God of Fishing

Chapter 2690: The Temple of the Undead

Han Fei also learned this information from An Bai Rin's memory, and there is a pair of divine wings hidden in the primitive city. It was the earliest stage, when there were gods in the primitive city, leaving behind the cicadas in the future.

Since Han Fei knew about this kind of god-level baby, of course he couldn't let it go.

And these old men, who are currently in a mess, do not doubt Han Fei's purpose of inviting the ancestors and gods. Babies of this level, at this moment, are most meaningful only under the use of An Bailin.

As for An Bailin's identity, they did not doubt that Tianchan's wings could not be imitated, that was the characteristic of their race. Therefore, they believe that An Bailin is still their city lord, An Bailin.

Of course, one of the most important reasons is that in today's primitive city, there is only the emperor in front of him. Therefore, no matter how An Bailin told them how he survived, no one dared to question whether the truth was as he said.

Because at this time, the emperor has absolute authority.

The wings of the gods of the Tianchan family have always been sealed in the forbidden area of ​​the family. It was originally guarded by the emperor, but was killed by the devil, and the emperor who guarded the forbidden area has long since fallen.

The reason why this pair of wings of the gods was not used is that An Bailin has no relevant information in his memory, but Han Fei estimates that An Tianming, as a strong emperor, also has his own wings, and he wants to go his own way, so This pair of wings of the gods is not needed.

During this period, there were naturally some people who wanted to use the wings of the gods, but it was something that belonged to the gods. Under the emperor, they couldn't even touch it.

Even if it is Han Fei, it is possible to touch it, but it will definitely not be able to exert the maximum effect of this treasure.

The forbidden area of ​​the primitive city, this is a mysterious place that can only be opened with the blood of the Tianchan family. The forbidden area itself is not a particularly difficult place to enter. No one could move it before. That is because there are still emperor-level powerhouses in the An family, and there has always been an emperor guard here.

But now the Great Emperor is gone, only An Bailin is left. Therefore, Han Fei, who was attached to An Bailin, walked in naturally and easily.

In an enchantment wrapped by the law of speed, a pair of translucent, thin cicada wings rested in the center of the enchantment.

At this moment, there is no one around here, Han Fei appears in the form, and there is a message in his eyes:

[Name] Six Heavenly Cicada Wings

[Introduction] The slough of the cicadas dropped by the god-level powerhouses has been nurtured by the power of chaos for hundreds of thousands of years, and finally transformed into a chaotic spiritual treasure. Six Heavenly Cicada Wings are the incarnation of speed. For all wearers, according to the strength of the wearer, the base speed will increase to varying degrees. It is rumored that the Six Paths Heavenly Cicada Wings have the power to travel through some space and time. When the strength reaches the Great Emperor Realm, it has the ability to cross the border.

[Quality] Functional Chaos Spirit Treasure

【Soul attached】None

[Effect] Speed ​​increase, crossing space, crossing time, crossing borders

【Cannot be recast】


"Chaos Lingbao? It seems that the things left by the gods are only at the level of Chaos Lingbao!"

Of course, Han Fei sighed, but he knew that there was still a difference between functional Chaos Spirit Treasures and ordinary Chaos Spirit Treasures.

The value of these six Heavenly Cicada Wings should not be in the speed increase, but in the ability to travel through space, time, and the final cross-border.

Crossing the time, I don't need to use the Six Paths Heavenly Cicada Wings, cross the space, I have the virtual world to pass. Only the ability to cross borders is what he most wants to have, but unfortunately his strength is not enough at present, and there is still a long way to go from the realm of the emperor.

I saw Han Fei pressing on the six heavenly wings with one hand.

"Got it..."

Han Fei only felt the shock of his soul, and the sound of the cicada sounded in his mind, causing Han Fei's seven orifices to bleed for a while. And when his hand pressed it, he felt a great repulsive force. I don't know if it is because I am not a member of the Tianchan family, so this thing is quite repulsive to me.

However, this is just a chaotic spiritual treasure after all, and does not possess the extraordinary spirituality of the treasure of creation.

Moreover, when the six heavenly cicada wings were resisting him, the demon refining pot took action. In the spirit realm, this thing is not enough to fight against the demon refining pot, even if the refining demon pot is not complete now, but its The level is much higher than these six heavenly cicada wings.

The sound of "understood" was swallowed by the refining demon pot, Xiaoteng stretched out from Han Fei's eyebrows, grabbed the six heavenly wings, and dragged him into Han Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

Han Fei hurriedly said: "Master Gourd, I still have a lot of use for this baby, so don't swallow it!"

The demon refining pot turned gently, and he didn't know if he understood Han Fei's words, but as the six small vines rolled up together, he saw that on Daotian Chan's wings, some power was constantly being swallowed by the refining demon pot. Han Fei was a little panicked. Don't eat this thing when refining the demon pot, so wouldn't it be a waste of time?

As the power was continuously swallowed up, the luster of the six heavenly cicada wings became more and more dim, and finally after an hour, the refining demon pot loosened the six heavenly cicada wings.

Han Fei quickly pulled Liudao Tianchanyi out, saw the information of Liudaotianchanyi again, and found that there was no change, then he was slightly relieved. But that resistance is gone.

It seems that refining the demon pot is just to swallow some kind of power in this thing. What kind of power is worth swallowing by refining the demon pot? Divinity? Or a power that can only be used in the realm of the gods?

Han Fei didn't think so much, and immediately started refining. With his current strength and state of qi and blood, he should be able to refine everything except the treasure of good fortune.

Sure enough, in less than a day, Han Fei finally refined the six heavenly cicada wings by consuming half of his blood.

one day later.

Han Fei once again possessed An Bailin's body and left the primitive city.

The original city is of course to be destroyed, but it is not by him. After the breakthrough frenzy on the Terran side is over, a new war will slowly start again, and that's when the primitive city comes in handy.

Another half a day later.

Han Fei just returned to the human race, and suddenly, his heart moved, as if something was not right. The death energy here has dissipated a lot, and the dissipating speed is somewhat beyond his expectations.

Just when Han Fei was puzzled, he saw that Chu Hao had noticed his arrival in advance, and was coming in the air, while walking: "Han Fei, there is something we need to discuss together, the construction of the human race is too close to the nearby battlefield. , Do you want to set up a seal barrier?"

With one look from Chu Hao, Han Fei realized something was wrong. To discuss things, why avoid the place where the human race is?

After Han Fei took a few breaths, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Okay! I happen to have this idea too. You and I are both good at formations. If we make a move together, it is not a big problem to seal this place for a hundred years."

Han Fei and Chu Hao walked towards the place where the Great Emperor fell on the battlefield before, not too fast or too slow, not to the extent of crossing tens of thousands of miles in one step. Instead, they sat side by side and casually chatted about some matters concerning the construction of the human race.

This place where the emperor fell, the sky is chaotic, the dead air is strong, and the cracks in the space are endless. In fact, some warning lines have been set up on the periphery. Humans are not allowed to set foot in this area.

And Han Fei and Chu Hao came together, only to listen to Han Fei: "Where do you think this barrier should be set up?"

Chu Hao: "The real dangerous place depends on the central area. It's better to set up a double barrier. The core location should be sealed first."

Han Fei nodded: "It makes sense."

The two continued to go to the center of the dangerous place, but while they were chatting and laughing, suddenly, Han Fei was running the avenue with all his strength, and the Wuxiang Wuji sword slashed at a certain void node.

Chu Hao was even faster. With a single point of his finger, an energy wave burst out, also pointing directly at the void node.


It was too late, but it was fast, only to see that the void node exploded with a bang, and a huge skeleton with a body reaching ten thousand feet was exposed in front of the two of them.

At this moment, the huge skeleton was spitting out a black breath of death. He seemed to think that this mouth would break the alliance between Han Fei and Chu Hao. But I saw that death energy shock wave was cut to the end.



I only saw that the huge skeleton was cut into two pieces by Han Fei's sword. And Chu Hao pointed at the skeleton's waist with his empty finger, and saw a black-robed figure suddenly jumping out of the huge skeleton. In front of the black robe, dozens of giant shields of white bones appeared at once.

"bang bang bang~"

It's a pity that Chu Hao's strength is much stronger than the surface, so the bone shield is broken one after another.

"You're not in the realm of proof."

Under the black robe, there was a slightly stunned voice.

But when he was stunned, Han Fei disappeared.

The man in black robe hurriedly said: "If you have something to say, you can start a fight when you come up. You guys are too unreasonable."


I saw that the void broke open, and a sword light blasted out from the void.

"The Realm of the Void?"

The man in black robe was slightly surprised. He only had time to say this sentence, and the figure in black robe was immediately cut off by this sword. Han Fei's explosion was not slow just now, mainly because it was unexpected.

This was the first time he tried to shoot in the virtual world, and it was only at this moment that he realized that shooting from the virtual world would only be detected at the moment when the virtual world was broken. But for the strong, this moment may have led to victory.

However, although this blow was successful, a large amount of death aura escaped, and two black-robed men appeared in the aura of death at the same time.

I just listened to the two people saying at the same time: "Don't come up and fight! We are also members of the Three Temples. Others don't understand my Immortal Temple, but you should be able to understand it, right?"

Chu Hao didn't make another move, but looked at Han Fei and said, "The people from the Three Gods Temple, do you still want to fight?"

Han Fei raised his hands with his backhand, and the divine art of apocalypse broke out. Dozens of beams of light fell from the sky, forming a large array of rotating beams of light. Wherever they passed, the death energy dissipated.

Seeing this, Chu Hao saw a bronze divine tree emerging from the dead aura, the blue light swept away, and a large amount of dead energy was instantly purified.

"Hey hey hey! This is the long-lived realm, right? If you have something to say..."

The two black robes were transformed into thousands, but under the blue light, 80% of them were destroyed in a blink of an eye. When Han Fei saw that the pillar of Shenhui couldn't control this person, he sneered at the corner of his mouth, and saw that Shenhui turned into a chain and bounced on the black-robed man.

"Light chains."

All of a sudden, thousands of chains were intertwined into a net in the death energy, until the black-robed man could no longer escape, a layer of death energy formed on his body, and all the death energy from all directions gathered together, a steady stream. It is against Han Fei Chu Hao's purification power.

Just listen to Chu Hao: "When I first entered the Happy Realm, I just used death energy to resist. If there are no other means, you shouldn't be able to stop it for a long time."

I saw that the man in black robe sacrificed a strange black scroll. At one point of this scroll, the death energy condensed into some complicated lines, blocking him.

Seeing this scene, Han Fei and Chu Hao stopped at the same time and looked at the black-robed man so quietly.

I just heard a strange cry from this person: "Hey! You guys are going too far, aren't you? I'm a one-time acquired spiritual treasure! After using it, it's gone! How do you say if you don't hit it, you won't hit it?"

But he saw Han Fei directly clasping his hands: "My Void Temple and your Immortal Temple have not fought yet, you have already taken out the acquired treasure, what am I fighting with you?"

The man in black robe: "..."

Seeing this, Han Fei chuckled: "I forced you to tell you not to do such sneaky things again. Since you are from the Temple of the Undying, you will come when you come. If you come openly, I will not follow you. Do it. Do you think I'm stupid for sneaking so much of the dead air here?"

"Hey! It's a big loss!"

The man in black robe shouted a loss, but he didn't release the power of this Houtian Lingbao, and only listened to him: "I'm at a loss because I didn't find that this person's strength has reached the peak of the Happy Realm, and he can even burst out. The power of the immortal realm. In other words, you don't seem to be a human race, right?"

Chu Hao: "Who I am is none of your business."

"Okay, let me talk too much. Tsk tsk... The Void Temple really lives up to its reputation. They are all fighting madmen! When I first entered the Taoist realm, even I can't stop the burst of power."

Han Fei: "Stop talking nonsense, as far as I know, the army of the Temple of the Undying is transitioning from the north to the east right now. What are you doing here in the Chaos Wasteland in such a big battlefield?"

"Naturally, it is to absorb the death energy here! You have destroyed such a superpower all at once, and slaughtered the Manchu people. Naturally, there is a lot of death energy."

Han Fei: "In my territory, death qi also belongs to me, why do you come to take it?"

The man in black robe smiled and said, "Don't be so outspoken! After all, we are all members of the Three Temples, and our goals are always the same. You don't need to be dead, so why not give me the Temple of the Undead?"

"Ha ha!"

Han Fei sneered: "Why didn't I see that our goals were the same? The Temple of the Undead launched wars everywhere, and the number of people who died in your hands is more than 100 million? Just the death anger of a clan in my area, can you see it?"

"You can't say that. We were fighting, but we didn't kill dozens of emperors at once like you! Even the emperor-level powerhouses lost two, and the longevity realm also lost several people. This Can it also be described as a district?"

Han Fei: "Oh! Anyway, it's wrong to take things on my site without my consent. Either, you can compensate me. Or, consider whether you can get away today, I think, with my The identity of the person, cut off a free and happy realm, the Temple of the Undead dare not come over to be held accountable."

"Hey, hey! Be reasonable, you man! This is too strong... Then what compensation do you want?"

The black-robed man didn't feel any embarrassment at all about admitting counsel. Mainly because he felt that Han Fei's murderousness was too heavy, and it could be seen from the fight just now that if he didn't sacrifice the acquired spiritual treasure, he would not stop.

Moreover, if you guessed correctly, the other party is exchanging death for something with yourself, so he didn't kill him. I didn't expect that one day I would be stabbed by someone.

I saw Han Fei glanced at the place where the human race was: "It's simple, look at my human race, it is still quite weak at present. It is when there is a lack of resources, so let's do it! One first-level concentrate per person, or ten per person. Top-quality spirit stone, today this matter is over..."


The black-robed man was dumbfounded and screamed: "You robbery? Do you know how many people there are in your human race? There are more than 100 billion people. I can't get the top-quality spirit stone! Do you regard my Temple of the Undead as a mobile super vein?"

In fact, when Han Fei opened his mouth, even Chu Hao felt a toothache. He said that you really dared to speak. This resource, let alone the emperor of the Happy Realm. If you own a large site, you won't be able to come up with so many resources!

Han Fei's expression turned cold: "My requirements are so low that you can't satisfy them. What do I need you for?"

The man in black robe was speechless: "No, let's be reasonable. First-grade concentrates or top-grade spirit stones are indeed not good things, but then we have to see how many people in your human race are not? How many deaths can I get away from here altogether? Qi? With the resources you need, buying ten such dead Qi is enough."

Han Fei's eyes were ruthless: "That's why we can't talk?"

I saw the world here suddenly dimmed, and Emperor Xuanwu suddenly enveloped the world. It turned out that at the moment Han Fei shot, he threw the Xuanwu Emperor Armor in a time-jump way, and now it suddenly appeared and sealed the place directly.

Seeing this, the man in black robe hurriedly said: "It's not that you wait a while, we have something to say, you Void Temple, don't fight if you disagree?"

Han Fei: "Then how much do you say?"


The man in black robe had a bitter face, thinking in his heart why is this so troublesome? If I knew it earlier, it would be better to come directly to negotiate with Han Fei, it is better than being passive now.

Moreover, as Han Fei said, he can really kill himself. Even if he died, who would dare to touch this person? In one day, two great emperors and dozens of other emperors at all levels fell. No one is murderous anymore.

The main thing is that the people in the Void Temple are fighting too hard. If I really want to die, even if there is another person from the Temple of Immortality, I am afraid that I will be beaten to death.

The man in the black robe finally compromised and said, "It is impossible for one person to have a first-grade concentrate, and that is too much. For 100 million, I will provide 100 million in exchange for the Temple of Immortality."

However, when Han Fei took out a short knife, Di Que was already standing on his shoulder: "You say it again? I didn't hear much just now, I seemed to hear someone begging for food. One hundred million pieces, just for my name. , do you think it's worth 100 million first-grade concentrates?"

The man in black robe: "..."

Han Fei sneered: "Do you think I'm stupid? You, the Temple of Immortality, occupy a large area of ​​the wilderness, you have countless mineral veins in your hand, and the battlefield is light-years long. You just use such a few resources to prevaricate me?"

The man in black robe hurriedly said: "Ten billion top-quality spiritual stones, the wilderness is not the boundless mining area of ​​your East China Sea, where can there be so many concentrates? Ten billion top-quality spiritual stones, this is always interesting, right?"

"One hundred billion."

Han Fei said coldly: "There are not many concentrates, is there enough spirit stone manager? Boundless wilderness, I don't believe you can't take out such a few spirit stones."

"five hundred…"

Before the man in black robe could finish speaking, Han Fei abruptly interrupted: "There is no room for bargaining. If you come here honestly, 50 billion is 50 billion, and even 10 billion is not unacceptable to me. But , you steal death first, stealing things, you have to pay a price. Everyone is a member of the three temples, I don’t want to embarrass you, hundreds of billions of top-quality spirit stones, this is my bottom line, you can just throw a starting place. Something, maybe."

The black cloak of the man in black robe swelled up, probably due to Han Fei's anger. However, now that people are under the eaves, they have to bow their heads, only to hear him grit his teeth and say: "Okay! One hundred billion is one hundred billion, and I will send this resource. Then I can absorb the dead energy here now?"

Han Fei seemed to be in a good mood and hummed: "Of course, but there is one more thing."

The tone of the man in black robe changed a bit: "What else do you want?"

Han Fei shrugged: "It doesn't matter? I don't care what you do in the Temple of Immortality, and he can't take action against my human race. People who have fallen from my human race also depend on whether they are willing to enter the Temple of Immortality. If you let me know, what do you do to the human race? Take action, or forcefully accept my strong human race into the Temple of Immortality, hehe, I don't mind a battle of the Temple. Believe me, I can do it."


But the man in black robe let out a long sigh of relief: "I thought it was something. Don't worry, the people I accept in the Temple of the Undead are all people who really want to convert to the undead, and only in rare cases will it be forced to contain them. ."

Han Fei turned around and took back the Emperor Xuanwu's armor, and then he said casually: "You can move this death anger, but all the connection points of life and stars involved here are mine."

The man in black robe was a little surprised and said: "If there are no people, not even souls, can you still find those natal stars?"

Han Fei: "That's my business."

The man in black robe did not ask too much. After all, he was a member of the Void Temple, and he believed in some special methods.

Just listen to Han Fei: "You come here, it's not as simple as containing these dead qi? I believe that if it's just dead qi, it's not worthy of a free and happy realm powerhouse from the undead temple."

The man in black robe smiled: "Of course. That...that's it, if you want to take action against the primitive city, can you leave some whole corpses? It's okay. Just leave a little bit more."

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "Why, do you still want these people to convert to undead? These are all enemies of my human race. If they are converted to undead, doesn't that leave hidden dangers for my human race?"

"It's different, although most of the time, my undead temple voluntarily accommodates some people who want to convert to undead. But it can also be strongly accommodated, and it can completely cut off all their memories before they were alive, and will never hold any more towards your human race. any hate speech."


Han Fei is not worried that this person will deceive him. He is also a person from the Three Temples, and the other party should know the price of deceiving him. The Void Temple may have a small number of people, but it is still very powerful to reason. For example, Senior Brother and Senior Brother Qinglong, both love to reason. If this person deceives himself, he naturally has to reason with them.

Han Fei pondered: "I can leave it to you. There are still hundreds of thousands of Open Heaven Realm in the primitive city, but this price... is not the price of today. Hundreds of thousands of Open Heaven Realm, hundreds of thousands of Sea Opening Realm, What kind of concept is this, you should have a number in your heart of the Temple of the Undead?"

The man in black robe smiled: "Of course, the Temple of the Undead is willing to pay a lot of resources for this. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Han Fei didn't rush to talk about things that didn't arrive, how to get chips and how much to ask for, this is an art. It is better to ask clearly about this matter. After all, it is a great loss to talk to others without knowing the value.

As for the object of the inquiry, Han Fei felt that the undead brother should be more clear. Although the undead brother is not a person from the Temple of the Undead, the undead brother is more like an undead, or a strong person who takes a similar route. He should know the value of these people.

So, Han Fei responded: "This matter, wait until my human race and the primitive city go to war. Is there anything else?"

The man in black robe shook his head: "No, I just want to see what kind of person the descendant of the Void Temple is. Now, I finally see it..."

?? Two in one, asking for tickets... The first appearance of the Temple of the Undead...



(End of this chapter)

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