God of Fishing

Chapter 2610: 9 giant tortoise shot (2 in 1)

Chapter 2610 the nine giant turtles shot (two in one)

   As if the end of the world is coming, it was only the direction of the entrance of the inner city at first, with power fluctuations, and then darkness. But at that time, everyone didn't feel anything, because the range covered by the black mist was too small.

   How long has it passed since then? For a moment, the periphery of the inner city was almost shrouded in darkness, and the buildings that were still clearly visible before disappeared completely into the darkness.

   And those who stayed in the dark, looking for opportunities, no one came out of the dark. At this time, everyone knew something was wrong.

   And this boundless darkness made them realize that the ominousness has never gone away. At this time, they rethinked why the Blood Hand Mine Demon wanted to drive them into the Puppet City.

   It's a pity, it's no use thinking about it now, even if they do it again, they will still enter the Puppet City.

   At this moment, the moat of Puppet City has lit up a light blue barrier. After the moat, all the puppets have retreated.

   Although Han Fei has not yet been able to control all the puppets, it is because his soul power is not enough to support him to control all the puppets at once, not because he cannot control them.

   Therefore, what Han Fei can do is to send a message to all the puppets, let some puppets gather in Wangshen Cave, and let some puppets go to the bottom of the mountain in the palace training ground.

   And at this moment, Wushuang and others discovered earlier that the puppets had stopped attacking them, but gathered more and more, standing in front of the army, strictly guarding outside the palace training ground.

  Because the inner city perception can be released, the crowd gathered quickly. After discovering that Wushuang and other superpowers gathered outside the palace training ground, most of them gathered here.

Soon, people from the capital of horror came here. After seeing Wushuang, someone immediately said: "Master Wushuang, the big thing is not good, there is boundless darkness, flooding into the inner city, it should be ominous. There may be half of them now. The inner city was lost and we were completely trapped. What should we do now?"

   Someone panicked; "Although perception is no longer restricted, it is still unable to fully connect to the natal stars. Sooner or later, we will be swallowed ominously."

   Someone was astonished: "I heard that the gods can't resist the ominous erosion. The Bloodhand Great is a typical example. I was originally looking for the Great Emperor's inheritance for this time, but now the Bloodhand Great Emperor clearly has a problem!"

  People from other forces are also complaining to their leaders and the strong. They are not afraid of death, but don't want to just fall into the unknown darkness so inexplicably. This is countless times more uncomfortable than death in battle.

However, Wushuang glanced at the top of the mountain, and then said with a serious expression: "Don't panic, this is the end of the matter, you can only wait and see what happens. The puppets in Puppet City are gathering and have given up on us. They should also be preparing to fight. "

   Someone smiled bitterly: "But who is fighting! We don't even know who the enemy is, it's just darkness."

   Actually, Wushuang didn't do anything, and she was panicked inside. She thought that this time she was just here to cooperate with Han Fei, but who could have expected that this trip would be so dangerous? I had known that she might as well stay in the city of terror to prove the truth. At least after the sermon, she might have the power to protect herself.

   And now, she can only trust Han Fei.

   She knew that since Han Fei called herself to help, she shouldn't let herself go wrong. Otherwise, Han Fei would be able to pass the question after asking himself.

   I'm afraid, Han Fei didn't expect this situation to happen. If he didn't even know him, the result would be unimaginable.

   Another hour later.

  The northern expedition army, the line of fierce beasts, and the line of divine beasts, have all gathered outside the palace and practice field.

   At this time, after breaking into pieces, the hearts of Wushuang and others suddenly became heavier. I didn't think it before, but at the moment when everyone gathered again, they discovered that there were only less than 6,000 people left in the Northern Expedition. There are less than 2500 people in the line of fierce beasts, and only 2200 people in the line of sacred beasts.

   Both sides add up, it is only a little over ten thousand people.

When    came, the three powers added up, that was more than 22,000 people.

   This is only the daylight scene, and the hands are cut in half.

   If the previous Northern Expedition was terrible and there were many casualties, everyone would recognize it, because how can there be so many strong men in the previous Northern Expedition?

   But this time, those who participated in the Northern Expedition were at least the powerhouses in the late stage of Huaxing. This casualty rate is really going to be out of the northern mining area. I am afraid that no one will dare to come to the northern mining area again.

   At this moment, a group of people chattering and chatting.

   Someone yelled: "It's all to blame for that person, he said he was trying to find a chance and the inheritance of the great emperor. But the result? Leading us into the ominous, I think he has been corrupted by the ominous."

   Someone echoed: "Yes, it was Ren Tu who contributed to the Northern Expedition. It is his fault now that this is happening."

   Someone said coldly: "Do you think someone like him cares about us? After entering the inner city, he disappeared. I heard that he is on this mountain at the moment. Why don't we fight?"

   Someone was emotional: "Yes, hit it up. This mountain is located here, it must be extraordinary. Others have a chance to kill themselves, but let us fight against the ominous here. Let's kill it."

Someone sneered: "Kill it? Have your brains been slapped by the blood hand mine monster? Look over there, the number of puppets is nearly 100,000. Just rely on us? You want to beat 100,000 people and kill them on the top of the mountain, you dream Woolen cloth?"

   After scolding Han Fei, the ominous erosion of Mo Jiu exploded again. After all, there were many people who witnessed the ominous incarnation of Mo Jiu. The Northern Expedition Army, the line of sacred beasts, and even the line of fierce beasts, were all seen.

   Therefore, at this moment, everyone pointed the signs to the line of fierce beasts again.

   I only heard someone shout: "The supreme commander of the fierce beasts, why is it ominously corroded, you fierce beasts, don't say you don't know it. Say, this is not your premeditated."


Some Black Jiao shouted angrily: "Fart, Lord Mo Jiu just happened to be in the hands of Emperor Bloodhand. It can only be said that Lord Mo Jiu is too strong, so he was targeted by the remnant soul of Emperor Bloodhand. The real culprit is The Bloodhand Great, what is the matter of my fierce beast?"

   The unicorn cow whispered, "Don't push everything on my line of fierce beasts. If my line of fierce beasts knew it early, would I be with you now? We ran away early."

However, someone from the line of mythical beasts ridiculed: "Who knows, anyway, the ominous erosion of Puppet City is definitely related to Moji. Otherwise, the remnant soul of the Bloodhand Great Emperor would have come in long ago, so why drive the Northern Expedition army into the Puppet City? It can only be explained that he couldn't get in at all before that. And Mo Jiu definitely broke some of the restrictions after entering the Puppet City, which made the Remnant Soul of the Blood Hand Great Emperor have the opportunity to take advantage."

There was a fierce beast demon butterfly angrily: "A group of decent guys know to shirk responsibility. Without me, Lord Mojiu, perhaps Bai Fei would have been missed by the bloodhand emperor. I can only say that you are lucky, and now they are all closed to the old lady. mouth."

   The three powers quarreled, and Han Fei heard them all. Because he now controls the Puppet City, these people are spraying each other here, where can they escape his ears.

   only listen to Xuan Yi: "It seems that your style is not very good."

  Han Fei: "What's the use of a good wind evaluation? Which strong person has a good wind evaluation before becoming a strong one? Who can set foot in the realm of the emperor without stepping on the tired bones?"

   Xuan Yi didn't deny it, but listened to him: "What, can I control the entire city now?"

   Han Fei shook his head: "Not yet. The outer city is broken, and the inner city has been lost outside the moat. And the puppet city is one, even if I control the puppet city now, what can I do?"

Xuan Yi: "The real puppet city is only within the moat. Other places can be given up. After you completely control the puppet city, you can mustardize the puppet city, and you can take the city away at any time. "

Han Fei shook his head: "I can already control the site within the moat. But I can't take this city away. The northern expedition army outside is not related to me, but it is always because of me. After accepting the Puppet City, these people will be completely in the wilderness. All that is waiting for them is to be swallowed up ominously. There is no second possibility. Therefore, this battle is always to be fought. I found that there seems to be a large amount of Purification in the Puppet City. Power. If it is released, can it purify this ominous area?"

Xuan Yi shook his head, "If Xuanwu is here, maybe. But, you can't. You can't contain the remnant soul of Bloodhand Great, so even if you completely release these purification powers, you can kill at most 50%. Bloodhand Mine Demon, but the root cause of Bloodhand Great Emperor, you can't solve it."

  Han Fei: "The Nine Giant Turtles have sealed themselves for so long, can his remaining combat power defeat the remnant soul of the Bloodhand Emperor?"

   After coming out of the nine giant tortoises, Han Fei knew that the nine giant tortoises would definitely not be the same year. Otherwise, he would not need to seal himself for millions of years, just wait for an ominous battle.

  Moreover, the old tortoise’s message is to treat Xuanyi kindly and bury the nine giants, which means that the old tortoise has long expected that the nine giant tortoises will be sacrificed in this battle with the remnant soul of the bloodhand great.

Just listen to Xuan Yi: "The Nine Giant Tortoises had already suffered heavy damage back then. He is in the same situation as mine, he is the most, and he can only bloom once again. But I don’t think I can defeat the remnant soul of the Bloodhand Emperor. ."

   Han Fei frowned: "The remnant soul of the Bloodhand Great Emperor now seems to have only the power of the Happy Realm, right?"

Xuan Yi: "Don't believe what you saw. The true power of the Bloodhanded Emperor's Remnant Soul is definitely more than that. Even if it is in the Realm of Freedom, he can still borrow the ominous power, not wanting to be indestructible, the Bloodhand Emperor's Remnant Soul is also Will not die. Therefore, the real source of the crisis is this ominous. If it is only the remnant soul of Bloodhand Great, I would never dare to invade Puppet City. But now the remnant Soul of Bloodhand Great Emperor comes with such a large piece of ominousness, no matter it is I, or the nine giant tortoises, don't have the confidence to really purify them completely."

  Han Fei frowned: "It won't work even with all the purifying power of Puppet City?"

Xuan Yi: "It's hard to say that if it is our peak state, anyone can solve him. The problem is, we are not peaking anymore. The nine giant turtles only have one mobile phone meeting. And I, only the remnant soul, strength Falling to the bottom of the valley, there is only the realm of enlightenment, not the realm of happiness."

  Han Fei frowned: "Didn't the Demon Tree say that there is a force that can burst out of the eternal life level in the puppet city?"

   Xuan Yi: "That is the Demon Tree. When the Demon Tree completely borrows the power of the Puppet City, it can indeed burst out the battle power of the longevity. But the Demon Tree is gone!"

   Han Fei couldn't help being curious: "By the way, where did Lao Yuan and Fu Mo Shu go?"

Xuan Yi didn't hide it, just listened to him: "Go and find yourself. Xuanwu is too weak now, even if he swallows all the turtle eggs he has left, he just reshapes his body and reaches the edge of the sermon. He Now I don’t even have the Dao, so I can only continue to look for the silkworms he left behind. The Demon Tree is the only living thing in the puppet city, so naturally I have to follow Xuanwu."

   Han Fei was speechless, Lao Yuan really valued himself and threw such a big mess to himself. I really don’t know how his heart was so big.

  Han Fei's body, golden light circulates, just listen to him: "How long can the moat last?"

   Xuan Yi: "That depends on how long the purification power of the puppet city can be used up. If the remnant soul of the blood hand great emperor recklessly launches an impact, recklessly let the blood hand mine monster forcefully break through the barrier, I estimate three hours."

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth trembled. Three hours, three hours are enough for a fart.

   I saw Han Fei suddenly stand up and no longer continue to refine the Puppet City.

   I saw him take a deep breath and said, "If you, the Nine Giant Turtles, and me, join forces with the Remnant Soul of the Blood Slayer, do you think it is possible?"


   Xuan Yi was taken aback for a moment: "You want to use the puppet's heart to use the puppet's power? But even so, if your Dao fails to advance to the rule, you can't be the opponent of the Bloodhand Great."

Han Fei: "But at least, I have the power to fight, don't you? If you don't take him, everyone will die, including me. Therefore, instead of relying on others passively, I prefer my own choice. I am completely in control of the puppet. Zhixin, let alone three hours, three days are not enough. In that case, why not fight?"

   A faint light flashed in Xuanyi's eyes. At this time, he seemed to understand why Xuanwu chose this person. Not his talent, but his character.

   He has never seen an Open Heaven Realm who dared to attack a powerful emperor, even if the emperor is just a ray of remnant soul. Even if the remnant soul of the great emperor, after millions of years of time passed, it is no longer the same. But that was still the emperor, an existence who had experienced the supreme power.

   Just listen to Han Fei said: "Now, in the entire Puppet City, the only person who is not restricted is me. I will go to my natal star and make some preparations. After three hours, I will return."

   After finishing speaking, Han Fei ignored Xuan Yi and entered into the stars of his life.

   After entering the natal star, Han Fei didn't do anything, so he slept for seven days and seven nights. He is really tired, very exhausted in spirit. After taking over the puppet's heart, he obtained so much information that he almost couldn't play with his brain.

   Seven days later, Han Fei recovered his mental state, and did not go to practice or anything. Cultivating at this time is meaningless. What he has to do is to use all available means to deal with the remnant soul of the Bloodhand Great Emperor.

   First of all, it is impossible to have a clean stone. No matter how powerful the bloodhand is, he is now contaminated with ominousness, and the clean stone is specifically used to purify ominous things.

If the purifying power that Puppet City drew and stored from the concentrate can severely damage the strength of the Bloodhand Great, then it owns 300 million pure stones, plus the 500 million pure stones hidden by Luo Chen’s expression. Adding the 700 million pure stones hidden in Anshanbei, that adds up to 1.5 billion pure stones.

   Not to mention that these pure stones can directly purify the Bloodhand Great, as long as they are used properly and 10,000 Bloodhand Mine Demons are eliminated, Han Fei is confident that there is no problem.

   Of course, if possible, Han Fei would never use pure stone to purify the blood hand mine. Because he has a large number of puppets, if he really wants to deal with the blood hand mine demons, he can do it on the puppets. Therefore, these 1.5 billion pure stones were mainly prepared for the Blood Hand Great Emperor.

  Secondly, the Frost Orb needs to be full of strength. This is simple. Throw it on the path of the Frost and Self, and you can fill it with three hundred breaths.

   Then, there are only these things that Han Fei has on his birth star...


   Puppet City.

   The Puppet City at this moment is already very weak due to its perceptual suppression. So at this moment, everyone can see that outside the moat, countless blood hand mine demons are madly rushing into the barrier of the city.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   Every time there is a self-destructive fall, the barrier will tremble.

   At this moment, who still has the mind to find some chance! Once this barrier is broken, you can't escape without even trying to escape, so you still have a chance?

   After three hours, for everyone, it is three hours of suffering.

   Looking at the cave, the nine giant tortoises looked at the palace training ground from time to time. He was very curious, how is Han Fei now. He naturally knew that Han Fei had passed Xuan Yi's test and entered the palace training ground.

   However, he also knew that it was really difficult to completely control the Puppet City in such a short period of time.

   He felt that Han Fei's best choice was to abandon the people he had brought, and directly borrow the heart of the puppet to put away the puppet city. In this way, if Han Fei wants to escape, it should be no problem.

   However, once the moat barrier was broken, Han Fei wanted to put away the puppet city, it would be impossible. At that time, he will only have one battle.


   Suddenly, a clear sound resounded through the inner city.

   Someone exclaimed: "No, this enchantment is almost unable to withstand it."

   Someone was astonished: "There are too many blood hand mine monsters, so every self-destructive impact is equivalent to thinking that the strongest Dzogchen strikes, this enchantment, is it finally unable to withstand it?"

   Someone looked nervous and said with some regret: "Is it, am I destined to fall in this ghost place?"

   At this time, no one complained, because complaining is useless at all.

   At this time, no one sprayed each other, because now they only have to be united. No matter who the opponent is, they can no longer withstand infighting at this time. I just hope that when the ominous invasion arrives, some of these people can stand up and put forward a reasonable suggestion to resist the ominous erosion.

   Among all the people, the line of sacred beasts is all cultivating to restore peak combat power when the moat barrier is broken. Because they know that when the time comes, the purifying power and innate supernatural powers they have at their disposal are the only reliance they can rely on.

   As for the fierce beast, Wang Xiaojiu looked at the mountain from time to time. He was not waiting for Han Fei, he was waiting for the emperor bird. In the old days, in the line of the beasts, only the Emperor Sparrow could completely bear the ominousness, and could even kill a few ins and outs, and no one could do it.

   Therefore, his reliance is Emperor Sparrow. He felt that it was impossible for the Emperor Sparrow to die. After all, when he returns again, he definitely needs the power of the fierce beast. And now, there are still 2500 fierce beasts here, and the Emperor Sparrow has no reason to give up.

   Here in the capital of terror, Wushuang is sitting cross-legged, and she is also waiting. She didn't believe that the descendants of the dignified Void Temple would really have no success at all.

   In the old days, outside of the Divine Capital Dynasty, Han Fei summoned his senior brother to help. That battle shocked the entire East Sea Shenzhou, and made the name Void Temple resounded through the sea again.

   But at this moment, a crack finally appeared in the barrier, even Wushuang was a little bit unable to sit still.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   When a crack appeared in the moat barrier, only three breaths of time passed, only thousands of blood hand mine demons were seen, and they attacked the barrier at the same time, exploding frantically.


   Finally, the moment that everyone worries the most has arrived. The barrier was broken, and the boundless darkness immediately poured into the moat.

   At this moment, only a deep sound was heard, shaking the world.


   but saw a huge concentrate tortoise flying up into the sky.

   I just listened to the tortoise saying: "I have waited for a million years, although I can't face the real ominousness. But if I can fight another one, I can comfort my life."

   I saw the giant tortoise, transforming into the image of a tall and mighty power puppet in the void.

After    turns into a human form, UU reads www.uukanshu. The com nine giant tortoise opened its mouth, and a ripple rippled in the void.

   Say it's too late, it's fast, this ripple impacted on the boundless black mist in an instant, I saw the boundless black mist that just rushed across the moat, was shaken back by this ripple for hundreds of miles.


   A tortoise shield appeared in this old tortoise's hand. When he flicked the shield, everyone saw the rotating shield, which instantly penetrated the boundless black fog and went straight to one of them.

But in the next moment, I saw dozens of blood hand mine devils, facing up, one blow of the killing fist, naturally unable to break the shield, but ten times, dozens of times, adding together, that is another result. .

   Even if it is the emperor, it is difficult to kill hundreds, thousands of Dzogchen level body-refining powerhouses in one blow. The situation is also the same now. The Nine Giant Turtles are powerful, but the blood hand mine Mordor controlled by the blood hand emperor! Even if the number is hard, the nine giant tortoises can't be killed in a single day.

   Moreover, the Blood Hand Mine Demon is not to be slaughtered.

   At the moment that the shield was repelled, in the boundless darkness, a fist pierced the sky, crushed all the way to the void, and repelled the Nine Giant God's hand back for a hundred miles.


   I saw that there was a crack in the shield in the hand of the nine giant tortoises.

  ?? Although the two-in-one doesn’t seem to be much, the progress of the plot is actually not slow... 180,000 words a month is a bit less, I work hard...



   (End of this chapter)

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