God of Fishing

Chapter 2607: Emperor bird reappears, Emperor Xuan 1 (2 in 1)

Regardless of whether Mo Ji was eroded by the remnant soul of the Bloodhand Great, no matter how he defended it at this moment, it was useless. Han Fei directly threw such a blockbuster, even if others didn't believe it all, they would no longer trust Mo Jiu.

   And, as Han Fei said, the bloodhand emperor could obviously control the bloodhand mine demon army to siege their Northern Expedition, but he didn't.

   This, before, was understood as a trial.

   However, Han Fei now gives a new explanation, so what if all this is not a trial?

   However, in Mo Ji's eyes, a red light appeared, and there seemed to be a phantom of a mad eagle, which instantly impacted Han Fei's spirit. However, Han Fei just shook his body, paused for a moment, and was slapped away by Mo Jiu's wings.

   But in the middle of the journey, Han Fei recovered, grabbed the void and drew a knife, slashing towards Mo Jiu.

   The others didn't feel it, but the people in the line of fierce beasts were shocked. With the blow of the mad soul, they were so easily blocked? You know, Mo Jiu's most powerful thing is not only speed, but also the power of the soul.

   However, this proud power turned out to have no effect on Han Fei, and the latter continued to attack Mo Jiu with a backhand, and their hearts were shocked.

Just listen to Mo Jiu shouting; "Everyone, this mountain is the training ground of Emperor Xuanwu's palace. It is left by Emperor Xuanwu throughout his life, no matter if I can get it, but this man is slaughtered, sinister and cunning, who knows who he is, he comes from Where, why did he seize the treasure left by Emperor Xuanwu for what? You don't know anything, but you believe his nonsense?"

Han Fei: "I'm insidious and cunning? It's better than you, a fellow who is possessed by ominous possession. The outer city should be taken by the army of the blood hand mine demon now, right? You hid it for a while, but you can't hide it for a day. Are you It's been eroded by ominousness, and it won't take long for everyone to see clearly."

   Han Fei is not willing to fight with Mo Jiu, his purpose is to rush to the mountain. However, Mo Jiu certainly refused. Once Han Fei goes up, all his plans may be in vain. No matter what, Han Fei must stay.

   So, you come and I go with each other, and the battle continues.

   After all, Han Fei has not yet condensed Dao Su, and fights with the five big locks. Although he is not afraid, he can't stop him for a while. In particular, the Void Thieves cannot be used against Mojiu, which is a big problem.

   As for the magic, the hammer of the limit, the star boxing, the sacred spear, the drawing of the sword, the drawing of the sword, the yin and yang reincarnation sword. Han Fei-neng performed all the great tactics he used. But it can't be suppressed, it just can't be suppressed. It was just a tie with Mo Jiu.

   However, this also made Han Fei aware of a problem, that is, Mo Ji was only corroded by the remnant soul of Bloodhand Great, but it was definitely not the entire remnant soul of Bloodhand Great. Otherwise, if the Bloodhanded Emperor really did something with him, if he didn't send out the Jasper Stone Bridge, he would have nothing to do with him, and it would be impossible to fight him equally.

   Then, since the remnants of the Bloodhand Great Emperor are not all here, it means that he is over there in the outer city.

   So, this Moji is actually not the one who is the most anxious now, because once the outer city is pierced and the remnant soul of Bloodhand Great enters the inner city, then it will be terrible. The one who came, didn't play his hole card, and couldn't shake it at all.

   No, Han Fei yelled, the avenue was fully operational, full six times the combat power, and it broke out completely. Of course, he can also burst the Invincible Eye, but this one is too recognizable. He still doesn't want people to know his true identity.

   At this moment, others are completely unprepared to do it. Just kidding, it's so special, and it can become stronger. This person seems to be fighting hard.

   Wushuang saw this, and several other people in Transmit said: "We retreat."


   Someone was surprised: "Master Wushuang, they are already here, they are holding each other back, we should go!"

   Wushuang: "Listen to me, quit."

   Others don't trust Han Fei, but she does. But she knew that if Mo Jiu was the bloodhand emperor, then Han Fei shouldn't be his opponent.

   Even now, they can compete against each other, and they are evenly matched. But here has become the main battlefield, and no one knows how many hole cards the two have useless.

   After all, this is no longer the battlefield of the Open Heaven Realm. He doesn't retreat now. Once those hole cards are used up, or the Blood Hand Great Emperor really recovers, he won't be able to retreat if he wants to.

   Seeing Wushuang's retreat, Bai Fei frowned and said, "Don't worry about them, their battle has loosened the suppressive force here, let's go."

   Here, Han Fei reluctantly suppressed Mo Ji, and once again took out the Chilling Orb, which changed Mo Ji's expression drastically.

   He just listened to him shouting: "People are slaughtered, I can't get up, so don't be delusional. It's better to let them get up, I'm happy to see it happen."

   After finishing speaking, he saw a burst of blood spurting from the center of Mo Ji's eyebrows. The blood was soaring to the sky, and the tortoise shell sealed the sky, and it was cracked by the impact of this force.

   At that moment, the seal was loose, almost breaking open.

   But I saw Mo Jiu burst into red light all over his body, blood filled, a powerful will erupted from Mo Jiu, and came towards Han Fei.

   When everyone saw it, their expressions changed drastically. Just listen to Bai Fei shouting: "No, he is really possessed ominously."

   Wushuang didn't care too much, and shouted: "Quit."

   At that moment, seeing Mo Jiu stretch out a hand that reached the sky, his identity exploded. He no longer scruples, but shouted in a majestic voice: "A mere open sky, intending to stop the emperor. You know that I have an ominous infection, and dare to fight with me, let you also taste the feeling of being corroded by the ominous!"

   At this moment, Han Fei felt a great deal of pressure. It was too strong. At that moment, he felt as if he was facing an incomparable existence.


   Seeing the boundless blood color, about to envelop Han Fei, he heard a cry, only to see a **** bird flying into the sky from Han Fei's body.


  The emperor bird spread its wings, black smoke billowed, and a lot of ominous power was swallowed by the emperor bird in one bite.

   heard the bloodhand emperor burst out: "Impossible!"

   Bai Fei exclaimed: "This is... This is the Emperor Sparrow, the Emperor Sparrow, the king of the fierce beasts. No, the Emperor Sparrow has recovered."

  The line of fierce beasts, including Wang Xiaojiu, are all dumbfounded, the emperor?

   At that moment, the brains of all the beasts were buzzing. The name of Emperor Sparrow, like thunder, disappeared for millions of years, but it was never expected to be born in this way at this moment.

   A fierce animal said: "Nine, nine! What should I do?"

  At this time, Mo Jiu was eroded by the Bloodhand Great, and the leader of the fierce beasts became Wang Xiaojiu. No matter how unreliable Wang Xiaojiu is, but at this moment, he is the strongest, a fierce beast without the backbone, so he can only ask Wang Xiaojiu.

   And Wang Xiaojiu himself was shocked, the extra large number was stunned, the emperor? On the way here, I also told Han Fei about the Emperor Sparrow. Who knows how long it has been before that he actually saw the Emperor Sparrow.

   Wang Xiaojiu was taken aback for a moment, and shouted: "The Emperor Sparrow boss, my own family, our own family! You fight, we retire first. You must believe, we must be on your side."

   yelled on the side of the emperor, Wang Xiaojiu on the other side greeted all the beasts to retreat, joking. Although the emperor is the king of fierce beasts, who has seen the terrible emperor of the fierce beast of their age? Just heard countless rumors that the Emperor Sparrow itself is ominous.

   Now it seems that it’s hard to say who is ominous, let alone the war.

   Wang Xiaojiu gave an order and the fierce beast retreated, leaving the battlefield to Han Fei and Mo Jiu.

   And Wushuang's mouth grew bigger, is this Han Fei's hole card? This trump card is too terrible, right? This thing hasn't come out in millions of years, but it was the existence of the entire prehistoric beast, and it was also the existence of warable gods. But, why did the Emperor Sparrow seem to have become Han Fei's companion spirit?

   As for the others, a group of people are panicking now, wishing to have eight legs, an ancient emperor, an ancient beast king, these two fighting each other, what's the matter with them?

   On the side of the line of sacred beasts, Bai Fei was also panicked, but as the leader of the line of sacred beasts, he must make a judgment at this time, whether to ignore them and continue to go up? Or retreat and not compete with each other? Or are they also joining the battle?

But a black sheep shouted: "Bai Fei, compared to the ominous, the emperor cannot stay. Even if the endless mining area is contaminated by the ominous, the emperor will take action at that time. But the emperor is born, and my beast will be in the same blood. Ending war."

   The golden deer shouted: "Bai Fei, fight."

Just listen to Mo Jiu shouting: "Bai Fei, this emperor has not yet proclaimed his Dao. This is a good time to destroy him. If you don’t take action now, once the emperor is waiting for the emperor’s proving, the king of fierce beasts may return at any time. There is now. I suppressed, it was a good time to kill him."

   Bai Fei's expression changed, his heart moved, so hearted. What a great thing to behead the Emperor Sparrow. The death of the emperor bird meant that the line of the fierce beasts would remain silent forever.

   He heard Han Fei shout: "Wang Xiaojiu, what are you running? Who can kill me here? You are running now. I am not afraid that I will unify the blood of the beasts and ask you to settle the account?"

  Wang Xiaojiu is fascinated, what does it matter to me? Besides, you are the emperor, you are very strong!

However, to Han Fei’s surprise, he only heard Bai Fei’s low voice: “My **** beast is in the same vein, doing something and doing nothing. Don’t forget the admonitions of the gods of the sea, no matter when, wherever, no Stay with the ominous. Everyone, rush out of here with me and go up the mountain."

   When Wang Xiaojiu heard this, he was immediately surprised: "Look, there is no need to fight."

   Han Fei is speechless, but Bai Fei is really upright. He felt that if he was in the position of Bai Fei, he might have come up early.

   But Han Fei hadn't thought about it. Regarding the Emperor Sparrow, there is still a rumor, which is recognized by the Demon Refining Pot, and the killer of the Emperor Sparrow will die. Bai Fei is not stupid. On the one hand, he may not have done it. Even if he did it, he killed the Emperor Sparrow, but he was afraid that he would have to die. Who did this trade at a loss?


   But seeing Han Fei act decisively and merge with the emperor bird, the next moment, the whole person was in the ominous blood, devouring the ominous power frantically.

  At the same time, Han Fei pointed his finger at Mo Jiu: "Cause and effect are twisted, backlash."


   I saw Mo Dove's strength stagnated, and one eye returned to clarity. Then, only Mo Jiu shouted: "Wang Xiaojiu, help me bring a sentence, just say that I Mo Jiu, I am unyielding to death."


   At that moment, the power in Mo Jiu's body was chaotic. He was about to explode, everyone could see.

  Yes, Han Fei used the technique of twisting cause and effect. Han Fei twisted this, causing uncertain consequences, causing the remnant soul of the Bloodhand Great Emperor to immediately suffer backlash.


   Under the collision and impact of the two forces in his body, only Mo Jiu made a "boom" and blew on the spot. But he saw his flesh and blood, soul, quickly absorbed and swallowed by the mountain.

   Mo Ji also knows that he has no way to survive, and if he survives, he will be used for ominous use. It's just that he never expected that he would have been planted like this. Although he was unwilling to do so, he did not let the ominous success in the end.


  谷</span> Mo Dove exploded and exploded together, naturally there was the remnant soul of Bloodhand Great. In Puppet City, outside the training grounds of Emperor Xuanwu's bedroom, the remnant soul failed to escape, but was dragged by the formation on the mountain. But the Emperor Sparrow had no scruples, just a bite, and directly pecked the remnant soul.

  Different from others, this remnant soul is evil, and it is extremely polluted. The emperor can be suppressed by nature, otherwise the name of the king of murderers is not worthy of fame?


   Wang Xiaojiu and other murderers swallowed one after another. Although Mo Ji's fall made them feel sad, but the appearance of Emperor Sparrow made them temporarily forget the pain, leaving only shock.

   A fierce beast murmured: "Then, isn't that the remnant soul of the emperor?"

   A fierce beast responded blankly: "Yes! I haven't proclaimed the Dao yet, so I'll eat the emperor, then...have you proclaimed the Dao?"

   There is a fierce beast with a spirit full of spirits: "I heard that when the emperor was the king of the wild beasts, he would eat three meals a day, and each meal would have to eat with seven or eight beasts... Is this true?"

   Wang Xiaojiu glanced at him horizontally: "Nonsense, how can you criticize Lord Emperor Sparrow so much? What I heard clearly is to eat one meal a day and eat a fierce beast."

  While talking, Wang Xiaojiu felt that he was a little uncomfortable. He had to eat fierce beasts every day. It was so evil! If this big man returns, wouldn't the line of fierce beasts be eaten away?

   At this time, he saw Han Fei showing a painful expression. Obviously, forcibly devouring the remnant soul of the emperor, it was not a small burden for him. If it wasn't for a strong blood and a strong physique, if it wasn't for the Emperor Sparrow to merge with him, it would be really hard to say whether he would explode directly.

   In the end, the one who got the cheapest was the Emperor Sparrow. Han Fei took the pain, and he ate the remnant soul of the emperor.

   I saw Han Fei tilting his head to look at Wang Xiaojiu and the others: "The real remnant soul of Bloodhand Great is here, you'd better find a place to avoid the limelight."

   Wang Xiaojiu's body is tall: "Yes, yes, let's avoid it now."

   At this moment, Wang Xiaojiu, as if he was amnesty, hurried away with a group of fierce beasts flying away.

   Wushuang took a deep look at Han Fei, turned his head and left, still drank in a low voice: "Everyone, follow me."

   On the other side, Bai Fei and the others are already moving faster because they are not restrained by the Tortoiseshell Sealing Heaven Formation. But on this mountain, after all, there is still a vague repression from the will.

   At this moment, the strong blood and familiarity with the coercive force of the old tortoise have become Han Fei's absolute advantage.

   I saw Han Fei rushing upward, passing Bai Fei and them in a blink of an eye. When passing by Bai Fei, Han Fei said lightly: "You are not bad."

   Bai Fei snorted coldly: "I am not an enemy of you today because this place is full of ominous. See you in the future, life and death will be divided."

   Han Fei said lightly: "Don't say everything so absolute, if there is a day, I will definitely save you."

   After finishing speaking, Han Fei crossed a group of mythical beasts and walked on the mountain.

  Mountain peak, when Han Fei stepped on here, his body stiffened slightly. In front of him was a door of the void, and in front of that door, a puppet holding a three-foot-long shovel was standing there, leaning on the shovel.

   It was not the weird shovel in his hand that made Han Fei stiff, but the puppet, whose entire body was made of grade 9 concentrate.

  Han Feixin raised it up, wouldn't this be another powerhouse at the level of the Nine Giant Turtles?

   Nine-level concentrate puppet, although Han Fei didn't know the strength of this level of puppet. But one thing is certain, it is definitely the Emperor Zun realm.


Han Fei swallowed. Seeing that the puppet didn’t mean to speak or act, he said, “This senior? I want to say that I have a very good relationship with Emperor Xuanwu. He left the puppet city to me. Do you believe it or not?"

  Han Fei didn't expect the puppet to answer himself, but the puppet actually said, "Han Fei?"


   Han Fei was taken aback: "Do you know me?"

   However, I only heard the ninth-level puppet: "He said, you will come."

  Han Fei's heart moved, he said? That's what the old Yuan said. Sure enough, Lao Yuan had already arranged everything.


  Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and it was easy to handle it, but Han Fei let go, walked forward, and said, "Senior, how can I take over Puppet City?"


   In an instant, hundreds of millions of lines appeared on the top of this mountain. At that moment, the scene in front of Han Fei changed, where was the mountain top before, but above a star sea full of chaotic star fragments.

   I don’t know, Han Fei thought he had returned to the Sea of ​​Chaos.

   And the ninth-level puppet, standing not far from Han Fei, just listened to him: "Before taking over the puppet city, you need to know what a puppet city is."

   Han Fei: "???"

   This nine-level concentrate puppet seems to be the same species as the nine giant tortoises, highly intelligent.

Just listen to him: "I am the first puppet in Puppet City. You can call me one or Xuan Yi, in order to commemorate me as a puppet. I am the only puppet in Puppet City. Puppet. At that time, the Great Emperor Xuanwu and I met in the stars and fought ominously. Unfortunately, the two of us were calculated and were both seriously injured. I knew I was going to die, so I helped Xuanwu to stand out. Later, I was indeed dead. , But a part of the remnant soul was saved by Xuanwu. In order to save me, Xuanwu found the way of puppet reincarnation, which made me who I am now."

  Han Fei couldn't help but sigh, this Xuan Yi said lightly, but Han Fei could imagine how dangerous the situation at that time was.

   This puppet reincarnation is probably not easy.

Xuan Yi continued: "The way to reincarnate a puppet is to transfer his soul to the puppet. But after all, the puppet is stiff and cannot be truly flexible. Therefore, Xinghai Xuanwu was found by Xuanwu. The puppet can be gradually transformed into a magical innate spirit treasure of the flesh."

  Even, once reincarnated successfully, he will retain the spirit and spiritual sense of his life. But the disadvantage is that it is extremely difficult to succeed in reincarnation, and the price of unsuccess is that their souls are always locked in the puppet, only some instinctive consciousness and the greatest long-cherished wish during their lifetime are left.


   As soon as these words came out, Han Fei was shocked and couldn't help but exclaimed: "You mean, these puppets are all living people?"

   Xuan Yi: "To be precise, they are considered half dead, but their spirits are forever imprisoned in the puppet's body. They can only be liberated by waiting for a long time to corrode their puppet's body."


  Han Fei was shocked. If the puppets in such a city are all living people, how many strong people have fallen in the old puppet city?

  Also, he finally understood why the remnant soul of the bloodhanded emperor, who had been ominously corroded, had the idea of ​​hitting Puppet City. Because as long as he corrodes these puppets and the puppets do not die, he will not be destroyed.

   And such a concentrate puppet, it takes time to wipe it out? How many years will it take? How can it be possible for tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years.

   At this moment, Han Fei couldn't help being unmoved. He had always regarded the puppets as a resource, but he had never expected that they were all alive.

Xuan Yi said without emotion: "Actually, death in battle may not be a good thing for them. However, since they have chosen reincarnation, their will is to keep fighting. So, whether you are Xuanwu or not. The designated person, first of all, must be qualified to take over this city and all the puppets in this city."

   Han Fei took a deep breath: "What kind of qualifications?"

Xuan Yi: "First of all, you have to prove your potential and you have to prove that you are qualified to lead them. If you do not have the qualifications to lead them, even if you are the person designated by Xuanwu, you would never want to take over the city. This matter, I Have the final say."

  Han Fei raised his head, a kind of spirit was aroused from the bottom of his heart: "How to prove?"

   Genichi: "First of all, in the same situation, you have to beat me."

   This is what Han Feixin said? Ke Xuan said once: "I, I was also a great emperor in the past. In the realm of Open Heaven, Tianjiao is invincible. If you take this battle, you are likely to die."

   Han Fei's eyelids trembled, is this the emperor?

   But the next moment, I saw Han Fei grinning: "What about the emperor? I am invincible under the same realm. Don't say you are the emperor, even if you were a **** before you died? Fight..."

   At this moment, Han Fei has a lot of weather in his chest. Before the war, the eyes of invincible eyebrows suddenly opened.

   Xuan looked at Han Fei quietly: "Since you have made your choice, let's fight!"


  In an instant, the shovel in Xuan Yi's hand moved, and the speed was directly more than thirty times the speed of light. The shovel slashed at will, and it cut through the void. Its sharpness seemed to cut everything in the world.

   If it is thirty times the speed of light, Han Fei is still not afraid, only to see him pinch the fist mark, the starburst fist that he has prepared, blasted out.

   The stars burst and flash, magnificent. Split the sky with one blow, cut the sky and the earth. These supernatural powers burst out at the same time, causing the void to be distorted and the colors to be saturated.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   A shovel, the fist of breaking the starburst triple detonated the impact, and the final shot fell on Han Fei's chest.


   Han Fei was bombarded with one blow, flying horizontally among the stars and rocks, and star fragments burst one after another along the way.

   At that moment, Han Fei's mouth was blood spurting wildly. His chest, from right shoulder to left waist, left a shocking scar. Han Fei's self-proclaimed invincible physique, at this moment, was abruptly cut open, and his bones almost broke.

   However, Xuan Yi’s attack did not stop, a shovel failed to blast Han Fei, and the second attack followed one after another. At this time, Han Fei had madness in his heart, and it was difficult to express it.

   I only heard Han Fei scream: "I said, under the same circumstances, I am invincible..."

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