God of Fishing

Chapter 2608: Take over the Puppet City (2 in 1)

It's not that Han Fei has never received such a serious injury in the battle, but that he is too strong now, and so far there is no opponent who can make him feel the crisis of life and death.

When facing Xuan Yi, Han Fei instinctively hit the starburst punch, but after this punch, one was tempted, and the other felt that the starburst punch was the first punch in the star boxing. But it's also tyrannical, so that even the opponent can't stop it with a shovel.

   But, in fact, Han Fei was wrong. Xuan Yi's shovel is very strong. It wasn't that the power Xuan Yi showed was very strong, but that Xuan Yi's control over the power was too complete. Starburst Fist, in the final analysis, is suitable for large-scale attack and killing martial arts. Fist of Annihilation is equivalent to a single boxing technique, but it is more of a realm of power. The control of pure power is not as good as Xuan Yi's shovel.

   So, when he was almost cut off, Han Fei realized it. He knew that the Fist of Starburst was useless, and the Fist of Silence was useless.

   However, the technique of drawing a sword and the sword of the road are okay.

   That's why, when Xuan Yi cuts one after another with shovel, Han Fei draws a knife, blessed by the invincible will, and blessed by the hot power of Origin Avenue. This knife is equally unpretentious, but Han Fei locked the power of the knife with invincible will. At the moment of colliding with the shovel, he heard only the sound of "ding", Han Fei's seven orifices spurted blood, within 100,000 miles, Countless broken stars exploded, sound waves rippled, energy ripples, madly pouring in all directions.


   However, it was Han Fei who spewed blood again, but this time, he only retreated hundreds of miles, and Xuan Yi also retreated hundreds of miles.

  Han Fei couldn't help but grinned. What if he was once the emperor? In the realm of the Open Heaven Realm, although he has not met any other powerhouse of the gods except Zhao Qinglong, he knows that he will not be much better than himself. This state has an upper limit. And myself, in terms of strength, I think no one can match.

   Sure enough, Xuan Yi twisted his head, a gleam of blue light appeared in his eyes.

   just listen to him: "Invincible Road, locked in a knife, it's really good. However, how many times can you burst out with such power?"

   I only saw, Xuan Yi bullied himself up, and the shovel in his hand chopped out a thousand blows in the blink of an eye. But seeing Han Fei's face solemnly, a thousand hits instantly is nothing, he can do it, even as fast as ten thousand hits.

   However, the strength of a thousand strikes, the balance of power, each strike is exactly the pinnacle, which is a bit scary, which means that the opponent's control of power is stronger than he thinks.

   Such an attack could not be dealt with with the sword drawing technique. Even if Han Fei crazily lowered his requirements on the sword drawing technique, he could not achieve a thousand strikes balance, and he happened to deal with each other everywhere.

   I saw, Han Fei's hands, the warhammer appeared. Although he can't cut a thousand blows by drawing a sword, he still has a hammer of extremes.

   The limit hammer is divided into two limits, one is the limit of power, which is above the one hammer, pour out all of your power, and destroy the enemy with one hammer. One is the limit of speed, which is not about equilibrium, but about fastness. Through continuous hammering, continuous shock of hammering is caused, making the hammering stronger and stronger.


   "Clang clang clang~"

   "Puff puff puff~"

   I saw in the sea of ​​stars, Han Fei and Xuanyi furiously beating each other, and the countless heavy ripples poured madly. Wherever they went, they burst into fragments of stars, and the nearest place was directly shocked into powder.

But if you look closely, you will find that Han Fei’s Ultimate Hammer can only be about 50% of the shovel at the beginning, and the remaining shovel slashes, even if it is blocked by Invincible Will, 30% of it falls on Han Fei. Body.

However, Han Fei ignored it. With a blast, the speed of the Limit Hammer finally broke out. In just three breaths, he could only block about 50% of the shovels from the beginning to 90% now, and even occasionally hammer them. On Xuan Yi's body.

   From the perspective of the ups and downs, Han Fei was still invincible, and fell behind.

   However, Han Fei's physique is tyrannical and unparalleled. Xuan Yi can cut a thousand blows, but the strength of the cut really can't shake Han Fei's physique.

   "Huh! The supreme magic of the human race?"

   Xuan Yi found the clue, it seemed that he had the upper hand, but the damage he caused was limited. Don't look at Han Fei's torn clothes and blood dripping all over, but these are all appearances, and his own didn't really hurt Han Fei's roots.

   After the battle between the two sides, Han Fei shook the warhammer in his hand, and the heavenly brilliance descended, covering the whole body. The blood that covered his body quickly returned, and the wounds on his body were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Just listen to Han Fei said: "Yes, the supreme magic of the human race."

  Xuanyi was silent for a moment: "Is the person who gave you this magical technique, didn't I tell you that this road is not able to communicate with the gods?"

  Han Fei snorted: "My heart is psychic, and I can psychic. It doesn't mean that Han Fei can't walk the road that others can't walk."

Xuan Yi nodded slightly: "Power control, you are not as good as me. But you win, there are many means. However, no matter how many means, it is only means, not power. Next, if you can block it, this is the first test. You have passed it."

   Han Fei's eyes grew colder, and he said coldly: "I want to see, what kind of power is your so-called power?"

   Han Fei stretched out his hand, the endless water condensed in his palm and turned into a short knife.

   Almost at the same time, Xuan Yi's figure disappeared, and the next moment he saw a sharp light appearing three inches in front of him. At this time, Han Fei knew that every extra action he made would slow him down by a beat. So Han Fei stood there, unmoved, lifted the knife, and the invincible will turned into a golden battle suit, covering his whole body.


   Han Fei's eyelids flicked slightly, the expected attack did not come, what he cut off was the blade left by the shovel piercing the void. And Xuan Yi's next attack had been cut from top to bottom, Han Fei did not raise his head, and the invincible will condensed a sword shadow, soaring up into the sky.


   But what I have next is still a void blade.

   Another moment, there was a sharp stabbing in front of him, and he hit three times in a row. Han Fei understood that it was not the opponent's fast speed, but he could actually keep up with Xuan Yi's speed. It's just that Xuan Yi's control of power is too precise.

  Such as the previous two blows, if it is oneself, it should not be able to take it back.

   Genichi knew that he could block him, so he didn't even plan to defeat him with one blow and two blows. He transferred the power of the first two attacks with precision, so that all the attacks behind Xuan Yi were like this.

  Han Fei held the knife and pushed it straight with one hand. As expected, he still smashed a void blade, and then the next attack came from the side.

   At this moment, Han Fei had to admit that he had fallen into the rhythm of Xuan Yi's attack. The opponent's displayed strength is not stronger than his own, and the speed is not faster than his own. But with just one blow, he fell into the opponent's attack rhythm. In the final analysis, power control is not as good as him.

Xuan Yi told him this before, and told Han Fei in the form of actual combat that if he couldn't find a way to crack it, he would only be unable to keep up with Xuan Yi under such a crazy storm of offensive. The rhythm, and be beheaded.

  Yes, at this moment, one of Han Fei's hands was naturally drooping, except for his right hand, he didn't move at all. I was afraid that once I moved, I was injured by Xuan Yi for the first time, then there would be a second, third, and countless times later.

   At this time, if you want to improve your control of your power, that will definitely not work, unless you directly fall into a certain kind of epiphany. Suddenly, this kind of thing is mysterious and mysterious. I have encountered it several times and benefited a lot. But now his consciousness is absolutely clear, so it is impossible for him to enter a state of epiphany.

  The next blow, when Xuan side cut with a shovel, Han Fei still hit back. But this time, when the endless water knives touched the void blade, one attack turned into two attacks.

   The intensity of these two attacks is exactly the same. They pierced the blade with one knife, slashed into the void with one knife, and slammed into Xuan Yi's side.

   This is the power that Han Fei had realized after swallowing the fruit of time, time tricks, in an instant, repeated exactly the same attack.

  Han Fei thought that even though Xuan Yi's attack state allowed him to only passively defend, he could only keep attacking, and he couldn't stop. Once stopped, his rhythm was destroyed.

   Therefore, at this time, an extra force is needed to break this balance.

   At the moment when the time tricks appeared, I saw Xuan Yi stop. In fact, he was very surprised. He only cut out four times. On the fourth time, his rhythm was broken by Han Fei.

   Genichi: "Time Avenue?"

   Han Fei: "Yes."

Xuan Yi: "You have passed the first test. But you can pass it, just luck. I am not the strongest of the emperors. It is good that you have the opportunity to break my rhythm. But if one day, you meet To someone who is stronger than me, or someone who has a deeper understanding than me, may be another result."

Han Fei put away the endless water backhanded: "I don't know what kind of opponents I will encounter, but I know that all laws in the world can be broken. You think my methods are many and complicated, but your problem is that your rhythm, Not only did you trap the enemy, but you also trapped yourself. Because you feel that even if your rhythm is broken, you will only restore your normal combat relationship, so you have no psychological pressure and you are still invincible. So you rely on this rhythm and pursue the ultimate in power control. You used to be profitable, because you haven't met someone who can break your rhythm."

Xuan Yi nodded slightly: "I understood this truth after I died, and I didn't expect to be broken by you four times today. However, I still want to say that you can't control your power, you can defeat me in the same realm, no It means that you are truly invincible. Even among your opponents, they will not all be in the same state as you in the end."

   Han Fei grinned; "My power control may not work. But I still won't pursue the so-called power control. What I pursue is the Huanghuang Dao, not this small but precise control."

  Xuan nodded slightly: "There is indeed a demeanor of the master. But this is only the first test, the ultimate test of strength."

  Han Fei's heart moved: "Puppet City has many trials of strength, are they all your training grounds?"

  Xuan nodded without denying.

   Han Fei finally understood, it seems that this puppet city, in the old days, at least half of it was controlled by Xuan Yi. His status and status are probably the same as the old tortoise, and he has laid many trials, even Han Fei now has to admit its value.

  Although Han Fei would not pursue the ultimate in power, if he could master it smoothly, he should be able to make up for his lack of control over power.

   Han Fei: "What is the second test?"

   Xuan Yi: "The second test is Tao Xin."

   Han Fei grinned, the old tortoise has emphasized the importance of the aisle heart countless times with him since he was parasitic in his body.

   Therefore, when Xuan Yi mentioned the word Dao Xin, Han Fei was extremely confident.

   saw Xuan Yi directly throw a red bead, and then said: "Hold this bead, if this bead breaks, I won't let you control the puppet city."

   Han Fei frowned slightly, but still chose to agree. However, his mind moved, and the Emperor Sparrow descended. The two just glanced at each other, and the Emperor Sparrow understood.

   Just listen to the emperor's bird said: "Don't worry about the trial. With me, there will be no accidents in your physical body."

   In the next moment, the Emperor Sparrow merged with Han Fei, and Han Fei’s spirit consciousness fell silent in his body. At this time, he took the red bead.


   The moment Han Fei took the beads, suddenly, his memory was a little confused, as if a person's life suddenly appeared in his mind.

  This chaos only lasted a very short time.

   When Han Fei regained consciousness, he suddenly heard a familiar voice and shouted in his ear: "Li Xuan, wake up."

  Han Fei could obviously hear the urgency and tension in this voice. He seemed to realize what kind of situation he was in now, and suddenly returned to his senses.

   And this time, when he returned to his senses, he suddenly discovered that a mysterious moiré pattern was suspended in the sky.

   And the voice that Han Fei is familiar with is presiding over this big battle, and this person, who is not the old tortoise?

   It’s just that Han Fei’s impression of the old turtle at this moment is a bit unnatural. He seems to have forgotten his relationship as Han Fei and the old turtle. And in his memory now, he seems to be telling him that I am Li Xuan, and I am being besieged by a group of powerful men who are contaminated with ominousness.

  Outside the formation, there are 13 strong men and seven great emperor-level strong men.

   I only heard the old turtle shout: "Li Xuan, is it better?"

  Han Fei didn't have time to think too much, and nodded quickly: "Okay. I just cut some of the souls, but fortunately, I haven't been contaminated."

   Old Tortoise said with a cold face: "My big formation can't be stopped for long. I will dismiss the big formation later and run together.

   However, Han Fei had a very strong idea in his mind. He only heard him say: "No, two people can't leave together."

  Old Tortoise: "Then what do you think? The rescuer still doesn't know where it is. Do you really expect others to come and save it?"

Han Fei: "No, Xuanwu. You are a **** tortoise bred from heaven and earth. None of these people can break through your defenses. If you go, the probability of surviving is very high. And I, even if I survive by chance, my strength is maintained at most At the level of the emperor, it may even fall into the realm."

Old tortoise: "Li Xuan, you can continue to cultivate after being killed. If you go out, you will definitely die. Since you are not afraid of death, are you afraid to run with me? When you and I become the gods, you will be free at that time. Respond to the ominous power. Brother, don't lose out because of small things."

   Han Fei smiled: "Xuanwu, you and I have practiced so far, why on earth? For longevity? Or for the ominous battle?"

I didn’t wait for the old tortoise to speak, but Han Fei smiled: “I did it for longevity at first, and then became a god. I never thought of fighting ominously, but the fact is that I have to face it now. I did it for longevity and became a god. , It's impossible. My heart is blazing and it's burning. I'm sorry, but I don't want to run away."

   After finishing speaking, Han Fei stepped out of the big formation in one step. At that moment, Han Fei felt that the power he possessed seemed incomparably powerful.

   But at the moment he left the big formation, a series of seven terrifying and boundless coercion fell on him.

   I saw Han Fei grinning, blazing flames all over his body, that is all his vitality, that is the blooming of blood. At that moment, Han Fei felt an experience he had never had before.

   A shovel, the galaxy was dim, and a reddish emperor-level powerhouse was cut off by half of his body.


   One person, one shovel, crazy enough to ignore the consequences, for an instant, he felt as if he was a god, overlooking all beings, and invincible in the world.

  Han Fei did not hesitate to fight for his life, and the pursuers also did not care about the consequences, and the two sides fought together in an instant.

   Han Fei was hit by a spear light, and his body exploded in half. And he bullied himself up and instantly grabbed the head of one of them. At that moment, the flame spread, and the person instantly turned into a ball of flame.

   Many laws began to distort his own power, but Han Fei did not let go, letting the black fog cover himself, he did not stop.


   The flame spread out thousands of miles of starry sky, and all the ominousness was burned.

   Han Fei gave up the hope of life and chose to embrace death. He wanted to bloom the residual heat of life to purify these former colleagues who had fallen into darkness.

   At that moment, the blooming of all life made Han Fei infinitely close to the gods, and the emperors were suppressed by himself.

   At this moment, Han Fei seemed to feel a way, a way to the gods.

   How can the power of one emperor be equal to the power of seven emperors? Even though he saw the divine way, the next moment he was forcibly suppressed by the power of countless laws.

   And under him, there is a large array of moire patterns that have begun to crack.

   looked at the tortoise shell formation, about to break. He can't do anything. On the one hand, it is a magical way, on the other hand, it is a friend, and on the other hand, it is an enemy of the Great Emperor.

   At that moment, Han Fei was almost crazy, a path to becoming a god, clearly right in front of his eyes, he knew that after this time, he was a god.

  How should he choose? What should he choose?

   Choosing the God Way, it is very likely to fall directly in the middle, this possibility is extremely high. Moreover, this means giving up the old tortoise.

   At that moment, Han Fei knew that this might be the most important choice in life, and it was difficult for him to make a choice.

   However, in his mind, Han Fei's ontological thoughts quickly became active. Without any consideration at all, he gave birth to the hope of giving up becoming a **** and chose to cover the old tortoise.

   When Han Fei made this decision, everything was fading, and his whole body instantly recovered. Looking at it again, where are the old tortoises here, and where are there many great emperors?

   Opposite Han Fei, Xuan Yi's sluggish eyes finally fluctuated, only listening to him: "How did you make a choice so quickly?"

  Han Fei's current mood, as if there is still a little immersed in the atmosphere just now. The last second was a life-or-death decision, and the next second returned to reality. This kind of excess made Han Fei unable to adapt.

Just listen to Han Feidao: "I have never had a problem with this kind of choice. I want to prove and become a god, but that is an expectation, not an absolute. Some things are more important than becoming a god. Losing him , Don’t say becoming a god, don’t want to set foot on the position of **** in this life."

   Han Fei looked at Xuan Yi: "This is what you call the second assessment? Pull me into your memory and experience the feelings you once experienced?"

Xuan Yi didn't speak, but Han Fei said, "Fortunately, you didn't choose the magical way at the time. Otherwise, you are dead. This should be the instability of the Taoist heart, right? Fortunately, my Taoist heart. , Very firm."

  Xuan nodded: "In this respect, you are indeed better than me."

   Seeing Xuan waved his hand one by one, he and Han Fei reappeared on the top of the mountain. Xuan Yi moved his body away, and then said: "This second level is not only to look at your Dao Xin, but also to look at your character and character. It seems that Xuanwu chose you because of It makes sense. Go in!"

   Han Fei didn't have any hypocrisy with Xuan Yi, and stepped directly into the door of the void without saying a word.

When    entered it, there was no palace, no living facilities, only a blue prismatic crystal.

   There seemed to be countless Ruoyuowu silk threads involved in this crystal, but Han Fei took a closer look, and these silk threads spread to countless corners through the space here.

   Han Fei couldn't help but realize that this should be the thing that controls all the puppets in the puppet city.

But I saw the figure of the old tortoise suddenly appear in front of the amethyst: "Don't ask, when I see you next time, I will tell you the answers to all questions. This is the heart of the puppet and the core of the city. It itself does not It doesn't have any power, but it can be used to manipulate the puppet, even the city. After refining, the puppet city is yours, and you can take it away."

"take away?"

   Han Fei was puzzled, but the old tortoise seemed to be just a mere remnant of a thought, and didn't have the ability to communicate.

   I just listened to the old turtle saying: "Be kind to Xuan Yi and bury the nine giants. You and I are destined to see you again."

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