God of Fishing

Chapter 2728: I have 1 leaf, which can kill God

The situation in this Sealed Land is similar to what Han Fei knew from the Primordial Star Tree.

But Han Fei did not rashly enter the sealed place of the Gate of Light. According to the ancient star tree, there are god-level powerhouses behind this gate.

According to the general process, when there are strong people from the Celestial Clan, entering this sealed land can increase the power of the door talent. How to improve door talent? That is naturally the door of light or after the door of light, there is some kind of power before it can improve, right?

So, is there really no divine power here?

Han Fei thought for a moment, his eyes swept over here. Finally, he set his sights on one of the seven doors of light. Because, in the circle above that door of light, among the many vines entwined, there is a leaf tied with a red rope.

"found it."


However, seeing Han Fei performing the twin magic, when the body of the black mist retreated a long way, the body of the white mist only stepped out and entered the range of the seal.


The next moment, I saw the seven doors of light shining brightly, dazzling white light, shrouding Han Fei in them.

Suddenly, in Han Fei's ears, there seemed to be a whisper from the ancient times.

"Enter my... door, you can get eternal life..."

"Behind the door... God's way... Come in!"

"Who are you...I give you...the original..."

"Let me come back...I've had enough...this sea."

"You will eventually... enter here... Hahaha..."

"Come on...Lost people...Come in! Come to me..."

Suddenly, Han Fei only felt that a thousand words appeared in his mind, like countless people talking, some words were vague, some words could not be heard at all, and some words could hear one or two words.

These ravings turbulent in Han Fei's mind, like a sharp blade, trying to pierce Han Fei's spirit and tear his mind.

After bathing in this white light for just a moment, Han Fei felt that all seven orifices were bleeding, his eyes became red, and he had a feeling that he wanted to walk into the door of light, and there seemed to be something beautiful there. waiting for him.

He felt that as long as he entered the door of light, he could obtain a door talent, and it was an extremely powerful door talent, which might surpass all the powerhouses of the current Celestial Clan.

Even, under the misdirection of this raving, Han Fei took two steps forward abruptly.

In the distance, the body of the black mist was horrified. He felt that there seemed to be a certain mental gap between the body of the white mist and himself, and it was difficult for him to affect the body of the white mist.

At this moment, in Han Fei's mind, the demon refining pot suddenly glowed. The demon refining pot's enhanced function of purifying foreign souls and spiritual power is now showing its effect.

Only then did the body of White Mist regain a trace of clarity from this extreme psychedelic sound.


I saw that Han Fei suddenly folded his hands together, and the surface of his body was covered with a layer of bright golden light, and the invincible will came out through his body, as if he was barely resisting the illumination of this white light.

At this moment, there seemed to be some kind of low roar from the entire space.

"Outsiders, An Gan... enter this room."

"Break into...the realm of God...to be punished..."

"If you can't get out, you will be kept here forever, and you will be with this old tree until the end of your life."


Han Fei frowned and suddenly shouted, "Fuck off your uncle."

It's a pity that Han Fei's low roar is useless. Although he has regained his clarity, there are some strange ravings constantly appearing in the seven doors, and even the invincible golden body has signs of instability.

He wanted to call out the endless water, but at this moment, the endless water was actually difficult to condense. Whenever the endless water wanted to condense the prototype of the sword, it would disperse.

Seeing this, Han Fei simply drew the knife, but at that moment, he felt that his arm was unusually heavy, so heavy that he felt that he was not drawing the knife, but holding up the world.

At this moment, under Han Fei's feet, vines slammed around his legs. Following that, Han Fei felt a little power coming in.

Then, Han Fei's mind received a voice transmission from the ancient star tree: "Here, my strength is limited and I can't compete with him. I can only... help you for a short time... Quick, cut me and me The connection of these doors, I can get rid of his **** by cutting me off..."

Han Fei responded quickly in his mind: "With so many giant vines, how can I cut them all at once? My strength cannot reach its peak."

The voice of the ancient star tree was low: "I can only, can only hold on for a moment. You can cut it open. Every time you cut a piece, my power... will increase by one point."

Han Fei growled in his mind: "I need strength, I need you to help me block these **** white lights."

Sure enough, with a low growl from Han Fei, the voice of the ancient star tree disappeared. But then, Han Fei felt the pressure on his body loosened, and the vines under his feet emitted a faint green light, trying to cover himself and isolate him from the white light.

Han Fei suddenly felt the pressure lightened, as if all his strength had returned.

But there was a roaring sound from the door, like an ancient beast, roaring frantically: "Taigu, with your power, An dare to compete with me? I want to keep you alive forever... I want you, forever... "

"Human, if you dare to use a knife, it will be your doom... If you can't live, you will fall. I will seize your soul, crush it into powder, and exile it in the river of eternal darkness, enduring hundreds of millions of years of destruction. …”


Han Fei raised his eyebrows, his invincible eyes opened, and his invincible fighting spirit was fully blessed.

Then, the Dao of the Self operates, five times the combat power, and raises its own strength to the limit state that can be tolerated.

Blue veins appeared all over Han Fei's body, and the movement of raising the knife seemed to hold up a star.

"Roar! Are you acting enough?"


The sword drawing technique, the peerless sword light, completely surpassed the blow of the peak of Xiaoyao, and it was properly comparable to the ultimate sword of the powerhouse in the long-lived realm.


The echoes oscillated, and inside the seal formation, strange light surged, and Han Fei was spit out blood by the force of the shock, and was hit hard by the force of the shock.

However, it was this knife, the white light emanating from the door of light, all dissipated.

Looking at it again, I saw Han Fei's crazy knife. Instead of slashing at the vines, he slashed straight at the edge of the gate of light. The moment he fought with the gate of light, there was a continuous echo of metal vibrations.

The babble disappeared.

The white light disappears.

Han Fei's little vine that was holding him also disappeared.

Behind Han Fei, the voice that seemed to come from the ancient star tree seemed to roar: "What are you doing?"

But he heard Han Fei sneer: "You're still pretending to be a fart! Are you tired of acting alone? You even deliberately brought a Celestial Clan expert over to meet me, just to make me trust you?"

After being silent for a long time, I heard a voice, and suddenly came from the door: "You are, how did you find out?"

Han Fei reached out his hand and touched his mouth, his eyes were cold, and he only smiled disdainfully: "You think I'm stupid? From the first time I saw you, from the time you gave me 108 drops of the fountain of life, I knew you There is a problem. A normal person, who can give me so many benefits as soon as they meet? It’s not 108 drops of water, just give it as much as you say, a dying ancient star tree gave me these, do you think that I didn’t die fast enough? So, the more you cooperate, it can only mean that you want me to trust you more. Just ask, I have given you so many resources unconditionally, how could you still not believe me?"

"Just based on this? Since you know that the Primordial Star Tree is dying, you should know that he is still him and has not been taken away by me. Given the resources, can't it be that he is in a hurry to break free?"

The voice in the door was low and slightly hoarse.

"Of course I knew it wasn't taken."

Han Fei sneered: "But this matter is too simple, so simple that it completely suits my heart. If I want the fountain of life, you can give it to me. If I want to refine the demon vine, you can say that you can create opportunities for me. I want to deal with the Celestial Clan. You said that as long as you cooperate with you and break the seal, the Celestial Clan will lose their talent inheritance. Everything seems to be very perfect and completely in line with my expectations... But, I am so grown up, Seriously, I have never encountered anything that can be done so logically. Everything is wasted, and it's not as easy as it should be, but this thing is too easy. It's like when I want to eat, someone brings the food and it's ready. Tableware, I found two girls for me by the way, one pinched my shoulders and the other fanned the wind. Do you think I should doubt it?

Behind the door, the voice was hoarse: "What if, this is the truth?"

Han Fei: "A lie can't always be a lie. For example, you didn't lie to me about the status of the ancient star tree, and you know you can't lie to me. And you told Yibeige's plan and everything, saying that he was holding the demon vine. It's fishing. I don't doubt this, because if it were me, I would have been fishing like this. After all, it doesn't matter if the avenue is broken. As long as there is a demon pot, it can be easily continued. However, even if it is a lie that is true and false , that's just a lie. I was a little hesitant and doubtful at first, I wanted to do it and see what you planned, but I have to say, you covered it up very well. I thought at the time, if you lied to me, your What is the purpose? Obviously, you have worked so hard to get me to cut off the vines that hold the door of light here, which is the so-called seal in your mouth."

Han Fei paused and continued: "You are trying to make me trust you and lead me into the Astral Trial Ground. As long as I enter the Astral Trial Ground, I will definitely be able to come here. What good will it be for you if I come here? Or what is the benefit of me cutting off the so-called tree vines? It should be the ancient star tree. The ancient star tree is also a demon plant in the emperor realm. Since it has not been taken away by you, it means that you can only Suppress it, but you can't take it away at all. And the reason why you can't take it away should be related to the seal here. If I guess right, it should be these vines blocking you, not you simply sealing the ancient stars Tree. The two of you are in a state of balance at the moment, so if I break the balance, the ancient star tree will fall, so when I enter this place, the ancient star tree will use memory to create so many memory creatures to chase and kill me."

After Han Fei finished speaking, he felt the surrounding trees tremble slightly, as if some force was fighting back.


But he heard a cold snort from the creature behind the door: "Even if he finds out, so what? It's just a mere happy world, even if it can't be my help, how can it help you?"

I just heard him say again: "Human boy, even if what you said is right, so what? You entered this room with a physical body, do you think you can get out? If you have all the demon vines, there may be a way. But Your demon pot is only incomplete after all. As for the Void Temple, here, here, are you connected? So... human beings, you and I can still cooperate now, I can give you the fountain of life, and I also have the talent of the door. I can give it to you. You should know about the Void Temple if you enter the Celestial Clan. I also don’t want to be an enemy of the Void Temple. So, you only need to help me cut the vines of the ancient star tree. The enmity between the Celestial Clan and you will be A write-off. And, I can promise that the entire Celestial Clan will help you three times unconditionally, no matter how much sacrifice..."

Han Fei was silent for a moment, then narrowed his eyes slightly: "I'm really moved by what you said. If you don't continue to lie to me, maybe I can really promise you."

The **** behind the door: "Where did I lie to you? At this moment, I am open and honest. If the Celestial Clan joins forces with the Void Temple, they will be invincible."


Han Fei sneered: "Have you lied to me, don't you have any points in your heart? Do you need me to clarify? Well, why don't you mention Yi Beige?"

Han Fei sneered: "If it wasn't the Primordial Star Tree that I traded with in the first place, who is talking to me? You? You were intercepted here by the Primordial Star Tree. If you can manifest in the sea world, you want me to come in. What are you doing? So the so-called ancient star tree I saw was Elbege, right?"

There was no sound behind the door, and Han Fei continued: "Let me guess. When Yibeige returned from a serious injury, although the river of life can be repaired with the fountain of life, the avenue is indeed broken. He is unwilling to rebuild it because he can rob it. Refining the demon vine means that Yibeige is actually very powerful, and he is unwilling to rebuild. Therefore, he found a way to enter the astral world and came here. He wants to use the means of your **** to help him restore the avenue. But...you sent him to take the house."


The **** behind the door interrupted Han Fei's speculation: "If I take it away, why do you need to come here to help me? Can't I just cut the vine?"

Han Fei sneered: "I knew you would say that. I thought about it just now, but when I thought about it, I realized that there was a problem. Why did others come in with a spiritual body, while I entered the ancient stars with a physical body. The memory world of the tree? What kind of nonsense is half-truth and half-truth. The reason is that I have a refining demon pot. Although I don't know why I can do this with a refining demon pot, the answer can only be this In the outside world, Yibeige did not dare to shoot, because he knew that he would never kill me. If he wanted to kill me, he had to destroy my spirit, and to destroy my spirit, he had to pierce the demon refining pot, or take advantage of my absence. Prepare. But I can activate the Void Mark. Just give me time to read, and I may destroy your plan for 100,000 years. This is something you don’t want to see. Of course, if I’m not a disciple of the Void Temple, You may have already done it. So the first time you knew that I was here, after I left Yi Wulang's natal star, you asked me why I dared to come out. Because you wanted to see my trump card."

The **** behind the door: "Even so, what does this have to do with the cooperation between you and me?"

Han Fei: "Do you think I would cooperate with a liar?"

The **** behind the door: "There is no eternal enemy. Besides, I am not necessarily your enemy. For example, the place where I am now may also be the place where you must pass in the future. Even if you don't cooperate today, one day, maybe you will still be with you. I cooperate. All races are the same in at least one thing, and that is to deal with ominous... I know too many secrets that you don't know at all. For example, you are from the human race, and the human race I know has long since declined. But I can help your Terran rise..."

Han Fei shook his head: "Whether the human race will rise, that is my human race's business, and it has nothing to do with you. If I help you, you will take away the ancient star tree, and you will take away Yibeige. As soon as you go back, for example, drag me into this broken door, maybe I even have to go in with the demon pot. By then, you will have the demon pot, and no one can stop you from coming to the sea world, what are you? Become the biggest winner, do you think I'm stupid?"

Han Fei could imagine that if such a thing happened, the **** of the Celestial Clan would have two incarnations of the peak of the emperor level in the sea world. A demon refining pot is in hand, and a life span is endless. Maybe they can both step into the realm of the gods in the end. At that time, the Celestial Clan might return to the pattern of one door and three gods.

Moreover, the three major gods this time are all alone. If he has mastered some magical three-in-one method, who can stop the sea world?

If it is like that, maybe the Celestial Clan will become an existence side by side with the Three Temples. If such a liar becomes so strong, it is really his own sin.

"It seems that you are determined to fight against me?"

Han Fei raised the corners of his mouth and tutted, "Huh! Does this change his face?"

I just heard the hoarse voice behind the door saying: "Even though you thought so much and guessed so much, you still entered this star world after all. Do you think, here, you can really activate the Void Mark? I think about it. ...The teacher of your Void Temple, and I have embarked on the same road. I don't know where I am at the moment, but it is absolutely impossible to still be in the Void Temple. Then, the one who can still sit in the Void Temple... is the Void? "

Han Fei's heart moved, this was the first time he heard someone mention the teacher of the Void Temple, and he took the same road as him? What is the road, why does it sound like some kind of road of no return?

However, Han Fei was still the old **** on the surface: "It seems that you know a lot about my Void Temple. It's just that you may have made a mistake, the **** of the Celestial Clan. Times have changed. You may be strong, but my senior brother of the Void Temple will never be weaker than you. My senior brother is known as the Lord of the Void. Time can't stop it, do you think the memory space can stop it? , there must be my senior brother, this is what my fifth senior brother told me. Do you know who my fifth senior brother is? Known as the universe, omniscient, omniscient, the world's most intelligent, what he said, There can be no mistakes. So, even here, if I really call my senior brother, he can respond. Of course, I don't think I need to do it."

It seemed that Han Fei had gone a bit too far, and only heard the creature whisper: "Noisy. You are in a free world, and you want to shake the seal of the gods?"

The next moment, the seven gates of light burst out with dazzling light again, and Han Fei kept babbling in his ears.

Yes, this **** is indeed too far away to be able to fight at all. He can only force Han Fei to submit through the method of charming mind.

He was angry at the moment, but there was nothing he could do, he had even made up his mind. Once Han Fei leaves this room, he will kill him. It's nothing to lose a Celestial Clan. Anyway, as long as this son goes out, the Celestial Clan will not be able to please him. After all, he will be suppressed by him and eventually wither. Why not replace this son with the Celestial Clan.

However, seeing Han Fei's whole body bursting with blue veins, his invincible will sticks to his will, but he is laughing: "So, the dignified gods only use such means? No wonder the teacher swept the three gods of your former Celestial Clan with one finger. It’s really the Happy Realm, but… but who says I can’t break this seal? You, you have never seized the Primordial Star Tree, how can you know the mystery of the origin of this tree, you… underestimate the Primordial Star Tree.”

"The twins are one."


However, he saw that the body of the black mist and the body of the white mist were instantly unified, and then, a green leaf tied with a red rope appeared in Han Fei's hands.

I saw Han Fei holding the leaves between his fingers, and roared: "I have a leaf, but I can kill God..."

At that moment, he saw a leaf in Han Fei's hand turning into a blue-light sword glow. When the sword came out, Han Fei's arm exploded with flesh and blood, revealing the bones of the Dao. The heaven and the earth here seem to have divine power, coming from the leaves, the sword shines like light, swaying the thick fog, cutting through the chaos, and eye-catching the world.

Han Fei was stunned, only to feel that the heavens and the myriad ways were unstoppable. Nine Heavens Buddhas and Gods, all retreat.


With one sword out, seven doors are broken.


Han Fei's eyes showed horror, this is so... so strong...


He couldn't wait for Han Fei to sigh, and the scene in front of him faded in an instant. Han Fei's figure appeared directly in the tree hole that entered the star world before.


He saw that the coffin in which Yi Beige was sleeping exploded, and Han Fei instantly felt that he was about to suffocate. But after that, he loosened his whole body, and a voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Human, I suppressed Elbege, do you have any backing?"

This time, Han Fei knew who he was talking about. This was the real Primordial Star Tree.

It was too late, but it was too soon, Han Fei shouted, "Pirates."

The next moment, the vine in Elbe's singer appeared in his hands.

After all, the demon-refining vine is not from Yibeige. The Void Stealing Technique is a rule-based magic technique, and it is not launched against the body of Elbege, so Han Fei did not suffer any backlash.

"court death."

To be precise, this is not Elbego, but the **** just now.

Han Fei dared to hold a big one, and a jade slip in his hand shattered in response. At the same time, he only heard a low voice: "Senior, send me out."

"Where to go."

However, Yi Beige suddenly burst into divine will, and a knife in his hand, like a sword that splits the sky, suddenly cut off the suppressing power of the ancient star tree.

The next moment ~www.readwn.com~ Han Fei heard the word "careful" in his mind.


Han Fei didn't even realize it, but a slap had already been taken.


I only saw a blood mist explode, and a figure was drawn into the endless void by a slap. Only seeing the golden light on Han Fei's body, he was immediately beaten out of the way.

Yes, Han Fei's scalp is also numb. If he didn't borrow the avenue of life, and he didn't use the Void Mark, he would be gone in just one click.


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