God of Fishing

Chapter 2759: Eat and eat the treasure of good fortune

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Several people quickly made a decision and went directly in the direction of Honghuang Shuize.

After Han Fei and the others left, countless powerhouses slowly entered the land of no fire. Most people, in fact, do not have a map or have an incomplete map. After all, not everyone has a family background like Feng Yu.

And most of these people are the ordinary Open Heaven realm powerhouses, most of them are from the early stage of the Open Heaven realm to the later stage of the Open Heaven realm. As soon as these people discovered the lush forests here, they immediately showed ecstasy.

"A good place, the grass and trees that can grow in the wild land are extraordinary."

"Ha, I didn't expect that I would be waiting in this treasure place as soon as I came in."

"We don't expect to compete for any peerless treasure. If we go, we won't be able to compete, so just stay here."

It's just a fire-free land, leaving nearly half of the people who come here.

Of course, those with a little talent and a map, after confirming their directions, all headed for the nine signature places.

In the crowd, there was a man with an unremarkable appearance and muttered: "Senior sister, you go with the soul, Sanskrit soul refining, let's go to the Sanskrit Pure Land!"

The senior elder sister said, "Junior Brother Yu, you just broke through, and it's just when you need Lingbao, so you should find the one that suits you first."

This unremarkable man is Henry Zhang. He was suppressed to cultivate in the sect before, and it should have been a hundred years before he left the customs. Who knew that Zhang Xuanyu broke through a hundred years ahead of schedule in order to drive the war between the human races and proved the emperor's respect.

But even if he hurry up, it is still too late. By the time he arrives at the human race, the human race has already created a new prosperous world, which makes him regretful that he is not able to participate in the war. Moreover, when he arrived, Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai had already left, and he only saw Han Song's clone.

Seeing that he was no longer needed, he came to Nanhai Shenzhou.

Just listen to Zhang Xuanyu: "No, go to the Pure Land of Sanskrit, then go to the floods and waters, and finally go to the Baochuan Mountains."

Senior Sister: "Why did you make this decision?"

Henry Zhang: "We have time, it doesn't make much difference which one we go first and which one we go later. Besides, the chance that we will trigger the opportunity is very small, even if it is triggered, we have to grab it. So, if you want to go by yourself Triggering the opportunity, the probability of obtaining a spiritual treasure is very low, but it is different from grabbing someone else. Sanskrit Pure Land, because there are the most spiritual treasures that have not been born there."

Senior Sister pondered for a moment: "Okay, let's go."

Henry Zhang grinned, but in his heart, the real reason was not this. He knew that Han Fei was definitely here, and he even guessed that Wang Han might be Han Fei.

Han Fei has always been committed to saving the human race, so he has no time to go to other major Shenzhou. The only time he formed friendships with foreign powerhouses was in the Shendu Dynasty. At that time, whoever had a good relationship with Han Fei, one would know.

However, what puzzled Henry Zhang a little was that Wang Han appeared in the form of Feng Yu's fiancé, which puzzled him, so he had to ask face to face.

Henry Zhang knew that it was impossible for Han Fei to go to Treasure Hammer Mountain first, let alone to the other six places where high-grade Lingbao had been dug up. With his urination, he could only go to the Great Desolate Shuize and the Sanskrit Pure Land, and he didn't go to encounter opportunities at all, he just went to robbery. And if Han Fei wants to rob, it is impossible to choose only one place, and he will not let go of any of these three places.

Therefore, no matter whether he goes to the floods and waters, or the pure land of Sanskrit, he will inevitably encounter Han Fei.


The same group as Zhang Xuanyu came in, there was a group of Zhonghai Shenzhou Jueyin Mountain disciples, and seven or eight women were delighted: "Ah! It's really beautiful, we are so close to the Pure Land of Fanyin."

"Sanskrit Pure Land, Sister Ling'er, you are the one with the best luck here. This Sanskrit Pure Land will surely reveal its chance because of you."

"Yeah! Every time I explore the treasure land, Xiao Jiu's luck is not good. It's like carrying a family of luck."

"This time, it's not just the Sanskrit Pure Land, but many treasures are related to the path of rhythm and spirituality. Jiu'er, if you can get a high-grade spiritual treasure, the future of Jueyin Mountain may point to you."

Jiuyinling smiled and said, "You sisters, don't make fun of me."

"Giggle, where are you making fun of you, it's your good luck, we all want to follow you."

"That's right! You can touch the divine decree of Jueyin Mountain, but I don't believe it. You can't touch the spiritual treasure of the Sanskrit Pure Land."


the other side.

A group of ferocious, burly murderers dressed in animal skins, carrying battle axes, mad knives, big crossbows, and giant swords, guarding a big fat man.

"Ugh, haha, is this the Great Emperor of the Great Desolation? Sure enough, it's violent... Shao Zhaizhu, how can we grab it?"

The big fat man was dressed in Xuantian heavy armor, with six crazy knives of various colors on his back.

"Ah? Master Shaozhai, there are only two spiritual treasures in the Treasure Hammer Mountains! Can we go to the Sanskrit Pure Land first?"

But he saw the big fat man shaking his head: "No, I'll go to Baochui Mountain to wait for others, and I will take up the mountain by the way. Let's temporarily use Baochuan Mountain as the top of the mountain. All the ancient demon clan, the sky spider and insect valley, and the **** demon forest. People who can eat, will kill the hot pot for me."

"Hahaha, the Shaozhai master has a good idea, and I'm hungry."

"But how long do we have to wait? If these three clans are combined, there may not be enough people here!"

Someone scolded: "Te Niang, are you afraid of a ball? I am one of the three major pirates in the Western Wilderness. I'm afraid of his ball. Shaozhai mainly eats it, so eat it."

The big fat man: "You don't have to wait long. Remember, I came here this time, killing first and second for treasure. All the forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou have few good things, but anyone who dares to conflict with us will behead him. "

The big fat man added: "Also, if there is no conflict, create conflict for me."

"Yes, Master Shaozhai."


Flood waters.

What flows here is not ordinary water, but a confluence of spiritual springs, earth vein springs, and weak waters.

The water veins stretch here, and the vegetation is also overgrown.

When Han Fei and the others came, there were already some big forces coming. Most of these people had very clear goals, and they rushed to the flood and water in the first time.

In several places, fighting has already taken place.

But the truth is, in this flood, there are some powerful creatures. For example, there are Jiaolong with vigor and blood, and octopus with suffocation.

Don't underestimate these creatures. These things have lived for thousands of years in the ancient land of the gods, and there is no way to further improve their strength. In the end, they can only become the ultimate creatures of the five chain locks of Huaxing Great Perfection.

It can be said that every one of these creatures released is a real arrogance, the kind that every big clan and faction is vying for.

At this moment, Feng Xingliu was fighting with a blood-colored Flood Dragon, the fire phoenix soaring into the sky, and the great skills were horizontal and vertical, until Feng Xingliu's first form strength showed to the extreme, it was not enough. It wasn't until the second form appeared that it was worthy of crippling the blood-colored flood dragon.

I just heard Feng Xing Liu said, "Something's wrong! This Flood Dragon seems to be heading towards the extreme path! And it has already traveled a short distance."

Feng Qingcheng: "This means that it has been a strong five-way lock for too long. If you want to go further, you can only start to practice the extreme way, so that it is possible to become stronger."

Feng Yu: "The creatures here have a high bloodline level and extraordinary bone strength. They should have lived here for a long time and have been infected by the divine nature, so they can no longer be regarded as ordinary Open Heaven Realm Great Perfection. Exactly, It's also a grind for you."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "It's really extraordinary. If you look at it this way, the land without fire before seems to be a safe area."

Feng Xingliu finally managed to kill a blood-colored Flood Dragon, took a deep breath and said, "I think we should not fight with these real life beings. It may be easier to rob those powerful treasure hunters."

Han Fei: "That's true."

For some reason, Han Fei felt as if he had a special feeling for this place.

"Isn't it? Can I still inspire the spirit treasures here?"

After Han Fei and the others avoided dozens of native creatures all the way, they finally came to the central area of ​​the floods. Here, hundreds of people have gathered.

In the central area of ​​the flooded waters, there is a large emerald green mountain, which is very abrupt. This kind of greenness should not appear in the flooded land, but it did.

At this moment, around the mountain, dozens of places are fighting each other. There are powerful creatures in the water, all of which are polar creatures. It takes many people to encircle them before they can fight.

Of course, the encircled ones are not the real arrogant people, and there should be no strong people who are Emperor Senior Realm themselves. Above the green hill, there are dozens of people sitting cross-legged facing an inscription, as if feeling something.

The arrival of Han Fei and the others only made them a little vigilant, but they didn't take it seriously for the time being. After all, the Spirit Treasure has not yet come out, and it is meaningless to start at this time, unless the other party maliciously seeks war. If so, it will be boycotted.

Landing on the green hill, Feng Yu said: "On the inscription, there are some verbal descriptions left by this god."

Feng Qingcheng opened his mouth and read: "Water has no form, law has no borders, water can melt all things, can transform all things, can be compared to the heavens, and can respond to the impermanence of heaven. The way of the gods is vague, I use the water method to merge all laws, open the road of the gods, and make the world clear. Hereafter..."

Feng Qingcheng: "It sounds like it's just some emotion left behind by this senior after he became a god."

Feng Yu: "The water method merges all methods, and the fusion of the method is a matter of the Great Emperor Realm. But most people have not achieved longevity, even if they are longevity, they have not been able to realize the method of longevity to the Great Emperor, and reading this inscription is futile. "

Feng Xingliu: "We don't understand this water method! Can these people do it! They can't even call out a spirit treasure."

Everyone was speechless, even if there were several people sitting cross-legged and comprehending, they looked back and thought, what kind of **** was this guy talking about?

Feng Xingliu: "What are you looking at? Look again and gouge out your eyes."


Feng Yu slapped Feng Xingliu and stumbled: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!"

Han Fei: "Three days, wait for the others to come. If there is no Lingbao within three days, we can leave."

Feng Yu: "Are you in a hurry? It's hard for ordinary people to get here in three days."

Han Fei: "Then we can't expect ordinary people to touch the opportunity! These strong people can't understand the opportunity here, and they can't lead the spirit treasure to be born. If others come, even if they get the spirit treasure, so what if they are not from Zhonghai Shenzhou? Come on, I don't care."

Feng Yu thought thoughtfully: "It's quite reasonable. You've always done this kind of thing when you see it, and you have rich experience."

Han Fei: "Why is this a personal attack? It's a chance to attract a baby, and it's an opportunity to grab a baby. If you can't wait, it means that there is no chance, and we will naturally not wait if there is no chance."

Feng Yu: "Yes, yes, you are right."

Han Fei snorted twice and looked at the stele for a while. He seemed to feel that there was a chance hidden in the stele, and he could even touch him, but he didn't seem to have much fate with him.

After watching for a while, Han Fei said, "Let's go, go shopping."

Feng Yu: "Where to go shopping?"

Han Fei, great green mountains, beautiful scenery, rare leisure, and strolling in the mountains, I am happy...

Suddenly, the three Feng Yu looked at Han Fei speechlessly.

Feng Yu: "No, co-author, you are here to play in the mountains and water? Would you like to make another meal, drink a few glasses of wine or something?"

Feng Xingliu heard this: "Okay, okay!"

Feng Yu rolled his eyes and pushed back, Feng Xingliu was pushed thousands of miles away: "We can eat, drink and drink, but you can't. Don't you want to cross the Emperor's Tribulation? Such a good opportunity to experience, such a strong opponent, where are you on weekdays? to find?"

Feng Xingliu was speechless: "Feng Yu, let me tell you, don't go too far."

I saw Han Fei beckoned to Feng Xingliu and said, "Feng Xingliu, you can catch a fish! Come here, let's also taste the deliciousness of the great land."

Feng Qingcheng clenched his fists: "I'll cheer you on."

Feng Xingliu's face suddenly turned green, these three people were simply too deceiving. Forget it, I don't have general knowledge with them, but this is indeed a good place to experience. When it comes to food, he can't help but slap his mouth, Han Fei's cooking is still very delicious.

A few hours later, Feng Xingliu returned carrying an arowana, only to see that Han Fei and the others had already cooked the cauldron and set up the barbecue, so they were waiting for him.

Han Fei rubbed his hands: "Come on, give it to me. I saw a crab in the southwest, and a few loose cultivators seemed to be defeated. Let's grab a meal."

Feng Xingliu shouted, "I just finished fighting, I haven't had a bite yet."

Han Fei: "It takes time for me to cook! Go and come back quickly. When you come back, the fish will be almost ready."

Feng Xingliu swallowed: "Okay, okay! Then wait for me!"

A few hours later, Feng Xingliu came back carrying the big crab, only to find that Han Fei and the others had already eaten it. Half of the fish was gone, but the big fish head was still intact.

At that time, Feng Xingliu became anxious: "What about waiting for me?"

Feng Qingcheng was dizzy after eating and said, "The fish head that was specially reserved for you, eat the fish head to nourish the brain, and keep the essence for you."

Feng Xingliu was speechless: "I thank you."

Han Fei: "Don't tell me, this fish is not bad. The essence of the fish brain contains a trace of spiritual essence, which is of great benefit to body and spiritual cultivation, and can relieve fatigue, which can instantly make you energetic..."

"Stop talking, I'll eat."

Feng Xingliu stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a large lump of jelly-like fish brains was hugged by him.

"Haha, haha...hh, this tastes really good, Xiao Qingcheng, would you like some..."

Feng Qingcheng was a little dizzy, her body was shining brightly, she was refining the essence of fish meat, and she didn't have time to pay attention to him.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Xiao Qingcheng has eaten fish, and it is no worse than your fish brain."

Feng Xingliu: "Then, did you leave me some little fish?"

Han Fei: "Haha, go and catch it again."

Feng Yu had a smile on the corner of her mouth. It would not be bad if she spent her time in the ancient land of God Transcending like this.

While dismantling the crab, Han Fei sighed: "Look at this crab yellow, it is full of essence and radiant, it can be called a fairy."

When Feng Xingliu saw it, he hurriedly accelerated his speed. He ate the fish brain and some fish meat like a whale swallowing the sea. The crab on Han Fei's side had just been dismembered.

Han Fei glanced at him: "Why are you still here?"

Feng Xingliu tapped the crab: "I'm waiting for the crab!"

Han Fei: "Why is your consciousness so low? Sitting on the mountain? Over there, there is a giant shell with extraordinary strength and strong defense. It has been besieged by others for two hours. It’s delicious, maybe you can dig out a jewel from it.”

Feng Xingliu swallowed, "Then keep the crabs for me! I want to eat crab roe..."

Two days later.

Now Han Fei no longer needs to be ordered, and Feng Xingliu grabs whatever he wants to eat. Anyway, for them, it doesn't matter how much she eats, except for Feng Qingcheng, because her strength is not yet in place, she often eats herself dizzy, but her strength is improving rapidly, whether it is her soul or physique , are growing and changing at an astonishing rate.

On the third day, Feng Xingliu was chasing a giant razor, all the way to the foot of the mountain. Now, the wild beasts in the vicinity are already afraid of Feng Xingliu, and they can fight when they see others, but when they see Feng Xingliu, they just run away.

It's just that Feng Xingliu's bloodline is extraordinary after all, and it's not like these beasts can run away if they want. The giant razor plunged into the mountain and wanted to get in. Feng Xingliu grabbed a piece of shell armor, and the fire feather fluttered behind the fan, pulling it out desperately.

Where is the giant razor the opponent of Feng Xingliu? After all, it was still unsupported, and Feng Xingliu was forcibly pulled out of the mountain.


Due to inertia, Feng Xingliu flew out backwards. Also at that moment, suddenly, a dazzling divine light spewed out from the mountain. Looking closer, it was actually a gourd.


In an instant, on the green hills, all the powerhouses took action one after another.

"It's Lingbao."

"Can this also dig up Lingbao?"

Feng Xingliu and the others have been hunting and eating here. It has been a few days since the banquet was held. In the eyes of all parties, they are simply not doing their jobs properly. But who would have thought that this guy actually scooped out the Lingbao.

Even Han Fei was speechless: "Is this okay?"

At that time, Feng Xingliu dropped the giant razor clam and went straight to use the second form. The speed soared to the extreme and went straight to the gourd.

The giant clam took the opportunity to "swoosh" and ran away, but he didn't care.

"Hahaha! Feng Yu, Wang Han, I got the Lingbao."

That Lingbao's speed was not slow, Feng Xingliu was chasing him around in the void, chasing.

Someone shouted: "Hmph, you can also think of this spiritual treasure, and you are delusional."

Someone stirred up the fog and tried to block Feng Xingliu. Feng Yu snorted coldly, Tianhuang was born, and the fireworks burned the sky: "What my Phoenix God Clan found, it's not your turn to grab it."

The void mist was swept away. A pair of fire feathers directly intercepted six people.

But above the green mountain, at this moment, thousands of strong people are dispatched one after another. Feng Yu can only attack everywhere. The flames burn and suppress, and all the enemies retreat.

Someone shouted: "There are only four people, why are they fighting for treasure? Ten thousand miles of rope..."

Someone sacrificed the innate spiritual treasure, chased Feng Xingliu, grabbed Feng Xingliu's ankle, the latter's body was stagnant, and the spiritual treasure that was only a hand away, ran helplessly. .

Dozens of approaching guys swarmed up.

"Ding Ding Ding ~"


I only saw that above the void, a nine-foot large ring knife came suddenly, and the speed was more than thirty times the speed of light.

"Puff puff~"

The people who took action to grab the treasure were beheaded one after another.


The Heavenly Phoenix pierced through the sky and stopped in an instant, the divine claws clasped the middle of the Lingbao gourd.

"Put down Lingbao."

"Feng Yu, you can't take it away!"

Han Fei has already shot at this moment, his body is flashing in the void, and the sword intent is soaring to the sky.

The Fengyu Fire Territory swept across, and the number of powerhouses who were blown away or burned by her had reached a hundred.

Feng Xingliu finally broke free of the ten thousand li rope and scolded angrily, "Wait for the ants, who dare to **** the young master's spiritual treasure, and I will chop you up now. Thirteen swords of Fengling..."

For a time, the three of them were above the sky, killing the Quartet. The difference is that Feng Xingliu tried his best, but he could only stop a dozen people. And Han Fei and Feng Yu swept all the way, and no less than a hundred people were cut off by them on the spot. Although it failed to kill, it was because the conditions were limited and the battle was too hasty.

The information in Han Fei's eyes appeared, and he directly said: "Mid-grade good fortune Lingbao, Feng Xingliu is lucky."

Feng Yu: "Enough, we are not strong in the water technique. It is already a great luck to get the middle-grade fortune-telling spiritual treasure. Don't think about the high-grade. Let's go..."

Suddenly, someone burst out laughing: "Feng Yu, throw the Lingbao over here, otherwise this little girl from your family will not be able to live."

Suddenly, Feng Yu and Han Fei looked back, but saw a white-haired young man hooking the corner of his mouth and sneering, not afraid that Feng Yu would not take the bait.

At this time, above the void, everyone stopped, and they wanted to wait for Feng Yu to throw away the Lingbao.

However, Han Fei shouted: "Looking for death."


"Ding Ding Ding ~"

The nine-foot ring saber kept ringing to cover up the void robbery, and the young man was in a trance. The next moment, a giant knife traversed thousands of miles and nailed it to the top of the mountain.

Han Fei pulled Feng Qingcheng and turned the nine-foot ring knife, the ring of the knife ringing "ding ding ding" non-stop.


"Little Lord."

"Haotian Xingxing Dao, the sixth style, the galaxy flows."


Many of the young man's entourage were smashed by the sword light in an instant, and their souls collapsed.

The young master, whose consciousness had not yet regained consciousness, was also smashed by the blade top, and his body was directly crushed by Han Fei.

"So strong~www.readwn.com~ That is the young master of the Water Sect, although it is not a big force, but it is a strong person in the Taoist realm! Although his strength is suppressed, how can the power of the open heaven realm kill him? "

Feng Yu took the opportunity to pull Feng Xingliu and shouted directly, "Come on."


With a bang, the explosion swept thousands of miles, and Han Fei jumped and landed on Tianhuang.

Behind him, many powerhouses were chasing after them, but Tianhuang's speed was getting faster and faster, and recently it has reached fifty times the speed of light. "Chiliu" left everyone behind.

And those loose cultivators who were several times of the Great Perfection, saw this scene, and they all showed the color of amazement and sighed.

Some people smiled bitterly: "This is super power! Thousands of people didn't stop them."

(End of this chapter)

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