beasts exceeds that of normal practitioners, most of them can distinguish the roots of the Volcano Tree and launch an attack to destroy them.


  Because the mine demon stream is not far from the top, it is only more than three thousand miles deep, so many people when they are fighting the mine demon, if they are a little careless, they take one step more and directly rush to the bottom of the water.


   The consequences of this sprint are immeasurable.


   But I heard Han Fei’s voice and Chen Tianya: "Take people back and be ready to go out at any time."


   Chen Tianya was taken aback, but there was no doubt about him. On the way, he mainly obeyed orders. Now that the scene is so chaotic, it is definitely not suitable to continue to explore, it seems that we have to reorganize the team.


   That is, when Chen Tianya had just withdrawn to the back, all of a sudden, he saw a flash of light spots. I only saw big scarlet hands coming across.








   The number of these blood hand mine monsters is not very large, at first there were only a dozen, and later became one or two hundred.


   The unfavorable situation of the Northern Expedition Army was turned over when the blood hand mine demon arrived. Almost the blood hand mine demon can kill a strong man with every blow.


   The crowd hadn't reacted much before they unexpectedly discovered that there were thousands of people who had fallen.


   At this time, Han Fei glanced at Wushuang: "Retreat!"


When    And Wushuang saw Chen Tianya retreating, he had already notified the retreat of the Capital of Terror.


   Fierce beasts and divine beasts can be very shrewd, because they have a stronger perception of danger, so they immediately evacuated after the Northern Expedition was determined to be in trouble. In that case, it is not suitable for combat at all.


   At this time, Wushuang burst into tears: "Everyone has it, evacuate first, and give up this exploration."


   After speaking, Wushuang drew his legs and left, regardless of other people.


   And those who killed very crazy, felt that there were concentrated ore powerhouses everywhere, at this time, they flee madly and want to rush out of the mine demon stream.


   is too strong. After the formation was broken, they felt how terrible such a large army of mine monsters was. And that's not even counted, they saw a blood-handed mine demon blasting through the formation in a circle, and the ten late stage transformation stars spurted blood.


   No more than a stick of incense before and after, I saw a group of people rushing out of the mine monster stream, in a panic.


   After no one came out of the mine monster stream, Han Fei glanced at the current number of the Northern Expedition, 12,998. Yes, in just one stick of incense, the Northern Expedition Army lost nearly a thousand people.


   Looking back at the line of the fierce beasts and the line of the divine beasts, none of them died.


   saw Han Fei shaking his head: "A bunch of trash."


   Someone heard the words and immediately shouted: "What did you say?"


  Han Fei raised his head and sneered, "I said you are trash."


  ?? The second one...please ask...






   (End of this chapter)



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