God of Fishing

Chapter 2681: Those 9, let's go together (2 in 1)

"Hoo, hooho~"

"Human Sovereign will not be defeated, Human Sovereign is invincible."


Within the stars of Han Fei's life, everyone was still worried that Han Fei was seriously injured, but in a blink of an eye, the situation reversed, and Han Fei backhanded four emperors in a row, which really calmed them down.

Although they didn't know how these emperors died, this did not prevent them from cheering for Han Fei. In the entire natal star, the language has been unable to express their excitement, at this moment it is all the sound of roaring.

As for Wang Xiaojiu and the others, they were swallowing their saliva again and again.

The powerhouses of the lava giant clan are also heartbroken. They knew that Han Fei was not weak, but they didn't expect Han Fei to be so strong. Moreover, Han Fei's hard-fought fighting style perfectly showed them what it means to be invincible.

The lava giants think that their defense is amazing, but now that they are amazing, how can they stop the joint attack of the eighteen emperors of the Taoist realm?

The chaotic wasteland people are also crazy at the moment, they are in a passionate mood, they can't help themselves, they seem to be full of excitement, and they can't be released.

Among the onlookers, the tiger demon and fox demon of the mythical beast lineage, and the separation of the fierce beast lineage, were not too shocked. After all, Han Fei has too many identity labels, the disciple of the Void Temple, the Lord of the Emperor Sparrow, and the Emperor of the Human Race.

Therefore, it was not beyond their expectations that Han Fei could achieve such a record. The three temples, the Void's combat power is on the table, this is a recognized fact. Even if Han Fei is only in the Open Heaven Realm, he has not fallen into the prestige of the Void Temple.

In the audience, the Great Emperor Wanlin looked very solemn on the surface, but he was secretly relieved. He admitted that Han Fei was strong and indeed worthy of the title of disciple of the Void Temple.

However, judging from the current battle situation, it is not easy for Han Fei to destroy a group of 18 strong people in the Taoist realm. He can fight, but can he slash the Happy Realm like this? Of course it's impossible, the difference between a person in the free and easy realm and a person in the Taoist realm is more than that.

Even if Han Fei's peak combat power can kill two or three in a row, so what? Can he kill ten in a row?

If he can't even get past the Happy Realm, what will Han Fei use to fight the Longevity Realm?

On Gu Tingnan's side, he could only marvel at the strength of Han Fei. Only Liu Qiansi felt that this was normal. Han Fei already had the ability to kill the emperor. Otherwise, the grave grass will grow a few stubble by now.

When Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian saw this, they just looked at each other. Han Guanshu said, "Your decision is more sensible. Sure enough, it is a breakthrough attempt to pass Fei'er's blood to Suli and transform it into a spiritual vein. Facts have proved that Without blood, Fei'er can be as strong as I was back then."

Jiang Linxian glanced at him: "Don't be narcissistic, you were so strong back then? He took the path of extreme balance, and you only took the unipolar path, how much worse?"

"Haha! If it wasn't for the group of guys in the soul sea intervening, I would have already embarked on this road."

Jiang Linxian nodded slightly, and then said lightly: "There will be a chance, we are reincarnated in the ninth world, isn't it for those eternal ones?"


At this moment, the eighteen emperors of the Taoist realm, because they are not familiar with Han Fei's fighting methods, or because they have never met an opponent like Han Fei, have even fallen to five people, and two of them are still caught in cholera. .

In the blink of an eye, there were only 11 of them left, which made these ten thousand-scale experts in the Dao Realm feel deep fear.

Han Fei's physique, and the legendary existence of Emperor Sparrow as a companion spirit, can't be killed by normal methods.

So, someone shouted: "Everyone, sacrifice your life for my Wanlin Clan!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's heart froze. Giving up your life is easy to say, but it is life!

But then I thought about it, if I was going to die anyway, what else could I do other than lay down my life? Anyway, they are all dead, and naturally they will drag this emperor into the water!

However, one person sighed: "Everyone, you can't delay, this person has also embarked on the Apocalypse Avenue. For the sake of the emperor and the future of the Wanlin Clan, I will take one step first."

I saw that one of them was bloody, his scales changed from dark green to crimson, and his blood was burning. At the center of his eyebrows, the power of the soul is also burning, bursting with blue fire.

And behind him, a scale detached from his body with a "click".


This person also carried it neatly, only to see that he actually blew himself up, integrating the power of blood, soul, and life into that single scale.

The next moment, the scales turned into a sword light, pouring out all of this person.

Han Fei's heart froze, this is no longer the power of the Taoist realm, it has definitely reached the power of the happy realm, and it is not the ordinary power of the happy realm.

Han Fei immediately cast the world-destroying fist, and at the same time, Xinghai Xuansha condensed in front of him, and he chose to resist.


However, I saw that the World Destruction Fist actually shattered inch by inch under this blow. It's not because the World Destruction Fist is not strong enough, but because the realm gap between Han Fei and this person is too big, and the other party fights to kill himself, and he has to kill him.

Therefore, when the Fist of Destruction was completely destroyed, the power of this blow seemed to be only consumed by a small half. And Xinghai Xuansha turned into a sand cone in front of Han Fei, trying to block. But in the same way, Xinghai Xuansha also collapsed inch by inch.

However, the collapsed Xinghai Xuansha quickly re-condensed and was not broken through. Han Fei also fought hard, and the blood kept flowing from the quarrel. He forcibly borrowed the power of Xinghai Xuansha to lock the power of this knife.

However, if one person can't take down Han Fei, what about three people? However, two more people stood up, sacrificed themselves, turned into the power of this knife, and slashed at Han Fei.


Within Han Fei's natal star, everyone held their breath, even the large and flexible eyes of Liumen Haixing stopped turning at this moment, staring closely at the terrifying sword light.

And it seems that the two swords are about to touch the Xinghai Xuansha. Suddenly, Han Fei stretched out his hand and held a machete, and pulled it in the void.

The next moment, Xinghai Xuansha was pierced and scattered into a piece of loose sand. However, a crack filled with a blue halo appeared.

"Brush brush~"

After three consecutive life-threatening blows, he suddenly fell into it and disappeared.

"No, this man sent our attack into time."

"It's the timeline. These three attacks did not appear in the long river of time. He directly cut through multiple timelines."

"how so?"

And Han Fei continued to shout loudly: "I am Han Fei, the emperor of the human race, and I will kill the three emperors of the Wanlin clan and congratulate the human clan. My compatriots, release your anger and kill as much as you like! One hundred thousand years The enslavement must be paid for by the annihilation of the Wanlin Clan."

When Han Fei shouted, these Taoist experts were all fascinated. How could they fight? The head-on battle was just enough, and the hard-hitting could not win. In this short period of time, eight people have already fallen.

Han Fei danced the Blade of Hope and let it return to his body. This kind of unexpected tactics, once used, the opponent will not be fooled again.

However, at this moment, there are only 10 people left in the Taoist realm of the Wanlin Clan, including the two who suffered from cholera. However, the two people who suffered from cholera are still looking for someone to fight. How many fighting strengths can they still have?

But the next moment, Han Fei's eyes burst into a long black light, but he saw that one of the eight people suddenly shot at his companion.


But seeing them retreat one after another, they knew that this was another person suffering from cholera.

At this point, they are out of luck. The three Wanlin clan strongmen who were cholera-affected were shooting indiscriminately, and it was normal, with only seven people left.

These seven people, while trying to contain the three people who were caught in cholera, had to face Han Fei at the same time.

The key is that they did not dare to kill the three people who were caught in cholera, because they clearly realized that with the current power of Emperor Sparrow, they could only let three people get caught in cholera. It's fine to kill each other, there is no need to fight with Han Fei anymore.

This is an unsolvable battle, they can't retreat, they can't admit defeat, they can only fight hard.

In the end, after a stick of incense, the remaining Ten Thousand Scales Clan Demonstration Realm powerhouses turned into cracks in the avenues above the sky.

This is something that can't be helped. The strength limitation of the Taoist realm makes it impossible for them to win Han Fei. However, Han Fei had enough strength and means to strangle them, but it was only a matter of time.

Therefore, when these people were wiped out, they only heard Han Fei proudly standing above the stormy void, and the voice spread to the four fields: "I am the emperor Han Fei, and in total, I will kill 18 emperors of the Taoist realm of the Wanlin clan. , congratulations to the human race..."

On the side of the gods and beasts, the fox demon directly rolled his eyes: "He could have ended the battle sooner, but he dragged on for so long and made himself so miserable. Is this selling misery to the people?"

Tiger Demon: "Well! Maybe it's a little different to take the road of the emperor! There should be a lot of people watching a battle in his life star."

The fox demon said leisurely: "Is it for the power of will?"

Tiger Demon: "I don't understand, I haven't walked this road yet, but it should be for the sake of willingness."

On the Queen of Terror's side, Wushuang looked a little embarrassed. Seeing Han Fei beheading Emperor, she suddenly felt that her preaching was not worth mentioning at all.

Even if she has proven the Dao now, it is impossible for her to behead these eighteen emperors. But Han Fei did it before he could prove the Dao, and in terms of combat power, it seemed that there was not much loss.

Queen of Terror: "Look! I asked you to hook up with this kid, but you didn't hook up, tsk tsk... Now you don't want to try again?"

Wushuang was speechless: "Queen, can you stop thinking about these things all day?"

The Queen of Horror sneered: "A fool, I don't know how good a man is when I'm young, and there is no dependence on the road of cultivation. The little girl always doesn't understand, hey..."

Wushuang: "..."

At this moment, Han Fei is experiencing the insane growth of the will power in his body. There is too much. The last few days of attacking the city and the land, and the will power he has collected from killing the emperor now, has completely condensed into that dan bead in his body, which is round and bright.

Han Fei felt that if at this time, he integrated this will into his own Dao of Self or Star Core, there might be unexpected gains. If he used it to prove the Dao, he felt that at least two or three imperial tribulations could be blocked without any problem.

The Daoist Realm had already been killed, Han Fei glanced at the Great Emperor Wanlin, and then looked at the ten Free-Easy Realm powerhouses. The latter were all horrified.

Han Fei's expression was a little hesitant. The Emperor of the Free Realm was fast, and his physique and spirit were strong. Even if his strength is doubled, it should be comparable to the Happy Realm at most. Fighting them is actually very difficult.

At the beginning, in the overseas of the gods and demons, he killed the strong boxer by himself, and used the Qinglong anti-sky scale. At that time, the opponent was three-on-one, and I had no choice but to use it.

This time, he wasn't going to go head-to-head with these Happy Realm, but he wanted to give it a try. He wanted to try his best to be able to kill a powerhouse in the Happy Realm.

At the same time, he needs to kill a free and happy realm for others to see without any external force.

Han Fei glanced at these free and easy realm powerhouses, and the voice of Emperor Que sounded in his mind: "You are looking for trouble, what can you do if you win?"

Han Fei: "Today's battle will definitely spread, I will fight one more realm with my true ability, and the human race will be safe in the future. If I win the Xiaoyao realm now, then after I prove the Dao, I will not be in the longevity realm. Dare to have any unreasonable thoughts about my human race."

Emperor Que; "Since you are the true disciple of the Void Temple, you didn't win, and no one dared to take action against the human race."

Han Fei: "It's different, the Void Temple is not all human race, I can't always use the Void Temple as my trump card. If someone takes this opportunity to use the Void Temple to help me, it will be a big loss."

Emperor Que: "Let's do it! If you were to single out, you wouldn't need my eye of cholera, right?"

Emperor Que's Eye of Cholera can now be able to achieve three Taoist realms for cholera, and there is also a chance for one of cholera's free realm, but it may not last long.

It's just that this is a performance. If the opponent falls into cholera and allows him to beat him, even if he is beheaded, no one will admit his true strength.

Therefore, the eye of cholera must not be used. Han Fei couldn't help but said: "The battle of the gods can barely double my strength. You can only provide me with this strength. I can bear it."

As for Xiaohei and Xiaobai, all he can provide for himself is the yin and yang eyes, and he can understand and predict the opponent's shot.

But he heard Han Fei say: "Come on! Who was the first to come over and die?"

The Happy Realm is also divided into strengths and weaknesses. Han Fei follows the one-on-one procedure, and the Wanlin clan must be the weakest one to go first. After all, there is no one in a million who can get here. When faced with a pervert like Han Fei, it is better not to take action.

Even if he wanted to make a move, he would have to let other Xiaoyao realm powerhouses consume Han Fei's combat power or mental power. Because Han Fei fought across the border, the mental consumption is also not small. If he really wants to fight one by one, when he hits the last one, who is also the strongest free-spirited realm powerhouse, the possibility of his defeat is very high.

Moreover, weaker free-spirited powerhouses can also try out Han Fei's bottom line.

As a result, among the Wanlin Clan, a free-spirited realm powerhouse who may have just been promoted has not been promoted for a long time, came out. He didn't really want to come, because everyone else was better than him. He knew that the reason they let him play in the first battle was to use himself to consume Han Fei, or to see Han Fei's methods clearly.

He had to fight this battle.

I just listened to this person: "My name is Luo Zhansan. In the early days of the Wanlin Clan's Happy Realm, I know that you are strong, but since it is a battle of life and death, I will do my best to kill you."

When Luo Zhansan said the words of killing Han Fei, some of the onlookers shook their heads slightly, but if he knew something about the history of the emperor, he would not dare to say that he killed Han Fei.

Not to mention whether he can beat Han Fei, even if he really kills Han Fei, then Luo Zhansan is not far from death. The title of the King of Fierce Beasts of the Emperor Zun's generation is not for nothing, and not everyone can kill the Emperor Sparrow.

Han Fei didn't hesitate. The sooner the battle on his side was over, the better the situation on the Terran side would be, and the better the Terran's momentum would be.

But I saw that Han Fei began to change his fingers a little, and cut out a Wuxiang Wuji sword.

But this sword, like before, disappeared the moment it was cut out. It's just that this trick has been used now, and everyone knows that this sword will jump in time and appear at a certain point in time.

However, when Han Fei cut out the Wuxiang Wuji Sword, there were many people present showing admiration. Han Fei did not make a test, but made all his efforts, which was a wise choice.

Immediately, Han Fei took out the God-shattering scissors.

This Luo Zhansan is no nonsense. He entered the game in an instant. He knew that the longer the blank time for Han Fei, the more dangerous he would be. Just imagine, if dozens of divine arts were suddenly killed from an unknown point in time, even if you were immortal, you would have to peel off your skin.

There is a big difference between Xiaoyao Realm and Dao Demonstration Realm. First of all, the speed is several times that of a strong Demon Realm Realm. I saw Luo Zhansan appear next to Han Fei in the blink of an eye, trying to suppress Han Fei with speed.

However, at the beginning, he used the Void Stealing Technique, and only listening to a few "poofs", Han Fei spurted blood from his seven orifices and suffered backlash. But Luo Zhansan's speed dropped sharply, Han Fei didn't say a word, he held the God Shattering scissors in his hand, and the "click" was just that, cutting Luo Zhansan's speed law directly.

Once the law of speed is broken, Luo Zhansan can only replace it with the speed of other laws. However, compared with the speed that he is good at, it is naturally much slower.

And Luo Zhansan did not choose to give up the attack because of the sudden drop in speed. He knew that Emperor Que had the ability to cholera others, but his soul-suppressing artifact was stronger. Moreover, if Emperor Que can really cholera himself, then no matter how he does it, it will be in vain.

Therefore, Luo Zhansan could only kill Han Fei like a stunned young man.

As a result, the Eye of Cholera, which he was always vigilant about, did not appear. Instead, Han Fei's body was surging with suffocation. With the addition of Tian Sha's body, his strength was doubled. At this moment, the peak strength could reach eight times the basic combat strength, that is, nearly 800. Tap the power of the stars.

First of all, in terms of strength and the power of the soul, it should be enough to open up the sea and the free realm. The real comprehensive combat power is probably barely.

Han Fei held the broken **** scissors, and used the scissors to transform the sword, and the sword produced the Wuxiang Wuji sword.

And Luo Zhansan used a hammer. At this moment, there was a sudden burst of magic. The power of the hammer seemed to be pushed horizontally from the world behind him. It was not so much a hammer as it was a world.

Han Fei didn't show weakness, and his sword power was endless.

When the Wuxiang Wuji Sword fell on the giant hammer, suddenly, the time trick was activated, and the Wuxiang Wuji sword that Han Fei had just cut out also jumped out of time.

This is equivalent to Han Fei slashing out three Wuxiang Wuji swords at once, which is equivalent to performing three magical techniques.




I saw the shadow of the giant hammer that took up half of the sea, and was cut open by these three phaseless and infinite swords. But the results of the confrontation were not ideal. He is equivalent to the explosion of a triple divine technique, and after cutting off this hammer, there is only one left. This is also the result of having used Ragnarok to destroy the power of the method.

And the rest got the Wuxiang Wuji Sword, and when they killed Luo Zhansan, although Luo Zhansan was killed by this sword and retreated 100,000 miles, but the Taoism Profound Armor appeared all over his body. It took a breath of time to shatter, and then he saw another set of artifact armor emerging from his body, at least a high-grade artifact level, but only half of it was chopped off.

However, Han Fei's round of triple magic was actually resisted by Luo Zhansan without injury. From here, it can be found that there is a huge gap between the Happy Realm and the Dao Demonstration Realm. If he is in the realm of proving the Tao, he basically can't stop his own Wuxiang Wuji sword, and even the Dao Guiyi sword can't stop it.

Han Fei's face was solemn. Sure enough, he still underestimated the powerhouses in the Xiaoyao Realm. The Wuxiang Wuji Sword and the World Destruction Fist, these two magical techniques are the strongest combat skills that Han Fei can use now. Fei's strength is maximized.

That's it, Luo Zhansan is still the weakest among these ten people. Han Fei thought to himself that although he could still fight again, he couldn't do it if he wanted to kill in seconds.

No, although Luo Zhansan was equally astonished in his heart, in just one face-to-face, not to mention that his magic was broken, his body protection was also broken, and he almost got into a set of high-quality artifacts.

But he also understands that the use of divine arts cannot be too frequent, so after blocking Han Fei's sword, he kills Han Fei again.

Seeing this, Han Fei really didn't have time to perform magic, only to see an invincible sword light "swipe" in his invincible eyes.

Seeing this, Luo Zhansan's face changed greatly, but he saw a pair of gloves appear on his hands, and then he closed his hands and chose to resist.


Once again, Luo Zhansan was cut back hundreds of thousands of miles. When he stopped his retreat, the high-grade artifact glove in his hand was completely abolished. A pair of arms were left with the bones of gold and jade, and the flesh and blood scales were shattered by the invincible sword light. .

Han Fei didn't give Luo Zhansan time to recover. When Luo Zhansan just stood firm, he was already in front of him, and the invincible fist imprinted ten thousand punches in one breath, and punched out the fist imprint of the sky.

As far as the effect of the combat skills is concerned, it is quite shocking, and the human race in Han Fei's life star has applauded.

Only a few people realize that Han Fei can no longer kill the emperor in front of him, which means that Han Fei and the enemy are basically in the same state, or even weaker.

Luo Zhansan is obviously also a physique practitioner, otherwise he would not be able to practice hammering, so at this moment, relying on the physique and monstrous blood of Xiaoyaojing, he counterattacked.

"bang bang bang~"

"Boom boom~"

"Puff puff~"

However, in just three to five breaths, the two of them were bombarded with blood, and even Han Fei's ribs were broken three times. This is the first time his bones have been broken since he entered the sea world.

It can be seen that although he can temporarily possess the combat power of the Happy Realm by virtue of the Dao of Self, there is still a gap between him and the real Happy Realm.

Of course, Luo Zhansan didn't get much better. Han Fei's invincible fist mark was mixed with the way of killing the gods and the power of the twilight of the gods. Luo Zhansan was stunned by the blast, and bursts of golden light came out of his head. That is the soul-suppressing artifact protecting the soul.

In the end, Luo Zhansan did not dare to continue, because the power of killing the gods was running wildly in his body, destroying his body all the time.

He knows that the longer the battle, the more disadvantageous it is to him. The biggest disadvantage of close combat is that it is too late to perform magic, and both sides must see each other in a very short period of time. This is pure strength and blood. collision.

I saw Luo Zhansan spit out a mouthful of blood, the blood atomized into a small hammer and knocked it down, Han Fei's pupils narrowed slightly, and his body suddenly turned into two mists. After a heavy blow, Han Fei's face paled slightly after the twin magic arts were united.

Backhand stuffed a ball of liquid divine brilliance into his mouth, and charged up again.

He doesn't believe that Luo Zhansan can use the hammer of qi and blood a few times. Luo Zhansan can use it, and Han Fei can also use it, but it's not necessary. The overdraft is too large, maybe once or twice, but three or four times Luo Zhansan will be abolished.

Sure enough, Luo Zhansan did not dare to continue, and had no choice but to continue to fight.

The result ~www.readwn.com~ can be imagined, Han Fei still has apocalypse magic recovery, Luo Zhansan can only rely on the power of Xiaoyaojing to forcibly recover, this recovery is not complete, for the foundation, for the real-time combat power losses are enormous.

Therefore, in just ten breaths, Han Fei forcibly smashed Luo Zhansan's soul-suppressing artifact at the cost of breaking an arm.

It's not that Han Fei doesn't want to use the void stealing technique, but the backlash of the void stealing technique consumes too much mental power.

The shattering of the soul-suppressing artifact indicates that Luo Zhansan can no longer resist the characteristics of Ragnarok. In just a few rounds of rushing, most of Luo Zhansan's divine soul was annihilated, and his strength dropped significantly.

Han Fei's mind moved, and the God Shattered Cut made a "click" and cut Luo Zhansan.


A huge avenue crack appeared in front of everyone. At this moment, Han Fei was already covered with bruises, but he still shouted: "I am Han Fei, the emperor of the human race, and I will be the emperor of the Happy Realm of the Ten Thousand Scales, and congratulations to the human race..."

However, this time, although there were cheers in the stars, most people were silent. They witnessed the battle with their own eyes, and also saw Han Fei's bruised appearance.

However, there are still nine strong men of this level on the opposite side!

After a moment of silence, in Han Fei's life star, someone burst out the word "Human Sovereign" from the silence.

At this moment, there is no need for too many words. The word "Human Sovereign" is their belief, their absolute recognition of Han Fei's identity as a Human Sovereign, and their highest respect for Han Fei.

"Human Sovereign, Human Sovereign, Human Sovereign..."

In the star of life, hundreds of millions of people shouted for Han Fei.

At this moment, Han Fei was bathed in the divine technique of apocalypse, and his voice sounded leisurely: "The next nine, let's go together..."

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