God of Fishing

Chapter 2606: Bloody advancement (2 go 1)

(In the previous chapter, after Lao Yuan reshaped his body, she was a young woman with typos. Lao Yuan had been with Han Fei for too long, and even I almost imagined Lao Yuan as a wretched old man haha)

   Puppet City.

   There is not much time left for Han Fei. He has been in Wangshen Cave for too long. After staying for more than a day, he didn't know what happened to the northern expedition army, the line of sacred beasts, and the line of fierce beasts outside.

   However, the Puppet City is so big in total, it is entirely possible for the real strong to come here, just like someone has reached the riverside of Drowning God.

   It’s just that Han Fei went straight to the training grounds of Emperor Xuanwu’s palace and found that the many roads he had passed had been completely cleared, and some buildings on both sides of the road had been punctured. For example, there was an inn that collapsed, and when Han Fei passed by, debris fell.

  Han Fei's heart trembled. Does anyone else know where the palace is?

   Suddenly, Han Fei's heart shuddered, yes. Bloodhand knew that someone had hidden ominousness in his body, and it must have been accompanied by the consciousness of the Bloodhand Great Emperor and knew the existence of the palace training ground.

   So, they pushed all the way and went there. And if you want to push it all the way, one or two people will definitely not work. This means that the person who was contaminated by ominousness must have accompanied a large number of powerful people.

  Who is this person? Han Fei believes that all the strong Dzogchen are suspected. But the most suspicious ones are those who are strong at Dao Lock level. Ominously contaminating Dzogchen is actually meaningless. In this Northern Expedition, the powerful Dzogchen was actually not good enough to tell the truth, the leaders and figures of the various forces who used the best.

   There are no more than three hundred people like this in the Northern Expedition Army, and there should not be too many in the line of the mythical beast and the fierce beast.

   I have to hurry up, when the time comes, see who leads the breakthrough here, and then cooperate with the Vientiane Navigation Instrument to search, this person will have nowhere to hide.

  Because Han Fei didn't have the time to walk around, he would either directly break through the obstacle or jump over from the roof when he encountered an obstacle.

   This is definitely a different path from those who go to the palace training ground. After learning the rules here, they will definitely find their way, and the speed must be relatively slow.

   It’s just that if I want to catch up with those people, I naturally can’t look for it one by one. It’s the shortest straight line between two points.

   But when Han Fei met a large building complex that looked like a kind of trial ground, his whole person turned into a bow-clad puppet, and he jumped directly into the air and onto the roof of the building.

   It was the moment when Han Fei was racing on the roof, the responders from all directions braked, and after only two breaths, a number of bow-clad puppets appeared one after another, looking at him from afar.

  The bow-armor puppet doesn't seem to understand, why is there a similar kind running wild? However, as one of the strongest professional guarding puppets, after watching for four or five breaths, they suddenly raised their longbows at Han Fei.

   "Hiss, is it seen through?"

   When seven or eight bow-clad puppets attacked him, Han Fei knew that he must have exposed the stuffing. Although he didn't know where he had revealed the stuffing, could it be that he was too arrogant and jumped around on the roof of the house?

   Upon seeing this, Han Fei had to speed up, and he didn't pretend. At this time, along with thousands of blue arrows, they aimed at him.

   Han Fei did not fight either. Before those arrows came, he had crossed dozens of streets.

   The moment he landed, Han Fei's appearance changed again, becoming a puppet in armor, turning his head, and entering the building beside him.

   The puppets in Puppet City seem to be somewhere between conscious and unconscious. They will rest and go to work. But seeing Han Fei take a closer look, isn't this a casino in particular?

   There are many big tables here, and there are hundreds of puppets gathered here. Among them, soldiers armored puppets, shield armored puppets, bow armored puppets, giant puppets, all have.

   It’s just that, at the moment, these puppets are numbly betting on gambling at the gaming table.

   Just as Han Fei was about to enter, he saw someone stopping him. Han Fei turned his head and saw a bargaining counter.

   Good fellow, it seems that if you want to enter the casino, you have to redeem your chips first.

   What is the bargaining chip for? Naturally, there is no need to talk about it. However, Han Fei threw out ten grade 7 concentrates at once. In front of the counter, a puppet quickly pushed out three boxes.

   Han Fei took a look at it quietly, and all the small cards were placed inside. It's just that the cards are made of grade five concentrate, grade six concentrate, and grade seven concentrate.

   It seems that the chips that can be exchanged for level 7 concentrates are still different.

   Han Fei tapped his finger on the six-level concentrate card, but when he saw the concentrate puppet, he directly gave Han Fei a hundred cards.

  Han Fei's heart moved. The exchange ratio was one to ten. From this point of view, he was quite rich.

   Here, Han Fei took the chips, turned around and entered the casino, this time no one stopped him. When Han Fei arrived at the gambling table, he casually placed a stack of ten chips into a chip with sixteen times the odds.

   At this time, there was a strange noise at the door, and a row of six puppets with bow armor were seen entering one after another, standing at the door of the casino.

  Han Fei's heart moved, didn't he? Can this be found too?

   I thought that when the concentrate puppets entered these buildings, they would have their own leisure time when they were off work.

   But who knows, there are surprise inspections?

   Seeing, the casino suddenly became quiet, and all the puppets looked at the door.

   And the bow-armored puppet that we said, after scanning around for a while, I couldn't find the person with the problem. No, the two sides looked at each other for more than ten breaths before these bow-clad puppets left.


   At this time, there was a ringing sound on the desktop, Han Fei looked down, and he really missed it. But it doesn't matter, it's nothing more than losing some money. But I can't play tricks. If the time comes, people in the casino hate myself, and they might take the initiative to take action against them.

   In the subsequent betting, Han Fei only won once and lost ten times without deliberately. The bargaining chip on his body, the professional loses cleanly.

   But he didn't panic at all, after losing his chips, he turned around and left.

   After Han Fei went out, he found that all the puppets had disappeared.

   This time, Han Fei became smarter. I was found before, probably because I was too fast and too anxious. He obviously has an innate advantage, even if he moves slowly, he will be faster than those people rushing through street by street.

   Therefore, Han Fei once again incarnates a bow-clad puppet, but this time, he mostly jumped on the roof of the building, learning from those bow-clad puppets, first check it out, and then cross several buildings and walk on the ground. After a while, I jumped onto a certain building again and checked it again. It looked like a real puppet with bow armor.

   Such and such, Han Fei has traveled a long distance in just one hour.

   Two hours later, Han Fei caught up with a team, which was a Dzogchen team led by dozens of leaders and strong men in the Northern Expedition, with a total of about 50 people.

   Yes, most people in the inner city should not be able to cross the moat. It's not bad to have five achievements.

And this 50% is scattered by the various trial places along the way, some are attracted by some shops along the street, and some are blocked by soldiers. Half of them can go to the palace training ground. In other words, this number is absolutely No more than three thousand people.

   At this moment, when Han Fei jumped onto the top of the building, someone immediately noticed: "No, it's an archer, and he broke through quickly."

   Someone said, "Is this the right path for us? It stands to reason that we have been cleaned up by those strong men before, so we shouldn't encounter these patrol puppets again!"

The leader said: "These patrols, maybe they were chasing the people in front, but didn't catch up and stayed behind. Now that the archers appear, the number will only increase. Regardless of whether this path is right or not, we have to move forward quickly. go."

  Han Fei heard their conversation and said in his heart that it was not this wave. This is following the people in front, and I don't know if I'm on the right path. Obviously, it is a group of guys who want to drink soup but not catch the heat, and now they are running to the route that others have beaten.

   Han Fei just glanced at them, and then jumped directly to the other side.

   Seeing that Han Fei was gone, someone said, "Why don't the archers attack us?"

   Someone said: "Maybe someone else has been found, right?"

   Another hour later.

   Han Fei finally caught up to a large group of troops, but he didn't even look at it this time, because he wouldn't attack these people now. Their goal is the palace training ground, and so is their goal.

   Although he doesn't know what the state of the outer city is now, he knows that there is a shortage of troops in the puppet city.

   Because he found that there are fewer puppets along the way, and he can often see some puppets, coming out of those buildings, incarnate in armor, and heading towards the outer city.

   This is obviously a fight from the rear, so these people in front are no longer in charge. Or maybe they knew that even if these people went to the palace training ground, they wouldn't be able to get in.

   But at this moment, Han Fei has no time to be distracted.

   Finally, at the fourth hour after Wangshen Cave came out, Han Fei arrived under a mountain peak. When he arrived here, Han Fei discovered that there was no puppet to stop here, just like looking at the cave. Moreover, hundreds of people have arrived here first, and they are even climbing up the mountain.

   It's just that, on top of their heads, there is a huge tortoiseshell formation in suspension. So these people are extremely difficult to walk.

   And Han Fei recognized this formation at a glance.

   "The tortoise shell seals the sky formation."

  Han Fei always thought that the Tortoise-shell Sealed Sky Formation was only used to seal off a piece of space. Actually otherwise, the tortoise-shelled sky-sealing formation here is unusually large, and a group of Dao-lock-level powerhouses under pressure, moving slowly, as if under infinite pressure.

   Among these people, the line of divine beasts and the line of fierce beasts account for 80%. And there are only 23 people in the hundred leagues.

   Among them, Han Fei knew him, one was Wushuang and the other was the old man from the Shendu Dynasty. There are also a few leaders and strong people of the top ten forces, and the rest are strong people who have been hidden in the team before and have not exposed their strength.

   Han Fei regained his human form, he couldn't help sneer, this palace training ground was not prepared for you. Even if you can climb up, what can you do?

I saw that Han Fei stepped into the Tortoise-shelled Heavenly Formation at will. When he entered the formation, everyone looked back. They didn’t know Han Fei’s arrival before co-authoring, so this Tortoise-shelled Heavenly Formation still had it. The power to seal a space.

   Inside the formation and outside the formation are two worlds. Even when Han Fei came in, he felt the infinite gravity. Not from the flesh, but from the spiritual will. This is a kind of suppression of the level of will, the suppression of the Taoist heart. This suppression effect is ten times stronger than physical suppression.

   When Han Fei came in, many people changed slightly.

   saw the big cat Wang Xiaojiu in shock and said: "He is here, he is here, he didn't even go up, but only now."

   When Han Fei arrives, everyone is nervous. Han Fei is the real initiator of this Northern Expedition. There are many secrets in him. Who knows what Han Fei will do?

Han Fei is familiar with the tortoise-shell Fengtian formation. Although this tortoise-shell Fengtian formation is a bit different, when he raises his head, an invincible will descends, and there are even many Dao patterns surrounding Han Fei’s feet. side.

   only saw him stride and shoot the stars, climbing fast.

"how is this possible?"

  The line of a sacred animal, with one-legged cattle, was shocked, and no one is stronger than him in terms of resistance to pressure. But even for him, every step he takes, he has to take a break. But Han Fei, step by step, as if entering the land of no one.

   Wushuang Voice Transmission: "Where have you been? I thought you should already be here."

   Han Fei: "I went to do some private affairs, but you, who brought you here?"

Wushuang: "The line of fierce beasts, Mo Jiu, he said that he felt this direction, there is the traction of the top bloodline. We had more than two hundred people when we came, but we encountered three puppets of eighth-level concentrate power that blocked the way. Horse. As a result, nearly a hundred people fell before they were beheaded."

   "Mo Dove?"

Han Fei's expression changed slightly. Mo Jiu is the leader and character of the fierce beasts this time. Although his strength has not been fully demonstrated until now, he can command nearly four thousand fierce beasts to the Northern Expedition, and his strength will never be low. . Even Link, who was killed by himself, possessed four Dao Locks, and Mo Jiu's strength should be at least five Dao Locks.

Although it is said that the powerhouses of the general five-way lock level will not come to the Wuyin mining area, people originally live in the Wuyin mine area, let alone the five-way lock, Han Fei is almost certain that in the base camp of the fierce beast, there must be an emperor. Of the strong.

   Now, it was Mo Jiu who judged that this direction was abnormal, saying that it was pulled by the top bloodline. According to normal logic, Mo Jiu just brought their own people from the line of fierce beasts. Why did they bring the line of people from Hundred League City and the line of sacred beasts?

   Han Fei: "Then how did you meet Mo Ji and the beast?"

Wushuang was a little puzzled. He asked how Han Fei was so attached to Mo Jiu. He only listened to her saying: "Shortly after entering the city, the crowd was scattered because of numerous arrow attacks, but the strong reacted quickly and quickly got together. Together. Although they were separated temporarily, everyone's goal was the same, and they were all heading for the inner city center. We met Mojiu by a circular lake. At that time, the fierce beasts were fighting with the puppet guards, which was alarmed. We are in the same line with the divine beast. Then Mojiu guides the direction, which means that the road is difficult, and the fierce beast is in a single line.

  Han Feixin said that he knew how to go by the moat? Just kidding, the moat is far from here. He couldn't perceive the inner city, he knew a fart. He is not Xiao Hei Xiao Bai, even if he has the ability of Xiao He Xiao Bai, there are many trials in the inner city. Why doesn't he go to the God Cave? It stands to reason that Wangshen Cave is the place of huge treasures, and there are nine giant turtles there, he didn't feel it?

  Han Fei: "Don't get too close to Mojiu. If nothing happens, some of you in this group have been eroded by the consciousness of the Bloodhand Great, that is, eroded by ominousness."

   Wushuang's pupils shrank slightly, and he took a deep breath. But immediately said: "When passing by that river, some people were purified by the light rising from the river water. They were purified three times in a row. Couldn't they be able to purify the hidden ominous power?"

   Han Fei: "It's hard to say that ordinary ominous power may be purified, but the consciousness of Bloodhand Great is of the Great Emperor's level."

   Wushuang frowned slightly: "Understood."

   After Han Fei warned Wushuang, he didn't hesitate anymore, and strode forward. Tortoiseshell Fengtian Formation could stop others, but could not stop him.

   saw Han Fei take a few vertical jumps, passed a lot of people, and was sprinting up the mountain quickly.

   Many people who watched this scene were shocked.

   Someone was astonished: "How can he be so fast, so that he is completely immune to this terrifying coercion?"

   Someone's face changed drastically: "No, Ren Tu must have understood this well beforehand, and there are ways to coerce this."

   Someone said: "You guys, can't let him go up first. Maybe Ren Tu has the key to the top of the mountain, but he really got up there. Where can we pass the inheritance?"

  At this time, Wang Xiaojiu shouted: "Brother Ren Tu, you take Ben cat! Ben cat chatted with you all the way, forged a deep friendship, you help Ben cat."

   Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth, who has forged a deep friendship with you?

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Everyone, the world has a chance, and those who have the chance get it. This trip, I think you should have gained a lot. If you didn't come to this place, you should have gained more. However, the real chance is impossible. Many people share it. Therefore, the emperor will take the first step."

   In the blink of an eye, Han Fei passed Wang Xiaojiu and Wushuang.

   At this time, Mo Jiu shouted: "If you want to wait past me, it depends on whether you have that ability."


   I only saw the Mo Dove's body surface, with five colors of light and five chains floating on the body surface one after another.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   Yes, the arrival of Han Fei finally made Mo Jiu panic. Originally, he still wanted to perform this scene well, but now that Han Fei's arrival makes him careless.

   His goal is the Puppet City. Don't look at the puppet guards everywhere in the Puppet City, but the puppets in the Puppet City are more than that.

Once he takes control of the puppet city, he can release all the puppets. When the puppet army is all contaminated with ominousness, he can take the army and cannibalize the endless mining area, and even provide him with infinite power. At that time, he can break through the emperor at any time. Shackles, when the entire boundless mining area is flooded with ominous, it is enough to make him a great emperor in a full sense. Even promoted to the gods here.

   Everyone saw that Mo Jiu unblocked the five road locks, all dumbfounded.

Just listen to me Wang Xiaojiu shouting: "Mo Jiu, are you crazy? You have opened the Dao lock several times, and now all five are open. With your current strength, it is extremely difficult to lock it again. Then you will have to face the emperor's robbery. Up."

   I just listened to Mo Jiu shouting: "My generation practiced, isn't it just to break through the shackles? Now, the blood of the emperor must be on the mountain. If I get his blood, I can prove the Dao at any time. Don't fight at this time, when will you wait?"


   When the five road locks are fully opened, the tortoise-shell Fengtian formation can no longer suppress Mojiu. And Han Fei and Wushuang knew at this moment that Mo Jiu was ominously eroded.

   This kind of absolute volitional suppression can not be completely opened by unlocking the road lock, Mo Jiu can completely rush away, because he himself also has the will of the emperor. Otherwise, at best, his strength will skyrocket, and the suppression he will receive will become smaller. And it won't be like now, completely resisting this coercion.

   It's too late, it's fast, behind Mo Jiu, a pair of black wings spread out, the black feathers are like tides, like billions of swords, slashing towards Han Fei.

   And Han Fei frowned. To Mo Jiu, he didn't dare to use Void Thieves. He could steal the emperor, but it didn't mean that he could steal the will of the emperor. If that were the case, the momentary backlash might kill him.

   But seeing Han Fei Dao running, six times more combat power, facing Mo Jiu's fierce black feather storm, the Fist of Annihilation wrapped the extremely cold orb and burst out.

   "Crack, click~"

   The pouring of the power of the Happy Realm, even if Mo Ji fully blooms its strength, it cannot be stopped. As a result, everyone saw that endless black feathers were frozen in the void and then shattered.


   Just when everyone thought that Mo Jiu would be directly penetrated by Han Fei, a black demon pill appeared in front of Mo Jiu, and the same power poured out in this pill, just like a blow from a star orb of an Open Heaven realm.

   The five-way lock level is strong, except for the rule that is not as strong as the proof-dao, the others may not be impossible to fight. This blow collided with the Nimbling Fist. Even though most of the power was swallowed by the mountain, it still formed turbulent ripples, which directly shook everyone around and made them unstable. Those who are close have to burn their blood to withstand this explosion.

   "Puff puff puff~"

  Many people squirted blood violently, showing a look of shock, so where is the power collision of the Open Heaven Realm? This is basically the battle of the emperor.

   Mo Ji was also covered in blood, but listened to him: "I want to see if you, the best artifact, can this power burst out again. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

And Han Fei has no scruples, just listen to him bursting out: "Mo Ji, or Bloodhand Great, do you really think you are still the Bloodhand Great? You are just a broken consciousness he chopped down, millions of years. Come down, I also want to see, how much strength do you have?"



   "Bloodhand the Great?"

   Mo Ji's expression turned cold, how did he know? impossible! Hidden in the hands of thousands of blood, he completed the sneak attack on Mo Ji almost in an instant, and no one could find it. How did this person find out?

   Wang Xiaojiu stunned: "Hey, is there any misunderstanding in this? Mo Jiu is a member of my line of fierce beasts, and I have never been here before. Ren Tu, are you mistaken?"

But Han Fei snorted coldly: "Don’t forget, Bloodhand Great can obviously besie everyone, but why did he drive the Northern Expedition army into the Puppet City? Do you understand the fundamental reason why you can be here? Who suggested it? Are you here? How does he know what's here? Use his brains, don't be sold, and help count the money."

   As soon as Han Fei said this, many people were startled. At the moment, many people immediately activated the secret method, burned their blood, and quickly avoided Mo Dove.

   Mythical beast line, Bai Hu shouted: "Human Tu, do you mean he was ominously corroded? But during this trip, Puppet City exploded with the power of purification..."

   But the next moment, Bai Hu stopped talking. If he is the Great Emperor, is there really no way to avoid this purifying power?

   Mo Hato: "Talking nonsense, looking for death."

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