God of Fishing

Chapter 2727: Invincible Enlightenment

This person, Han Fei, will not admit his mistake, he is the master of Nezha's clone! She is considered to be the one with the strongest fighting talent among the emperors of the Celestial Clan. I didn't expect that I would meet her here.

It is said that this tree is already very big, and there are a total of 24 people who have come in this time. It is quite difficult to meet them.

However, everyone's goals are the same, so if they can all succeed in the trial, they will naturally meet in the end.

Han Fei is not in a hurry, nor is he afraid that Yi Qingxue will steal something from him. Anyway, is he here to improve his talents?

However, not long after Yi Qingxue passed, Han Fei encountered a fog barrier. Han Fei was speechless. Originally, he walked well as a black mist, but because he was not found, there were no messy creatures to trouble him.

I thought it would be over if I just floated to the end, but who knew that once Yi Qingxue came, troubles would come one after another. For them, this is also an assessment after all. Since it is an assessment, it is impossible for them to easily complete it.

Therefore, Han Fei also fell into this fog barrier.

Han Fei thought at most that there were some unknown creatures in this fog barrier. As a result, when Han Fei fell into it, he escaped from the fog barrier in just three or five breaths.

Instead, it was on top of a cliff.

"Cliffs, not even land, where do cliffs come from?"

But under this cliff, there are clouds and mists, the sky is white clouds for thousands of miles, and occasionally cranes are flying. There is a wooden house on the edge of the cliff, and beside the house there is a branch less than two meters high.

The branch was obviously just planted not long ago, and the soil next to it was still a little loose, and there were traces of irrigation from the Earth Vein Spring. There is a strange circle of gathering spirits engraved around it.

This spirit gathering array is not aroused by aura, but a visible multi-colored radiance, which is obviously several grades higher than aura.

At this moment, there is a young man with a bird's nest on his head, and a strange little beast the size of a cat, shaped like a tiger with a triangular head in his hand.

In the bird's nest on this man's head, three young birds were chirping, and the young man, who did not know where to put the bugs, was grabbing one with one hand and placing it on his head.

The three young birds competed for the bugs, each with their necks raised and their mouths open. The little beast in the young man's arms seemed to feel uncomfortable in one hand, so he made two "Ouch" dissatisfied.

After the young man had fed the bugs, he tapped on the head of the little beast: "You are the laziest, it's time for you to practice."

With that said, the little beast jumped to the ground with a puff and came to the edge of the cliff shaking its head. I saw his mouth open, and Zixia suddenly appeared in the sky, and was eaten by the little beast like noodles.

"Is this training?"

Han Fei was stunned, this cultivation method was a little too shocking. If he read it right, that little beast is not eating something like spiritual energy at all! It seems to be the road.

After eating for a while, the little beast burped, then dragged an avenue with its mouth and ran to the small tree, only to see him fluttering for a while, so he wove the avenue into a scarf like a ribbon, tied it to the tree, and let it go. Yu Xiaguang wanted to fly out, but it seemed to have turned into a flying silk scarf, it just couldn't fly away.

"Such a small piece... This is, the ancient star tree?"

Han Fei couldn't help being horrified. The Primordial Star Tree told him that he was not the original Primordial Star Tree, but was planted from a branch.

In this situation, Han Fei couldn't help thinking too much. What is the origin of this young man, planting the ancient star tree, and the pet seems to be some kind of extraordinary species. The three birds on the top of the head, although the hairs are not evenly grown, it is estimated that they will not be ordinary.

Suddenly, that naughty little beast suddenly stepped on the void and rushed towards Yi Qingxue's direction. Yi Qingxue was taken aback and wanted to retreat, but she seemed to underestimate the speed of the little beast and was thrown at him.

However, the expected scene of being pounced on did not appear, the little beast just went straight through Yi Qingxue's body.

Yi Qingxue thought she was going to get cold, but she found that the little beast couldn't touch her, so she couldn't help being a little bolder.

"Come back! Practice hard, and play around before you finish your homework."

The young man shouted, and the little beast ran back from the air unwillingly, and circled around the young man a few times.

Young man: "There are always some spirits in this world, and they will appear in some strange way in some places where they shouldn't. It's not surprising, just get used to it."

After speaking, the young man looked up in the direction of Han Fei. Then he slightly pinched his fingers and said lightly, "Hey! This shouldn't have happened!"

The young man rubbed the beast's head, and then fed the insects on the table to the three chicks on the head. Finally, I went to the small tree next to the house. I saw him scratching his head, revealing a deep thought.

Immediately, he saw him take out a one-foot-long green leaf from his arms, fasten it with a red rope, and hang it on a small branch of the tree.

He just listened to him with a slight sigh: "The world is impermanent, thousands of machines change, who can reverse the world. Everything in the world, who is undefeated, why don't you have spare hands."

After speaking, the young man clapped his hands, showed a satisfied smile, and then glanced in the direction of Han Fei. Han Fei's scalp was numb.

Of course he knows that this young man is absolutely extraordinary, but, can this also be discovered? It can be seen from the little beast who swooped on Yi Qingxue just now. Whether it is this person or this little beast, they seem to be able to perceive them.

Oh no, or rather, they don't necessarily know them, but they can realize that there is something, in this moment, watching them.

The little beast is still small, so he may feel violated, so he chooses to pounce.

And the young man didn't care about it. After he tied the leaf, he began to urge his little beast to practice.

I saw the little beast squatting on the edge of the cliff, as if looking at it, but following it, purple energy came from the east, dyeing the little beast completely purple.

At this moment, Han Fei felt that the surrounding fog was getting thicker. Han Fei knew that this memory might be about to dissipate, but he saw Yi Qingxue suddenly jumped out, trying to grab the leaf in his hand.

But her hand passed through the tree all at once, unable to catch it at all.


The next moment, this memory dissipated, Yi Qingxue and Han Fei reappeared in the thick fog, and the thick fog seemed to be fading quickly. And Yi Qingxue's first reaction was to immediately burst out a great technique, and the sword light swept across, seemingly aimlessly.

She is not stupid. The direction the young man looked at twice was not her own, which was enough to warn her. Therefore, she thought that in this fog, she was not the only one who saw this memory.

It's a pity that Yi Qingxue's sweep didn't hit anything.

And Han Fei was not actually by her side. After all, in this fog, she couldn't perceive it, and the range covered by the great technique was still too small.

However, unlike Yi Qingxue's performance, Han Fei knew from the beginning to the end that he couldn't get it at all. Moreover, the young man said that everything is left behind, it doesn't matter if you need it or not, anyway, this is left behind. This should be regarded as a reminder that that leaf should be extraordinary.

Others can't find this leaf, but he is different, he has a nautical Vientiane!

Therefore, Han Fei did not hesitate to unite the twins. He was not going to continue to float, thinking that he should get the pages first.

But just in case, Han Fei didn't use his own image, but saw his heart move and turned into a feathered man. Except the head is different from the birdman, the body is stronger, and the wings look like mutant products. Han Fei thought about it, and in his hand, the endless water turned into a feather fan, just like the feather fan in the hand of the Peng Bird who chased him before.

After changing the image, the dense fog has faded a lot, and it will completely dissipate in a few minutes. Han Fei quickly took out the Navigation Vientiane and pointed it in one direction.


When the fog dissipated, Han Fei raised his eyebrows. Isn't this direction... the center of the tree?

"Yes, when the young man tied this leaf, the small tree was only a little big, so it should be close to the root."

So, Han Fei put away the Navigation Vientiane and flew away.

Because there is a time gap between Yi Qingxue and Yi Qingxue, the two of them have not met so far. Yi Qingxue saw the fog dissipate. She also thought about where the leaf might be. Although she didn't have a nautical vientiometer, she was not stupid, and also thought of where the leaf might be. At this moment, she couldn't help showing a smile. This leaf may be the opportunity for her to enter the realm of longevity, or even to enter the realm of the emperor in the future.

Of course, she still suspected that someone had also seen this scene, so she wanted to fight, so she burst into the fastest speed and went down the tree trunk.

However, not long after, the two were attacked again. But the scale this time was much simpler than when Pengniao and Canglong chased Han Fei at the beginning.

after one day.

The number of creatures that Han Fei met attached to this tree body was small, and there were tens of thousands of species. Although there were creatures in the Emperor Venerable Realm intercepted, Han Fei's combat power was extraordinary, and it really broke out. Nothing can stop it. Even when he met Pengniao and Canglong, Han Fei did not burst out with all his strength.

During the period, Han Fei used the Navigation Vientiane twice again, and now he understands that the only purpose of this trial is to let you go to the root of the tree. Only there should be the place where the ancient star tree was sealed.

Then, the content of the trial is nothing more than to pass the interception of these ancient creatures and get there.

However, when Han Fei broke through a layered blockade of vines, he suddenly found that the space was distorted.


Han Fei subconsciously wanted to retreat, but he still couldn't. At the moment when he was swept away by this twisted space, Han Fei didn't worry about any danger, but just felt strange, the space here is unshakable, how can it be twisted?

The next moment, Han Fei suddenly found that the space opposite him was also distorted, and the next moment, the five powerhouses of the Celestial Clan suddenly appeared.


Han Fei's heart froze, he was tricked? Someone put himself against the genius of the Yi family. Moreover, he still had to fight, instead of fighting them in the sealed land and letting them sabotage their plans, it would be better to kill them here.

It is not difficult to understand why there are only five people, because not everyone can break through the siege and come here.

Among these five people, there is Yi Qingxue, and among the other four, one is Yi Shuo, who has had a conflict with Yi Wulang. He is good at speed and is nothing to worry about. A female cultivator whose talent is the method of shadow control, named Yi Mengling. Although the method is special, it should not be too difficult. One is good at all kinds of great arts, named Yi Qi, but his physique is too poor and weak. There is another named Yi Kai, which is extremely powerful in spirit, but for Han Fei, it is meaningless.

Among the five, I have Yi Qingxue, who is the best at fighting. The strength is the peak of Xiaoyao, the kind that is close to the immortal realm. The power of the soul is not bad, and the physique is strong enough. It is a way of balance, but it is not an extreme balance.

Han Fei couldn't help sneering in his heart. If it was the outside world, among these people, Yi Qingxue and Yi Mengling would have a fight with him. But here, can they really burst into full combat power?

At this moment, I only listened to Yi Qingxue: "Since we are here together, there is only one problem, that is, the person on the opposite side is very strong. Whether it is to fight together or escape separately, you are free."

Yi Mengling said: "Since the opponent is really strong, let's fight! Otherwise, if they are defeated one by one, it will not be worthwhile."

Yi Shuo: "There is only one destination. If we don't solve it, it will be difficult to reach."

The other two also nodded, and at the moment when they agreed to join hands, Yi Qingxue dispatched in an instant. The speed was so fast that everyone was just reacting, and her blooming sword light was almost slashing to Han Fei.

And Han Fei didn't dare to ask for a big one. I saw the avenue in his body revolving, and he took a slight step back, and the black feather fan had already swept past like a sharp blade, and the burst of sword light was so terrifying that he was going to fight Yi Qingxue for an injury.


The next moment, Yi Qingxue withdrew, and the sword light didn't last, and Han Fei immediately took another half step, watching the sword light cut down from his eyes without touching him.

Yi Qingxue didn't want to exchange injuries with Han Fei. They were both fighting talents. As soon as Han Fei made a move, Yi Qingxue knew that the person on the other side had extremely high fighting talent and strong judgment. She would bet that if she really Injury-for-injury, this game is lost.

At this time, the other four started to work. Yi Mengling stirred with ten fingers, and the shadows were entangled here. First, she blocked Han Fei's way and created a space for Yi Qi, who was performing a great technique next to her.

But the next moment, she was horrified to find that Han Fei stepped out in one step, ignoring his own shadow filaments, and even rushed in, and his body was suddenly entangled by thousands of shadow threads.

"Shadow control, soul pulling... poof..."

However, Yi Mengling suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, her expression changed greatly, and she encountered a backlash, which meant that the power of the other party's soul was much greater than her own.

Yi Qi was astonished, Han Fei almost rushed over just after the great technique was performed, and he quickly retreated, preparing to choose another shot.

Yi Mengling wanted to retire, but he found out that his shadow silk was actually being held by the other party. This was the first time she had encountered such a situation, and the next moment she saw the light of the sword flickering, she realized that the person's first target turned out to be herself.


The next moment, Yi Mengling's ten thousand shadow threads were cut off by the sudden appearance of the sword light, and Yi Shuo pulled the whole person away. The next moment, a sword light flashed past her and Yi Shuo, causing them to sweat.

Han Fei frowned slightly, but said that it was Yi Qingxue who cut off Yi Mengling's shadow, allowing her to avoid his own fatal blow.

At this moment, I saw Han Fei punched back and slammed into the void, only to hear the sound of "Boom Rumble", and finally the guy with extremely strong mental power turned pale. Only to hear him say in amazement: "So strong, this person can use boxing to destroy the soul, which means that his own soul is also quite extraordinary, and he can block me with only the attached punch."

Yi Qingxue: "If it's not strong, what do you want the five of us to do together?"

Without seeing any credit in the first battle, Han Fei turned towards Yi Qi and killed him. Yi Qi's face turned green, are you still coming?

But I just heard Yi Qingxue snort: "Shoot, I'll hold him back."

After that, Han Fei felt a sharp knife slashing out of his hand, and saw a sneer on the corner of his mouth, the black feather fan waved backhand, the law of extreme cold was activated, and the sky was instantly frozen.


Yi Qingxue broke through this extremely cold field with a bang, and her whole body was covered with a layer of white ice crystals. Suddenly she realized that it was not good, and the next moment, tens of thousands of piercing powers suddenly burst out of her body.


Yi Qingxue was stunned. She thought that the Law of Extreme Cold and the Domain of Extreme Cold were Han Fei's means, but she could feel that the power was not strong enough to stop her, and even weaker than she thought.

But who knows, the other party's purpose is not in the extreme cold law at all, but in these ice crystals. Every ice crystal was like a terrifying sharp blade, and the flesh and blood that slashed her whole body in an instant was blurred, and her internal organs were intertwined with strange forces.

Yi Qingxue thought that Han Fei had discovered that he was the strongest, so he wanted to avoid him first and kill Yi Qi and the others first. As a result, the first person Han Fei wanted to kill was himself.

However, she reacted a little late because Han Fei had already killed him. It was the black feather fan. Yi Qingxue saw Han Fei fan the feather fan and knew that Han Fei might repeat the same trick. However, he saw a flashing door immediately appear behind him. As he retreated, the figure appeared elsewhere, and two hers appeared in the door at once.

Yi Qingxue's door talent, in a short period of time, summons a clone with the same combat power as his main body. But the moment she and her clone appeared, she saw Yi Shuo being split by a fan. The speed he was so proud of was inexplicably ineffective, and he didn't know why.

And Yi Mengling turned into thousands of shadows and was escaping, but was cut through by tens of thousands of swordsmen.


There was no way, Yi Mengling felt that the soul would be severely damaged, and immediately summoned the soul-suppressing artifact. Although she also has a talent, but the talent is shadow control. She tried it, but it was almost ineffective for Han Fei.

Just when she called out the Soul-Suppressing Artifact, Han Fei suddenly appeared behind her like a shadow, slashing straight down like a knife.


This is not the Gemini Divine Art, but the Void Descending Art. The moment Yi Mengling stayed was when she fell.

Of the rest of the three, except for Yi Qingxue who went head-to-head, Yi Qi finally made a move, only to see that the place was suddenly shrouded in darkness.

I just listened to Yi Qi with a low voice: "You shouldn't give me time, magic, set the world."

This is a great technique that freezes time and space. The combination of time and space can freeze Han Fei's counting time.

Yi Qingxue would not miss this opportunity, the main body and the avatar, one after the other, dazzling swords.

And Yi Kai also took the opportunity to condense thousands of soul-intent sword flows and kill Han Fei from the side.

With the triple cooperation, the three of them felt that it should be right.

But at the moment Yi Qingxue got close, he was shocked to find that Han Fei's head turned.

"How can it be?"

Yi Qi was stunned, and seemed to be very surprised why Han Fei was not frozen.

Han Fei flipped the black feather fan in his hand, turning it into an endless stream of water, and slashed towards the easy-to-open sword flow. With the extension of his hands, the four swords roamed freely. However, Yi Qingxue's avatar was shattered by a single blow, even with a sword glow.

It's not because Yi Qingxue's strength is not enough, but because Han Fei's burst of strength is too powerful. Han Fei, who has completely revolved the avenue, is no longer able to be slaughtered in the Xiaoyao Realm.

However, Yi Qingxue did not back down, because Han Fei could only deal with two people at the same time. So at this moment, her body has already slashed Han Fei's body.


I saw Han Fei's back, a golden figure manifested, and the front and rear bodies seemed to be glued together.

It's just that the golden figure, with his hands together, forcibly held up her sword light.

Yi Qingxue's eyes turned cold, and she shouted in a low voice, "Break!"

Hearing the sound of "Boom", Han Fei was blown away.

Yi Qingxue shouted: "It's the invincible road, this person is walking the invincible road, very strong."

Yi Qi and Yi Kaixin said that what you said was nonsense, could it not be strong? After a dozen or five turns, the three of them were left, and the almost seamless means of cooperation were completely unable to help each other.

Han Fei secretly sighed, thinking that this Yi Qingxue is still strong! At this moment, his combat power is definitely not weaker than hers, but his realm is still a little worse. It's a pity that she hasn't gotten too far out of the happy realm, and she is not as good as her in the understanding of the law. Therefore, Yi Qingxue's blow still injured him.

But Han Fei also felt something different, that is, although Yi Qingxue's attack was strong, the killing effect was actually more spiritual.

In other words, part of Yi Qingxue's attack power seemed to be a normal attack, but it actually showed that at least 30% of it was mental pressure.

This should be the memory space's suppression of their strength. It seems that the strength has not changed, but in fact, it has been weakened.

Han Fei didn't say a word, then turned around and killed him. This time, Yi Qingxue frowned slightly, but saw that a golden glow appeared on her body.

"Do you think that you are the only one who has walked the invincible road?"

Suddenly, Han Fei was surprised. Seeing that Yi Qingxue also burst out with bright golden light, she actually walked the invincible road? I hadn't felt it at all before.

No, it's because it's in the memory space. If the two sides meet in reality, they'll immediately find out that the other party has embarked on the road of invincibility.

When he was in the Celestial Clan, he had never appeared in front of them. Thinking of this, Han Fei couldn't help but feel a little scared. If he replaced Yi Wulang and entered the Celestial Clan, I am afraid that this woman would find out immediately.

At this moment, Yi Qingxue felt that the enemy of the Invincible Road might have been prepared for her. How could she have thought that this was the tester who came in with her?

Invincible road, fighting is the means. Han Fei decisively gave up Yi Qi and Yi Kai, because Yi Qingxue would not give him this chance.

So, a round of war began.

Invincible fist marks, magic, sword light, and the law of power collide with each other. Han Fei was not afraid, because Yi Qingxue's invincible path was useless, because she had the power to double kill, but she didn't. Even with the cooperation of Yi Qi and Yi Kai, the three of them still couldn't suppress Han Fei.

Finally, Yi Qi and Yi Kai discovered that Yi Qingxue had been hit badly. The two of them looked at each other at the moment, only to hear Yi Qidao: "Qingxue, I'm sorry."

Yi Qingxue didn't say anything, she didn't blame them for running, because she also felt that she was about to lose. But she doesn't understand why, isn't the trial itself the trial itself? With such a strong enemy, who can break through this trial?

"Could it be that this is specifically for me? The purpose of the trial is to let me break through myself and become invincible and enter longevity?"

Yi Qingxue felt that this was the only possibility, so she frantically burned her soul. It's a pity that after two hundred breaths, Han Fei suddenly felt that Yi Qingxue's power was getting stronger and stronger, and her battle contained too much will. He saw that the golden light on Yi Qingxue's body was getting dim. It's not that her invincible will has been repelled, but that this will has shrunk back into her body.

Following, Han Fei saw Yi Qingxue's body, as if a faint golden light was printed, this woman completely melted her invincible will into her bones.

At this moment, Yi Qingxue suddenly smiled, only to hear her lightly say: "I understand, I am invincible in the world, all laws and ten thousand ways can't destroy my body, heaven and earth have the same fate with me, I am, longevity."

"I knock Nima..."

Han Fei was fascinated at the time, is this okay? Fight and fight, if you can't beat it, you will advance? However, can this place also make the cut?

Just when Han Fei's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, he saw Yi Qingxue blow him away with a punch, and then raised his head with a smile on his face.

Immediately, she smiled at Han Fei: "Master Zushu, I understand, for me, it is meaningless to improve the talent of the door. To improve yourself is to improve the talent of the door. I understand, thank you..."

Han Fei: "???"

After speaking, Han Fei looked at Yi Qingxue with a dazed expression, and he disappeared by himself.

"This... voluntarily quit?"

Han Fei guessed that 80% of them went back to break through the longevity realm by taking advantage of the enlightenment now. It is simply inexplicable, the long-lived realm is broken when it is broken, just like playing.

However, Han Fei's scalp was also a little numb, and this woman probably thought she was there to sharpen her. Otherwise, if she continues to fight, I am afraid she will get cold.

Han Fei couldn't help but murmured, "Is what she said ~www.readwn.com~ the next realm of Invincible Road?"

But after everyone left, Han Fei hurriedly cleared his mind and recovered with the divine technique of apocalypse. Han Fei continued to chase after him. Without Yi Qingxue, the two of them would be nothing.

It only took less than a stick of incense, and Han Fei was killed by Han Fei.

About half an hour after killing Yi Qi and Yi Kai, Han Fei finally saw a strange place. It seemed to be a star, but there seemed to be something wrong, because the star looked like a tumor with many tree trunks growing in all directions.

"This is the root of the tree?"

Han Fei saw that among the many tree trunks, there was a tree trunk surrounded by seven gates of light. There were dense roots sticking out from the trunk, and it was buckled on these doors, and this should be the end of his trip.

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