God of Fishing

Chapter 2611: 3 British Fighters (2 in 1)

Chapter 2611 Three Heroes Fighting Blood Hands (two in one)

   Someone recognized the nine giant tortoises, and only heard him exclaiming: "This is the concentrated ore giant tortoise trapped in the middle of a mysterious lake. I never expected him to have the power of an emperor."

   Someone was astonished: "No wonder the people who entered the lake at that time were all dead, and the emperor puppet was sitting in town. How could this opportunity be easily taken away if it wasn't a destiny?"

   Someone seemed to have caught the life-saving straw, and just listened to him: "Since there is a powerful emperor who takes action, it means that this puppet city is still strong, and there is a peak combat power. This ominousness may not necessarily be well accounted for."

  Someone shook his head and said, "Don't expect too much. Although this giant tortoise is strong, it is only a puppet. It only confronts the existence in the black mist once, and the giant shield is cracked. At least it means that he is not an opponent."

Someone said, "Is it really the Bloodhand Emperor in the darkness? It's not true? After all, no one has seen it. Otherwise, if it is really Bloodhand Emperor's body or something here, even if it is the remnant soul, this puppet city has already been destroyed. It's flat."

   Someone said: "No matter what, if someone stands up, it means there is still room for resistance."

   At this moment, everyone is pinning their hopes on the nine giant turtles. In fact, the nine giant turtles did not disappoint them.

   Although it was repelled and the shield was cracked, the nine giant turtles burst into two void storms with their fists. In the storm, the power of the concentrate surged and the light was swallowed.

   After retreating hundreds of miles, the nine giant tortoises stepped on the void and pushed horizontally with their backhands, as if they were pushing two huge storms into the ominous mist.


   At that moment, visible to the naked eye, in the ominous fog, thousands of miles, it was directly shredded and purified. There were nearly a hundred blood hand mine devils, melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The nine giant tortoises, still mighty, grabbed two tortoiseshell shields in their hands, and the whole person spun, and once again plunged into the ominous fog, but saw that where he passed, it was like a cloud in the wind, and many blood hand mine demons tried to activate him. Shock. It's a pity that in an instant, it was directly shattered by the sharp tortoise shell.

   This is the first time that many people have seen the power of the emperor in a real sense. Before, they only knew the power of the emperor, but they had never really felt it.

   And today, the one they saw was only a puppet in the realm of the emperor. As a result, the terrifying blood hand mine demon was just like a waste in the hands of others. It was chopped by melons and vegetables.

   This also makes many people look fascinated. Sure enough, proving the Dao and not proving the Dao are two different things. Without proving the Dao, even the powerful of the Five Dao Locks would not be able to kill the Blood Hand Mine Demon at will, let alone shake this boundless ominous fog with the power of one person.

   Sure enough, after the blood hand mine demon could not shake the nine giant tortoises, in the ominous mist, he finally stretched out a blood hand. Yes, for the first time everyone saw the true face of that thing.

   This hand traverses thousands of miles, and it is filled with rich blood. The palm comes out, and the ominous fog follows ragingly.

   Just listened to the nine giant turtles bursting out: "Did you finally show up? Kill."

From the burly giant incarnation of the nine giant tortoises, it can be seen that the nine giant tortoise has a very strong temperament. Facing the huge **** hand, a tortoise's shadow is in the sky, and the tortoise body of tens of thousands of feet rotates, and That **** hand is tough.


   The two visible forces collide, and the resulting shock wave confronts each other, the surrounding ominous fog is instantly purified, and the **** hand is knocked down by a blow.

   Of course, the nine giant tortoises seemed to be a bit more miserable. The tortoise's shadow was defeated, and the whole person flew out for thousands of miles, with dozens of concentrates exploding on his body.

   In this scene, many people who saw it were shocked, such a powerful emperor-level puppet, such a violent outbreak, can't even catch that **** palm?

However, next, I saw the nine giant tortoises that were blown out, holding two shield armors, buckling opposite each other, loud noises pierced the sky, and in the gap between the shield armors, a mysterious light that looked like a blade of light stood upright. Cut on the **** hand that was already a little faint.


   The **** hand was cut open with a single knife, shattered for thousands of miles. But the blade of the nine giant tortoises continued, cutting the ominous fog into a gap, traversing thousands of miles, and all the houses and buildings along the way turned into dust in an instant.

Just listen to the nine giant tortoises shouting loudly: "You are just a ray of remnant soul, how strong can you be? You were dormant before, no one cares about you. Now that the Devil Tree is gone, you think you can shake the sky? Lao Tzu It wasn't that the emperor hadn't been killed before, but today, I can also kill you."


   Those who speak have no intention, those who hear it have the intention, this kind of thing has beaten the emperor?

   Everyone was stunned, you are such a puppet, have you killed the emperor?

   But someone immediately said: "No, this giant tortoise predecessor obviously has complete consciousness. He seems to only have a body as a concentrate. Is this the legendary Xuanwu Emperor?"

   "His! It seems very likely."

   Many people also realized that this one is also a tortoise, and Emperor Xuanwu is also a tortoise. This one has beaten the emperor, but who can kill the emperor is sure to be a powerhouse at the level of the emperor. Therefore, this one seems to be the legendary Emperor Xuanwu!

   At this time, I only heard someone say: "Here, I saw the Tuan before, and I was talking to this giant tortoise senior."

   Someone looked sideways: "Ren Tu? Where did this **** go? Did he cheat the chance from Emperor Xuanwu, and now he sneaks away by himself?"

However, some people look at the human being who speaks like a fool: "Where are the people? Where are they on the top of the mountain? They say that they killed Mojiu, the leader of the beast who understood the seal of the five roads. At this moment, 80% of them are accepting what is true. Inheritance."

   Someone echoed: "Yes! Why is this guy so lucky? Together we are his thugs, right?"

Some casual repairers sneered: "People didn't force you to come. The Northern Expedition army is openly recruited. And along the way, do you get few resources? Just the concentrate, almost everyone can replace the artifact when you take it out, right? Now that there is an accident, it's up to the family to slaughter their heads. People have said that there are a large number of blood hand mine monsters here, all of Dzogchen level, you don't know."

There is a loose repair agreement: "That is, although I know that I am alive and dead, I may not be able to escape this catastrophe. But one thing is one thing. People are not lucky, but they are already powerful. If you are a five-way lock , You are also great, the point is that you are not!"

Someone shouted: "Don't quarrel at this time, we have to figure out how to retreat. No matter whether the giant tortoise is in front of the Xuanwu Great Emperor, how strong it once was, but the current strength is obviously no longer at the peak. Since it is not at the peak, we will lose. Possibly. Right now, the only place to hide in Puppet City is the mountain behind us. Therefore, when the time comes, the puppet army will enter the mountain, and that is the time for us to enter the mountain."

   There are quite a few people who actually have the same idea, but they didn't say it. At the moment this person said it, everyone couldn't help looking at him.

   However, Wang Xiaojiu sneered: "Idiot, have you ever climbed this mountain? It's just that without these puppet army, you won't be able to climb it. Then you really have to rush to the mountain, that's a living target."

   But he heard Wushuang speak at this moment: "Yes, this mountain cannot be climbed, otherwise it will not go up or down in a short time. It is indeed a living target."

Then Wang Xiaojiu said, "Isn’t the line of the beasts climbing up? Look at the white spot on the mountain, which is the leader of the line of the beasts, Bai Fei. He has been climbing for a day and has not yet been able to climb. So, who of you loves to go? Who will go."

Someone sneered: "In the final analysis, it is the Mojiu of your fierce beasts that was eroded by the Bloodhand Great, and this allowed the Bloodhand Great Emperor to take advantage of the opportunity to enter the Puppet City. There is also the birth of the Emperor Sparrow, which is a predecessor. The first fierce demon among the beasts is said to be the incarnation of ominous..."


   Before he finished speaking, he flew out like a slap on his face.

   Looking again, there were three cat's claws on this person's face, which directly tore this person's mouth.

Just listen to Wang Xiaojiu shouting: "You, pay attention to your speech. Do you dare to say this in front of the old man of the Emperor Sparrow? I don't know how to write the dead words. Who else dares to slander the old man Emperor Sparrow half a word, don't blame me The fierce beasts, regardless of the situation, sack Er and others directly."

   At this time, Wang Xiaojiu was fierce and powerful, which made people realize that after all, this big cat still belongs to the line of fierce beasts.

  While Wang Xiaojiu was in a cold sweat, he was counting on the emperor to help him. He didn't recognize any emperor bird's ominous words. In the final analysis, it was also the former boss of our fierce beasts, and it was also the top existence in the ancient bloodline. It was not comparable to these mixed-blood fierce beasts in the boundless mining area.

  Wang Xiaojiu was angry, and all of the fierce beasts were naturally staring at the person who had just spoken viciously.

   Someone shouted: "Boy, if I can go out today, don't let me meet you, otherwise I will kill you alive."

   Someone yelled: "You dare to slander my ancestor-level powerhouse of the line of fierce beasts, you are not sorry for your death."


   Just as a group of fierce beasts were shouting in anger, on the sky, a **** hand grabbed the extremely powerful knife of the nine giant turtles.


   When the **** hand smashed the knife, the dazzling bright light shone all over, and the ominous mist of the small half of the city was purified. A large number of blood hand mine demons with black mist steaming on their bodies were exposed.

   This was a powerful blow from the Nine Giant Turtles, but as a result, the blade was broken. Following that was a blood fist, piercing through half of the sky, and hitting the concentrated turtle shell of the nine giant tortoises.


  Rao is the nine giant tortoise turned into a tortoise body at that moment, but unfortunately this tortoise shell is made of concentrated ore. It looks extremely powerful, but after all, it is no better than his talented tortoise shell.

   Therefore, everyone saw the tortoise shells of the nine giant gods' hands, which were slumped abruptly, and hundreds of concentrates exploded in their bodies. With this blow, the luster on the hands of the booming nine giants dimmed by two points.

   As for the place that was attacked by the nine giant tortoises just now, a large amount of ominous fog poured over, filling it up.

   Suddenly, I saw the nine giant tortoises shouting towards the mountain where Han Fei was located: "Are you two waiting to watch the show? If you don't make any moves, my concentrate body will be unable to withstand it."

   The Nine Giant Turtles are not hard to beat, he has just passed, and partially exposed the strength of the Bloodhand Great. After such contact, the nine giant tortoises knew that he and the blood hand of the blood hand the great emperor seemed to be a realm short of it.

   Therefore, knowing that it is invincible, and if you do anything, it will be your own dead end. Although he is not afraid of death, he doesn't want his last battle, taking failure as the end of his life.

   Therefore, the nine giant turtles sent a reinforcement signal to Xuan Yi and Han Fei.

He didn't want to count Han Fei. The reason why he said you two is because he saw Han Fei coming out of the palace training ground. He was in a very good state of mind. It doesn’t look like he just took over the Puppet City. appearance.

  The key is that Han Fei has all come out of the palace training ground, which means that Han Fei has regained the puppet city. That also means that Han Fei can already use the power of Puppet City, as well as the purification power that Puppet City has accumulated over the years.

   So, he also counted Han Fei, although he didn't expect Han Fei to make a direct shot.

   Northern Expedition Army or something, after hearing this, they looked towards the top of the mountain one after another, and they said to themselves, is it possible that Emperor Xuanwu still has a helper?

   At the next moment, a nine-level concentrate puppet stepped out of the void, carrying a shovel in his hand, expressionless. But looking at the posture of carrying a shovel at will, it is not like a mortal.

   The other person was even more unexpected.

   Someone exclaimed: "That is, Ren Tu?"

   "Sigh~ Can the human slaughter join the battle? Although he has five locks, the one in the ominous mist is the emperor!"

   Someone was dumbfounded: "The emperor fights the emperor, never seen in his life, unheard of."

   But there are also many people who are not surprised. They only hear someone say: "It is said that the emperor is his companion. This kind of character should have any special means to temporarily fight the emperor, right?"

   Someone guessed; "Will Ren Tu himself be an emperor? It was only by a method we didn't know that he appeared with the strength of the Open Heaven realm."

   Many people are speechless.

   Even if Wushuang is Wushuang, her eyes widened. She knew that Han Fei might be able to save or take some people away, but she didn't expect Han Fei to appear in this way.

   saw that the three of them got together in a blink of an eye, and only listened to the nine giant tortoises saying: "Boy, do you have nine-level concentrate on your body, give me ten."

   Han Fei just twitched the corners of his mouth, you really dare to ask for it all the time! Ten pieces, so they are ten top-grade artifacts, or even top-grade artifacts, okay?

   But, at this juncture, can he not give it? Of course not. Without the fighting power of the Nine Giant Turtles, even if he and Xuan Yi could fight again, it would be difficult to take down the remnant soul of the Bloodhand Great Emperor.

   After that, Han Fei waved his hand and threw ten 9th-level concentrates. Seeing this, many people are speechless. It turns out that there are so many grade 9 concentrates!

   I only saw that the nine giants opened their mouths and sucked, and all ten 9-level concentrates were sucked into the body. After a while, the hollow-like scars on his carapace recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Moreover, his dimmed body just burst into light again.

But at this moment, I heard a long voice coming from the darkness: "An old tortoise with only one breath left and a lingering breath, and a testimony of soul grafting flesh, what else is there? Open? Heavenly realm? Jiuju, Xuanyi, do you think this will kill me?"

  Xuan said indifferently: "You are just a ray of remnant soul, a broken **** hand, and you think you are the emperor?"

Han Fei even mocked: "Old thing, speak clearly, what am I? I am the thing that can make you die and look down upon the Open Heaven Realm? Didn't I have never singled out with you, did you kill me? "

   For a while, the Northern Expedition forces were all overwhelmed.

   Someone was dumbfounded: "This guy, is it so arrogant to talk to Emperor Zun?"

   There is a casual repair, sighing: "Sure enough, the person who killed the person is still the one who killed the person. With this mindset, it is really hard to shoot the horse!"

   Someone was stunned: "He even singled out the Bloodhand Great Emperor?"

   Wang Xiaojiu shouted: "Human Tu, kill him, you must kill him."

   It's a pity, these people can only be reduced to spectators at this moment. At this level of battle, it is really hard for them to imagine an Open Heaven Realm to participate in what they can do? Is it enough for someone to slap it?

   No, it was as violent as the nine giant tortoises. With a low growl, he transformed into a human form again, and rushed up again with a double shield in his hand.

   Xuan Yi also violently, with a shovel in his hand, waved in the air, cutting out a thousand sharp edges.

  Han Fei Avenue is running, fully armed, wearing a high-grade artifact suit, holding the endless water in one hand and the Arctic Orb in the other, assaulting on it.

   In the ominous mist, that **** hand finally appeared. The shot is the **** hand **** fist, the fist prints cover the sky and the sun, and hit the three with one fist.

   "Clang clang clang~"

   The first to confront the Blood Hand Divine Fist was Xuan Yi's thousand-strength sharpness. In the eyes of outsiders, he might not be able to catch any one of them. However, under the huge fist mark, it shattered all the way, and the fist mark only dimmed by three points.

   Once again, Han Fei threw the Extreme Frost Orb, and the sky was frozen for a long time. The speed of the blood hand **** fist dropped by 80%, and the entire fist print was covered with a layer of frost.

   But Frost is shattering. Although the speed of the Blood Hand Divine Fist is reduced, it is not enough to shake the Blood Hand Divine Fist. After all, the attack of the Frost Orb is scoped. If it is replaced by a single attack, it is indeed enough to see, the scope of the attack, the threat is greatly reduced.

   However, with Xuan Yi and Han Fei dragging the blood hand magic fist, the nine giant tortoises collided with their shields, and the speed instantly soared to the level that no one could see.


   Void ripples flashed wildly, and in the urban space inside the moat, the terrifying suction was madly swallowing these escaping powers.

   But even so, the ripples are still raging, and onlookers such as the Northern Expedition Army need to move the highway to barely hold it.


   The blood hand fist exploded most of the time, but it was more fierce. Xuan Yi waved his shovel as a long stick and snapped it down.


   The fist mark is broken into three points again.

  Han Fei Dao is fully operational. Without using the Eye of Invincibility, it is blessed by six times its combat power.



   I saw that the blood hand fist was broken, but the nine giant tortoises, Xuan Yi, and Han Fei all flew out. Especially Han Fei, when he really touched the Blood Hand God Fist, he discovered how terrifying the power of the law is.


   One of the nine giant tortoises and Xuan were shaken back hundreds of miles, while Han Fei was directly blasted back to the mountain where the trial site was located.

   With a hit, the ground shook and the mountains shook.

   Everyone's eyes just chased over, only to hear a burst of shouts from the mountain. In the next moment, I saw Han Fei rushing out again, with a fist, covering all his combat power, pouring thousands of miles, and crashing into ominous.

   The speed of the Nine Giant Turtles and Xuan Yi is faster than Han Fei. The two of them bullied themselves at the same time, and the law came, and the thunder was powerful.

   At this time, in front of the ominous fog, countless **** hands appeared, like a meteor passing by, raining on Han Fei and the three of them.

   The shield armor of the nine giant tortoises swept all the way. Xuan Yi's shovel flew like flying, shattering countless **** hands phantoms. And Han Fei tried his best to burst out some fist marks, and it also penetrated hundreds of **** hands phantoms in an instant, and blasted the **** hands.

   The three attacked together again, and finally got a wave of **** hands from the front. But seeing the three of them being collapsed again, Han Fei's body exploded even more.

"not good!"

   Someone was astonished: "You can't be slaughtered!"

   Someone exclaimed: "This, how can Open Heaven Realm compete with the Great Emperor?"

  Wang Xiaojiu: "It's over, it's impossible to fight!

   Just as they exclaimed, they only saw Han Fei appearing on the other side at some unknown time, and the bombed figure disappeared without a trace. At this time, Han Fei burst into a golden light. In the sky full of fist marks, there was no one that could shake him at this moment.

   This is naturally the three-breath invincible state after the life-changing road. Even though the blood hand is extremely powerful, it is impossible to penetrate the unreasonable invincible state.

  Han Fei continued to charge forward, and the nine giant tortoises and Xuanyi also killed at the same time, and the three of them blasted the **** hands into the ominous.

   In the eyes of many people, this is already a huge victory. But the three of them broke into the ominous fog, what did they think? Don’t you be afraid of being contaminated by ominousness?

   And as soon as he entered the ominous state, Han Fei was relieved immediately, watching with so many eyes, he couldn't play well. In this thought, Han Fei's heart moved, only to hear a "tweet", and a pair of black wings appeared behind him.

As soon as    the emperor bird came out, the ominous fog could no longer hurt himself.

   However, as soon as he entered the ominous fog, Han Fei was targeted, and the Bloodhand Great could not kill Han Fei. He had tried this many times before, and Han Fei still had the power of the fire element and the jade stone bridge that could suppress him, so he was naturally even more reluctant to do it with Han Fei.

   Mainly, this guy can't die.

   Therefore, the Blood Hand Great Emperor directly drove countless Blood Hand Mine Demons to besiege. There are thousands of them, and Han Fei is not stingy, throwing 100 million pure stones backhand.

   Such a big deal, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Han Fei has never had it before. One hundred million pure stones bloomed, and half of the thousands of blood hand mine devils who were besieged were immediately purified, and the remaining half were almost dead, and they were suffering from black smoke.

   But Han Fei didn't care about these **** smoky golems, his goal was never these things. Therefore, at thirty times the speed of light, Han Fei once again killed the blood hand.

   saw the blood hand in the void seven consecutive shots, and directly shot the nine giant turtles flying around.

   When Han Fei saw thousands of blood hand mine devils surrounded the nine giant puppets in flight, Han Fei threw another 100 million pure stones to help the nine giant turtles escape the siege without hesitation. And he himself, bursting out the limit hammer, knocked more than three hundred times in the blink of an eye, directly blasting the blood hand mine demon that had been purified by the pure stone into dregs.

   The nine giant tortoises are empty, and the power of the half body is poured on a huge shield in his hand.


   The huge shield was thrown and hit the blood hand. The latter seemed to be prepared, once again turned his hand into a punch, and bombarded the huge shield with one punch.

   And at this moment, on the huge shield, a huge amount of purification power suddenly shined. This is not the power of the nine giant tortoises, but the pure stone. Three hundred million pure stones exploded at the same time, and the **** hands were extremely powerful, and they were also directly purified by this massive amount of pure stones to billowing black smoke, and the **** hands were rotten.

   However, at the end of the day, the **** hand did not forget to shoot back in the void, and slapped Han Fei's black misty body hidden on the huge shield to shatter.

  ?? Two in one, ask for a ticket...



   (End of this chapter)

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