God of Fishing

Chapter 2812: Bandit God shot

Chapter 22 The Bandit God's Action

"Honghuang Tower?"

Han Fei's heart moved: "Could it be that the bandit **** can personally take me there?"

Yue Lingke shook her head: "The bandit **** can't move. If he goes to the ancient gods, wouldn't he tell the god-killing powerhouse in Zhonghai Shenzhou where the ancient gods are?"

Han Fei wondered: "Then what can this prehistoric tower do?"

Han Fei still remembered that sentence, the real bandit, who dared to face the cruelty of the Honghuang Pagoda and wanted to become stronger, came to the Honghuang Pagoda.

Now I don't need the Honghuang Tower to help me become stronger.

It is a matter of course for him to become stronger. As long as the resources are sufficient, he believes that the peak of the emperor will be reached sooner or later.

Only Chu Hao sighed: "Han Fei, there is one thing that is cruel, we have to admit it.

Zhong Hai Shenzhou has already set up a net of heaven and earth, no matter if you know the magic of concealment or any other hidden technique, it is useless.

The bandit gods were restrained, the four major divine states were restrained, and Xihuang, including those Jedi, were actually under their control.

Unless the Three Gods Temple comes out in person, if Zhonghai Shenzhou really makes a full effort, the four Shenzhous combined will still be defeated, and now they are just broken. "

Han Fei narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment: "Is Zhonghai Shenzhou so strong?"

In addition to repairing the blood of the gods, Han Feike still wants to unify the sea world.

Now Chu Hao tells himself that Zhonghai Shenzhou is very strong, and the four major Shenzhou can't be beaten together. Everything in Xihuang is monitored by others. How can such Zhonghai Shenzhou be defeated?

Han Fei sneered: "It's all over the place, Jiang Buyi, that bastard, still wants my demon refining pot, and his brain is caught in the door?"

"No! If he quits, he can indeed bring the power of Zhonghai Shenzhou and the four big Shenzhou to a balance."

Yue Lingke opened the stool and sat down.

Han Feizheng was puzzled when he heard Yue Lingke say: "The Chaos God Race, although not well-known, is only for ordinary people.

The real powerhouses are not afraid of them.

There are god-killing powerhouses in this family, and there are three gods on the bright side.

In fact, it is still unknown how many gods there are.

Therefore, if the Chaos Protoss withdraws, the Protoss will unite with the four major Shenzhous, and they will really have the opportunity to bear the pressure of Zhonghai Shenzhou. "

"This Chaos God Race is so powerful?

Could it be that the Xinghai battlefield recruits the powerhouses without recruiting them? "

Yue Lingke: "After the two recruitments, there are still so many strong people.

Therefore, Jiang Buyi is so confident, which is why we are too lazy to touch him. "

Chu Hao poured himself a glass of wine and said, "So, although we know how to return to the clan, we have no chance to return to the clan."

Han Fei couldn't help but wondered: "Didn't you say that there are divine descendants in your natal star?

If Xihuang was seen by the powerhouses of Zhonghai Shenzhou, how did you come out? "

Chu Hao: "It was because we came out that the battle of gods was triggered.

Once other people came out to pick you up, and after being noticed, the bandit **** personally took action and rescued them back to the Valley of Fierce Gods.

Once, I came out to meet you, and by the way, I checked the news. I was found again, and I was rescued by Miss Yue, which also caused a battle of gods.

Another time, the two god-killing powerhouses in Zhonghai Shenzhou were about to attack the Fierce God Valley, but they were stopped by the combined force of the four powerhouses in Shenzhou. "

Han Fei was stunned: "Didn't you say that the three discoveries of the God-born action were all discovered by those who offered bounties, little bandits or something?"

Chu Hao sneered: "Bullshit, that's just a distraction.

You can't find the entrance with the Navigation Vientiane, can they find it?

Bounty offerings, nibbling, and wars are all for the purpose of disrupting the Western Wilderness.

While Zhonghai Shenzhou is monitoring the gods, it is also weakening the power of Xihuang.

Even trying to reconstruct the Western Wilderness pattern.

After all, the West Wilderness has been independent for too long, and there are too many strong people born here. Zhonghai Shenzhou is ready to complete its efforts in one battle. This is also the fundamental reason why the bandit gods did not hesitate to shoot. "

Han Fei rubbed his eyebrows: "You said, Zhonghai Shenzhou is not invincible?

Then I can only use the Void Mark except the Prehistoric Tower, right? "

However, Yue Lingke suddenly said, "Who will come when you use the Void Mark?

Lei Heng, Liushen, Shadow, Qinglian, Honglian, Zhang Shaoling, Qinglong has no **** except Shadow.

Even if they can be directly promoted to the God-killing level, do they have that time? "

Han Fei couldn't help but look at Yue Lingke. He didn't expect her to know the staff of the Void Temple so clearly?

Yue Lingke continued: "Besides them, only three people can come to the Void Temple.

But you also know that, with the ominous return, the Three Temples may be very busy at the moment.

Although you use the Void Mark, they will indeed come, but isn't your Void Temple pay attention to personal trials?

The point is, are you willing to use Void Mark for an irrelevant race? "

Han Fei said solemnly: "It's not irrelevant! My wife is also of the blood of the gods. If it is really a last resort, I will use the Void Mark.

However, what is the situation of this prehistoric tower?

Listening to the words of the predecessors, the Honghuang Tower seems to be able to break the game. "

Yue Lingke: "The Prehistoric Pagoda is the treasure of creation in the prehistoric prehistoric period, and it exists because it guards the Western Desolation.

The reason why Xihuang can preserve the land, relics, and secret realms of the flood period to the greatest extent is because of the flood pagoda. "

"The Treasure of Creation?"

Han Fei suddenly came to his senses. At present, the treasures of good fortune he knew were all extremely powerful in a certain aspect.

For example, the door without distance can ignore distance.

For example, the God of Creation can suppress the gods.

For example, the creation clock can close all timelines.

For example, the Hidden Divine Seal I heard just now can avoid the lock of the Navigation Vientiane.

Although the Navigation Vientiane is not clearly said to be the treasure of good fortune, its capabilities are also of the same level.

Now, another Prehistoric Tower has appeared, which can guard one side.

Han Fei: "What should I do?"

At this moment, Yue Lingke said: "The strongest achievement in completing any trial of the Honghuang Pagoda has been recognized by him."

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Isn't Honghuang Pagoda a bandit god?"

Yue Lingke: "Honghuang Pagoda does not belong to anyone, he only belongs to the land of Xihuang, and his existence is only for this land.

However, this does not mean that outsiders cannot use the Prehistoric Tower.

Before Honghuang Pagoda was known as the gods, it was the strongest trial ground.

Today's Prehistoric Pagoda has seven trials. In each trial, if you can achieve the strongest achievement, you can get the right to use the Prehistoric Pagoda once.

After obtaining the right to use the Honghuang Tower, even if the ancient gods were discovered, they would have nothing to do.

Because even a god-killing powerhouse can't shake the blessing of the Honghuang Pagoda. "


Han Fei was thoughtful, but there was a hint of interest in his heart.

Only Chu Hao said: "Don't be too happy first.

I've been here for three hundred years, and any trial, let alone the strongest.

Can't even make it into the top ten, the best one, ranked 51"

While speaking, Chu Hao looked at Han Fei deeply, but to his surprise, he did not see any expression of surprise or consternation on Han Fei's face.

On the contrary, Han Fei was still faintly excited.

Chu Hao: "I know that you have used the Supreme Divine Technique, but what I want to tell you is that it is a bandit god, a god-killing powerhouse.

He also has only one item, reaching the first place. "

"Which one?"

"Dead Soul Gobi, a trial of survival."

Chu Hao immediately handed over a jade slip: "Here is the trial content of the Honghuang Pagoda, as well as some of my data for reference."

Han Fei's perception swept away, and then he was really surprised.

There are seven trials in the Prehistoric Pagoda, namely the Ominous Battlefield, the Eye of the Storm Speed ​​Trial, the Prehistoric Giant Beast Challenge, the Golden City Ten Thousand Races Hegemony, the Revenant Gobi Survival Trial, the Endless Quicksand Physical Trial, and a mysterious Prehistoric Profound Truth Refinement.

Among them, apart from the mysterious Trial of Great Desolation and Profound Truth, the other six trials are six trials that are completely equal regardless of grade.

You can go to any of these six trials.

But the basic condition of the trial is the sea-opening realm, and he does not provide trials below the sea-opening realm.

As for the challenging conditions of the mysterious Trial of Great Desolation and Profound Truth, it is relatively harsh. You must achieve the strongest achievement in any one of the six trials before you can challenge.

The trials given by the Great Desolate Tower, except for the ominous battlefield and the profound meanings of the Great Desolation, the rest are trials that really exist in the Jedi above the Western Desolation.

Among them, the only thing that can be regarded as a benefit is that in the ominous battlefield, after each 100 ominous creatures in the same realm are killed, the tester can get a helping hand from the Honghuang Pagoda.

In the event of an accident that will fall during the trial, the Honghuang Tower will help you escape from death.

However, how difficult is it to kill hundreds of ominous creatures in the same realm?

Taking Han Fei's current Great Emperor Realm as an example, how could he have killed the 100 ominous creatures that destroyed the world in exchange for the protection of the Honghuang Pagoda.

For the vast majority of people, this is a very difficult condition to achieve.

However, the only benefit of the Prehistoric Pagoda trial is that it saves the suffering of teleportation.

Since you can leave the Valley of the Fierce Gods through the Honghuang Tower, you can also return to the Valley of the Gods through the Honghuang Tower.

Of course, the premise of teleportation is that you must be within the trial range of the Prehistoric Tower.

Han Fei immediately understood, no wonder he said that if he wanted to become stronger, he went to the Honghuang Pagoda.

At the very least, the practitioners of the Prehistoric Pagoda no longer have to worry about harvesting a wave of resources, only to be robbed on the way.

However, this is probably the reason why there are so many strong people in the Western Wilderness. I wonder if people who have fought against the ominous and survived since the beginning of the sea opening are not strong enough.

At the entrance of the ominous battlefield of the Honghuang Tower, there is a ranking stone tablet, which records the situation of the top 100 people in the trial.

Chu Hao gave his data reference, Han Fei glanced at it, this guy killed 32 ominous creatures and 682 destructive and ominous creatures in one day.

This number is actually quite a lot. To be able to kill so many in one day is enough to prove Chu Hao's strength.

It's a pity that with this number, even a hundred people can't get in.

The data on the last place on the stele is 87 ominous creatures and 2,432 destructive and ominous creatures.

As for the first place on the stele, I actually knew him. The name was written on Li Daoyi. Isn't this the person Chen Lingsu waited for?

Its data is 3 doomsday-level ominous creatures, 3,200 world-level ominous creatures, and 220,126 destruction and ominous creatures.


Yes, when Han Fei saw this number, he couldn't help showing surprise.

"This Li Daoyi, what's the background?"

Yue Lingke: "That's a character from a long, long time ago, no one knows what era he was born in.

Anyway, from the moment of the Prehistoric Tower, his name has been branded on it, and it has not been surpassed so far. "

"Is this, killed in one day?"

Chu Hao: "You are the owner of the refining demon pot, you should know the ability of refining the demon pot to kill ominous creatures.

However, Li Daoyi's kills were still too terrifying.

It is not impossible for the Great Emperor to slay the gods, and perhaps his practice method can completely overcome the ominous creatures.

Destroying world-level ominous creatures is also extremely intelligent. They will not charge without fear of death, so no one understands how this person does it. "

Han Fei directly suspects that Li Daoyi may have once owned a refining demon pot, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why he killed so many ominous creatures in one day?

However, Han Fei looked down and found that until the fifth person, the destruction and ominous creatures beheaded exceeded 200,000. Moreover, these people killed an apocalyptic ominous creature.

"Are these the owners of the demon refining pot in the past?"

Looking further down, Han Fei suddenly saw Yue Lingke's name in the sixth place. His data was 1 doomsday-level ominous creature, 800 world-destroying ominous creatures, and 20,882 destruction and ominous creatures.

Han Fei couldn't help but look at Yue Lingke, although this statistic was naturally incomparable to the top five.

However, these two in front of them have actually killed a doomsday-level ominous creature comparable to a god.

The point is, she didn't refine the demon pot.

Yue Lingke looked calm: "Don't be surprised, that's because you don't know where the Honghuang Tower sent you.

There, you have an endless supply of ominous creatures to kill, as if you could never finish.

You have the refining demon pot in your body, and you will only kill more than me. "

Han Fei: "Then I can't kill doomsday ominous creatures now."

Chu Hao smiled and said, "How long have you been cultivating, and you want to kill ominous creatures at the level of gods?"

Han Fei pouted, and then saw Lei Heng's name in the seventh place. The data was 1 doomsday-level ominous creature, 728 world-level ominous creatures, and 19,908 ominous creatures.

Just listening to take back your mind, I am afraid that this thing can only be tried when you are at the peak of your great emperor.

But even if the emperor is at his peak, he is not sure whether he can enter the top five.

Because at the moment, the refining of the demon pot is not complete, and the number of kills in a single time is only more than 50,000.

Even if you master the laws of life, you cannot guarantee that you will be able to hit the top five in one day.

Moreover, what if he broke into the top five?

Li Daoyi killed three doom-level ominous beings, and if he wanted to surpass this guy, he had to kill at least three doom-level ominous beings.

Han Fei thought, or skip this first.

Immediately he looked at the other trials, but among the seven trials, only the trial of the Golden City Ten Thousand Races Hegemony was ranked, and the other five trials did not have a ranking stone tablet, only the name of the strongest was recorded.

I don't know any of these records.

Li Daoyi seems to have only set an almost unbreakable record on the ominous battlefield.

Chu Hao, on the other hand, ranked 51st in the Golden City Ten Thousand Clan Hegemony Competition. Although Han Fei had never experienced it, the trial would definitely not be easy.

When Han Fei scanned the information, Chu Hao said, "You have seen it too, it is useless to be anxious at this time.

Your physique is very strong, you can try the physical trial of endless quicksand. "

Han Fei glanced at the record holder of Endless Quicksand, a guy called Zhanshen, he couldn't help but ask: "Who is this Zhanshen?"

Yue Lingke: "You guessed right, the ancient tribe of the wild, the **** of war.

His surname is Zhan. "

Han Fei immediately shook his head: "Forget it, I think I have to practice more."

Chu Hao and Yue Lingke were also helpless, and this was something they couldn't do. Although they knew that it was difficult to win the strongest achievement in this trial, they had no other way.

But they didn't know that Han Fei said that I have to practice again, not because he was afraid, but because he really wanted to practice again.

Han Fei doesn't think he is worse than these people?

For example, the God of War, he does not agree with the method of integrating the stars of life.

Moreover, the God of War is not qualified to cultivate the body of the gods and demons, so if he really wants to reach the peak of the emperor, he does not believe that he will be weaker than the God of War.

Han Fei didn't find it difficult to break the God of War's record.

It's just that he has just entered the Great Emperor Realm for the first time. At this time, when he compares with the God of War, he can only find abuse.

Han Fei looked at Yue Lingke: "Senior Yue, can I take this place to practice temporarily?"

Yue Lingke: "Yes, but don't miss the meeting in the Void Temple."

Chu Hao: "How long are you going to practice?"

Han Fei: "Depending on the situation, seven trials and seven records, I don't believe that none of them can be broken."

Chu Hao: "I just want to remind you that Henry Zhang and Le Renkuang are in trial right now.

They have been waiting for you for almost three hundred years while they tried in the Valley of Fierce Gods. "

"Several people?"

Han Fei's face suddenly changed slightly. If the entire Xihuang was watched by god-killing powerhouses, would Xia Xiaochan and the others have an accident because of themselves?

After all, Xia Xiaochan is also a goddess, if Zhonghai Shenzhou has the opportunity, I am afraid it will not let it go.

Chu Hao: "Three, Zhang Xuanyu and Le Renkuang were sent by Zhan Nanye, and Xia Xiaochan, like me, was brought back by Boss Yue himself, otherwise, she might have fallen into Jiang Buyi's hands. "


Han Fei couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, Jiang Buyi must be killed.

In order to target himself, this fellow can use any means now.

However, Han Fei took out a fishing rod without hesitation, and threw it into the long river of time. The next moment, he fished out Jiang Buyi's longevity avatar.

Immediately, the thread of nothingness was buckled.

Unfortunately, some memories of this identity were cut off, and he could not find any information about Jiang Buyi's body from this memory.

But Han Fei still didn't give up. In his eyes, the law of time was running. He tried to trace back time from this avatar.

But the next moment, he found that a piece of time was disturbed and could not be crossed at all.

Seeing that the law of time was useless, Han Fei did not stop testing, but directly took out the Navigation Vientiane, although Yue Lingke and the others said that Jiang Buyi had some hidden divine imprint.

However, he has to try.

Sure enough, the Navigation Vientiane did not turn.

Han Fei asked again, "Where is Jiang Buyi's clone located in the Valley of Fierce Gods?"

The Navigation Vientiane still did not turn.

Chu Hao: "No need to try, he must be fully prepared if he dares to appear here."

Han Fei sneered: "Anyone, as long as they exist, there must be traces."

When it was over, Han Fei ran the law of life and saw that he inserted one hand into the body of the avatar. The next moment, his consciousness saw a phantom of a flowing river of life in a branch of the long river of life.

Since it is Jiang Buyi's clone, it shares the river of life with the main body.

Sure enough, Han Fei found the tributary of the river of life, and then he saw a rock dragon lying on the ground.


Han Fei's figure disappeared in an instant in the tavern waiting for one person.

Yue Lingke and Chu Hao's expressions changed slightly, and they followed one after another.

That is, the moment Han Fei found the river of life, at the entrance of the Valley of the Ferocious Gods, a rock dragon suddenly burst out and quickly rushed out of the Valley of the Fierce Gods.

"Where to go?"

In the blink of an eye, Han Fei had already arrived. This time, Han Fei had no plans to hide himself at all. The Blood Sky Blade slashed out with all his might, and the countless chains of rules outside the Valley of Fierce Gods stretched out from the void, grabbing at the man who had turned into a human shape. Ginger cloth.

As for Jiang Buyi, who was escaping, his face sank for the first time. He had the treasure of good fortune in his body, why was he still discovered?

At that moment, Jiang Buyi finally showed his true strength. At the peak of the emperor, he was faster than Han Fei, and the chain of life was too late to intercept.

With Jiang Buyi's backhand push, a phantom of the gods appeared, and the phantom of the gods pressed towards Han Fei with one palm.

However, Yue Lingke's reaction was quicker, and with a sword, the laws were all stagnant, as if a boundless ravine bloomed between heaven and earth.

Yue Lingke blocked the attack of the god, and Chu Hao also showed a shadow behind him. A curved bow shot and the sea of ​​sand overturned.

However, a mysterious seal appeared on Jiang Buyi's body, like a rune bell shadow, protecting his body.


With a heavy blow, Jiang Buyi spit out a mouthful of blood essence, and the Rune Zhongying was about to collapse.

"clang clang"

At this moment, Han Fei's all-out slash, finally because Chu Hao intercepted Jiang Buyi for a while, and killed him in an instant.

This sword contains time trickery, so when it hits, it is two swords in a row, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, but only smashed the rune bell shadow that was about to shatter.

Han Fei knew that with his current strength, he might not be able to kill Jiang Buyi.

However, the chain of law enforcement has already jumped out, ignoring all restrictions, as long as Jiang Buyi is buckled, he will be unable to fly.

But at that moment, the space seemed to be still, and a divine light appeared, but a figure was standing in front of Jiang Buyi.

But seeing him wave his hand at will, he even slapped the law enforcement divine chain flying.


With a cold snort, Yue Lingke, Chu Hao, and Han Feijin all snorted and spurted blood from their mouths.

Yue Lingke and Chu Hao are naturally stronger than the current Han Fei, but even so, the two of them are still severely injured.

And Han Fei was directly beaten out of the avenue.

"The great prestige of the Chaos Protoss has all shown up in my Valley of the Fierce Gods?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

The environment here suddenly changed, as if there was only an endless sea of ​​sand left, and the entire sky turned into a fist print, blasting towards the figure in front of Jiang Buyi.

"God of bandits, how long can you shelter them?"

The man raised his hand and swept his palm across the sky, only to hear a "boom", billowing ripples, sweeping all directions.

The man had one hand and one palm, as if he had withstood the entire sky.

Bandit God disdain: "None of your business, you can try again."

With the violent shock of the bandit god's power, the divine fist that was like heaven and earth slammed down, leaving only the boundless rolling quicksand in this sea of ​​sand.

By the time Han Fei and the others returned to their senses, they had already returned to the city of the Fierce God's Valley.

In the ears of Han Fei and the other three, the voice of the bandit **** rang: "It's okay to run away, this person is left for you to deal with in the future."

Yue Lingke: "Thanks to the bandit god."

"You don't need to thank me, I'll beat anyone who comes to Zhonghai Shenzhou."

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