God of Fishing

Chapter 2680: Kill 4 emperors in a row, congratulate the human race (2 in 1)

Han Fei's conversation with the Great Emperor Wanlin reverberated in the void. What he wants is for everyone to hear, otherwise, how can he show the power of his emperor? How to continue to collect willpower?

When saving the human race in the chaotic wasteland, Han Fei deeply realized the change of wishing power when the city was slaughtered. This is an indescribable power. He is not the power of heaven, nor the law of the Dao, but more like a power that intensifies the potential of different races.

That is to say, this kind of power can intensify the potential of a race, and even transfer this potential to a person.

This phenomenon is terrifying. With the potential of a race to help oneself cultivate, it is a matter of course that oneself become the strongest of this race.

Therefore, using the power of vows to help practice can be said to be a thousand miles a day. Moreover, in the past, I used the power of vows to practice, because the speed of practice was too fast, which would cause the foundation to be unstable. But now, Han Fei has practiced the supreme divine art of the human race and the gods and demons, and will directly smooth out this unstable foundation. This means that if oneself is to prove the Way, the speed of cultivation should be only fast but not slow.

Han Fei didn't have this feeling when his wish was not condensed into beads before. But now, wishing power condensed into something like a pill bead in his body, Han Fei felt that once he released the power in the pill bead, he would have to overcome the emperor's calamity immediately.

At this moment, Han Fei looked extremely strong, and he was launching an invitational battle against the Great Emperor Wanlin in the attitude of a winner. At least, everyone present here thinks so.

However, only Han Fei himself knew that his road to the emperor was not over yet, but he couldn't show it.

To save the human race and let them regain hope, he did it, and this time the war in the city of scavengers is a war that belongs to them. The end of their trials.

As for Han Fei himself, he can only say that he has only walked 70% of the way. This 70% is to subdue the human race, ignite their hopes, and complete their trials.

Han Fei felt Old Han's gaze, and the latter smiled and nodded.

Here, only Lao Han and Lao Niang may know Han Fei's real purpose. However, Han Fei stepped back in a short time, looked at the Great Emperor Wanlin proudly, and said lightly, "What do you think?"

The Great Emperor Wanlin looked solemn, Han Fei was forcing Wanlin to exterminate his clan, and at the same time he wanted to cut off his own path.

If a full-scale war is launched, there will definitely be no way for him to survive. The Void Temple really wanted to chase and kill him, so even if he escaped into the sea of ​​​​stars, he would not be able to escape their pursuit.

And the second way, this is a desperate plan, choosing this one is equivalent to giving up the entire Wanlin clan. However, there may still be a way out.

Because the dignified emperor, the ruler of hundreds of millions of clans, the spiritual leader, if he said such words in person, he would not be allowed to go back on his words.

What's more, there are so many emperors watching here.

Moreover, the Great Emperor Wanlin thought that even if Han Fei had more trump cards, if he just relied on his own strength, he might at most reach the immortal realm. After the immortal immortality, what else could he do?

With his life-long brainpower, the Great Emperor Wanlin couldn't imagine how a Great Perfection in the Open Heaven Realm would be able to kill the Eternal Life Realm. Even if the power given to him by the gods can make him have the combat power of the immortal realm, that will not work. Because Han Fei didn't have the comprehension of the long-lived realm at all, and he didn't understand how strong the laws of this realm were.

And it is even more impossible for a baby to directly let Han Fei have the realm of the emperor. There is a crucial step between Changsheng and the emperor, and that is the way of the gods. Being able to enter the realm of the great emperor must mean that the divine way is certain, and it has already embarked on a stage.

In the early days of the age of the gods, the emperor only had the long-lived realm, and it was only later that the level of the emperor realm was derived. Therefore, can the realm of the Great Emperor be classified as a demigod realm? There is no power that can give mortals the power of demigods, not even gods.

"Then let me see, what level can you hit?"

The Great Emperor Wanlin finally compromised, he had no choice, and Han Fei blocked all paths. The only way to survive is to give up the Wanlin Clan.

But as long as he doesn't die, even if the Ten Thousand Scales Clan is destroyed, it's actually just adding some difficulty to the calamity of the gods. Because he and Han Fei took a different path, Han Fei took the road of the emperor. When the human race is gone, Han Fei's path will be cut off, and he will suffer a great disaster when he crosses the robbery.

And his path is not in the Wanlin Clan, but in himself, so he can afford the price of the Wanlin Clan's extinction.

But seeing Han Fei grinning, he suddenly closed his eyes. On Han Fei's natal star, there are tens of billions of human races. Most of them are human races who are rioting in the sea.

Compared with the human race in the chaotic wasteland, the human race in the chaos of the sea can actually provide more willpower, because the population base is here, and the number is so large that it can be said that any force in the sea world will be tempted.

Right now, these people are talking.

"Unfortunately, my strength is too weak, and I don't even have the qualifications to participate in the war. As long as I am an explorer, I can go out and participate in the war!"

"What the hell, I'm an explorer, or the peak. Did I go out? Lord Human Sovereign mainly let those people in the Chaos Wasteland go out. After all, revenge, of course, must be done by the persecuted in person."

"That is, the human race in the chaotic wasteland has been enslaved for 100,000 years. How much hatred in my heart! We won't rob them of this kind of thing."

"I'm sure I won't grab it, but it's a pity that we didn't have the chance to witness it! I really want to see the demeanor of Lord Human Sovereign."

"Heh! Let me see if you can understand it? What level is Lord Human Sovereign? I heard that all emperors have been beheaded. Do you understand what the realm of Emperor Zun is? There is only Lord Human Sovereign in our entire riotous sea."

"Hey! It doesn't seem right. I heard that Lord Human Sovereign is still an emperor, that is, he can kill the emperor."

"Who did you hear?"

"I, those tall and mighty lava giants! They communicate so well, and they even chase after us and let us tell them stories."

"Tsk, what's the matter? I didn't dare to touch them with their faces."

"Hey, it's very easy to get along with."

Just when these people were talking about these messy things, they saw that above the sky, it was like a mirror, and there was an outside scene in the sky.

"Huh! Where is this?"

"Is this the outside world?"

"This is the sea world?"

"Why does this place look so barren?"

"Barren, you bastard! Do you know how many resources those guys who participated in the massacre of the city grabbed? In just four days, they grabbed resources that the riots could not have accumulated in ten thousand years. You tell me Barren?"

"Hey, there are still people outside, but I don't know much."

"Oh, do you know such a strong person?"

Suddenly, just listening to heaven and earth, Han Fei's giant face appeared.

"Lord Human Sovereign?"

"Could it be that the Emperor is willing to let us go out?"

I just listened to Han Fei: "My compatriots from the human race, I said that I would show you the power of the human race and let you see the potential of the human race... Now, I will start to kill the emperor, and I will reflect the outside world's picture here, this one. In battle, I may lose or die, but I want you all to know that my human race has an unyielding will, an invincible belief, and a fearless heart. May you all hold on to hope and forge ahead. Do, fight for the rise of the human race... My name is Han Fei, as long as there is a breath left, this ambition will be unremitting..."

Han Fei's words sounded like a decision, and it was also a farewell that didn't know the way forward.

Originally, the people in the stars were still wondering if Han Fei was going to lead them to attack, but who knew that this was what they heard?

At that moment, everyone had a bad premonition in their hearts, and their faces became extremely solemn. They said in their hearts that Lord Human Sovereign must have encountered an extremely dangerous situation, otherwise it would be impossible to motivate them in this way. Even, to them, Han Fei's words were more like last words.

Suddenly, countless people burst into tears.

"Lord Human Sovereign, I will definitely live up to this ambition."

"Lord Human Sovereign, keep the green hills, don't worry about no firewood, we have a chance, this time we don't have to fight to the death!"

"Lord Human Sovereign, I'm willing to fight, it doesn't matter if I die, when has my human race ever been afraid?"

"Lord Human Sovereign, you must win!"

"Lord Human Sovereign, we are still waiting for you to lead us and create a glorious world for the human race."

"Lord Human Sovereign..."

For a time, all the human race powerhouses on the star of life have a sadness in their hearts.

Someone said: "All cheer me up, Lord Human Sovereign is fighting for us, we should believe in Lord Human Sovereign, Lord Human Sovereign will win."

"Your Majesty will win~"

"Will win~"

Suddenly, a tsunami-like sound resounded in the stars, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, cheering Han Fei on.

Even the six-door starfish was stunned by Han Fei, is this bad guy really going to be in danger?

I only heard Liumen Haixing also shouting: "You haven't given me the baby yet, you haven't found Xia Xiaochan yet, you can't die!"

But the people in the stars of life don't know that their shouts turned into wisps of wishing power, condensing in Han Fei's body. The latter had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, people are very emotional creatures. With just a few words, their willpower will skyrocket again. If this continues, the pearl of willpower should be able to grow even stronger, right?

On the opposite side of Han Fei, where the Great Emperor Wanlin is located, there are two strong people in the longevity realm, ten strong people in the free and easy realm, and eighteen strong people in the Taoist realm.

If you include the Great Emperor Wanlin himself, there are 31 emperors, including the four realms in the emperor's territory.

And Han Fei said before that a strong person in the Taoist realm does not need to be singled out with himself. So at this moment, the eighteen righteous generals are all gathered together, and it seems that they are ready to launch an offensive at the same time.

And Han Fei stepped on the void, step by step, very firm. On his body, five locks appeared.


But I saw that the five locks were broken one after another. Han Fei's aura was also rapidly getting stronger.

When the fifth dao lock was broken, a faint light floated on Han Fei's body.

"Wong Long~"

Han Fei looked at the sky, and at the moment when the lock was broken, he felt the approach of the emperor's robbery. But, at this point, he doesn't care anymore.

At this moment, Han Fei felt stronger than he had ever been. His basic combat power has reached the upper limit of the Open Heaven Realm. The basic soul of 99.99 yuan, and the power of the stars with the same power.

That's it, in fact, it is already stronger than the worst kind of Taoist realm powerhouse.

However, this is not enough, but seeing him running the Dao of Self, the momentum on his body has skyrocketed six times again.

However, Han Fei stretched out his hand, and God-killing gloves appeared on his hands, and then only saw that every time Han Fei raised his foot, he could see a golden ripple, which was an act of accumulating power.

The eighteen Zhang Daojing experts knew that they had to fight. Although they didn't know Han Fei's true combat power. But just because Han Fei dared to challenge the Great Emperor Wanlin, they also knew that this person was not easy to mess with.

No, this group of people looked at each other the same. They knew that Han Fei couldn't be allowed to build up any more energy.

Suddenly, only one of them shouted: "Kill."

These experts in the Dao Realm dare not hold back. This is the key battle for their own life and death. For a time, the power of eighteen laws covered this world.

No matter how bad it is, they are also strong in the Dao Realm. Unlike the strong in the Open Heaven Realm, they have the power of the law, and in theory, they can completely abuse the Open Heaven Realm.

However, seeing Han Fei squeeze the fist mark and destroy the world with one punch, everyone felt that the punch seemed to be punched out by himself.

Although everyone only saw a huge and bright fist, but if they wanted to take a serious look, they would find that where the punch passed, the void was shattered, everything was silent, and the bigger the punch was, where was there still a punch? The fist mark, it is simply a star collapsing.

"bang bang bang~"

I saw that in the heaven and earth around Han Fei, those invisible law forces were blasted to pieces, and none of them could shake Han Fei's world-destroying fist.

The bystanders held their breaths, thinking, under the same circumstances, is Han Fei's opponent?

The Queen of Horror looked at Wushuang who was shocked by her side and said, "See! This punch is so strong that it is almost a blow from a free-spirited realm. If it is a normal battle, none of these Taoist realms is his one. enemy."

Wushuang: "It seems that he can ignore those laws and even break them."

The Queen of Terror nodded: "How else do you think he would dare to challenge the Great Emperor Wanlin? Without such means, it would be difficult for him to kill even a Dao Demonstration Realm powerhouse, let alone face 18 Dao Demonstration Realm powerhouses all at once. ."

However, seeing the eighteen strong proving realm, seeing that Han Fei is so fierce, he obviously does not have the power of the law, but he can even break the shroud of the law of eighteen people. In this case, everyone is not a fool and cannot be shaken, so use a big technique to attack. No matter how strong Han Fei is, there is only one person. Eighteen people bombarded in succession. How could Han Fei block such a dense attack by one person.

But I saw that the eighteen people worked together to burst out many great arts, fist light, spear light, knife light, sword energy, and all forces united. .


Those eighteen kinds of tyrannical attacks, every time they hit the World Destruction Fist, can cause the void to fluctuate, forming one after another of shocking ripples.

Until the World Destruction Fist was penetrated, these attacks still impacted Han Fei with some residual power.

"The Great Grinding Plate of Yin and Yang."

I only saw that in front of Han Fei, there was a black and white large grinding wheel that moved forward and reverse. Those attacks fell on this yin and yang large grinding wheel, and they were shattered in an instant.

"Yin and Yang Avenue?"

The people watching were actually slightly stunned. The Yin-Yang Avenue was also an extremely powerful avenue. This way alone, Han Fei's talent has instantly killed countless people.

When the attacks of these people were transformed by the yin and yang grinding disc, Han Fei's mind moved and shouted: "Fusion".

And this time, Han Fei was not a fused little black and white, but a pair of black wings behind him. When the pair of black wings appeared, the fox demons and tiger demons of the divine beast lineage, as well as the fierce beast lineage powerhouses such as Li Luoluo, were all refreshed.


"Eye of Cholera."

As Han Fei's eyes swept away, the other three fell directly into cholera. At this moment, Han Fei is not at all afraid that the powerful people in the Taoist realm can bring backlash against him, so the effect of the Eye of Cholera can be completely applied to these Taoist realm powerhouses.

The three people were confused and began to make random shots. Just this scene, the fox demon was amazed: "As expected, it is the emperor bird, and there is no proof at all, so it can instantly make the three strong proving realm lost. If this proves After the Dao, I am afraid that I can kill dozens of people in one fell swoop."

Tiger Demon: "But his combat power is not enough now, and he has indeed become someone else's companion. I really don't understand why it chose to become a companion."

Fox Demon: "Perhaps, it found the way to become a god? This may be an attempt, and maybe it is. Moreover, this human emperor, but a disciple of the Void Temple, is no worse than the emperor in terms of identity. "

At the moment when Han Fei cholera and the three of them used the Void Stealing Technique to mobilize the three soul-suppressing artifacts.

It can be said that it was too late, but it was fast. At the moment when the three soul-suppressing artifacts appeared, a Tai Chi Yin-Yang map appeared on top of one of them.

"Puff puff!"

I saw that the yin and yang map turned, the soul-suppressing artifact was crushed, and then even the person was smashed by the yin and yang map. At the last moment, it seemed that the soul wanted to escape, but the yin and yang map turned, and was eaten in one bite.

With Xiao Hei's temperament and ability, everything in the world can be eaten.


However, I saw a crack in the avenue of the sky, which means that a strong person in the Taoist realm has fallen.

You must know that under the siege of eighteen experts in the Taoist realm, it is already extremely difficult to kill one in an instant.

Anyway, in the stars of Han Fei's life, there were many exclamations, and almost everyone was shocked.

That fist seal covers the sky and the sun, and even the shaking ripples can easily destroy hundreds of millions of them. This is what they saw from the first perspective of Han Fei's natal stars. Even so, they only barely saw a fist mark. As for the attack that filled the sky, they couldn't see clearly at all, and could only see the colorful profound light.

But anyway, there is a crack in the avenue, which represents the fall of a strong emperor.

"Lord Human Sovereign."

"Your Majesty is mighty."

"Your Majesty is invincible."

"Kill this bunch of scumbags to death."


Countless people watched with surging emotions, and their admiration for Han Fei was indescribable. Especially those who were born after Han Fei left the riotous sea, directly filled up the worship value.

That willpower, wave after wave.

However, Han Fei only had time to kill one of them. Although the other two fell into cholera, the soul-soothing artifact also appeared. However, Han Fei didn't have time to kill them, because many people had already shot at Taishang Yin Yang Tu.

Although Xiao Hei Xiaobai is also extremely powerful now, after all, he has no proof, and it is impossible to stop the joint attack of so many strong men.

But seeing Han Fei's thoughts move, Xiao Hei Xiaobai ignored the spatial distance, appeared directly above his head, and then submerged in his body, the two merged.

This fusion, the yin and yang eyes appeared, and the killing intent on Han Fei's body suddenly soared.

"Pirate, steal..."

Han Fei took the opportunity to steal the two soul-suppressing artifacts, wrapped them in Xinghai Xuansha, and forcibly suppressed them. As the Xinghai Xuansha tightened, the two soul-suppressing artifacts were abruptly blown up.

I just heard Han Fei shouting violently: "I am Han Fei, the emperor of the human race, and I am a powerful person in the realm of the Wanlin tribe..."

These words are naturally shouted to the human race in the chaotic wasteland who are fighting in the city of scavengers at the moment. One is to reassure them that it is not themselves who died. One is to motivate them and enhance their fighting spirit.

Sure enough, hearing Han Fei's remarks, the human races in the chaotic wasteland were overjoyed. It had only been a long time before their battle had fully started, and before they even started fighting, the Emperor killed one of the Ten Thousand Scales. Emperor Zun, what could be more exciting than this?

They always thought that there was only one emperor in the city of scavengers. But now it seems that is not the case at all. But no matter what, that made them unattainable and could only look up to the Emperor Venerable, under this Human Sovereign's hands, could not last a few breaths of time, which made them feel the power of this Human Sovereign for the first time.

After Han Fei shouted this, the emperors of the Wanlin clan were killed. Only the two emperors who were caught in cholera, one of them was involved in the emperor of the Wanlin clan, the other was freed, and they didn't know where to go for a while. where to fight.

Seeing these people kill each other, Han Fei suddenly faced the void, cutting out the Dao Guiyi sword with one hand and the original Dao sword with the other.

The emperors of the Ten Thousand Scales originally wanted to block, but suddenly, these two swords disappeared out of thin air, and it was hard to find a trace.

At this moment, because Han Fei is not an emperor after all, he can't have time to fight back with other great techniques after cutting out these two swords.

And the great skills of the more than ten people have already been killed, and he can only block the body with Xinghai Xuansha.

"bang bang bang~"

"Puff puff~"

After only half a round of impact, Xinghai Xuansha was penetrated, and the remaining great techniques were bombarded on Han Fei's body at almost the same time.


Han Fei spurted out a mouthful of blood essence, and his whole body was cut into blood in an instant.

This scene made the hearts of countless people in the star of life tense.

It's just that all the experts from the Ten Thousand Scales are dumbfounded. Is this all right? It stands to reason that another person would have been blown up by this round of attack, and Han Fei was only a trauma on the surface, which meant that Han Fei's physique was beyond their imagination.

But at this critical moment, Han Fei grinned, and the person closest to him suddenly changed his face. He only felt that someone was depriving him of his body control.

It was only in the gap between the emperors and venerables, and at this moment, Han Fei detained one person with the thread of nothingness. The invincible fist mark cooperates with the killing of the gods and the dusk of the gods, and punches out.

I saw that the person closest to Han Fei couldn't move at all, and was blasted with a punch, destroying both body and spirit.

However, the emperors were already close, and three of them suddenly burst out with some kind of extraordinary power, which was a precursor to the surge of magic. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

They wanted to perform magic at close range and take down Han Fei in one fell swoop.

But at this moment, the two swords that Han Fei cut out just now appeared out of thin air, without warning, directly piercing the two men and detonating them.


(Welcome to the new leader, purely for entertainment, thank the boss, I wish the boss good health and a fortune every day... Well, I wanted to add more, but I really didn't save the manuscript, and the old pig owes it to the next volume. Time to make it up...)



Three consecutive avenues of cracks appeared, reflecting the sky, indicating the fall of the three emperors.

Someone realized that something was wrong and hurriedly shouted: "It's the Avenue of Time, these two swords jumped in time..."

The emperors froze in their hearts, didn't they mean the disciples of the Void Temple? How can there be avenues of time?

But at this time, they were already close, and even one of the magical techniques had been deployed, which was a sword of law, branded with the power of Dao Rune.


However, the Void Stealing Technique directly stole the sword and killed the other person with his backhand. And he himself was hit by ten people in another round of great art.

"Puff puff~"


Han Fei vomited blood again, but another Emperor Venerable was pierced by this divine-level law sword and fell on the spot.


The sound of the emperor's bird appeared, scaring the emperors to retreat quickly.

Unfortunately, nothing happened next. Instead, a beam of healing light fell from the sky and landed on Han Fei.

However, he saw that Han Fei's injuries were quickly repaired, and his slightly hoarse voice sounded again:

"My name is Han Fei, and I have killed four Taoist realm emperors in a row, congratulations to the human race..."

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