God of Fishing

Chapter 2760: Xianyin curls, the beauty continues

Tianhuang swept across the sky at an unbelievable speed.

The various arrogances who were chasing behind were also quite speechless, and some people wondered: "How could the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm break out at such a speed."

"How is it possible that the secret technique is fully activated, and it won't be so fast, right?"

Even Han Fei was a little shocked: "Fifty times the speed of light?"

Feng Yu: "Tianhuang is good at speed, faster than the ancient Kunpeng."

Han Fei clicked her tongue, sure enough, she could only say that Feng Yu was too good at pretending before. With this speed, in Kaitian territory, let alone the number one on the Heavenly Ranking, she was able to win the first on the Gods Ranking.

Feng Xingliu was surprised and said, "Where's the gourd, let me take a look at the gourd."

Feng Yu scooped it casually and threw it back to Feng Xingliu: "Fish **** luck."

Feng Xingliu laughed loudly: "Look, I said that I have good luck. The main thing is that you are too lazy and squeeze me. Look, it's a loss, right?"

Han Fei: "Okay, a broken gourd, I'll take it for you, just in time for you to use it when you cross the Emperor's Tribulation."

Han Fei said this, but he was indeed surprised. The Spirit Treasure of Fortune could be obtained in the Open Heaven Realm. It was truly incredible to cross the ancient land of gods. He has been carrying karmic fire for two hundred years, but he has only obtained a hammer of Thor, Feng Xingliu is just beating beasts, he only got one in two days, maybe this is a fool for a fool Bar!

Feng Qingcheng: "Good Fortune Spirit Treasure, can you get it now?"

Feng Xingliu: "That must be accepted."

Feng Yu: "At the level of fortune-telling spirit treasure, there is no need for the so-called recognizing the master from a drop of blood. It's a cheap guy."

after one day.

In a certain ravine, a large gourd rose into the sky.

Feng Xingliu shouted: "My good-fortune gourd is unparalleled in the sky, it can turn fire into liquid, and practice fire robbery liquid. It can also swallow endless sea water, condense it into a water lore and kill the gods, even if the gods see me, they will Get three feet back."

Han Fei sneered: "Okay, don't brag about it. You really dare to think about the creation of the gods of Lingbao Town. If you can use one-tenth of this gourd's combat power now, thank God!"

Being exposed by Han Fei, Feng Xingliu was not annoyed, but triumphantly said: "Jealous, you are just jealous. When you reach the Sanskrit Pure Land, you can eat hot pot, drink big wine, and fight, I will come."

Feng Qingcheng was speechless: "Do you still expect to bump into a good fortune treasure for you again?"

Feng Xingliu said to himself, "What do you know? It seems to be an unintentional move, but it actually shows that I have unparalleled luck."

Feng Yu rolled her eyes, patted the gourd and said, "You can see that you are a stupid gourd at a glance, so you chose such a stupid master."


Seeing the gourd shaking violently, Feng Xingliu immediately said angrily, "Feng Yu, I warn you not to be too arrogant. Look, my gourd has something against you."


Suddenly, Han Fei and Feng Yu stood up suddenly, Feng Xingliu was stunned for a moment, and then also shocked. Because they saw a colorful beam of light rising into the sky.

But Dao is in the void, with layers of ripples spreading out.

Immediately, Feng Yu and Han Fei broke away from the gourd.

Feng Yu: "There is a strange treasure born in the Pure Land of Fanyin. This movement is bigger than your good fortune gourd. Feng Xingliu, you are optimistic about Xiao Qingcheng."

Han Fei: "Let Gourd take action when necessary, he is better than you."

Feng Xingliu: "..."


Before Feng Xingliu could reply, he saw that Han Fei and Feng Yu had disappeared from the spot, and they were extremely fast.

Feng Xingliu was speechless, and then said to Feng Qingcheng: "Look, this is my luck, if I don't come, can this strange treasure be born? But I won't fight, a gentleman loves treasure, there is a way to get it."

Feng Qingcheng: "Shut up and follow."


Sanskrit Pure Land.

A large-scale war is breaking out, various Xuanyin laws are rising into the sky, and soulyin killing techniques are emerging one after another. Across the distance, I heard a woman shouting: "This treasure is my chance to join the Mountain of Jueyin. Are you going to be my enemy?"

Someone sneered: "Jueyin Mountain is nothing. It has not even entered the top ten forces in Zhonghai. The name of Jueyin Mountain is far from being used to bluff people."

Someone shouted: "Everyone, this is a high-grade fortune-telling spiritual treasure. This treasure is in your hand, and the road to the emperor is at your feet. You can even become a god. You must not give this treasure to Jueyin Mountain..."

When Han Fei and the others arrived, they saw eight Jueyin Mountain women, some playing the qin, some playing the flute, some playing the pipa, some playing the Guxun, and some playing the drum.


There were only eight people, but Xuanyin turned into an army of thousands of horses, surrounded by hundreds of millions of ghosts, guarding a woman refining a jasper flute.

However, how can eight people stop thousands of people? At this moment, the eight women are already burning their lives, their clothes are dyed red, and it seems that they can't last long.

If everyone's strength was not suppressed in the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm, these disciples of Jueyin Mountain would not be able to last even ten breaths.

"Peaceless Mountain?"

Han Fei couldn't help but remember that when he first came out of the Chaos Wasteland, he killed two disciples of Jueyin Mountain. These forces are all monsters with super-strong soul power and extremely terrifying fighting spirit.

At the beginning, he succeeded in sneak attacking, but if he fought head-on, he would probably be entangled.

Feng Yu: "There are quite a few strong people who have come to Jueyin Mountain, and your little daughter-in-law is also there. There is also the woman holding a blade of grass in her hand, she is Chen Fangcao, in the list of free and easy gods, Ranked third, the strength should not be underestimated.”

Han Fei also frowned slightly. If Ye Qingchan grabbed it, should he take action?

Feng Yu: "Let me?"

Han Fei thought for a while, then shook his head slightly: "No, if Ye Qingchan's identity is confirmed, it doesn't matter if you send her, but you don't need to let it go now."

Feng Yu raised the corners of her mouth: "Well, the high-grade fortune-telling spiritual treasure is indeed a world-shattering treasure. Waiting for the Jiuyin Array that will meet Jueyin Mountain to be broken, you block the enemy, and I will **** the treasure."

Han Fei smiled and said, "No problem."

Han Fei couldn't help showing a smile on his face. This ancient land is really a good place. In just a few days, there has been a high-grade treasure of good fortune, which is stronger than Thor's Hammer. If the woman were to refine such a spiritual treasure, even if she were surrounded by a thousand people, she might still be able to survive.

After a hundred breaths, Feng Xingliu and Feng Qingcheng arrived late.

Feng Xingliu put away the gourd: "What's the situation? Why didn't you take action?"

Feng Yu: "Wait for the Nine-layer Silence Array to break."

Feng Qingcheng: "It was the people from Jueyin Mountain who inspired Lingbao?"

Han Fei: "The top-grade good fortune treasures."


Feng Xingliu's eyes suddenly shone brightly: "Good things, we have to grab them."


I saw that the woman in the middle of refining the high-grade good fortune spirit treasure seemed to be too eager and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"Nine children."

"Linger, don't mind us, find a way to use the high-grade good fortune to create the power of Lingbao and get out of the battlefield."

Hearing someone calling the woman's name, Han Fei suddenly regained his spirits, and then looked at the woman refining the jade flute in the field, Han Fei's eyes showed a sense of delusion.


At the beginning, everyone who went out of the riotous sea had given the Heavenly Hidden Magic Technique, and Jiuyinling was no exception. After so many years, no one knew where she went. The sea world is so big that it is too easy for a person to hide.

Sure enough, when Han Fei saw through the falsehood, he found that the woman's appearance was fake, and he did find traces of the Heavenly Hidden Magic. In addition to the Heavenly Hidden Magic, he also felt that the woman seemed to have cultivated another powerful concealment method, which was stronger than the Heavenly Hidden Magic, so that he could not directly penetrate it.

However, that woman can wield the Heavenly Hidden Magic, which itself is inseparable.

Feng Yu wondered, "What's wrong with you?"

Han Fei's face was solemn: "That woman is from my human race and is lurking in Jueyin Mountain. I'm afraid you and I have to help them."


Feng Yu said in surprise: "Are you from the human race? Acquaintances?"

Feng Xingliu also said, "Apart from you, there are other powerful people in your human race?"

Han Fei: "My human race is full of strong people."


Feng Yu said helplessly: "Your human race is really talented! There are also strong people who can touch the high-grade fortune-telling spiritual treasures, yes, another spiritual treasure is gone."

Feng Xingliu said in a low voice, "Han Fei, this woman seems to be quite extraordinary, isn't that what you thought before?"

Han Fei: "..."

Feng Yu blinked and looked at Han Fei with a strange expression.

Feng Yu secretly smiled and said, "Oh! Little Junior Brother, if Ye Qingchan's memory is revived, you probably have an explanation."

Han Fei: "Senior sister, prepare to take action."


In the field, Jiuyinling's face was pale, and there was blood in front of her. I saw that she was holding on to the power of Lingbao's backlash and forcibly blowing the jasper flute.


"Buzzing buzzing..."

A series of seven beams of light fell from the sky, and the sound shook all directions. The avenue roared and trembled, and the fairy sound curled, turning into a mist, spreading out from the nine layers of silence.

Someone's face changed slightly: "It's the sound of the seven emotions. Everyone closes their hearing and guards the soul."


However, with the sound of the flute, behind Jiuyinling, a woman in a gorgeous dress appeared.

"Wait for the lights..."

For a while, the piano sounded and the flute moved, and many people who had fallen into the magical sound of seven emotions were swept by a round of piano sounds and exploded with a bang.

"No, it's the magic of the piano. I'll join forces to attack and break the sound of the piano. If the magic is broken, this woman won't last long."

"Boom boom boom."

For a time, all kinds of soul killing techniques scrambled to be the first.

After a short period of incense sticks, suddenly, a blade of grass flew into the sky, slashed in the sky, and above the void, a blade of grass sword energy was born. The sword energy was in the void, forming grass and turning into solidity, and the sword meaning was open to the profound.


Finally, Jiuyinling spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, and the Jiuzhong Absolute Sound Array was broken one after another.

At that moment, all the powers took action.

"Senior sister, save people."

As soon as Han Fei finished speaking, the person disappeared.

"Haotian Xingxing Dao, the ninth style, starry sky catastrophe."

At that moment, the sky and the earth became dim, the day seemed to turn into night, and the stars twinkled above the sky. And those stars are like knives, slicing the twilight and sweeping the battlefield.

Chen Fangcao's blade of grass suddenly shattered. Ye Qingchan, killed with one finger, was cut off by the stars. All the powers here fell into the dazzling starlight like a blade.

"Xihuang bandit, Wang Han?"

At that moment, it suddenly rained heavily, the rain was like a sword, and they all killed Jiuyinling and the others.

"It's Yu Mo Yu East Road, the art of rain falling and ten thousand swords returning."

"Damn, this guy is stronger than Chen Fangcao."


However, at this moment, I saw an ordinary young man with a spear blooming in his hand: "In an instant, my spear turned into a sea."

In that fleeting scene, the heavy rain seemed to have stopped, a man was holding a gun, and the speed seemed to have been frozen.

Hundreds of millions of spear awns seemed to catch every drop of rainwater, making those rainwater explode with a bang.

Han Fei was overjoyed, Zhang Xuanyu is here?

"Bang bang bang!"

In an instant, many masters showed extraordinary combat power. Hearing only a "chirp", Feng Yu's voice spread through the minds of the shocked people in Jueyin Mountain.

"Come up if you don't want to die."

The strong man in Jueyin Mountain is not a fool either, he already knew who the shot was at the first time. Phoenix Divine Clan Feng Yu, Xihuang bandit Wang Han, and an unknown spearman.

It's just that they don't know why these few people came to the rescue, but Jueyin Mountain has never dealt with them!

However, the eight women shook their heads at the same time, not because they didn't want to leave, but because they were pulled by the power of the group of enemies. Once they completely give up their resistance now, even if Feng Yu makes a move, they will not be able to get away.

Only one of them shouted: "Jiu'er, you go first, I will be safe when you go."

Jiuyinling's eyes were full of thunder marks: "Uncle, sister..."


Before it was Jiuyinling's turn to refute, Feng Yu had already picked her up. Han Fei and Henry Zhang were not in love, and a flicker fell on Tianhuang.


In the blink of an eye, Tianhuang had already disappeared without a trace.

There were only three people who could barely keep up. One Ye Qingchan, one Chen Fangcao, and one Yudonglu who just turned rain into a sword.

Han Fei carried the nine-footed ring of swords behind the back of his body, and he collided with the three of them with one enemy against three.

At the moment Han Fei made his move, suddenly, a flash of coldness disappeared in a flash of his own. Han Fei saw with his own eyes a figure in the virtual world suddenly jumped out, and a sword light that was approaching the extreme swept to the back of Ye Qingchan's neck.

Ye Qingchan didn't seem to have expected this either. The person who shot the shot took the time just right. This moment was Ye Qingchan's surgery gap, so he didn't have time to look at it. And this knife is so fast that Han Fei almost didn't react when it was about to arrive.

The mysterious killer seemed to have the will to kill. Although he didn't meet Han Fei, he formed a close cooperation with Han Fei.

However, Han Fei suddenly stretched out his hand, used his finger as a sword, and pointed at the back of Ye Qingchan's neck.

Ye Qingchan thought that she was going to be pinched from front to back, and slammed her palm towards Han Fei's heart, holding a jade slip with the other.



However, the expected front and rear pincer attack did not appear, Ye Qingchan was surprised to find that Han Fei actually helped her block the knife behind her. And his palm, with rolling rhyme, was pressed against Han Fei's chest.


Han Fei groaned, and when the nine-foot ring knife turned, his body was instantly wrapped in the void, and he quickly sank into the void.

The virtual world is the understanding of the realm, and it has no direct relationship with strength. It will not be blocked because of strength.

The virtual world.

As soon as he came in, Han Fei saw thousands of cold beams, and he stabbed in an instant. Han Fei's body was surrounded by qi and blood, and his body was surrounded by sword qi, blocking these stabs.

But at the moment when he blocked these thrusts, he saw a swift figure that had already escaped far away.

"Nantou Killer?"

The opponent's speed is very fast, and the opponent seems to know Han Fei's strength very well, knowing that he can't kill him, so he retreated without giving Han Fei a chance to pursue him.


By the time Han Fei appeared again, he had already caught up with Tianhuang's pace, and he stepped into the void and landed on top of Tianhuang.

In perception, Ye Qingchan didn't pursue her anymore, but stood above the void, frowned slightly, and looked at Han Fei. Ye Qingchan didn't pursue, so Yudong Lu and Chen Fangcao naturally gave up, because they could see that Han Fei was very strong. With a Feng Yu and the mysterious powerhouse with a gun, it was useless for them to catch up.

Han Fei also frowned slightly, and he felt that Nandou's killer did not appear.

He only heard him muttering to himself: "What a powerful killer, why did Nandou kill Ye Qingchan?"

However, Ye Qingchan's protector has arrived, so he doesn't need to take action on his own. Moreover, with this hunt, Ye Qingchan should be alert.

Suddenly, Han Fei felt a strange gaze, and when he turned around, he saw Jiuyinling looking at him quietly.

Jiuyinling raised a slight smile and said in a weak voice, "Perhaps, this is fate, right?"

Han Fei naturally knew that Jiuyinling had recognized herself. It seemed that Jiuyinling had never missed the point of recognizing people. But I heard him angrily and said: "You still don't run after taking the high-grade good fortune spirit treasure? From the power you just burst out, I know you have this ability. In this kind of place, if you run away, the other eight people will naturally survive. No one Will deliberately kill a lot of powerhouses of a superpower for a spiritual treasure that has been missed."

After speaking, Han Fei shone down with an apocalypse magic with his backhand, and Jiuyinling's face immediately became rosy.

"Oh... they are my uncle and sister."

Jiuyinling used the weakest tone to try to fight against Han Fei, but in the eyes of others, it seemed very strange. Jiuyinling seemed to be a good student who was criticized and did not dare to refute.

Zhang Xuanyu immediately covered his head and said, "Xiao Jiu! I haven't seen you for so long, why is your temper weakened again?"

In the past, after Jiuyinling and He Xiaoyu got along for a while, they finally got together for a while and became much more cheerful. But now it seems to have returned to the state of the immortal spirit, and in the face of Han Fei's momentum, it is a little weaker at first.

"Cough cough!"

But he heard Feng Yu say, "Well, aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

But seeing Zhang Xuanyu's complexion changing and returning to his original appearance, Feng Qingcheng suddenly exclaimed: "Is it you? Zhang Xuanyu?"

Zhang Xuanyu's handsome face had a gentle smile on her face: "Tsk tsk, the girl in Qingcheng is getting more and more beautiful, it really makes my heart move..."

Han Fei: "Speak well."

Henry Zhang suddenly smiled and said, "Human Zhang Xuanyu."

Jiuyinling's expression softened slightly: "Human, Jiuyinling."

Han Feidao: "Zhang Xuanyu, my brother, the peerless master of the Ghost Strait of the East China Sea. Jiuyinling..."

"Friend, we are just good friends."

However, when Jiuyinling suddenly spoke, she slowly got up and bowed slightly to Feng Yu and the others: "Thank you for your help."

However, both Feng Qingcheng and Feng Yu looked at Han Fei strangely. Is it really that simple as good friends?

Feng Yu smiled and said, "Phoenix Divine Clan, Feng Yu, it's a pleasure to meet... This is my younger sister Feng Qingcheng, and this second ancestor is my younger brother Feng Xingliu."

Feng Xingliu's face suddenly turned green: "No, Feng Yu, don't deceive people too much, you are slandering me."

Zhang Xuanyu: "I know them all, but Jiuyinling should be unfamiliar. Xiaojiu, you have a high-grade fortune-telling spiritual treasure, I'm afraid you have to hide in this ancient land."

Han Fei took out two jade slips from his hand and handed them to Jiuyinling and Zhang Xuanyu: "The strongest version of the invisibility technique, the technique of divine concealment, it is not a **** and cannot be checked."

"Huh! So exaggerated?"

Zhang Xuanyu couldn't help being a little surprised: "Tsk tsk, it's just different to have a refining demon pot!"

Han Fei seemed to hear the resentment in Henry Zhang's words, and punched him on the shoulder with a backhand: "What's the matter, I'll give it to you!"

Zhang Xuanyu sneered: "I don't want it, I was slaughtered within two days of getting it."

On the other side, Feng Xingliu hurriedly said: "And what about this good thing? Han Fei, my..."

Feng Qingcheng: "I want it too."

Feng Yu, on the other hand, handed over a look that you understand, and after all, one person gave the magic of divine concealment.

Han Fei: "That, Xiao Jiu, let me take a look at the high-grade good fortune Lingbao."

Jiuyinling seemed to be slightly used to meeting Han Fei again, so she handed it over: "Do you want it, you should need it more than I do now."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Jiuyinling, especially Feng Yu and Feng Qingcheng. The two women could bet that if they didn't have a story, it would be unreasonable. This is a top-grade fortune-telling treasure! It's no exaggeration to say that such a treasure can create a super-large power. This woman even said that she would give it away, which is simply outrageous.

Han Fei, on the other hand, retorted without thinking, "What do I need a flute for, I can't play it."

Jiuyinling actually smiled: "Then I'll blow it to you later."

Everyone: "???"

Feng Xingliu scratched his head and looked at Feng Yu: "Have you been interfered with?"


Henry Zhang watched the play with his arms in his arms, and in Han Fei's eyes, the message emerged:

【Name】Void God Flute of Creation

[Introduction] In the chaotic era, there was a divine bamboo of good fortune between the virtual and the real ~www.readwn.com~ hidden in the world. Whenever it swayed, the mysterious sound between the heavens and the earth curled, and it was peaceful. This bamboo tool calms the soul, disperses evil, and purifies the soul. Under the shroud of Xuanyin, all darkness will be suppressed. This bamboo is inherently spiritual, and once it recognizes its owner, it can find its owner under the same heavenly rules.

[Quality] Top-grade Good Fortune Spirit Treasure

[Effect 1] Purification of the mind: Those who possess this flute have a pure mind and are not afraid of all negatives.

[Effect 2] Killing Xuanyin: The sound of this flute can disperse the fighting spirit. Under the gods, if you violate this intention, you will be killed by the rhythm.

[Effect 3] Void and Nothingness: The owner of this flute can transform the virtual and the real into an invisible and invincible body. Each time it is used, the flute must be played for three days.

[Effect 4] Under the same Heavenly Law, no matter how far apart, Thor's Hammer can find its owner.

【Cannot be recast】


[Remarks] This flute was made by a goddess who yearned for peace and pursued tranquility. She hoped that her successor would fulfill her wishes.

"As expected, it's a top-grade fortune-telling treasure."

Feng Xingliu: "How? What can this flute do?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "You don't need to know this."

After speaking, Han Fei handed the flute to Jiuyinling again, and said its power through voice transmission, and then said: "This flute is very suitable for you, let's go, find a place to help you refine it."


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