God of Fishing

Chapter 2679: General Wanlin the Great (2 in 1)

In the battle of genocide, Han Fei showed absolute ferocity and indifference. He showed his attitude to everyone. If he violated my human race, he must pay with his life. There is no humanitarianism to speak of.

In just five days, in fact, it was a little more than four days. The strong human race who rioted in the sea and the human race from the chaotic wasteland who were rescued by Han Fei participated in the war at most 82 times.

To the human race that rioted in the sea, the Ten Thousand Scales, the Blade's Edge, and the Frogmen didn't seem to be human. If it is not a human being, it will be dealt with as a Kraken.

They have no experience in the battlefield of the human race against the human race. If they want to slaughter the city, it is estimated that they can't do it. But they still can't slaughter the siren? This has been fighting with the Kraken for 100,000 years, and the two sides are only alive and dead. Who ever talked about humanitarianism?

The people of the Chaos Wasteland are completing their spiritual trials. As long as the human race is liberated in this war, their future achievements are difficult to say.

Therefore, in the past four days, everyone has been killed.

Wherever the Human Race army passed, even the walls were bald. At this moment, in Han Fei's life star, it was killing intent.

This is the life of hundreds of millions of enemies, and the killing intent in exchange, under this sub-will, many people even broke through.

In fact, Han Fei also had some headaches, because there were too many breakthroughs in the past four days. The explorer broke through the venerable, and the venerable went to a higher level.

There are also nearly 80 people, Venerable Pi Hai. Most of these people were originally from the chaotic wasteland. They were rescued by Han Fei and rekindled hope, so they naturally broke through.

Of course, Han Fei would not let them break through in his own destiny, and all of them were thrown into the sea of ​​​​stars.


Han Fei took out dozens of star cores and integrated them into the natal stars. There is no way, there are too many people in the natal star, so many people are consuming wildly, Han Fei now needs to supply at least dozens of star cores every day, pouring a large amount of spiritual energy to cover the basic expenses of these people.

Of course, Han Fei's so-called basic expenses are under the condition that the concentration of spiritual energy in the stars does not decrease. After all, the face of the emperor has to be preserved.

Otherwise, these people stay in their own destiny stars for two or three days, and find that there is no spiritual energy here, is it embarrassing?

After confirming that there was no one in Bipolar City, and even all the supplies were taken away, the only thing left here is a Heaven-opening realm powerhouse in the city of wanderers, and nearly 90 sea-opening realm powerhouses. Venerable Realm.

When you reach the top fifty giant cities, it doesn't make much sense to come to the Venerable Realm again. Therefore, the Vagrant support simply did not send the Venerable Realm.

At this moment, when the Open Heaven Realm expert saw Han Fei, he hurriedly came over and said, "But Lord Han Fei?"

Han Fei glanced at him lightly: "I am the emperor."

The man's heart froze, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he thought that this person's aura was really scary. But he really didn't want to recognize the Human Sovereign in front of him, although he was very strong, although he knew that he had launched a human race war, although he set off this wave of human race counterattack. But he felt that their city of wanderers also had a huge contribution, and the Lord of Silence was equally important.

Moreover, they have always regarded the Lord of Silence as the emperor, how could they easily respect Han Fei as the emperor?

Therefore, this person did not respond to this, but said: "All the strong people in Bipolar City, forcibly retreat, we are limited in number after all, although I have the heart to stop it. But if the other party sincerely wants to run, it is difficult for me to stop it. them."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Enter my destiny."

A moment later, when Han Fei came to the next city, there was still no one here, and he still accepted a group of powerhouses from the city of wanderers.

Originally, in Han Fei's plan, the people of the city of the homeless were scattered to the major cities, just to contain the power of the city, so the staffing was only able to hold each other in the open sky and open sea. .

But if you want to win a city with them, the possibility is almost zero.

The next ten, twenty, thirty, and forty cities were all empty.

Finally, when Han Fei entered the area where the top ten cities were located, it was still empty. And here is not far from the Great Emperor Wanlin and the Queen of Terror, and the place where Luoluo confronted them.

Anyway, Han Fei went out for a circle and brought back hundreds of millions of people, which was actually a big victory.

When Han Fei entered this room, a voice sounded in his ear: "I don't know if you have vented your anger? Even slaughtered 82 cities of our clan. There are hundreds of millions of people who died in your hands. I don't know if you can sit down and talk now. ?"

Han Fei didn't go to find the source of the sound, but just sneered: "Which of your eyes saw the Wanlin tribe being killed and injured by hundreds of millions? In those cities behind, the number of the Wanlin tribe is usually not even one tenth. Most of them are the human race, the blade clan, and the frogmen clan. This emperor slaughtered hundreds of millions of people from the ten thousand scale clan? You are too embarrassed to say this."

The Great Emperor Wanlin: "Contemporary Human Sovereign, don't forget, the real densely populated places are not the cities you penetrated. Now, the large population of your human race is still in the hands of this seat. Extinction, what do you think is the point of keeping these human races in this seat?"

The Great Emperor Wanlin is now fearless. He believes that he has given in enough. If Han Fei hadn't summoned the gods and destroyed the primitive city, he would not have allowed Han Fei to slaughter 82 cities.

Now, since the gods don't make a move, even if Han Fei still has the trump card of Emperor Xuanwu in his hand, he is not afraid. No one can kill him without the gods.

Moreover, Han Fei's road to the emperor is to save the human race. He believes that Han Fei will eventually agree with his choice.

At that time, although he has lost the resources of the human race, the primitive city has been completely destroyed, and the emperor is gone. The remaining people in the primitive city can naturally become his new enslavement objects.

Moreover, in his opinion, these enslaved objects have far more potential than the human race.

Therefore, at this moment, Emperor Wanlin negotiated with Han Fei again, but felt that Han Fei could not agree.

Han Fei walked quickly all the way, without speaking, with a solemn expression on his face, as if thinking about the proposal of the Great Emperor Wanlin.

When the Great Emperor Wanlin saw this, he did not rush. After a long while, he said: "It's still the previous proposal, I will let you human race, you and I will stop fighting, from now on, the well water will not violate the river water. The scale clan still sits in the chaotic wasteland. Even, I can share the chaotic wasteland with your human race and share the secrets behind the chaotic wasteland."

Han Fei still didn't speak, and finally returned to the confrontation place thousands of miles away from the city of scavengers after a few hours.

At this moment, the army of the puppet city is still fighting against the open sky army of the Wanlin clan.

The fighting between the two sides has been going on for the fourth day. The result of the battle gave Han Fei some surprises. The army of 200,000 puppets had lost about 80,000 at this moment. And the Open Heaven Realm army of the Wanlin Clan only lost about 50,000. This is also because the body of the puppet army is composed of concentrates, and the physique is very powerful. Moreover, the puppet army is generally the strength of the late stage, and the real combat power is comparable to the Great Perfection. Otherwise, the battle damage may be much higher than this.

It can be seen that the army of the Wanlin clan in the hidden place in the chaotic wasteland does have the advantage of cultivation, making them extremely good at fighting.

At this moment, the Open Heaven Realm army of the Wanlin Clan has gradually leveled the numerical advantage of both sides. If the battle continued for no more than two days, the puppet army would definitely be at a disadvantage. Once at a disadvantage, the follow-up battle process will be very fast, which means that the puppet army will be quickly defeated.

So, now Han Fei knows that he can't delay. He clearly knew the intention of the Great Emperor Wanlin, even if the Kaitian realm powerhouse of the Wanlin tribe fell to the end, only 50,000 people were left, he could accept it, because there was still a primitive city behind. As long as he wins this time, he will repel the human race, then the primitive city will fall into his hands, and the power of the open heaven realm of the primitive city will also be owned by him, and it will bring huge hidden dangers to the human race in the future.

The Great Emperor Wanlin was also sure of this, so the moment he saw Han Fei appear, he threw the last card.

Just listen to him: "Contemporary human emperor, if you are willing to give up now, the primitive city, I can hand in hand. Whether you are a genocide or a slave, I will never interfere in the city of scavengers. This is the greatest sincerity of this seat. , otherwise, this kind of battle will continue for two more days, and my city of scavengers will suffer heavy losses, I am afraid it will be another way of talking."

At this moment, everyone was looking at Han Fei, the Queen of Terror, and Li Luoluo, including Lao Han, Lao Niang, and Gu Tingnan, all waiting for Han Fei's response.

Although Gu Tingnan wanted to destroy the Wanlin Clan, he knew that he was powerless. As for Han Fei, he has shown great potential now. He really held back the Great Emperor Wanlin, and he also destroyed all the emperors in the Primordial City. To be able to do this step, in his view, is already an incredible thing.

But I heard his voice transmission: "It's already a huge victory to be able to save the human race, and now you are also destroying the primitive city, you have done enough."

No wonder Gu Tingnan would think so, because the human races that the Wanlin clan still enslaves are all under their control. This forced Han Fei to have no choice but to cast his teeth. Even if Han Fei had the strength to rival the Great Emperor Wanlin, would he still be able to rob people from the stars of the Heaven-opening realm?

Although these people are not in the hands of the Great Emperor Wanlin, but in the hands of the major city masters of the Wanlin tribe, their nature is the same. In other people's natal stars, it only takes a single thought to destroy those human races. If the fish die and the net is broken, maybe Han Fei's road to the emperor will be cut off.

During this time, there was silence, Han Fei pondered for a long time, and suddenly grinned: "Before, who in that primitive city threatened me. What did I say then? Oh, I said, I hate others to threaten me the most. Not even if you are the Great Emperor."

When it was over, Han Fei looked at Li Luoluo.

And Li Luoluo received Han Fei's eyes, giggled, and a jade slip shattered in response.

At that moment, in the main city of the city of scavengers, Feng Tianyi, the former city lord of No. 80, and Xue Fei, the city lord of No. 68, split their bodies with a bang.

In an instant, a piece of white light enveloped the city of scavengers, and more than 130 experts from the open heaven realm in the city were penetrated by this light at the same time.

Er dare.

The expression of the Great Emperor Wanlin changed greatly, and at the moment when the white light appeared, a claw ripped apart the sky, as if ignoring the void, and reached the city of scavengers thousands of miles away.


Hearing the sound of a tiger roaring and shaking, above the city of scavengers, there appeared an incomparably huge tiger-headed phantom that could cover half of the city of scavengers.

A puff of white smoke collided with the hand of the Great Emperor Wanlin, and the terrifying ripples formed directly exploded the super barrier of the city of scavengers, and even half of the city collapsed.

With this single blow, the hundreds of thousands of people in the Wanlin Clan who were closest to the attack range were directly wiped out by the earthquake.

It is also thanks to this tiger roar that blocked this attack, otherwise half of the city of scavengers would have to be destroyed in the hands of the Great Emperor Wanlin himself.


In the city of scavengers, the smoke and waves dissipated, and only a giant iron tower with a tiger's head and a human body was seen standing there, not moving at all. And on his shoulder, sat a woman who was almost completely transformed into a human shape. The woman had a long dress with long slits, and her long slender legs were swaying Erlang's legs. With two small furry ears, its posture is soft and attractive. And behind her, she was still dragging her fluffy tail.


Through the shape of the tail, Han Fei confirmed that it was a fox demon. If he could participate in such a battlefield, the opponent's strength could not be weak.

I just listened to the tiger demon spit out human words and spat softly: "After waiting for so long, I finally appeared... Lord of the Emperor Sparrow, we have fulfilled your request. With this seat here, your human race will not be able to. One will perish."

And the fox demon smiled and said with a charming voice: "I didn't expect this trip to be so unchallenging, and to engage in such a big battle, it was just to make this fox charm a few miscellaneous fish from the Open Heaven Realm. It's boring."

Just listen to the tiger demon: "Well! Just come out for a walk."

But he heard the Great Emperor Wanlin grit his teeth and said, "The emperor-level powerhouse of the mythical beast lineage? You should be incompatible with the fierce beast lineage. Why do you want to intervene in the war between my Wanlin clan and the human race?"

The fox smiled sweetly: "I, nothing is absolute, it's just a transaction. And are we interfering? We are just passing by, worried that you will bully the weak, um, that's it."

This fox made up in front of his face, I don't know if he was angry with the Great Emperor Wanlin. But it doesn't matter, the Terran was rescued anyway, and Han Fei has no worries.

I saw Han Fei slightly bowed his hands to the tiger demon and the fox demon: "Trouble the two seniors, get my human race out."

The tiger demon stretched out his hand to grab the void, and saw the void nodes opening everywhere, and then, a large number of chaotic wasteland human race powerhouses appeared together, the total number of which was as many as 98 million, and the number was directly close to 100 million.

I just listened to the fox demon and said with a smile: "Okay, we're just helping you save people, we won't help you fight. Because you haven't proven your worth yet."

Han Fei: "Don't worry, you don't need to take action."

But I saw that the human races who appeared in the sky above the city of scavengers all looked at each other in dismay. They can also feel the terrifying coercion around them and the raging power here. In addition to this coercion, above the sky, more than 130 open-sky realm powerhouses have just been downloaded, so at this moment, the blood is permeating, like a phantom neon light, floating indefinitely.

Han Fei traveled tens of thousands of miles in one breath and came to the city of scavengers.

When these humans were still full of confusion and astonishment, they only heard him say: "My compatriot of the human race, I am the emperor Han Fei, and at your feet is the city of scavengers, which is now in ruins. Today, I Come to help you get out of the sea of ​​misery and get rid of the slavery of the Ten Thousand Scales. Now, except for you, I have rescued all the human races in the Chaos Wasteland..."


"Really, this is the city of scavengers, I'm sure, I've been there."

"Hey, the city of scavengers has really been destroyed?"

"Human Sovereign? My Human Race has an Sovereign?"

These nearly 100 million people are all dumbfounded. A few days ago, they were also given income by the Lord of the City. Originally, they also speculated that something bad would happen.

But now, everyone is stunned, Human Sovereign? Come to save the human race? Is this too sudden?

It's like a man was about to go to the execution ground, but when he arrived at the execution ground, someone suddenly came to him and said, "You are my long-lost relative. In order to make up for you, I will give you one billion first."

Most people feel this way. In addition, it is the three questions from the inner soul, Am I free? Am I really free? Am I inexplicably free?

Of course, most people are still skeptical. This kind of good thing that falls from the sky has not fallen on the head of the human race once in 100,000 years. Why did it fall off this time?

But Han Fei didn't explain anything to them.

However, seeing Han Fei's body, the world's phantom appeared, hundreds of millions of human races appeared, and the darkness was like a dark cloud covering the sun.

This time, Han Fei released a lot of people.

He not only released the sea-opening realm, the venerable realm, and the explorer realm who had returned to the Chaos Wasteland along the way. The explorer realm of the riotous sea is called more than one, and the number can be nearly hundreds of millions.

Of course, there is no need to release so many at one time, after all, the battle of the strong can easily affect them.

So he just released the powerhouse of 100 million explorer realm.

In the end, there were a total of 277 people who came out from Han Fei's life star, including the Kaitian realm powerhouses in the city of the homeless. Among them, there are 132 people in the Seven Killing Army, 132 people in the city of the homeless, and 13 people in the rioting sea.

Han Fei did not use the lava giant clan, nor did he use Wang Xiaojiu of the fierce beast lineage. Because too much was released, a situation of crushing was formed. If the Great Emperor Wanlin had a brain attack, he felt that he was going to be exterminated, and a fish would die and the net would be broken.

In addition to the Kaitian realm, the sea-opening realm has a total of 70,000 soldiers, 3,400 people in the city of homeless people, 466 people in the chaos wasteland people in the sea-opening realm, and 119 people in the rioting sea and the sea-opening realm.

And the number of Venerable Realm has increased. Only Han Fei rescued the Human Race Venerable, plus the Venerable Violent Canghai, and the Venerable City of Wanderers, the number is as many as 24 million.

The realm of explorers directly amounts to hundreds of millions.

When so many people showed up over the city of wanderers, the entire city of scavengers was almost covered.

Below, in the city of wanderers, everyone is like an enemy. The fall of more than 130 emperors just now directly slaughtered the Kaitian realm powerhouses in the city of scavengers.

Therefore, facing so many powerhouses of the human race at this moment, many people are almost desperate. You must know that because of the limited space in the city of scavengers, not all the powerhouses in the open world have released all the people in the stars.

This has led to the fact that the city of scavengers is now not only crushed by the number of sea-opening realm powerhouses, but the number of Venerable realm is only equal at most, perhaps more than a million people, but in front of this huge population base, millions of people People, not much.

The most important thing is that the Venerable Realm can fight, but the powerhouses in the Sea-Opening Realm and the Explorer Realm are not the opponents of the Human Race at all.

And can these Sea Opening Realm watch their own Venerable Realm powerhouses fall? Of course not, so the powerhouses of the sea-opening realm will definitely enter the battle situation of the venerable realm.

Not to mention that the people in the city of scavengers are confused, even the powerful human race released by Han Fei are also a little confused. When have they fought a war of this scale?

I just heard Han Fei shout: "Fellow people from the human race. Those who oppressed you in the past and the Wanlin tribe who enslaved you are right below. This city of scavengers has enslaved you for a hundred thousand years. Now, it's time to fight back. Find your own battlefield, you, fight you. This battle is your battle to regain the dignity of the human race, this is your battle for revenge, this is your battle to break the demons in your heart, this is your way of cultivation, to the end This is an important battle. If this battle is won, our human race will be invincible... And this emperor, there is a battle of this emperor, I want to tell all races in the world, whoever offends my human race, although... far... punish……"

The last sentence, Han Fei roared out, and the voice was earth-shattering, like the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, exploding in the ears of everyone.

"Long live the emperor."

"How many years, my human race can finally take revenge."

"Wanlin clan enslaves my human clan, and sin deserves ten thousand death."

"In this battle, we can only win, not lose. Lord Human Sovereign has won too much for us, and I will not be humiliated."



At this moment, Han Fei looked at Emperor Wanlin: "As I said, I hate others to threaten me the most. Do you still have cards in your hand now?"

The expression of the Great Emperor Wanlin changed greatly, where does he have any cards?

This time, he planted it. He guessed that Han Fei might still have a hole card, and he was sure that this hole card must not be a god, otherwise there would be no need to play, and he would simply surrender and admit defeat.

So he thought, what if Han Fei's trump card is a strong emperor? It is logically impossible not to feel it.

Once he realized it, it was impossible for the other party to break into the city of scavengers under his own eyes, destroy so many powerhouses in the open world, and rob him of the chips in his hands.

However, he really did not expect that these divine beasts, tigers and foxes, did not appear from the void, they actually burst out from the bodies of two Heaven-Opening realm powerhouses.

But even if it is a powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm, there is no reason to find the star of the life of a powerhouse in the Open Heaven Realm so quickly! Therefore, there can only be one result, and that is the two people who fell first. In fact, they were not found. They were willing to use themselves as a bridge to open up the quagmire of Xinghai, detonate the stars of life, and create a void channel, and the strong emperor , or all emperor-level powerhouses, in fact, can come through this channel.

This was something that the Great Emperor Wanlin never expected. He didn't expect that there would be someone else's puppet under his nose.

However, it is too late to regret now, the chips are gone, and it is even more impossible for Han Fei to give up now.

The Queen of Terror, who watched the entire battle, was amazed. This was the first time the human race had shown its powerful strength in hundreds of thousands of years. He was also amazed at the cooperation between the Divine Beasts and the Ferocious Beasts. This was unheard of. The two have never dealt with each other. Because of Han Fei, this iron rule was broken, which undoubtedly made her feel that the decision she made how correct.

At this moment, Emperor Wanlin's expression gradually turned indifferent, only to hear his voice become thicker: "Contemporary emperor, it seems that you are going to break the net with my city of scavengers?"


"The fish can die, but the net won't break."

Han Fei stepped on the void and walked in a direction that was thousands of miles away. Identity, you may be able to fight with me. But, to be honest, if you choose this one, then you will lose. In fact, at this moment, my road to the emperor has basically been completed, and the human race has been reborn. With hope, the human race will surely rise. And I, named Han Fei, the contemporary emperor, the master of the emperor, the contemporary successor of the Void Temple, even if I can't beat you, I can kill you."


The Queen of Terror was moved, why did Han Fei report on his family? Logically speaking, it is not necessary! Since I knew Han Fei, it has been high-profile, but it has never been so high-profile as it is now.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. The Queen of Terror looked at the hundreds of millions of human race powerhouses and seemed to understand something. Why did Han Fei destroy the primitive city, why did he fight to the end with Emperor Wanlin, and why did he announce his identity in a high-profile manner.

Even, why let yourself come over, this is to use your own mouth to spread some of what happened here in the Chaos Wasteland. He wants to protect the human race in the name of the Void Temple.

Li Luoluo was amazed: "Sure enough, he is still the same him. When it is high-profile, it is really high-profile."

And Emperor Wanlin suddenly glared at Han Fei, he seemed to understand something. Why the terror will take action, why the divine beast lineage and the fierce beast lineage will temporarily unite, and why are there so many emperors gathered today.

There is no other reason, because Han Fei is the successor of the Void Temple.

The Great Emperor Wanlin did not doubt the identity of Han Fei's descendant of the void. Han Fei did not want to lie to him about this kind of thing.

Just listen to the Great Emperor Wanlin: "What about the second way?"

Han Fei: "The other one is to send people out to fight with me in turn. If you want to fight one by one, otherwise I won't be able to fight. Anyone who can survive in my hands, I will let them live."

The Great Emperor Wanlin knew what Han Fei was thinking, and Han Fei wanted to better complete the accumulation of his Taoism by killing the powerhouses of the Wanlin tribe one by one.

In fact, in the view of the Great Emperor Wanlin, now that Han Fei has saved all the human races, he should already have the ability to prove the Tao. But Han Fei is obviously not satisfied~www.readwn.com~ He wants to push his Human Sovereign Road to a new level. Although he has not walked the road of the emperor, he is also the pinnacle of a race, and he has borrowed the power of will, but the route he takes is not the same as that of Han Fei.

The Great Emperor Wanlin looked at the two people who were in the same line of beasts, and swept around again. The other party now has a great emperor, and Chu Hao has three and a half longevity realms. Although there are not many happy realms, one longevity realm is enough to crush. All at ease. As for the power of the Proving Dao Realm, he was not counted, because in this level of melee, beheading the Proving Dao Realm was actually very simple.

Not every Proving Dao Realm has so many trump cards of Han Fei, no matter how strong they are, they can't exert the power of the Happy Realm. Therefore, in the battle situation where the Great Emperor participated in the war, he could only be reduced to cannon fodder.

At this point, Emperor Wanlin is not sure whether Han Fei still has a hole card.

Just listen to the Great Emperor Wanlin said: "Is it possible, you still want to fight with me?"

These words were filled with disdain.

Han Fei said with a faint smile: "It's not bad! I admit that I can't beat you. You are the Great Emperor. I'm just in the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm. Even if I try my best, it may not hurt you in the slightest. But, I'm happy, can you manage? Do you dare to kill me? It's still the same sentence, except for those in the Taoist realm, other realms can be singled out with me. If you want to come one by one, where I can hit, that's my business, if you don't fight, then we The only option is to start a group battle. There are two paths for you to choose."

The Great Emperor Wanlin looked gloomy: "Can this seat believe your words?"

Han Fei: "I am a dignified emperor, how can I say nothing. Of course, we beat us, those who opened the heavens opened the heavens, those who opened up the seas opened the seas, and there are those in the venerable realm. Fight. Talk about a race war, do you think I'm joking?"

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