God of Fishing

Chapter 2689: Human race

When Han Fei returned to the Chaos Wasteland, the first thing he did was to release all the human race, and Tian Tian was not the same thing in his natal star. Han Fei couldn't bear it when people were eating horse chews.


When all the tribes appeared at the old site of the city of scavengers, the scene was quite spectacular. Hundreds of billions of people, how could a city of scavengers fit in?

Now, there are still more than fifty years before the tidal wave, so there is no need to be too anxious to defend.

At this moment, many people appeared in the Chaos Wasteland once, and they were full of curiosity.

"Is this the sea world? The concentration of spiritual energy is really high, nearly twice as high as the riotous sea."

"This is just the chaotic wasteland. Didn't you listen to the human race here? The chaotic wasteland is not the real sea world. It is said that outside the chaotic wasteland, it is more suitable for cultivation than here."

"This is the previous battlefield, right? The blood is so strong."

"Nonsense, the Wanlin clan was wiped out, and that is the fall of hundreds of millions of people, can this **** aura not be strong?"

There is a strong person in the sea opening state: "It's not a bad thing to have a strong **** atmosphere here, so many people have fallen, and the power they have dissipated is all free in this world. This is the best time for my human race to cultivate. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

"Compatriots of the human race."

At this time, Han Fei's voice resounded above everyone's heads, but they saw Han Fei standing above the void with a dharma-like body.

"Look, it's Lord Human Sovereign."

"Quiet me all, Lord Human Sovereign has something to say."

"Quiet, if there is anything we can discuss later."

"Put away your curiosity."

When the scene calmed down a little, Han Fei said slowly: "My fellow human beings, the place where we are now is the chaotic wasteland of the sea world. Let me briefly popularize the knowledge of the sea world for you. The sea world is divided into two parts. It is the five major Shenzhou, which are the five major Shenzhou in the southeast, northwest, and middle. And we are located in the most remote corner of the East China Sea, called the Chaos Wasteland. Compared with other places in the East China Sea, the resources of the Chaos Wasteland, aura, The environment is quite bad. But it is more than several times stronger than the riotous sea. At present, most of you are not strong enough. Even if you go outside the chaotic wasteland, it may be difficult for you to adapt. The environment there, the aura is too strong, is not a good thing for you. Therefore, my human race will temporarily stay in the chaotic wasteland to practice for hundreds of years. After ten days and a half at most, because you adapt to the chaotic wasteland The environment will usher in a universal breakthrough, this will be a grand national breakthrough, please be prepared, and recuperate recently, so as to be ready for a breakthrough at any time..."

Han Fei talked a lot, but in fact, it didn't take ten days and a half months. At this moment, Han Fei had just released all the Terrans, and many people were already a little unsteady.

Especially those who followed Han Fei to attack the city and conquered the land. They gained a lot of resources and treasures in those cities. As early as Han Fei's birth star, some of them wanted to break through.

It's just that Han Fei suppressed them, otherwise once these people started to break through, he would need to continuously supply their breakthrough energy and spiritual energy.

I just listened to Han Fei adding: "Now, if you can't suppress it, the people who need to break through immediately go to the center of the ruins to spread out and prepare to make a breakthrough. Thousands of scales are destroyed, and there is a huge amount of lingering energy and spiritual energy here, enough. You consume and break through recklessly. However, I want to tell everyone that these energy crystals that you currently get in the sea realm contain a lot of godless souls and auras, but don’t use them indiscriminately, only when you have to. Use sparingly. If you use too much, it will affect your foundation..."

"Follow the teachings of the Emperor."


Someone said in surprise: "Then this, isn't it robbed in vain?"

Some people were about to cry: "Then I grabbed a bunch of them. When I felt that there were so many soulless souls in it, I almost died of excitement. Why are there side effects?"

Someone sighed: "Sure enough, there is nothing in this world that can be achieved overnight. Even this kind of good thing can only be used in small amounts. It's a loss."

Someone shouted: "What's the loss? You can't use it, and others can use it. There are so many people here, not everyone has this kind of treasure, so if you can't use it up, you can have it with everyone. an exchange."

But when Han Fei finished saying this, he saw one after another figure vacating or running away. The number of these people alone was as high as nearly ten million.

They are all people who have been suppressed for a long time and are about to break through now, and most of them are in the realm of explorers.

Because there were not many Law Enforcement Realms who followed Han Fei to fight in the early stage, no, as these people took their places, Han Fei greeted: "All the powerhouses above the Venerable Realm in the Chaos Wasteland, you should be stronger. Protect the way for the rioting human race. Those below the Venerable Realm must quickly integrate into the rioting human race. Our human race is now one, regardless of each other. In the future, we will implement a series of measures, so everyone should not be too far apart for the time being. Far away, convenient for staff deployment…”

"Yes, Lord Human Sovereign."

"Follow the orders of the Emperor."


Because there are too many people, Han Fei can't handle it. So after saying these words, Han Fei found Han Xuan directly.

"Uncle Xuan, now the human race is unified, there are too many people, there are many things to deal with, you may need to take action, and plan to mix the human race of the rioting sea with the human race of the chaotic wasteland."

Han Xuan rolled his eyes directly: "You kid, you really look down on me. So many people..."

Han Fei: "Uncle Xuan, my 70,000-seven killing army will be deployed by you. At present, all of the human race's sea-opening realm and venerable realm are all allocated by you."

Han Xuan rubbed his head: "It's not a good thing for me to be too smart!"

Han Fei said with a smile: "It's hard work for those who are capable. By the way, you know Hongyue. He is not weak now, and he is familiar with the Chaos Wasteland. I will let him cooperate with you. During this time, it is difficult. But Just get through it. The comprehensive strength of our human race will definitely grow exponentially. Within a few decades, the average per capita will break through at least one big realm, or even more. This is the real rise of the human race..."

"Alright, alright, you don't have to pour me ecstasy soup, I'll take care of it. By the way, did your father and your mother just run away with Yin'er?"

Han Fei looked strange: "It didn't run, they said they went for a walk."

"Heh, strolling? I think it's because I'm afraid of trouble, so I'll throw it to you with such a big stall. You'd be better off throwing such a big stall to me. I'm the busiest one in the family."

Although Han Xuan complained, but after complaining to Han Fei, he directly shouted: "Hongyue, the Seven Killing Army belongs to, all the races, the undersea humans and the sea-opening realm powerhouses, all come here."

Han Xuan didn't call it the merman royal family, because it was no longer a race. Xia Hongzhu was the leader of the merman royal family, and he did not need to intervene.

In the past in the riots, although Han Xuan had been sitting in Jiugongtian, his news coverage was quite extensive. Jiugongtian is also the most distinctive one among the thirty-six Xuantians.

Han Xuan called for existences above the sea-opening realm, because only the sea-opening realm has absolute authority in the current human race. Moreover, the Venerable Realm is mostly from the Chaos Wasteland, and it is not easy to use.

When Hongyue and the others arrived, Han Xuan just nodded lightly with Hongyue, and then said, "Hongyue, you pick ten experts from the Open Heaven Realm that you are familiar with, and you need to cooperate with me to deal with the human race in the future. Big and small matters. For all other Heaven-Opening Realms, distribute all the Sea-Opening Realms here equally, remember their names and every face, and within ten years, they will all be your capable soldiers.”

These words, Han Xuan said in front of everyone in the sea world, only to hear him say: "All the strong people in the sea world, after the chaos, there will be great governance. Everything requires us to work hard again. I need to occupy ten years of all of you who are strong in the sea-opening realm. You may not have much time to cultivate in these ten years, because you are in the sea-opening realm, and you are among the current human race. One of the top powers. Since you are a human race, you should assume corresponding responsibilities. So I need you to spend ten years to help me govern the current human race. Does everyone have any objections?"

"no disagreement."

At this time, how could anyone disagree. Not to mention that Han Xuan is the ruler of the human race appointed by Han Fei. Since they are in the sea, they know that there are too many human races, and it is a big trouble to manage.

However, someone raised a question: "Lord Han Xuan, if we govern the human race now, what will happen to the primitive city? If there is a war, we will definitely suffer losses..."

Han Xuan calmly said: "There is currently no Emperor Venerable in the Primitive City, and there is only a need for a strong Emperor Venerable Realm to check and balance for the time being. The breakthrough frenzy of the human race is approaching, and launching a war immediately is not conducive to the stability of the human race. Therefore, yes The battle of the primitive city must be after the human race breaks through the frenzy. During this time, you need to select at least ten or more candidates from your rulers as your helpers, even if you Fallen in the battle of the primitive city, these people can also take your place at any time."

Han Xuan paused for a moment and continued: "Now, your task is to use the same method to distribute evenly to those in the Venerable Realm and below. Those below the angler's realm can be roughly evenly distributed. I mean an even distribution. , Naturally, the people from the chaotic wasteland and the undersea human race are grouped together. I don't want to see people discriminating against the undersea human race, nor do I hope that the human race in the chaotic wasteland has a sense of superiority because of their strength. What I need is a harmonious The human race. I will give you three days to complete the distribution of the crowd. Then I will start arranging the construction of the city..."

After Hong Yue selected ten people to stay, Han Xuan said: "Old Hong, as the former Lord of Crazy Corpse, you cooperated with me in drafting the Human Race Code. Where there are people, trouble will occur. The Code has the most basic binding force and must be in a timely manner.”

Hong Yue readily accepted the order. He was self-aware. His identity was completely incomparable with Han Xuan's. This was Han Fei's uncle.

When it was over, Han Xuan looked at Han Fei: "The easiest way is the most effective, I'll handle it here. As the emperor, you don't need to deal with these things, but you need to contain the original city. If nothing else, They are in a mess now without a leader, but you still have a hole card in your hand."

Han Fei raised his brows: "An Bailin?"

Han Xuan: "That's right. I know you were going to torture this person, or leave it to Xia Xiaochan. In fact, it's totally unnecessary. Xia Xiaochan has already been reincarnated, and even if she returns, her memories will merge. I found that the original city is gone, so there is not much hatred. Lao Hong is the master of the mad corpse, if there is a way to refine this An Bailin into a corpse..."

Han Fei: "I have a way to refine him into a puppet."


Han Xuan: "That's it! Now the primitive city is headless, and the return of An Bailin is their life-saving straw. Once An Bailin returns, it must be their absolute leader and can stabilize people's hearts."

Han Fei didn't expect this. The hatred for An Bailin made him forget that this person can be used.

Han Fei's eyes lit up; "With An Bailin controlling the primitive city, you can manipulate this race at will."

Han Xuan shook his head: "No, all the powerhouses in the Primordial City must die. This is not negotiable. But fighting with one's own strength is meaningless, it will only increase consumption. I have understood it in the past few days. Now, there will be a tidal wave every hundred years in the Chaos Wasteland. As long as there is a problem with the original city's defense formation, a tidal wave can help us clear the high-end combat power of the original city. As for the Kaitian realm Now, let's keep it for the people to train troops! With a population of 10 billion, how can you do without experience?"

Han Fei suddenly became enlightened. His original plan was to wait for the breakthrough frenzy to pass, and immediately destroy the primitive city. In the way of fighting to support the war, let the race get a rapid growth.

However, Han Xuan only made a few small changes, which can greatly reduce the loss of the human race, and can achieve the same purpose, or even better, so why not do it?

I saw Han Fei nodded in agreement: "Okay! Leave this An Bailin to me."

Han Xuan: "Of course I leave it to you. Although you don't have to govern the human race, you have a lot of things to do. You said that the side effects of the energy crystallization are quite large, so resources have become a big difficulty. There are so many people in the human race, although I have inquired about it, and there are quite a few mining areas here, but the city of scavengers used to have a large population, not even 1% of my current human race. Therefore, the amount of resources must be insufficient. This problem can only be left to you. "

Han Fei thought that there were so many open heaven realms, Taoist realms, and even the fall of the Great Emperor Wanlin. Their natal stars are all there, even if they use the Navigation Vientiane to explore three times a day, it will take at least 136 years to sweep away all these natal stars.

So, in terms of resources, it should be barely sustainable. It is precisely because of this that he chose to build a city at the former site of the city of scavengers. Although thousands of miles away is the place where the Great Emperor Wanlin fell, it will definitely become a Jedi and spread here after a certain period of time, but the amount of resources here is very rich. If you harvest three people's natal stars every day, you should also It can barely supply the current human race to grow.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Resources are not the problem."

Han Xuan: "That's good. Since resources are not a problem, there is one more thing that needs your cooperation with me."

"What's the matter?"

Han Xuan: "As the breakthrough frenzy continues, the rate of aura consumption is bound to increase sharply. I know your purpose for building a city here. But just relying on the free aura in the sky and the earth is definitely not enough. For example, most powerful people fall. Afterwards, this spiritual energy also dissipated, and after escaping, it can only stay here for a short time. Therefore, I need you to help me build a city. Build a transcendent spiritual gathering array composed of many small cities. So in the future For a few years, don't even think about running."


Han Fei raised his eyelids: "A spirit gathering formation that can accommodate the entire human race?"

Han Xuan: "Yes, the difficulty is a bit more difficult, but you are a master of the formation, and you should know the benefits of doing this. Even if the human race only stays in this place for decades, it will be worth it."

Han Fei took a deep breath: "Okay!"

Han Fei sighed in his heart. Before, he thought too well. He thought that if the human race won, he would have a lot of time to consolidate the Kaitian realm and continue to practice.

But now it seems that as a human emperor, I have to undertake some obligations. To put it bluntly, the idea of ​​this super gathering spirit array proposed by Han Xuan, if he is only given to him, it may be difficult to arrange it completely for ten years, because the area is really too large, which involves There are too many details.

However, with someone like Han Xuan who thinks he is good at calculating, he can even make a thousand-mechanical god-ghost plate by himself. It really doesn't take so much time to arrange such a large formation.

Han Fei: "Okay, I'll arrange for An Bailin first."

Primitive city.

The city has been closed for several days, and the defense formation has been open all the time.

Two days ago, the momentum was too great, and the Emperor Zun fell one by one. Some of them even heard the great emperor's cicada, and seemed to be telling his sorrow.

This made these returning Open Heaven Realm experts even more confused about what to do, and wanted to wait and see if there was any Emperor Venerable who could return.

Among the elders, there was already a lot of noise.

"Stupid, you are all stupid people. Someone killed dozens of emperors in my primitive city, and finally even the great emperor Chanming appeared. Can't this make you sober? The city has taken action, and it is very likely that the great emperor of my An family has fallen."

Someone was talking in bursts, and they were shouting angrily.

Someone snorted coldly: "Fart, I don't believe that the Great Emperor has fallen. If the Great Emperor has fallen, how can my primitive city be at peace now?"

"Emperor has been slaughtered cleanly, do you call this peace and harmony?"

Someone said: "I mean the whole Primitive City, it's been two days since the war. So far, no emperor has returned to sit in town, which is a very bad thing. Moreover, I sent out more than a dozen waves. For the powerhouses of the Open Heaven Realm, the fate monument is completely broken. What does this mean? This is bad news in itself. Therefore, closing the city will only make us passive."

"Hmph, what do you think? So many people have been dispatched so far, all of them have gone and gone, and no one has gone now. What do you think?"

Someone said: "I think we have to temporarily arrange some people to temporarily evacuate the original city and move to the place of recovery. In this way, even if there is another major event, we can retain our strength."

"Where to evacuate? My primitive city has billions of people, and when it enters the land of recovery, it can directly **** up those places of recovery. Do you mean to stop the cultivation of the whole people?"

"Avoid the limelight! What if you don't?"


"The city lord is back! The city lord is back~"

All of a sudden, someone just heard good news. All the elders rushed out immediately.

Afterwards, they saw An Bai Lintian Chan's wings unfold, stepping in through the gap in the defense formation's eyes.

However, the energy of An Bailin's body fluctuated greatly at this moment, and it seemed that he had suffered serious injuries, and half of his wings were broken.

The elders gathered around, and the experts from the Heaven-Opening Realm who had returned from the Primal Chaos Ice Region also looked here.

"Lord City Lord, what happened?"

"Lord City Lord, you're fine, my primitive city has suffered heavy losses this time!"

"Lord City Lord, the great emperor cicada a few days ago..."

"Lord City Lord..."

An Bailin waved his hand a little irritably and said, "Something happened, the city of scavengers was destroyed, and the entire Wanlin Clan was wiped out."



"How is it possible that the Wanlin Clan was beaten?"


For a time, everyone was stunned, the Wanlin tribe was wiped out, and the city of scavengers, which had been fighting against the primitive city for 100,000 years, was wiped out?

An Bailin: "Members of the elders, all members gather."

After a while, the conference hall.

An Bailin said sadly: "The human race has revived an ancient powerhouse, whose strength can be regarded as the first person under the gods. He killed the emperor of the Wanlin clan. In the end, it was the Wanlin Great Emperor and the Destiny Great Emperor who joined forces to kill this person. . However, the result was not ideal. The Wanlin clan was destroyed, and the emperor of my primitive city was completely killed and injured. Although the Emperor of Heaven did not fall on the spot, he fought into the endless void, and now I don't know where I am... The reason why this emperor is still alive I can return because the emperor did not participate in that battle, but went to intercept the emperor hidden powerhouse hidden by the human race."


"The Emperor of Heaven is missing?"

"The hidden power of the human race? Isn't the human race a very weak race?"

"Master An Bailin, then we, our An Family Emperor..."

An Bailin's face was sad: "Except me, all the battles have fallen. Damn human, they have endured for 100,000 years, and finally another human emperor has emerged. In cooperation with the city of the wanderers, they found an ancient imperial palace. , call out a peerless powerhouse. Now, the Wanlin clan is destroyed, and my primitive city must face the double attack of the human race and the city of wanderers."

I saw An Bailin's face was ugly: "The matter has come to this point, and this emperor is unable to return to the sky. Fortunately, Emperor Tianming is missing. Before the city of the wanderers and the human race confirmed the death of Lord Tianming, UU read the book www.uukanshu. com dare not rashly attack my primitive city. Everyone, we will face many temptations in the future. But no matter what, we must not show timidity. On the contrary, we need to create a normal and peaceful scene and tell them , Lord Destiny is still there, but he has suffered heavy losses. Only in this way can we buy more time for us."

Suddenly someone said: "Yes, hurry up and withdraw the defense formation. Now that the city owner has returned, we must not let people and the city of wanderers find clues."

"I'm going to evacuate."

An Bailin added: "You can't panic about this matter, you can't disclose it to the outside world, and everything must be kept as usual. Also, I want to invite the ancestors and gods with wings."

?? The two-in-one chapter is fixed now, and I don't write two-in-one on the title... I save the title, and I can write more content... Start today, reply and update! I took a break for the past two days, and then I took care of the plot behind it...



(End of this chapter)

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